James Hansen Wishes he Wasn’t So Right about Global Warming

Crick , did you understand this video? if the temperature at any point on the earth was lower than previously captured, and the anomaly starts from that lower point, is the actual temperature warmer? It's all objective based on data, no graphs with evil looking orange colors meant to scare the stupid. More ice in both poles says you are full of shite.
Crick, did you understand this video?
Yes. Did you?
if the temperature at any point on the earth was lower than previously captured, and the anomaly starts from that lower point, is the actual temperature warmer?
That sentence is very poorly written. I assume you mean is the warming real if, as the video notes, we are starting from the lowest point in ten-thousand years. The answer is yes, of course it is. Nothing happens without a cause. Our friend in the snow fails to note the fact that the MWP was regional and that the global trend for the last 5-8,000 years has been declining temperatures. The warming we experienced would have NOT been expected in a normal glacial cycle.
It's all objective based on data, no graphs with evil looking orange colors meant to scare the stupid.
What is with you and orange graphs? Since the invention of color graphs people plot cold with blues and hot with reds. If you find that color frightens you I'd look for professional counseling.
More ice in both poles says you are full of shite.
More ice? Do I have to put up the graphs or should I point out that you know the truth quite well and that this is simply another bit of trolling?
More ice?

Your side has been lying about Antarctica all along. You lost in the British Court in 2007. And you got exposed by NASA...

90% of Earth ice has been growing every year for the duration of your fraud. And it will grow this year and next year and...

And THAT is why you have NO OCEAN RISE....
Your side has been lying about Antarctica all along. You lost in the British Court in 2007. And you got exposed by NASA...
Zwally was one study, debunked long ago. All the other studies show huge ice loss.

By not mentioning that, you are lying by omission.

This isn't a debate. The orbiting gravity-measuring satellites show the ongong ice loss. Antarctica and Greenland are "losing gravity" because they're losing so much ice mass.

And you don't care. The BigLie supports your fascist politics, so you, a devoted minion of the Lord of Lies, will continue to push the BigLie.
All the other studies show huge ice loss.


The question is whether Antarctica is gaining or losing ice. We have SATELLITE DATA on that issue. We do not need 400 taxpayer funded FUDGE STUDIES. We just need THE DATA



The question is whether Antarctica is gaining or losing ice. We have SATELLITE DATA on that issue. We do not need 400 taxpayer funded FUDGE STUDIES. We just need THE DATA

So, you accept NASA data. Good to know.
The question is whether Antarctica is gaining or losing ice. We have SATELLITE DATA on that issue.
I pointed out that you misrepresented one study and ignored all the other studies, repeating the nonsense only confirms my point about your deliberate dishonesty.

Zwally's work only went up to 2008. Let's check the data.


Check out how that ice loss really accelerates after 2008.

Let's read what NASA says, directly.

Data from NASA's GRACE and GRACE Follow-On satellites show that the land ice sheets in both Antarctica (upper chart) and Greenland (lower chart) have been losing mass since 2002.

Let's read what Zwally himself says.

The findings do not mean that Antarctica is not in trouble, Zwally notes. “I know some of the climate deniers will jump on this, and say this means we don't have to worry as much as some people have been making out,” he says. “It should not take away from the concern about climate warming.” As global temperatures rise, Antarctica is expected to contribute more to sea-level rise, though when exactly that effect will kick in, and to what extent, remains unclear.
So, you accept NASA data. Good to know.


The one I posted is the DATA, DATA accepted by the British Court in 2007

AA has grown its ice EVERY YEAR for a very long time...

FUDGE "STUDIES" by climate "scientists" are junk noise ...

The one I posted is the DATA, DATA accepted by the British Court in 2007

AA has grown its ice EVERY YEAR for a very long time...

FUDGE "STUDIES" by climate "scientists" are junk noise ...
You take articles from the same source and if they support your thoughts, they're right as rain, if they do not, they're all lies. I can't tell you how smart that is.
You take articles from the same source and if they support your thoughts, they're right as rain, if they do not, they're all lies. I can't tell you how smart that is.

You are arguing that a continent in ice age covering a pole is melting.

Just how laughable is that???

