Jailed Russian call girl ready to dump on Trump

This is YOUR president who cheats on his wife and cavorts and pays off porn stars.
Yet like the asshole you are you blame the democrats for Trump being a scumbag.

Reading comprehension not your strong suit I see.
You keep giving this cretin a pass after pass but blame everybody but the person destroying this country.
Your president is the deranged one and now no one is left in the White House that can tell him how great he is which he so desperately needs being as so insecure as he is.

Wow! Do you have ANY strong suits?
that is enough to beat your weak hand

Illiteracy, immaturity, and ignorance beats my hand? I don’t think so genius.
pred I may not be the highest card in the deck BUT the people you're answering to are way above your pay grade
Trump can pardon anyone at anytime for any reason. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

crimes committed BEFORE HE WAS SWORN IN DO NOT APPLY. & IF he pardoned anybody, NY STATE can go after them for STATE CRIMES.

good god you are poorly educated & trump just loves you to pieces.

"Do not apply?" If you believe he can't pardon somonefor crimes committed before he was sworn in, you are wrong. There is no limit on his pardon powers. NY cannot go after anyone for a crime that Trump just pardoned them for. That's double jeapordy, which is unconstitutional.

Why don't you give up while you're behind? You obviously don't know jack about the law.

He CANNOT pardon state crimes....IDIOT...

Mueller knows we are dealing with a moral lacking sociopath. He us working with state AGs to back up the federal charges.

If Comrade Trump pardons his family....Mueller will use that in his obstruction of justice case...which is already solid.
Yes he can. Clinton pardoned numerous people for state crimes, like bank fraud. The constitution does not place any limit on the president's pardon powers.

"he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment."


not state crimes. as i posted per the constitution, you dolt.

You can't fix stupid....
to say nothing ,no reprimand? This from the LOL leader of the free world ? A pussy in Putins pocket is more like it
Putin stated a fact, so what is there to reprimand?
Trump can't say they broke American law and is sorry that putin is ignoring the crime?? Is he really afraid of what Putin has on him?? Seems so
Why would Trump lend credibility to Mewler's witchhunt? Is posting on Facebook against the law?
wouldn't you think that an american president would be ALL FOR the sanctity of our voting system? Trump ignores it

What does Mewler's witchhunt have to do with "sanctity of our voting system?"

MUELLER is trying to determine how and why the Russians helped elect Benedict Donald Trump. He...like everyone else in the US Government, except the Treasonous Trump, want to know how the Russians pulled off electing the dumbest SOB ever to sit in the oval office. The Orange One is not concerned and does not care what his buddy Putin does to the electoral system of the US. He only cares about how much he and his criminal family can screw out of this country before he send is into default like all the other bankruptcies he has been involved in.

By this time, you may think he is a slimy slug. I assure you that your feeling are accurate and are shared my more and more people every day. Have a nice one!
What should he say? Were you expecting Putin to arrest them and extradite them to the US?
to say nothing ,no reprimand? This from the LOL leader of the free world ? A pussy in Putins pocket is more like it
Putin stated a fact, so what is there to reprimand?
Trump can't say they broke American law and is sorry that putin is ignoring the crime?? Is he really afraid of what Putin has on him?? Seems so
Why would Trump lend credibility to Mewler's witchhunt? Is posting on Facebook against the law?
wouldn't you think that an american president would be ALL FOR the sanctity of our voting system? Trump ignores it

It will just be another article of impeachment that the Democratic House can file again his Orangeness....
If true (highly doubtful) all I gotta say is nice job Mr. President. This seals my vote for 2020! Oh, and Liberals approve of the cheating part.

ever get the feeling that if trump didn't pay he'd get nothing?

Melania feels the same way.
I wouldn't even hold it against this woman if she is lying. I'd throw my own mother under the bus to get out of a Thai prison.
How deranged are the left today? They bet their hopes on criminals, Russians, call girls, comedians, movie stars, drug addled rockstars and teenagers.

This is what a year of butthurt does to a brain that wasn’t too stable to begin with.
This is YOUR president who cheats on his wife and cavorts and pays off porn stars.
Yet like the asshole you are you blame the democrats for Trump being a scumbag.

Reading comprehension not your strong suit I see.

You see what you want to see, much as you hear what you want to hear. Trump knows this, and that is why his demagoguery is so effective on people like you.

People like you, you may ask. I'll tell you. People like you are callous, selfish, ignorant, poorly educated and not very bright. Worse, people like you are incurious, bigoted and cannot learn from experience or the experience of others.

Perhaps you are also suffering from severe illiteracy. I already stated the opinion of abproven liar and deranged lefty has no meaning at all to me. Don’t waste your time and mine.
if your opinion holds true how can you support a lying cheat like trump?

When Trump tries to insult me, disagree with me or give me personally his opinion, then I’ll address it. Really, how is this stuff hard for you?
Reading comprehension not your strong suit I see.
You keep giving this cretin a pass after pass but blame everybody but the person destroying this country.
Your president is the deranged one and now no one is left in the White House that can tell him how great he is which he so desperately needs being as so insecure as he is.

Wow! Do you have ANY strong suits?
that is enough to beat your weak hand

Illiteracy, immaturity, and ignorance beats my hand? I don’t think so genius.
pred I may not be the highest card in the deck BUT the people you're answering to are way above your pay grade

Lol, doubling down on stupid isn’t a good strategy genius.
You keep giving this cretin a pass after pass but blame everybody but the person destroying this country.
Your president is the deranged one and now no one is left in the White House that can tell him how great he is which he so desperately needs being as so insecure as he is.

