Jailed Russian call girl ready to dump on Trump

How deranged are the left today? They bet their hopes on criminals, Russians, call girls, comedians, movie stars, drug addled rockstars and teenagers.

This is what a year of butthurt does to a brain that wasn’t too stable to begin with.
This is YOUR president who cheats on his wife and cavorts and pays off porn stars.
Yet like the asshole you are you blame the democrats for Trump being a scumbag.

Reading comprehension not your strong suit I see.

You see what you want to see, much as you hear what you want to hear. Trump knows this, and that is why his demagoguery is so effective on people like you.

People like you, you may ask. I'll tell you. People like you are callous, selfish, ignorant, poorly educated and not very bright. Worse, people like you are incurious, bigoted and cannot learn from experience or the experience of others.
Putin says indicted Russians committed no Russian crime no penalty And our moron trump says nothing??

What should he say? Were you expecting Putin to arrest them and extradite them to the US?
to say nothing ,no reprimand? This from the LOL leader of the free world ? A pussy in Putins pocket is more like it
Putin stated a fact, so what is there to reprimand?
Trump can't say they broke American law and is sorry that putin is ignoring the crime?? Is he really afraid of what Putin has on him?? Seems so
Putin says indicted Russians committed no Russian crime no penalty And our moron trump says nothing??

What should he say? Were you expecting Putin to arrest them and extradite them to the US?
to say nothing ,no reprimand? This from the LOL leader of the free world ? A pussy in Putins pocket is more like it

Putin stated a fact, so what is there to reprimand?

Q. Why do most nation's honor extradition treaties?

A. Because they believe in the rule of law and equity.
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If true (highly doubtful) all I gotta say is nice job Mr. President. This seals my vote for 2020! Oh, and Liberals approve of the cheating part.

These stupid Moon Bats are fixated on thinking that any day now Trump will be impeached and that Crooked Hillary will be appointed President of the United States of America.

In the meantime they spend their time marching around in their pink pussy hats and howling at the sky.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them so much.
The 65% of the country laughs and pities you 35% for having no common sense or the ability to see you were conned by the ultimate con man

The ultimate con artist was the Slick Willy and Crooked Hillary team of shitheads followed by that asshole Obama.

Remember Obama conning you stupid Moon Bats into thinking that Obamacare was going to save you $2500 a year in health care cost?

Then, as honorable mentioned, we have that clown Al Gore that is conning all you stupid Moon Bats on this silly global warming scam.

all that kool-aid you've consumed has made you into a hate monger. I'm so glad it is bad for your health.
If true (highly doubtful) all I gotta say is nice job Mr. President. This seals my vote for 2020! Oh, and Liberals approve of the cheating part.

ever get the feeling that if trump didn't pay he'd get nothing?
How deranged are the left today? They bet their hopes on criminals, Russians, call girls, comedians, movie stars, drug addled rockstars and teenagers.

This is what a year of butthurt does to a brain that wasn’t too stable to begin with.
This is YOUR president who cheats on his wife and cavorts and pays off porn stars.
Yet like the asshole you are you blame the democrats for Trump being a scumbag.

Reading comprehension not your strong suit I see.
You keep giving this cretin a pass after pass but blame everybody but the person destroying this country.
Your president is the deranged one and now no one is left in the White House that can tell him how great he is which he so desperately needs being as so insecure as he is.

Wow! Do you have ANY strong suits?
How deranged are the left today? They bet their hopes on criminals, Russians, call girls, comedians, movie stars, drug addled rockstars and teenagers.

This is what a year of butthurt does to a brain that wasn’t too stable to begin with.
This is YOUR president who cheats on his wife and cavorts and pays off porn stars.
Yet like the asshole you are you blame the democrats for Trump being a scumbag.

Reading comprehension not your strong suit I see.
You keep giving this cretin a pass after pass but blame everybody but the person destroying this country.
Your president is the deranged one and now no one is left in the White House that can tell him how great he is which he so desperately needs being as so insecure as he is.

Wow! Do you have ANY strong suits?
that is enough to beat your weak hand
How deranged are the left today? They bet their hopes on criminals, Russians, call girls, comedians, movie stars, drug addled rockstars and teenagers.

This is what a year of butthurt does to a brain that wasn’t too stable to begin with.

Who do you trust? Hannity, Limbaugh, Breitbart, Jones, etc. You posts are the posts of a fool, a biddable (i.e. easily led) and intellectually challenged Charley McCarthy, with nothing to post but echoes of propaganda, lies, half-truths, rumors and innuendos fed you by your handlers.

Meh, you are a proven liar and a deluded and deranged lefty. Your opinion of me doesn’t matter. In fact if I ever agreed with your nonsense THEN I’d be worried.

Cool. I agree, you are the most intelligent Trumpanzee in the entire world!

Of course 99.9% of the Trumpanzees have IQ's in the low 80-'s. The most intelligent never quite make it to 90. Being dull normal puts you in the set of one eyed men in a world of the blind.

