James Comey So Ashamed Of America That He Wanted To Pose As A Canadian

James Comey So Ashamed Of America That He Wanted To Pose As A Canadian

That's ok. We are so embarrassed by Comey, we tell everybody he's from Canada...
Comey is a jackass
I think he's gay.

I remember arguing with soldiers at Ft. Campbell and here at USMB. I said that the only soldiers that supported Obama strongly were one of the following:
  • Black
  • Female
  • Ghey
  • Hispanic
They were usually one of the above.

Many of the posters here on USMB are also one of the following:
  • Canadian
  • Australian
  • Russian
  • Chinese
  • Ghey
  • Black
  • Hispanic
  • Librarian
  • Communist
  • On drugs
  • Likes little boys
True, obama had next to no support from military folk...
Even child-molesters are finding a voice. Soon anyone who's against the molestation of children will be kicked out of a restaurant for being a heartless human-being. Give it time.

I see that instead of spreading your vile garbage over several threads you have put it all into one thread....kudos.

As for child molesters...here is what your messiah, pervert, orange blob said about one:

Trump compares Carson to child molester, faces backlash

He hugged him and made him a cabinet secretary....

Your post is debunked.
Oh, so now you think Dr Ben Carson is a child-molester?

WTF is wrong with you??

No dipshit...your blob/messiah does...before he made him a cabinet secretary.
I think you need to stop visiting the DailyCos.....or Mother Jones and find out what's going on in reality, not some alternative universe.

it came from FoxNews...or are they a member of this "deep state" conspiracy retards like you so richly believe in.
Americans often want to pose as Canadians when they travel.

When I backpacked through Europe back in the day, I had several Americans ask me for the Canadian flag sewn on my backpack.
Canadians don't want to take a stand against Socialist aggression. The only thing they care aboot is Hockey.
Even child-molesters are finding a voice. Soon anyone who's against the molestation of children will be kicked out of a restaurant for being a heartless human-being. Give it time.

I see that instead of spreading your vile garbage over several threads you have put it all into one thread....kudos.

As for child molesters...here is what your messiah, pervert, orange blob said about one:

Trump compares Carson to child molester, faces backlash

He hugged him and made him a cabinet secretary....

Your post is debunked.
Oh, so now you think Dr Ben Carson is a child-molester?

WTF is wrong with you??

No dipshit...your blob/messiah does...before he made him a cabinet secretary.
I think you need to stop visiting the DailyCos.....or Mother Jones and find out what's going on in reality, not some alternative universe.

it came from FoxNews...or are they a member of this "deep state" conspiracy retards like you so richly believe in.
It’s funny, the “deep state” has gotten so large progressives pass it off as an necessary.
Military, police and fire are an necessary not the civilian federal government.

The civilian federal government is made up of overpaid, underworked entitlement minded people that can not get fired....

All of these liberals that hate America and they just won't leave. I'm still waiting on all of the Hollywood liberals that screamed a Trump victory would force him/her to move to Canada.
Now James Comey claims he wanted to pose as a Canadian because of his embarrassment at being an American. 'Ashamed' Comey weighs calling himself Canadian, rips Trump border actions during Ireland visit

If America was such a damned embarrassment, why doesn't Canada have to build a wall to keep illegal Americans from leaving in droves?
Well, the answer is moving to Canada isn't really an option for them.
Why would anyone want to move there if they aren't actually serious???
Nope, this is just more virtue-signally by disingenuous preeners who desperately need attention.


I think it would be fun to look into the backgrounds of all of these liberals that claim they're ashamed of America.
9 will get you 10 most of them are a member of the LBGT community.

Now why would these people be ashamed of America?

For one, we have freedom of the press, which allows our media sources to make up any lie they can dream up. Before, they used to have a code of ethics. That has been totally blown away by Fake News reports that are constantly being released to the public. The latest is this nonsensical child separation policy. By blaming Trump for a policy that has been in place for over a decade the fake media once again shows it's true colors.
Another reason for this is that these people all live in a bubble where rich liberals reside. They know nothing of the real world. They have been sheltered and pampered, and they all hang out with like minded friends. They cannot be expected to believe that the Democrat/Communist Party is lying to them. Without the lies they would be forced to face reality, and that is just plain unbearable to them.

So why is it so easy for the media to manipulate and lead these supposedly intelligent people around by the nose?
Because they want to be led. They can't function on their own.


I remember these types when I was in H.S. Everyone supported abortion, because abortion was supposedly cool or even necessary. However, I was an independent thinker, and I felt that abortion was wrong. I wasn't fighting against it, but I didn't support it either.

These people need other people to approve of them to feel they have value. This is what the Democrats pray on. The need for acceptance. Acceptance for their homosexuality, acceptance for their race, acceptance for whatever behavior that makes them an outlier in any decent society, be it illegal activity or just aberrant behavior. Even child-molesters are finding a voice. Soon anyone who's against the molestation of children will be kicked out of a restaurant for being a heartless human-being. Give it time.

So no matter what kind of a criminal degenerate you are, standing up to Trump is the easiest thing you can do these days. They claim they're being brave when they stand up to Trump, but I guarantee that standing up to Trump will, at the very least, get you a hug, maybe even a better paying gig on CNN or MSNBC.
On the other hand, standing up to Obama would get you thrown in jail.
Standing up to Hillary would get you dead, hanging by a scarf in your New York Apartment.

I see that instead of spreading your vile garbage over several threads you have put it all into one thread....kudos.

As for child molesters...here is what your messiah, pervert, orange blob said about one:

Trump compares Carson to child molester, faces backlash

He hugged him and made him a cabinet secretary....

Your post is debunked.
Oh, so now you think Dr Ben Carson is a child-molester?

WTF is wrong with you??

