Jackson MS - its like a 3rd world country

Trump improved Black employment when he was President. Lowest unemployment rate for Blacks and Hispanics in history.

Democrats don't give a shit. They just put the Darkies on welfare.
The Black unemployment rate fell 8% under Obama and when it dropped another one and a half percent it was a record low. Trump said "look what I did". :laugh:
His entire life has been about taking credit for things he had nothing to do with. Ya, he loves the uneducated.

Cool story. No proof. I wonder why?
The first half of the video is a drive around the city

And its very depressing

So I wondered what the demographics were

Answer: 82% black


so here blacks are in total control and its a train wreck

How is that different than any where else in Mississippi? Dude, it's... Mississippi.
Busing was the one event that really accelerated this decay everywhere.

Forcefully taking your kid and busing them 25 miles away................lolololol. White Flight like crazy

Correct. It happened here. The courts forced busing on the people. The people with money left the city for the suburbs or country. That left Cleveland with a city of people with no money. The after effects are still felt today.

The Democrat theory was blacks are too stupid to learn with each other. If we mix blacks in with the whites, perhaps we can train them somehow. Well, it didn't work. All it did was destroy the cities where busing was practiced. Most of my family lived in Cleveland. When busing started, we all moved the hell out.
Correct. It happened here. The courts forced busing on the people. The people with money left the city for the suburbs or country. That left Cleveland with a city of people with no money. The after effects are still felt today.

The Democrat theory was blacks are too stupid to learn with each other. If we mix blacks in with the whites, perhaps we can train them somehow. Well, it didn't work. All it did was destroy the cities where busing was practiced. Most of my family lived in Cleveland. When busing started, we all moved the hell out.

Your Democratic theory.
I'd like to take every white libturd on this board and send them there for a month all expenses paid. They'd vote Repub the rest of their lives

No, I'm afraid they wouldn't. The Democrats treat blacks like the kid on the short bus, and they don't have a clue. They keep voting for the same people over and over again no matter what they do.

Here they had a black Mayor who recently decided not to run again. His great grandson was just indicted on murder last week, and now the family of the victim is suing him for his political influence on getting his grandson out of trouble on several other matters that would have had anybody else locked up for years. The thing is, even if he ran again, the blacks would have voted him back in by a huge majority as they always have.
Everything in the post is true.
The angry leftists called It white flight and of course deemed it racism.

Yep, everything is racist. Me and my neighbors were in the backyard last summer having a peaceful conversation. We had to stop talking because some black guy on a motorcycle stopped at the light with his jungle music blaring so loud we couldn't even hear each other. This happens about once every ten minutes to an hour here during the summer. After he rode off I looked at my neighbors and said "and the reason we don't want them living around us is the color of their skin" and they broke out laughing.

This doesn't go on just during the day. On work nights they do the same thing, midnight, 1:00am, 2:00am. If you don't like it, too bad, move. We invaded your neighborhood and now you're just going to have to put up with us. That's their attitude. So when you do move far away from them, you're the problem because you're racist. It has nothing to do with how they conduct themselves.
Correct. It happened here. The courts forced busing on the people. The people with money left the city for the suburbs or country. That left Cleveland with a city of people with no money. The after effects are still felt today.

The Democrat theory was blacks are too stupid to learn with each other. If we mix blacks in with the whites, perhaps we can train them somehow. Well, it didn't work. All it did was destroy the cities where busing was practiced. Most of my family lived in Cleveland. When busing started, we all moved the hell out.
Boston, too.
In two years the sonofabitch (with the help of a Democrat Congress) has been able to fuck up this country the worst it has been since the days of Jimmy Carter.

Trump left Potatohead with a good recovering post pandemic economy with low fuel prices, low inflation, good pandemic Federal administration and a vaccine. Recipe for success. However, Potatohead and the Democrat Congress created astronomical inflation, $5/gal gas at the pump, reduced family income, near recession economic growth, millions of illegals, most number of pandemic deaths, sinking stock market, high interest rates, higher taxes and a weak woke military.

Democrats are always a disaster for this country, however, Potatohead has brought it to whole new level of incompetence. We never thought there would be any President worse than The Worthless Negro but Potatohead managed to pull it off. No wonder The Worthless Negro said "never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to fuck something up".
18 million jobs disappeared in 2020. Who was president?

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