How deranged are the left today? They bet their hopes on criminals, Russians, call girls, comedians, movie stars, drug addled rockstars and teenagers.

This is what a year of butthurt does to a brain that wasn’t too stable to begin with.
This is YOUR president who cheats on his wife and cavorts and pays off porn stars.
Yet like the asshole you are you blame the democrats for Trump being a scumbag.

Reading comprehension not your strong suit I see.

You see what you want to see, much as you hear what you want to hear. Trump knows this, and that is why his demagoguery is so effective on people like you.

People like you, you may ask. I'll tell you. People like you are callous, selfish, ignorant, poorly educated and not very bright. Worse, people like you are incurious, bigoted and cannot learn from experience or the experience of others.

Perhaps you are also suffering from severe illiteracy. I already stated the opinion of abproven liar and deranged lefty has no meaning at all to me. Don’t waste your time and mine.
How deranged are the left today? They bet their hopes on criminals, Russians, call girls, comedians, movie stars, drug addled rockstars and teenagers.

This is what a year of butthurt does to a brain that wasn’t too stable to begin with.
This is YOUR president who cheats on his wife and cavorts and pays off porn stars.
Yet like the asshole you are you blame the democrats for Trump being a scumbag.

Reading comprehension not your strong suit I see.
You keep giving this cretin a pass after pass but blame everybody but the person destroying this country.
Your president is the deranged one and now no one is left in the White House that can tell him how great he is which he so desperately needs being as so insecure as he is.

Wow! Do you have ANY strong suits?
that is enough to beat your weak hand

Illiteracy, immaturity, and ignorance beats my hand? I don’t think so genius.
How deranged are the left today? They bet their hopes on criminals, Russians, call girls, comedians, movie stars, drug addled rockstars and teenagers.

This is what a year of butthurt does to a brain that wasn’t too stable to begin with.
This is YOUR president who cheats on his wife and cavorts and pays off porn stars.
Yet like the asshole you are you blame the democrats for Trump being a scumbag.

Reading comprehension not your strong suit I see.

You see what you want to see, much as you hear what you want to hear. Trump knows this, and that is why his demagoguery is so effective on people like you.

People like you, you may ask. I'll tell you. People like you are callous, selfish, ignorant, poorly educated and not very bright. Worse, people like you are incurious, bigoted and cannot learn from experience or the experience of others.

Perhaps you are also suffering from severe illiteracy. I already stated the opinion of abproven liar and deranged lefty has no meaning at all to me. Don’t waste your time and mine.
if your opinion holds true how can you support a lying cheat like trump?
Putin says indicted Russians committed no Russian crime no penalty And our moron trump says nothing??

What should he say? Were you expecting Putin to arrest them and extradite them to the US?
to say nothing ,no reprimand? This from the LOL leader of the free world ? A pussy in Putins pocket is more like it
Putin stated a fact, so what is there to reprimand?
Trump can't say they broke American law and is sorry that putin is ignoring the crime?? Is he really afraid of what Putin has on him?? Seems so
Why would Trump lend credibility to Mewler's witchhunt? Is posting on Facebook against the law?
Putin says indicted Russians committed no Russian crime no penalty And our moron trump says nothing??

What should he say? Were you expecting Putin to arrest them and extradite them to the US?
to say nothing ,no reprimand? This from the LOL leader of the free world ? A pussy in Putins pocket is more like it
Putin stated a fact, so what is there to reprimand?
Trump can't say they broke American law and is sorry that putin is ignoring the crime?? Is he really afraid of what Putin has on him?? Seems so
Why would Trump lend credibility to Mewler's witchhunt? Is posting on Facebook against the law?
wouldn't you think that an american president would be ALL FOR the sanctity of our voting system? Trump ignores it
Putin says indicted Russians committed no Russian crime no penalty And our moron trump says nothing??

What should he say? Were you expecting Putin to arrest them and extradite them to the US?
to say nothing ,no reprimand? This from the LOL leader of the free world ? A pussy in Putins pocket is more like it

Putin stated a fact, so what is there to reprimand?

Q. Why do most nation's honor extradition treaties?

A. Because they believe in the rule of law and equity.

They don't honor all extradition requests, especially for a crime as nebulous as posting on Facebook. You turds just refuse to face the fact that Mewler's indictments are a joke. Don't expect Trump to lend them credibility.
What should he say? Were you expecting Putin to arrest them and extradite them to the US?
to say nothing ,no reprimand? This from the LOL leader of the free world ? A pussy in Putins pocket is more like it
Putin stated a fact, so what is there to reprimand?
Trump can't say they broke American law and is sorry that putin is ignoring the crime?? Is he really afraid of what Putin has on him?? Seems so
Why would Trump lend credibility to Mewler's witchhunt? Is posting on Facebook against the law?
wouldn't you think that an american president would be ALL FOR the sanctity of our voting system? Trump ignores it

What does Mewler's witchhunt have to do with "sanctity of our voting system?"

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