No dipshit...your blob/messiah does...before he made him a cabinet secretary.
I think you need to stop visiting the DailyCos.....or Mother Jones and find out what's going on in reality, not some alternative universe.

it came from FoxNews...or are they a member of this "deep state" conspiracy retards like you so richly believe in.

Donald Trump unloaded on the rest of the GOP field Thursday during a nearly 95-minute, insult-laden speech that veered from comparing Ben Carson to a child molester to asking how "stupid" voters are to believe his personal narrative -- and already has earned him a rebuke from his Republican rivals.

Trump compares Carson to child molester, faces backlash
Oh, so now you think Dr Ben Carson is a child-molester?

WTF is wrong with you??

No dipshit...your blob/messiah does...before he made him a cabinet secretary.
I think you need to stop visiting the DailyCos.....or Mother Jones and find out what's going on in reality, not some alternative universe.

it came from FoxNews...or are they a member of this "deep state" conspiracy retards like you so richly believe in.

Donald Trump unloaded on the rest of the GOP field Thursday during a nearly 95-minute, insult-laden speech that veered from comparing Ben Carson to a child molester to asking how "stupid" voters are to believe his personal narrative -- and already has earned him a rebuke from his Republican rivals.

Trump compares Carson to child molester, faces backlash
That's a stretch....even for you.

But you bought it hook, line, and sinker.
No dipshit...your blob/messiah does...before he made him a cabinet secretary.
I think you need to stop visiting the DailyCos.....or Mother Jones and find out what's going on in reality, not some alternative universe.

it came from FoxNews...or are they a member of this "deep state" conspiracy retards like you so richly believe in.

Donald Trump unloaded on the rest of the GOP field Thursday during a nearly 95-minute, insult-laden speech that veered from comparing Ben Carson to a child molester to asking how "stupid" voters are to believe his personal narrative -- and already has earned him a rebuke from his Republican rivals.

Trump compares Carson to child molester, faces backlash
That's a stretch....even for you.

But you bought it hook, line, and sinker.

i didn't buy, foxnoise did

trumplings think if they feel something isn't true, then it isn't

it's funny, albeit pathetic
Democrats have a long history of bigotry.......


All of these liberals that hate America and they just won't leave. I'm still waiting on all of the Hollywood liberals that screamed a Trump victory would force him/her to move to Canada.
Now James Comey claims he wanted to pose as a Canadian because of his embarrassment at being an American. 'Ashamed' Comey weighs calling himself Canadian, rips Trump border actions during Ireland visit

If America was such a damned embarrassment, why doesn't Canada have to build a wall to keep illegal Americans from leaving in droves?
Well, the answer is moving to Canada isn't really an option for them.
Why would anyone want to move there if they aren't actually serious???
Nope, this is just more virtue-signally by disingenuous preeners who desperately need attention.


I think it would be fun to look into the backgrounds of all of these liberals that claim they're ashamed of America.
9 will get you 10 most of them are a member of the LBGT community.

Now why would these people be ashamed of America?

For one, we have freedom of the press, which allows our media sources to make up any lie they can dream up. Before, they used to have a code of ethics. That has been totally blown away by Fake News reports that are constantly being released to the public. The latest is this nonsensical child separation policy. By blaming Trump for a policy that has been in place for over a decade the fake media once again shows it's true colors.
Another reason for this is that these people all live in a bubble where rich liberals reside. They know nothing of the real world. They have been sheltered and pampered, and they all hang out with like minded friends. They cannot be expected to believe that the Democrat/Communist Party is lying to them. Without the lies they would be forced to face reality, and that is just plain unbearable to them.

So why is it so easy for the media to manipulate and lead these supposedly intelligent people around by the nose?
Because they want to be led. They can't function on their own.


I remember these types when I was in H.S. Everyone supported abortion, because abortion was supposedly cool or even necessary. However, I was an independent thinker, and I felt that abortion was wrong. I wasn't fighting against it, but I didn't support it either.

These people need other people to approve of them to feel they have value. This is what the Democrats pray on. The need for acceptance. Acceptance for their homosexuality, acceptance for their race, acceptance for whatever behavior that makes them an outlier in any decent society, be it illegal activity or just aberrant behavior. Even child-molesters are finding a voice. Soon anyone who's against the molestation of children will be kicked out of a restaurant for being a heartless human-being. Give it time.

So no matter what kind of a criminal degenerate you are, standing up to Trump is the easiest thing you can do these days. They claim they're being brave when they stand up to Trump, but I guarantee that standing up to Trump will, at the very least, get you a hug, maybe even a better paying gig on CNN or MSNBC.
On the other hand, standing up to Obama would get you thrown in jail.
Standing up to Hillary would get you dead, hanging by a scarf in your New York Apartment.

And regressives still have the audacity to claim Comey ruined Hillary’s chances of winning. This faggot liberal cuck colluded with Lynch and BJ Clinton to never press any charges despite the mountain of evidence the law was broken by Hillary. The only reason he announced they were continuing to look into Hillary emails was because he knew the Donald was going to win and was trying to save his own ass from the noose he knew would be coming for him and his ilk.
I see that instead of spreading your vile garbage over several threads you have put it all into one thread....kudos.

As for child molesters...here is what your messiah, pervert, orange blob said about one:

Trump compares Carson to child molester, faces backlash

He hugged him and made him a cabinet secretary....

Your post is debunked.
Oh, so now you think Dr Ben Carson is a child-molester?

WTF is wrong with you??

No dipshit...your blob/messiah does...before he made him a cabinet secretary.
I think you need to stop visiting the DailyCos.....or Mother Jones and find out what's going on in reality, not some alternative universe.

it came from FoxNews...or are they a member of this "deep state" conspiracy retards like you so richly believe in.

You responded to the linked quote.

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