Jackson MS - its like a 3rd world country

There is a difference between self segregating and forced segregation.

Oh? In the overall scheme of things racism is racism. Segregation, whether forced, or self induced, is still racist.
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Once again, the only one talking about self-segregation is you.

What an idiot.

You are accusing someone of being a racist, dolt. If they self segregate they are perpetuating racism.

So simple a moron can understand.

Hello sub moron.
Oh? In the overall scheme of things racism is racism. Segregation, whether forced, or seldom induced, is still racist.
People “self segregate” for any number of reasons, often wanting to be within a community of similar culture and values, but ultimately it is a free choice. When it isn’t a free choice, but one made by law, then that would be racist.
You are accusing someone of being a racist, dolt. If they self segregate they are perpetuating racism.

So simple a moron can understand.

Hello sub moron.
Your fellow Trumpster says we should go back to segregation. Do you agree with this?
People “self segregate” for any number of reasons, often wanting to be within a community of similar culture and values, but ultimately it is a free choice. When it isn’t a free choice, but one made by law, then that would be racist.

Oh? How about the Santa Cruz dorm that demanded no whites be allowed? Or how about the student union in AZ?

Racism is racism, no matter WHO perpetrates it.
Oh? How about the Santa Cruz dorm that demanded no whites be allowed? Or how about the student union in AZ?

Racism is racism, no matter WHO perpetrates it.
That isn’t self segregation though is it?
You seriously think we should back to segregated housing, schools, and drinking fountains?

Yes I do.

People of different races can live together in peace. People of different cultures can't. You can't pen up a lion and a pack of hyenas. One will kill the other.

When the left uses the word "racism" 99% of the time it's not racism at all by definition, it's indifference. Like the hyena and lion, blacks and whites are two totally different animals. When whites flee areas where blacks move in, the left refers to it as racism, again, false by dictionary definition. White people flee because they don't want to live with the noise, the filth, and the crime that typically comes with blacks when they move in.

I'm sure you'll make some claim of racism here, so let me ask: If blacks were renown for the upkeep of their property, support for law and order and their police, clean and quiet people, do you think any so-called racism (as defined by the left) would exist? You don't have to be honest with me, but be honest to yourself. And if you can't be honest with yourself and claim the same problems would still exist, why is it whites can live with other groups like middle-east people, Asians, Jewish, Hispanics?

This problem can't be solved until the left comes to terms with the fact skin color has zero to do with it. It's that blacks will never change as a majority. Maybe someday they will assimilate, I don't know. But for now, as long as they can't, I support a return to segregation.
So you’re calling Ray From Cleveland racist.

I call anyone who calls for segregation based on color alone, a racist.

Ray is advocating segregation based on culture. In some ways I can support that. Culture crosses races. I don't care to be around beer swilling rednecks. I don't care for their music, in general, I don't care for their choice of beverages, and the sports they like bore me.

The same goes for gangbangers. Don't like their music, their cars, or their drugs.

Black, white, yellow, or blue. I don't like that culture.

Do you?
I call anyone who calls for segregation based on color alone, a racist. Ray is advocating segregation based on culture. In some ways I can support that.

“Desegregation was the worst idea we ever came up with.”

What does this statement mean to you? Did we not desegregate based on race?

Is it racist or not racist to want to go back to segregated schools, houses, and drinking fountains?
Better than unrealistic fantasies in your pro-segregation world.

It's better? In what way?

Let's say the Republicans came out with an anti-divorce law. You marry a girl at a young age. You find out that she has the exact opposite views that you do. Would it be beneficial for government to force you to stay married?

We found out that desegregration doesn't work for all parties involved. It works only for one side. Because of that, people lose a lot of money in property value. White flight is as popular today as it was 50 years ago, if you can afford to move to an all white neighborhood. Stores are forced to close due to shoplifting and armed robberies. Schools that were once rated as the highest are now under academic watch. How does this benefit white people?

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