James O’Keefe Blocked From His Twitter Account for Videos About Electoral Corruption

Another one just went down, the big kahuna!


Loose lips sink ships
No bias here, like Hell.

Project Veritas|O'Keefe Blocked From Twitter

The videos will get out there anyway but they seem to upset the liberals who run Twitter. They have every right to block his account. But doing it shows a bias that puts Twitter in the toilet if you want both sides of story.

Does this mean Trump will start boycotting twitter? lolol
No way! Twitter is perfect for his tiny little fingers.

His attention span is perfect for 140 characters.
Please see my thread on Assange and Wikileaks. All this craziness is so heavy right now!
Funny how the same RWnuts who claim that a business should be able to refuse service to anyone for any reason go epileptic over O'Keefe ( or O'Queef as someone brilliantly dubbed him on another site) getting barred from Twitter,

if that's what's happened.
Funny how the same RWnuts who claim that a business should be able to refuse service to anyone for any reason go epileptic over O'Keefe ( or O'Queef as someone brilliantly dubbed him on another site) getting barred from Twitter,

if that's what's happened.
You're right. Twitter refused him service because it violates their deeply held religious views. They do serve Satan after all (and his servant Hillary)
Re: RFRAs: Its not for "any reason".........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................."the same RWnuts who claim that a business should be able to refuse service to anyone for any reason"
Why did Twitter block him? Don't try the bullshit cop out "liberal media". They had to have given a reason. Was it because OKeefe is a known fraud that doctors videos?

the bullshit is you saying there is no liberal bias. We know it is like pulling teeth to get the truth out of any liberal.

There isn't. The media has a bias, but it isn't for the left or right. Think hard and maybe you can figure it out.

What would you know about thinking? Look what you just posted.:lmao:
Good for Twitter. The guy is a criminal with a history of illegally recording people and posting doctored videos.
As a bonus, it riles up tinfoil hat wearing right wing whiners, so double win!
Why did Twitter block him? Don't try the bullshit cop out "liberal media". They had to have given a reason. Was it because OKeefe is a known fraud that doctors videos?

the bullshit is you saying there is no liberal bias. We know it is like pulling teeth to get the truth out of any liberal.

There isn't. The media has a bias, but it isn't for the left or right. Think hard and maybe you can figure it out.

What would you know about thinking? Look what you just posted.:lmao:

So you can't figure it out? Need to phone a friend?

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