James Woods how has migrant caravan traveled so quickly


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
James Woods Asks; How Has ‘Migrant Caravan’ Traveled So Quickly?

“So consider this: it is over 2,000 miles from Tegucigalpa, Honduras to Phoenix, Arizona,” tweeted the conservative actor. “Hard to believe a bunch of people just randomly decided to pack a lunch and walk TWO THOUSAND MILES to anywhere. Where is this mob sleeping, using bathrooms, procuring food and water?”

Yes just in time for the elections. Imagine the timing no there's no deep state behind all this bs. Since when do non citiznes get to vote since you have a deep staet where SOROS , CLINTON and OBMA still have power. something retards of society can't seem to get through their heads. Wait until you assholes get blowback from it.
James Woods Asks; How Has ‘Migrant Caravan’ Traveled So Quickly?

“So consider this: it is over 2,000 miles from Tegucigalpa, Honduras to Phoenix, Arizona,” tweeted the conservative actor. “Hard to believe a bunch of people just randomly decided to pack a lunch and walk TWO THOUSAND MILES to anywhere. Where is this mob sleeping, using bathrooms, procuring food and water?”

Yes just in time for the elections. Imagine the timing no there's no deep state behind all this bs. Since when do non citiznes get to vote since you have a deep staet where SOROS , CLINTON and OBMA still have power. something retards of society can't seem to get through their heads. Wait until you assholes get blowback from it.
They only walk for the cameras.
They're hopping on busses or any truck willing to give them a ride
I think it's a legit question: who is funding that caravan? Did somebody go down there and start organizing it? How are they getting enough food and water? If we know who, then we'll know why. Maybe I'm getting paranoid in my old age, but I have to think there's Soros money behind this. And it's not going to be a one-time event either IMHO.
I cannot imagine that this wasn't organized by some outside force. I really don't see how it's logically possible that thousands of people from different oppressed nations all got in contact with each other to coordinate a mass migration like this.
I think it's a legit question: who is funding that caravan? Did somebody go down there and start organizing it? How are they getting enough food and water? If we know who, then we'll know why. Maybe I'm getting paranoid in my old age, but I have to think there's Soros money behind this. And it's not going to be a one-time event either IMHO.
There is no question someone is, and it’s the same persons, connected groups doing it this time.
I'm looking at the convenient timing of it and saying anti-Republican/anti-Trump American's are funding the shit out of this invasion.

It's not like the left hasn't lost their fucking minds to the point of violence against innocent civilians on the street/waiting in line/eating a meal with their friends/family - is it really a stretch to think that these assholes give any fucks if any of these "refugees" are harmed in the making of their political commercials?
Like a horde of locusts bearing down on the American taxpayer

Stop them in their tracks

The fastest way to make it go away is to inform the Mexican government that they assume responsibility for any person they allow to travel through Mexico to get to the the US.
James Woods Asks; How Has ‘Migrant Caravan’ Traveled So Quickly?

“So consider this: it is over 2,000 miles from Tegucigalpa, Honduras to Phoenix, Arizona,” tweeted the conservative actor. “Hard to believe a bunch of people just randomly decided to pack a lunch and walk TWO THOUSAND MILES to anywhere. Where is this mob sleeping, using bathrooms, procuring food and water?”

Yes just in time for the elections. Imagine the timing no there's no deep state behind all this bs. Since when do non citiznes get to vote since you have a deep staet where SOROS , CLINTON and OBMA still have power. something retards of society can't seem to get through their heads. Wait until you assholes get blowback from it.

  • James Woods is credible but Taylor Swift should keep her mouth shut?
  • This is what I gathered at USMB.
  • Question, why the difference? Is it because Woods is a white male conservative and Swift is a female liberal?
  • Oh, the hypocrisy and sexism, the two most common Little Trumpster traits.
Like a horde of locusts bearing down on the American taxpayer

Stop them in their tracks

The fastest way to make it go away is to inform the Mexican government that they assume responsibility for any person they allow to travel through Mexico to get to the the US.

I read that Trump has suspended aid to the origin countries, I am hoping he slaps Mexico with something similar before they get all the way though it.
I think it's a legit question: who is funding that caravan? Did somebody go down there and start organizing it? How are they getting enough food and water? If we know who, then we'll know why. Maybe I'm getting paranoid in my old age, but I have to think there's Soros money behind this. And it's not going to be a one-time event either IMHO.

SOROS is paying for it, the UN is funding it it's all written and documented ppl just choose to turn their heads on factual information.

