James Patterson to write new novel with accused serial rapist and serial sexual predator.....

You can't really complain since you voted for an accused orange rapist and sexual predator to be in the White House

No.....not even close.....we have actual women who have stated they were raped by bill clinton and women who said he sexually assaulted them.....Trump accusers appeared just before the election and left after the election...the accusations of rape and sexual assault against clinton have been around since he was at Oxford....
Fact is, Trump is also an accused rapist. Even his own wife claimed that he raped her. Under oath. He publicly bragged about peeping on women in dressing rooms. And you voted for him.

Sorry.....we have 3 women who claim clinton raped them at least one in Britain and at least 2 here.....backed up by people they told immediately after the rape....and we also have about a dozen women who say he sexually assaulted them including at least one member of the U.S. military serving on Air Force one.......
All accused him. None proven. JUST LIKE TRUMP. :itsok:

No.....not like Trump.....3 women said bill clinton violently raped them...and at least a dozen say he sexually assaulted them.....but go on....tell us that all those women and their supporters are lying...and he is the only one telling the truth....

Go ahead...stand by that...
Both Trump and Bill are accused rapists. Fact.
No.....not even close.....we have actual women who have stated they were raped by bill clinton and women who said he sexually assaulted them.....Trump accusers appeared just before the election and left after the election...the accusations of rape and sexual assault against clinton have been around since he was at Oxford....
Fact is, Trump is also an accused rapist. Even his own wife claimed that he raped her. Under oath. He publicly bragged about peeping on women in dressing rooms. And you voted for him.

Sorry.....we have 3 women who claim clinton raped them at least one in Britain and at least 2 here.....backed up by people they told immediately after the rape....and we also have about a dozen women who say he sexually assaulted them including at least one member of the U.S. military serving on Air Force one.......
All accused him. None proven. JUST LIKE TRUMP. :itsok:

No.....not like Trump.....3 women said bill clinton violently raped them...and at least a dozen say he sexually assaulted them.....but go on....tell us that all those women and their supporters are lying...and he is the only one telling the truth....

Go ahead...stand by that...
Both Trump and Bill are accused rapists. Fact.

Wrong......3 women accused bill clinton of violently raping them....at least a dozen say he sexually assaulted them....that we know of........you are saying all of those women are lying.....and the people they told about the rape are lying....and bill clinton is the only one telling the truth...

That is the hill you want to die on...
James Patterson, the author.....is writing a book with accused rapist and sexual predator bill clinton....he should be ashamed of himself......

Bill Clinton Writing First Novel with James Patterson
You can't really complain since you voted for an accused orange rapist and sexual predator to be in the White House

No.....not even close.....we have actual women who have stated they were raped by bill clinton and women who said he sexually assaulted them.....Trump accusers appeared just before the election and left after the election...the accusations of rape and sexual assault against clinton have been around since he was at Oxford....
Fact is, Trump is also an accused rapist. Even his own wife claimed that he raped her. Under oath. He publicly bragged about peeping on women in dressing rooms. And you voted for him.

And currently, there are two women in hiding. They accused him of rape but pressure was brought to bear. I'd bet their lives were threatened.

There's quite a lot on Scribd but I didn't bookmark any of it.
trump has always bragged about getting away with being a sexual predator. Even his daughter called him that on a Howard Stern show.

I read this in the comments section of a britbart page.

Donald Trump has been on Epstein's "Lolita Express" and has had Jeffrey on his private jet. Trump has publicly named Epstein "a very good friend" and that they have something in common "We both like our ladies on the younger side."

bill clinton was a better bud with epstein and has actually been to his island and on his jet....


....3 women said bill clinton violently raped them...and at least a dozen say he sexually assaulted them.....but go on....tell us that all those women and their supporters are lying...and he is the only one telling the truth....

Go ahead...stand by that...
It figures Bill would need a very accomplished fiction writer for his book.
Yes.....it is nice to see the left wing defend bill clinton...an actual rapist and serial, sexual predator.......

Nope. You'll never see me defend a proven OR convicted pedophile - You know, like

Ted Poopy Pants Admitted Pedo Convicted Poacher and All Around Anti-Constitution Asshole Extraordinaire Nugent

Duck Dynasty Old Fart who actually preached, bible in hand, that young girls should be "married" to old men

The Entire Duggar Klan - You'd have to really hunt to find a sicker cult

Mike The Huckster Sells Phony Cancer and Diabetes Cures to Stupid and Gullible Fundies Huckabee

ALL of those men, including trumpery, actually BRAGGED about being pedos and/or sexual predators. Nonetheless, I'll say it again, right or left, liberal or conservative or right wing nutter, religious or atheist.

Point is, you RWNJs really need to stop pretending you have the high road when its actually anything and everything but.

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