Stat, the Jade Helm 15 drills are not common knowledge to the American people. I'm guessing most people here do not know what you are talking about. Unless you live in Ft. Lauderdale, Texas or Oklahoma .... a few other places the local news has had some brief coverage.

For instance, in Oklahoma the Governor announced (last week if I remember correctly) she is vacating the Governor's mansion for six months claiming they are renovating the mansion - plumbing problems,etc.

At the same time 5 Walmarts were abruptly shut down due to what they called plumbing problems and announced they would be closed for 6 months. (in the same states where Jade Helm 15 drills will commence)

Workers for those Walmarts were all suddenly layed off without notice - they do not believe the story about plumbing issues as at least one employee said that Walmart stays open and would have the workers build, repair and work while customers were permitted to shop. They claim they would never shut down for 6 months for plumbing problems.

Other states are reporting some stories about Walmart stores abruptly closing for 6 months and military helicopters seen heading to those locations. There were photographs of this in one story I recall reading.

About Walmart and their connection to Jade Helm 15 drills.....

The only thing I know about Walmart is that their basements are equipped with iron bars / tools necessary to transfer it quickly into to a holding facility and in fact the entire store can be turned into a prison camp very quickly - their structures are identical and supposedly built for a dual purpose - there are contractors who have worked on the construction and reported this again and again - only conspiracy sites have ever mentioned it - to my knowledge -

As to Jade Helm 15. The govt said the drills were military / to prepare for an invasion of Iran if I recall correctly - the people claim they believe there is something else going on - there are numerous sightings by Americans of trains loaded up with military tanks, equipment for warfare, being transferred to various places within the USA. There are supposedly drills planned for mid July through October - if I remember the news article correctly - ex-military comments have varied on what is going on. At least one retired General believes it is preparation for America being invaded by an enemy force such as Russia - preparation for a ground war on our own homeland - which is why they have ordered all the body bags - MRE's - set up dome structures - or else it is a preparation for something else - preparing for martial law was one possibility a group discussed. It depends on who you listen to.
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Here is one article I found on it - they do make a few comments on J Helm 15, Stat.

Are the Nationwide Walmart Closures Connected to Detention Centers for American Citizens The Daily Sheeple

In a report published in July 2014 on Intellihub.com, Shepard Ambellas outlined a plan by the Department of Defense and FEMA to use, “abandoned or unused department stores, shopping malls and warehouses as camps to accommodate the mass human influx from South America.”

Shepard also dug up a 2008 thread on the conspiracy website Above Top Secret that noted how Walmart had received at least 1 billion in government subsidies.

I started thinking the other day about the theories out there about the government building detention centers to hold citizens who might cause trouble when martial law is declared.

I then remembered seeing something about Wal-Mart closing down stores. I started to search around and have decided that there might be a possibility that these ideas are tied together. These are old figures but should be enough to get the discussion going.

CNN Money back on May 24, 2004 had an article about a watchdog group reporting Wal-Mart had received about 1 Billion dollars in government subsidies to expand their business, building stores, buying property and such.

That is a decent amount of money that Wal-Mart is getting to increase the number of stores across the country.

Wal-Mart also has a habit of closing down stores and then building new stores in other cities and towns. They still own these closed stores and usually put them up for lease or sale but very few actually get leased or sold because they are too big and cost too much for most businesses to use.

On average as of March 2005 Wal-Mart had about 350 empty stores across the U.S with a combined total area of about 26.7 million sq ft.

The fact that Wal-Mart has worked hand in hand with the Department of Homeland Security in the past is what lead many to question the store closings in the first place. This history includes the infamous see something say something campaign launched by the former Homeland Security secretary known affectionately as “Big Sis.”

In December 2010, then Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano made waves with her announcement of a partnership between DHS and Walmart. Comparing the announcement to 1984, many saw this as one of the largest retailers in the country joining with the government to promote spying on your neighbors.

A press release praising the partnership detailed how a DHS produced video would now play at the checkout lines of over 200 stores.

Secretary Napolitano has teamed up with the nation’s largest retailer, Walmart, to promote the “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign.

Beginning today, more than 230 Walmart stores will play this video at select checkout lanes. In the coming weeks, a total of 588 stores will show the video featuring Secretary Napolitano reminding shoppers to contact local law enforcement to report suspicious activity.

“Homeland security starts with hometown security, and each of us plays a critical role in keeping our country and communities safe” the Secretary said today, adding “I applaud Walmart for joining the ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ campaign. This partnership will help millions of shoppers across the nation identify and report indicators of terrorism, crime and other threats to law enforcement authorities.”

The “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign is our way of engaging and empowering the public and key front line employees to take an active role in identifying and reporting indicators of terrorism, crime, and threats.

As the busy holiday shopping season ramps up, this video will serve as a dynamic way to encourage the public to remain vigilant and play an active role in keeping our country safe.

Although clearly Walmart has been willing to work closely with the government in the past and FEMA absolutely does have the executive power to take over any store they want, many will undoubtedly consider this mere conspiracy theory or fear mongering due to lack of direct evidence. But is asking questions and putting together connections really a bad thing?

The planned use of large shopping centers as well as sports stadiums to house immigrants or citizens during a major crisis has a long, documented history. The only question that remains now is when or if their planned use will become a reality.
As there are possibly as many as 800 FEMA camps already operational - fully staffed and empty I do not see what they would need 350 plus empty Walmart structures for but there are at least that many currently empty and available - aside from the 6 stores they just shut down. I do find it interesting that Walmart received over 1 billion dollars in Govt subsidies. Hillary was on the board of directors for Walmart - wasn't she?
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