James Holmes sentenced to AT LEAST life in prison, possibly death penalty

^It's somewhere on Yahoo! News. You can Google it if you don't believe me. :p

Obama and Gingrich are homosexual transvestite lovers. It's somewhere on Yahoo News. You can google it if you don't believe me.

Or....you could fulfill your own logical burden of proof.
^Are you saying you don't believe there are evil deeds done in the world today (and always)? Maybe not evil in an absolute sense of the word, but evil nonetheless.
Evil is....and, always has been.....a fairy-tale concept.


So you don't find it "evil" when someone shoots and kills innocent people who just wanted to see a movie and enjoy themselves in a theater? Or when a mother drowns her own baby? When sadistic people stick cats in the oven or throw puppies in the garbage can?

If not, what do you call such acts?
Semantics, people.


The judge told him that his charges carry a MINIMUM sentence of life in prison, possibly death.

CHARGES. There's no conviction yet.

He's as good as sentenced to one or the other.


Perhaps I should have said: "James Holmes WILL be sentenced to AT LEAST life in prison, possibly death penalty" but regardless of words, the results are the same.

Who needs to worry about silly, semantical things, like convictions, right? It's simply enough to charge someone. That's how they did it in Salem in the 17th century, and that worked out well, didn't it? Didn't it?

He WILL be sentenced to one or the other, based on what the judge said.

^Yes he will. There's no way the charges will be dropped. This guy is not getting the insanity plea, because he's not (legally) insane!
^Yes he will. There's no way the charges will be dropped. This guy is not getting the insanity plea, because he's not (legally) insane!

You clearly know nothing about mental illness, therefore you should not talk about it.
Semantics, people.

The judge told him that his charges carry a MINIMUM sentence of life in prison, possibly death. He's as good as sentenced to one or the other. Perhaps I should have said: "James Holmes WILL be sentenced to AT LEAST life in prison, possibly death penalty" but regardless of words, the results are the same. He WILL be sentenced to one or the other, based on what the judge said.

It is NOT semantics. Its called the law.

That is also not true about an automatic sentence.... he can also be found not guilty of all charges.

That being said.... i am all for the death sentence.

Ah, yes.......

"Gimme those ol' time death-panels...."


"......They're good enough for us!!"

Holmes is obviously psychopathic. Keeping him alive in a prison is pointless and wasteful. He should be put to sleep asap.
^Yes he will. There's no way the charges will be dropped. This guy is not getting the insanity plea, because he's not (legally) insane!

You clearly know nothing about mental illness, therefore you should not talk about it.

I may not, but don't give me that. You know as well as everybody else that Holmes is not mentally ill in the disabled sort of way, IF any. The only "mental illness" he might have is being a psychopath or sociopath.

Even if he is...so what?

Psychos/socios are like you and me, only they don't have empathy for other people. They are not mentally impaired in any way, as many are brilliant and intelligent and highly aware. They just don't give a sh-t about other people.

If that's your definition of "mental illness" then I rest my case. If he had an ACTUAL mental impairment that made him unaware of what he was doing, then he should of course go to a mental facility. But he WAS aware of everything he did. Don't say I don't know that, either. He premeditated murder for 3 months and carried it out. Bought what he needed, then booby-trapped his apartment for the cops as if the theater killings weren't enough.

This guy is (legally) SANE.
^Are you saying you don't believe there are evil deeds done in the world today (and always)? Maybe not evil in an absolute sense of the word, but evil nonetheless.
Evil is....and, always has been.....a fairy-tale concept.


So you don't find it "evil" when someone shoots and kills innocent people who just wanted to see a movie and enjoy themselves in a theater? Or when a mother drowns her own baby? When sadistic people stick cats in the oven or throw puppies in the garbage can?

If not, what do you call such acts?

I'd call them OBVIOUS signs of an unstable, mentally-deranged person!!!

As-long-as we KEEP executing such people......we're NEVER gonna find-out....

.....what prompts such behavior!!!!

(....And, it'll never end.)

How many peoples' children are we willing to sacrifice.....before we try something that actually works?​
I don't think anyone expected he would get anything less than life or death.
I may not, but don't give me that. You know as well as everybody else that Holmes is not mentally ill in the disabled sort of way, IF any.

You're a fucking idiot. All in once sentence you say that you don't know anything about mental illness, and also state that you know that Holmes is not mentally ill.

The only "mental illness" he might have is being a psychopath or sociopath.

Which again shows that you know nothing about mental illness, because psychopathy is not a recognized mental illness per American standards of psychiatric practice. Instead, the DSM-IV recognizes Antisocial Personality Disorder, which is comparable to the generic concept of psychopathy.

Holmes was under a psychiatrist's care prior to this event. While the doctor is prevented at this point from stating what diagnoses may have been rendered regarding Holmes (as doing so would be violating confidentiality) this particular doctor is known to be a specialist in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a serious and often devastating illness that can be very difficult to treat, and difficult to diagnose. Schizophrenia, like other mental illnesses, doesn't operate like catching a germ. It progresses over time and develops in what would be essentially otherwise healthy individuals. It's very possible that this incident is a culmination of Holmes' recent onset of full blown schizophrenia. Fact is, you have no idea.

Psychos/socios are like you and me, only they don't have empathy for other people. They are not mentally impaired in any way, as many are brilliant and intelligent and highly aware. They just don't give a sh-t about other people.

Again, you clearly know nothing about mental illness. What you are saying here is anything BUT how antisocial personality disorder works.

If that's your definition of "mental illness" then I rest my case.

What case? All you're doing is babbling out of your ass, and don't even know what you yourself are saying.
^Yes he will. There's no way the charges will be dropped. This guy is not getting the insanity plea, because he's not (legally) insane!

.....And, the masses want....


(....And, there are still people who can't figure-out why we've got the Electoral College.)

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What do you think about his sentence? ...

Twelve victims died in the attack, 58 others were wounded. The melee is among the worst mass shootings in modern-day American history. Prosecutors filed a total of 142 criminal charges against him, including 116 counts of attempted murder. The 24 murder counts reflect dual charges (premeditated and without remorse) by the prosecutors.

In the lengthy list of charges, the Arapahoe County District Attorney's Office accuses Holmes of, "evidencing an attitude of universal malice manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life."

During Monday's hearing, Judge William Sylvester carefully explained to Holmes that the charges carry a minimum sentence of life in prison and a maximum of death. The district attorney near Denver has not announced if she will seek the death penalty against the alleged gunman.

Jesus... how old are you?

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