Jackson MS - its like a 3rd world country

The first half of the video is a drive around the city

And its very depressing

So I wondered what the demographics were

Answer: 82% black


so here blacks are in total control and its a train wreck

I'd like to take every white libturd on this board and send them there for a month all expenses paid. They'd vote Repub the rest of their lives
The only way to solve these kinds of problems is to admit them.

Truth is not racist. I've helped the working poor with financial problems and ideas for yrs.

I've been in some of the shittiest places imaginable. I've been in homes where you would puke within 3 min

How would you fix Prichard, Alabama? You can't change the work ethic or values or hopelessness of the residents.
The first half of the video is a drive around the city

And its very depressing

So I wondered what the demographics were

Answer: 82% black


so here blacks are in total control and its a train wreck

Busing was the one event that really accelerated this decay everywhere.

Forcefully taking your kid and busing them 25 miles away................lolololol. White Flight like crazy
I am very sorry to hear what has happened to Jackson.

A while back, I saw a documentary on Jackson in the 1950s.

It showed a nice quiet orderly city.

It showed an African American man who said something like: "When I was a boy, my father and I would walk in the city. Every time we passed a Caucasian man, my father would doff his hat."

The documentary went on to describe the fight for the right to vote by African Americans.

It praised President Johnson for his voting laws that opened up elections.

I had no idea that Jackson was now 80% African American.

I have read that Jackson now has one of the highest crime rates in the nation.

Today is Juneteenth, so I shan't say anything unkind about African Americans. There is no value in doing so.

But I will say this in a civil manner: The current situation in Jackson shows why a lot of Caucasian people in the South felt that it was necessary for the two ethnicities to live separate lives. That is why we in 2022 should not condemn the Caucasian people for the social arrangements that existed before the 1960s.

I can think of only word for the ethnic situation in this nation: sad.
Why didn't you fix it when Trump was president?

The leftists were too busy trying to destroy Trump to come together with a solution. Of course we all know they don’t really want a solution, that would cost them the 95% solid black vote.
The leftists were too busy trying to destroy Trump to come together with a solution. Of course we all know they don’t really want a solution, that would cost them the 95% solid black vote.

Why didn't they fix it when Dubya was president? I remember Jackson, Ms in the 1950-60s.
I'd like to take every white libturd on this board and send them there for a month all expenses paid. They'd vote Repub the rest of their lives
I dont think it would change them at all because it never has
Busing was the one event that really accelerated this decay everywhere.

Forcefully taking your kid and busing them 25 miles away................lolololol. White Flight like crazy
Thats largely forgotten by the libs today who were alive back then

And just a lie told white racists as far as the know-it-all snowflakes being brainwashed in the public schools today

In their world it never happened
Trump improved Black employment when he was President. Lowest unemployment rate for Blacks and Hispanics in history.

Democrats don't give a shit. They just put the Darkies on welfare.
The Black unemployment rate fell 8% under Obama and when it dropped another one and a half percent it was a record low. Trump said "look what I did". :laugh:
His entire life has been about taking credit for things he had nothing to do with. Ya, he loves the uneducated.
The Black unemployment rate fell 8% under Obama and when it dropped another one and a half percent it was a record low. Trump said "look what I did". :laugh:
His entire life has been about taking credit for things he had nothing to do with. Ya, he loves the uneducated.
It was the lowest under Trump, bozo.

Black unemployment drops to lowest level in recorded U.S. history, job numbers soar

Poverty increased and family income decreased during The Worthless Negro/Potatohead administration and it is even worse now during the Potatohead/Ho administration with massive inflation to boot.

Negros always get fucked with Democrats, just like everybody else.

You're a moron. Biden has only been president for less than two years.
You're a moron. Biden has only been president for less than two years.

In two years the sonofabitch (with the help of a Democrat Congress) has been able to fuck up this country the worst it has been since the days of Jimmy Carter.

Trump left Potatohead with a good recovering post pandemic economy with low fuel prices, low inflation, good pandemic Federal administration and a vaccine. Recipe for success. However, Potatohead and the Democrat Congress created astronomical inflation, $5/gal gas at the pump, reduced family income, near recession economic growth, millions of illegals, most number of pandemic deaths, sinking stock market, high interest rates, higher taxes and a weak woke military.

Democrats are always a disaster for this country, however, Potatohead has brought it to whole new level of incompetence. We never thought there would be any President worse than The Worthless Negro but Potatohead managed to pull it off. No wonder The Worthless Negro said "never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to fuck something up".
In two years the sonofabitch (with the help of a Democrat Congress) has been able to fuck up this country the worst it has been since the days of Jimmy Carter.

Trump left Potatohead with a good recovering post pandemic economy with low fuel prices, low inflation, good pandemic Federal administration and a vaccine. Recipe for success. However, Potatohead and the Democrat Congress created astronomical inflation, $5/gal gas at the pump, reduced family income, near recession economic growth, millions of illegals, most number of pandemic deaths, sinking stock market, high interest rates, higher taxes and a weak woke military.

Democrats are always a disaster for this country, however, Potatohead has brought it to whole new level of incompetence. We never thought there would be any President worse than The Worthless Negro but Potatohead managed to pull it off. No wonder The Worthless Negro said "never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to fuck something up".

You don't know anything about Carter either. Did you finish high school?

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