Every year Antarctica prints a new layer of ice, what we find in ice cores. It does that every year. That is the Gross gain of ice. The "loss" you call "melting" is really icebergs that freeze ocean around them to the point that this happens...

The ship did not run into an iceberg. The icebergs are calved, and around them the water gets super cooled, to the point a rapid freeze happens. This is because the ice in the Antarctic icebergs is incredibly cold, -100F or colder.

You have no actual water, liquid H2O on Antarctica save the Peninsula's volcanos.... yet you use the term "melting"

You claim Antarctic ice is about to "slip off" into the ocean. You don't even understand anything. This is what the LAND under Antarctic Ice looks like from a SEA LEVEL perspective...

Here’s What Antarctica Looks Like Under All The Ice | Smart News ...

Antarctic Ice Sheets - Antarctic Ecosystems - Climate Policy Watcher

The continent specific ice age DIGS. That ice won't "slide" into the ocean because it is already LOWER THAN THE OCEAN, MORON!!!
You are arguing that a continent in ice age covering a pole is melting.

Just how laughable is that???

Every year Antarctica prints a new layer of ice, what we find in ice cores. It does that every year. That is the Gross gain of ice. The "loss" you call "melting" is really icebergs that freeze ocean around them to the point that this happens...

The ship did not run into an iceberg. The icebergs are calved, and around them the water gets super cooled, to the point a rapid freeze happens. This is because the ice in the Antarctic icebergs is incredibly cold, -100F or colder.

You have no actual water, liquid H2O on Antarctica save the Peninsula's volcanos.... yet you use the term "melting"

You claim Antarctic ice is about to "slip off" into the ocean. You don't even understand anything. This is what the LAND under Antarctic Ice looks like from a SEA LEVEL perspective...

Here’s What Antarctica Looks Like Under All The Ice | Smart News ...

Antarctic Ice Sheets - Antarctic Ecosystems - Climate Policy Watcher

The continent specific ice age DIGS. That ice won't "slide" into the ocean because it is already LOWER THAN THE OCEAN, MORON!!!
God are you fucking stupid. What do you think will happen when the ocean gets under that ice?

Antarctica's average annual temperature ranges from about −10°C on the coast to −60°C at the highest parts of the interior. Near the coast, the temperature can exceed +10°C in summer and fall to below −40°C in winter. Over the elevated inland, it can rise to about −30°C in summer but fall below −80°C in winter.

Antarctica's average annual temperature ranges from about −10°C on the coast to −60°C at the highest parts of the interior. Near the coast, the temperature can exceed +10°C in summer and fall to below −40°C in winter. Over the elevated inland, it can rise to about −30°C in summer but fall below −80°C in winter.
You're a fucking idiot and I'm tired of finding you articles you won't read. You look it up. The weight of the ice has pushed bedrock below sea level. That makes it VERY easy for that ice to be separated from the rock bed underneath and slide into the ocean. And since only a portion of that ice is being suspended by buoyancy, it will raise sea level.
The weight of the ice has pushed bedrock below sea level.

Wrong. What was once on top of that ice has been moved by the ice age and dumped into the ocean. AA was once a complete continent.

That makes it VERY easy for that ice to be separated from the rock bed underneath and slide into the ocean.

40 million years and still waiting.... You forgot one thing = temperature....
Wrong. What was once on top of that ice has been moved by the ice age and dumped into the ocean. AA was once a complete continent.
What the fuck are you trying to say?
40 million years and still waiting.... You forgot one thing = temperature....
Well, you know this stuff better than all those PhDs fer sure, fer sure. Right?
What the fuck are you trying to say?

Antarctica was once a complete continent 50 million years ago, and as we see below, WAS ATTACHED to South America. Ice age glaciers scrape off what is "loose" on a continent. They only leave bedrock and mountains. Most of the "surface" of Antarctica today is below sea level. That was not the case 50 million years ago. And, hilariously enough, the image has the caption "Lately (ie the past 40+ million years) it (AA's ice) seems to be thickening - BECAUSE OF GLOBAL WARMING.

Ice thinning = Global Warming
Ice thickening = Global Warming


Morons - anyone who thinks there is any real "Science" involved with the bullshit completely discredited theory of Global Warming


you know this stuff better than all those PhDs fer sure

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