Jamaal Bowman introduces Black History Act which invests 10 million dollars to create educational programs that tell the truth about Black History

Ok. Truth. Asking for truth, especially on political/ racial issues, it can't end well. Didn't BLM say facts and truth and reality is racist? Because they say so? This ought to be interesting.
Will they tell about the high cases of rape commited by blacks?
We must tell the truth.
Will they tell about the high cases of rape commited by blacks?
We must tell the truth.
And will they tell how blacks have destroyed neighborhoods, schools, home values, businesses, and done their best to undermine America with their brainless riots and never-ending criminal behavior?
Will they tell about the high cases of rape commited by blacks?
We must tell the truth.



The truth.
And will they tell how blacks have destroyed neighborhoods, schools, home values, businesses, and done their best to undermine America with their brainless riots and never-ending criminal behavior?
They can't tell what's not true.

Government-Sponsored Segregation Created Today's Ghettos, Says Author

Federal Policies Were Racially Driven From The Earliest Creation Of Public Housing Under The New Deal
By Scottie Lee Meyers
Wednesday, June 24, 2015,

Richard Rothstein, who is the author of "The Making of Ferguson," a book documenting the history of state-sponsored residential segregation. He said that public housing first appeared in the U.S. in the 1930s during the New Deal, and from the very beginning it was explicitly segregated. Federal policy required public housing projects — which Rothstein said were highly desirable to all races — to be built separately for whites and blacks. In some cases, he said, integrated neighborhoods were demolished to make way for isolated residential areas.

"Harold Ickes, the secretary of interior (who was) in charge of the public housing program in the New Deal, established what he called the ‘Neighborhood Composition Rule,’ which was that public housing should be inhabited by people of the same race in the neighborhood where people of that race lived," said Rothstein, a research associate with the Economic Policy Institute.

The other major federal policy that resulted in the segregation of major metropolitan areas, said Rothstein, was the establishment of the Federal Housing Administration in the early 1930s. The federal government guaranteed loans to builders to create suburbs on the condition that no homes be sold to African-Americans. Rothstein said it essentially led to the suburbanization of the white population, and deliberately and punitively left blacks in public housing.

And lets not be white and talk about riots and destroyed communities.
4427?These savages probably raped that many in New York City.

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