Wow! Do you have ANY strong suits?
that is enough to beat your weak hand

Illiteracy, immaturity, and ignorance beats my hand? I don’t think so genius.
pred I may not be the highest card in the deck BUT the people you're answering to are way above your pay grade

Lol, doubling down on stupid isn’t a good strategy genius.

Putin's boy is a POS....
Wrong again. If he’s convicted by the Senate, then he’s thrown out of office and can’t be pardoned by the new president. Your ability to comprehend English is sorely lacking.

he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

See that ... ^^^

“Cases of impeachment.” It says nothing about the trial in the Senate and impeachment begins in the House.
What part of "only if he is convicted in the Senate" didn't you understand? Impeachment is what happens in the House. He can be impeached and not convicted, just like Slick Willy. Then he still retains his pardon powers.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Not in cases of impeachment, ya fucking moron. Regardless of what happens in the Senate.

I’ve never seen anyone as retarded as you spout about so much you know absolutely nothing about.
Totally wrong, assshole. Clinton was impeached and he still pardoned over a hundred people when his term ended.

If I was you I would be going on the the next 50 posts about what a dumbfuck you are.
Fucking moron... none of those pardons involved cases of impeachment. A monkey banging on a keyboard can make more intelligent posts than you.

ROFL! I thought you were saying he couldn't grant any pardons after he was impeached. We all know he can't pardon his own impeachment. Since there are no penalties if he isn't convicted in the Senate, there's nothing to pardon.
You know you're as dumb as shit, right?

There are no penalties if he isn't convicted in the Senate??? When do you stop posting the dumbest shit on this forum? Ever???

So when Clinton was acquitted by the Senate, there was nothing to pardon, right? That's what you said. So then why did he agree to have his license to practice law suspended for 5 years and pay a $25,000 fine?

Why? Because there can certainly be additional penalties. A Senate acquittal only allows the president to remain in office. It doesn't absolve them of federal or state charges; just like we saw with Clinton who made a plea agreement with Ray to avoid charges being brought against him; and where he could not pardoned because it involved his impeachment.

Don't you ever feel stupid, ya fucking moron?
Last edited:
How deranged are the left today? They bet their hopes on criminals, Russians, call girls, comedians, movie stars, drug addled rockstars and teenagers.

This is what a year of butthurt does to a brain that wasn’t too stable to begin with.
If those are the types of people trump hangs with yes those are the people we are going to interview
Wrong again. If he’s convicted by the Senate, then he’s thrown out of office and can’t be pardoned by the new president. Your ability to comprehend English is sorely lacking.

he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

See that ... ^^^

“Cases of impeachment.” It says nothing about the trial in the Senate and impeachment begins in the House.
What part of "only if he is convicted in the Senate" didn't you understand? Impeachment is what happens in the House. He can be impeached and not convicted, just like Slick Willy. Then he still retains his pardon powers.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Not in cases of impeachment, ya fucking moron. Regardless of what happens in the Senate.

I’ve never seen anyone as retarded as you spout about so much you know absolutely nothing about.
Totally wrong, assshole. Clinton was impeached and he still pardoned over a hundred people when his term ended.

If I was you I would be going on the the next 50 posts about what a dumbfuck you are.
Fucking moron... none of those pardons involved cases of impeachment. A monkey banging on a keyboard can make more intelligent posts than you.

I didn't say they did, moron. There's only one president who can be impeached, shit for brains, and there is no penalty for that, so what would be the point of a pardon? You appeared to claim that a president couldn't pardon anyone after he was impeached. Now you seem to be disputing something no one claimed in the first place. You're chasing your tail.
"You appeared to claim that a president couldn't pardon anyone after he was impeached."

No, ya fucking moron, I never made that claim nor appeared to make that claim. You only think I did because you're a fucking moron.

All along I've said president cannot use their pardon power in cases of impeachment. How you read into that is on you and no one else.
This crime family is screwing the country over....Kushner is using his office to profit his businesses. Trump is selling the country to Putin piece by piece....

He swore to protect this country and he is welcoming Putin's meddling in the election....by his complete indifference to facts. He is afraid of Putin.
How deranged are the left today? They bet their hopes on criminals, Russians, call girls, comedians, movie stars, drug addled rockstars and teenagers.

This is what a year of butthurt does to a brain that wasn’t too stable to begin with.

what is degenerate are trump and his worshippers.

Who told you that? Was it a criminal? Hooker? Comedian? Movie star? Homeless person? Russian?

Jillian believes whatever the Enquirer prints.
How deranged are the left today? They bet their hopes on criminals, Russians, call girls, comedians, movie stars, drug addled rockstars and teenagers.

This is what a year of butthurt does to a brain that wasn’t too stable to begin with.

what is degenerate are trump and his worshippers.

Who told you that? Was it a criminal? Hooker? Comedian? Movie star? Homeless person? Russian?

Jillian believes whatever the Enquirer prints.

And Mother Jones.
How deranged are the left today? They bet their hopes on criminals, Russians, call girls, comedians, movie stars, drug addled rockstars and teenagers.

This is what a year of butthurt does to a brain that wasn’t too stable to begin with.

what is degenerate are trump and his worshippers.

Who told you that? Was it a criminal? Hooker? Comedian? Movie star? Homeless person? Russian?

Jillian believes whatever the Enquirer prints.

Trump wants to make the National Enquires the state paper...

So it's alright for Russia to interfere in us politics now?

Obama, Hillary, and Podesta thought so. Just ask their bank accounts, and Google up that recording of Obama assuring Putin he could 'cut him a better deal after the election'.

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