JAMES CARVILLE: It's The Socialism, Stupid


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
When life long Democrat, James Carville was steering Bill Clinton through to the presidency, he kept telling him it’s the economy, stupid. Now, he fears that Democrats have no shot of winning in November because they have all taken socialistic positions, including Amy Klobuchar, who claims she does not want a socialist leading the party into November.

Carville is particularly scared of Bernie Sanders and he drew a parallel between Jeffrey Corbyn and the demise of the Labour Party in Great Britain to the Democrats with Sanders in possession of the Democratic nomination. The problem he has is that all of the candidates have staked out extreme issues that they are supporting but Carville says the voters do not care about those issues.

From open borders to Medicare for All to amnesty for illegal aliens to free medical for all 22 million illegals living in the United States, Carville thinks these are all losing issues. He has also warned about criticizing the economy because it is strong and the Democrats want to rescind the tax cuts, raise taxes and eliminating fossil fuels which will crash the economy.

James Carville: It's the Socialism, Stupid

BJ - He forgot Men peeing in little girls bathrooms
There are many still-sane Democrats who are trying desperately to yank the party back from the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left.

I sure hope it works.

There are still some sane Dems, but I hope they pick Bernie. I’d rather have a Orange Clown than any democrat, because every democrat will push us further down the socialist road.
he also said that no matter who was the Democratic nominee he would vote for them........Party over Country
Carvile is an alert old geezer, who really doesn't have much faith in the depths of extremism now in the Democrat Party.

He knows America, the way he described by adopted Home State of Pennsylvania was pretty accurate- "Philadelphia and Pittsburgh separated by actual Civilization."
Carvile is an alert old geezer, who really doesn't have much faith in the depths of extremism now in the Democrat Party.

He knows America, the way he described by adopted Home State of Pennsylvania was pretty accurate- "Philadelphia and Pittsburgh separated by actual Civilization."
I live here. Carville had it right and Obama lied when he said our hillbilly`s cling to guns and religion. What they cling to in central Pa. is guns and racism. There`s nothing religious about hating gays and hugging assault rifles.
I've always thought Carville was a sharp guy, politically, similar to Bill Clinton. Doesn't mean I agree with him in terms of politics, only that he seems astute.

The party ideas they're staking out do not, and will not, resonate will voters who are more concerned about "kitchen table" issues - feeding their families, paying their bills, etc. and i think this is what he's getting at.

The rest of this stuff goes right past them, as they do not care. The effect will be that they dont give a crap about the candidates either and may just sit this one out again, as they did with Hillary, or stick with what is now a known quantity in Trump.

They need to listen to folks like Carville, who see past all of the BS to the actual goal, which is winning the election, or Trump will dance on their carcasses again come November....
Paying our debts is now called Socialism? Republicans sure like their free stuff.

Student debt is not "our" debt.
I agree. I paid for my own child`s college and I don`t intend to pay for someone else`s. What`s that have to do with Socialism?

Should that debt be "canceled", who do you think will pay it?
Those who took out the loans should pay for them. My daughter`s degree cost me $100,000 out of pocket and she did get scholarship money.
Carvile is an alert old geezer, who really doesn't have much faith in the depths of extremism now in the Democrat Party.

He knows America, the way he described by adopted Home State of Pennsylvania was pretty accurate- "Philadelphia and Pittsburgh separated by actual Civilization."
I live here. Carville had it right and Obama lied when he said our hillbilly`s cling to guns and religion. What they cling to in central Pa. is guns and racism. There`s nothing religious about hating gays and hugging assault rifles.
Weird how deeply Democrats hate Pennsylvania with Obama and Crooked Hillary going out of their way to deliberately insult them, and then blamed it on the Russians when they went for Trump essentially ending any chance that Democrats can carry a National Election.

If you rank states by Cooks PVI and start by assigning the Bluest States to Democrats, adding states as they move more toward swing States to get to 270, stopping before PA you get the following:


Your self-destructiveness is becoming legendary.

Socialism: The Failed Idea that Never Dies, the progression goes:

  1. Avowed socialists set up brave new socialist world
  2. The wheels start to come off. This is blamed on “wreckers” and foreign agents. The economy seizes up. Eventually people starve and the gulags get set up.
  3. Socialists explain this was never a real socialist system in the first place
Krugman’s intervention is a different form of denial:

  1. Socialists set out to win an election
  2. Recognizing the unpalatability of a socialist platform, socialists claim they actually only want to be “like Denmark or Sweden.”
  3. Socialists deny desirability of a thriving Nordic free market model that includes things like school choice in Sweden.
  4. Socialists unveil a platform that looks more like traditional socialism than anything currently on offer in Scandinavia.
  5. People who point out the discrepancy between 3 and 4 are vilified as supporting inequality, racism, etc.
If the socialists-but-not-socialists-really then win an election, expect things to progress as in the first progression.

“Socialism always begins with talk of the international brotherhood of man and ends with having to eat your own pets.”

Instapundit » Blog Archive » FROM “NOT REAL SOCIALISM” TO “NOT A SOCIALIST”: Ed’s post below is amusing to me given that I have a…
Paying our debts is now called Socialism? Republicans sure like their free stuff.
Lol, he won't pay any debts. Just give the United States away. Where is his plan to pay for all this free crap? You do realize if you took all the rich man's entire fortunes. It won't pay for what he is promising.
Bernie is a Communist with the media's help trying to pass himself off as a socialist.
The rest of the clown car Dimm nominees with the media's help, are Socialists trying to pass themselves off as moderates.

True story.

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