Like a horde of locusts bearing down on the American taxpayer

Stop them in their tracks

The fastest way to make it go away is to inform the Mexican government that they assume responsibility for any person they allow to travel through Mexico to get to the the US.
US should cut all federal Aid and funding south of the Rio Grande until these cockroaches go back to the shithole country's they belong in. We send 75,000,000 to a country with 6,000,000 people , The politicians and leaders of these Shitholes are enriching themselves at the expense of their citizens. Maybe we should use military force and Invade Mexico to set up a no travel zone 10 miles wide between US and Mexico. Their Military and Police are obviously cowards or more than likely took the money they have been offered to do nothing, South America / Mexico are the most corrupt Country's on the Planet. Nothing is illegal in Mexico if you have enough money ask the Drug Cartels.
Like a horde of locusts bearing down on the American taxpayer

Stop them in their tracks

The fastest way to make it go away is to inform the Mexican government that they assume responsibility for any person they allow to travel through Mexico to get to the the US.
US should cut all federal Aid and funding south of the Rio Grande until these cockroaches go back to the shithole country's they belong in. We send 75,000,000 to a country with 6,000,000 people , The politicians and leaders of these Shitholes are enriching themselves at the expense of their citizens. Maybe we should use military force and Invade Mexico to set up a no travel zone 10 miles wide between US and Mexico. Their Military and Police are obviously cowards or more than likely took the money they have been offered to do nothing, South America / Mexico are the most corrupt Country's on the Planet. Nothing is illegal in Mexico if you have enough money ask the Drug Cartels.

Maybe we need to have a 'migrant caravan' to the countries of origin and fix their fucking shit. (I'd rather not, because I'm sick and fucking tired of babysitting and paying for all the worlds problems, but clearly the dumbasses down there have lost containment of their assholes.)
I think it's a legit question: who is funding that caravan? Did somebody go down there and start organizing it? How are they getting enough food and water? If we know who, then we'll know why. Maybe I'm getting paranoid in my old age, but I have to think there's Soros money behind this. And it's not going to be a one-time event either IMHO.
Department as "terrorist nations."
Democratic Party: Soros' funding activities are devoted largely to helping the Democratic Party solidify its power base. In a November 2012 interview, Soros stated that defeating President Trump in 2018 "is the central focus of my life" ... "a matter of life and death." He pledged to raise $75 million to defeat Trump, and personally donated nearly a third of that amount to anti-Trump organizations. "America under Trump," he said, "is a danger to the world, and I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is."
James Woods Asks; How Has ‘Migrant Caravan’ Traveled So Quickly?

“So consider this: it is over 2,000 miles from Tegucigalpa, Honduras to Phoenix, Arizona,” tweeted the conservative actor. “Hard to believe a bunch of people just randomly decided to pack a lunch and walk TWO THOUSAND MILES to anywhere. Where is this mob sleeping, using bathrooms, procuring food and water?”

Yes just in time for the elections. Imagine the timing no there's no deep state behind all this bs. Since when do non citiznes get to vote since you have a deep staet where SOROS , CLINTON and OBMA still have power. something retards of society can't seem to get through their heads. Wait until you assholes get blowback from it.

  • James Woods is credible but Taylor Swift should keep her mouth shut?
  • This is what I gathered at USMB.
  • Question, why the difference? Is it because Woods is a white male conservative and Swift is a female liberal?
  • Oh, the hypocrisy and sexism, the two most common Little Trumpster traits.
Let each speaker be judged on the quality of his/her comments. What has Taylor Swift said about this matter
that is of any importance or insight? I can't find a single comment of hers on the matter, so what's your point?
Like a horde of locusts bearing down on the American taxpayer

Stop them in their tracks

The fastest way to make it go away is to inform the Mexican government that they assume responsibility for any person they allow to travel through Mexico to get to the the US.

I read that Trump has suspended aid to the origin countries, I am hoping he slaps Mexico with something similar before they get all the way though it.

Yup and use that foreign aide money to build the damned wall.
Like a horde of locusts bearing down on the American taxpayer

Stop them in their tracks

The fastest way to make it go away is to inform the Mexican government that they assume responsibility for any person they allow to travel through Mexico to get to the the US.

I read that Trump has suspended aid to the origin countries, I am hoping he slaps Mexico with something similar before they get all the way though it.

Yup and use that foreign aide money to build the damned wall.

Sounds good to me. I rather always thought that was one of the methods that Trump would get funding for the wall "from Mexico" but the morons in Congress/House are pussies, as usual.
James Woods Asks; How Has ‘Migrant Caravan’ Traveled So Quickly?

“So consider this: it is over 2,000 miles from Tegucigalpa, Honduras to Phoenix, Arizona,” tweeted the conservative actor. “Hard to believe a bunch of people just randomly decided to pack a lunch and walk TWO THOUSAND MILES to anywhere. Where is this mob sleeping, using bathrooms, procuring food and water?”

Yes just in time for the elections. Imagine the timing no there's no deep state behind all this bs. Since when do non citiznes get to vote since you have a deep staet where SOROS , CLINTON and OBMA still have power. something retards of society can't seem to get through their heads. Wait until you assholes get blowback from it.

  • James Woods is credible but Taylor Swift should keep her mouth shut?
  • This is what I gathered at USMB.
  • Question, why the difference? Is it because Woods is a white male conservative and Swift is a female liberal?
  • Oh, the hypocrisy and sexism, the two most common Little Trumpster traits.
James Woods is a verifiable genius with a genius level IQ. Taylor Swift wears red lipstick and sings.
I think it's a legit question: who is funding that caravan? Did somebody go down there and start organizing it? How are they getting enough food and water? If we know who, then we'll know why. Maybe I'm getting paranoid in my old age, but I have to think there's Soros money behind this. And it's not going to be a one-time event either IMHO.

I also question the timing, So close to the midterms. coincidence or part of the plan?

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