James Woods Kicks The Hell Out Of Alyssa Milano In A Battle Of Wits

The ignorance of american society is on display for the entire world to witness. Two "celebrities" get into a tweetershitfest, and the american public chooses sides. No wonder our political system and economic system are in the shape they're in. "My guy's smarter than your guy so there!".
It just seems that for every one that has Wood's views there is a thousand of Milano's views in Hollywood.

I'm sorry what you see as an imbalance in the universe upsets you. I don't pay enough attention to count who tweets more.
Yeah but Milano dressed in a Handmaids Tale outfit and was at the Kavanaugh hearings in one of the back rows. For nothing.
That is because she is an attention whore. We are talking about a bimbo that slept with the majority of her male co stars on Charmed. And had to create her own message board where all her ass kissy fans could slobber all over her idiotic poetry and blessed be musings.
It is the stuff of "success" in american society is it not.
It is Hollywood’s need to create a safe little bubble around themselves where only people that feed their fragile egos can reside. Her and her mother would ban all the fans of the other actresses if they stepped out of line.
The ignorance of american society is on display for the entire world to witness. Two "celebrities" get into a tweetershitfest, and the american public chooses sides. No wonder our political system and economic system are in the shape they're in. "My guy's smarter than your guy so there!".
It just seems that for every one that has Wood's views there is a thousand of Milano's views in Hollywood.

I'm sorry what you see as an imbalance in the universe upsets you. I don't pay enough attention to count who tweets more.
Yeah but Milano dressed in a Handmaids Tale outfit and was at the Kavanaugh hearings in one of the back rows. For nothing.

People do all kinds of things all the time. Can't be bothered. Too much to be "outraged" over, too little time. If she and James want to fling poo publicly I just can't bother paying attention. Furthermore, if that's what you focused upon during the Bart O'Kavanaugh "hearings", I'm not sure we share the same perceptual reality. Please understand, I'm not attacking you personally for being interested in celebrity tweeter bickerings, if you find it entertaining or informative, it's your time to invest as you wish. I'll pass.
I find that the progressive socialist voters listen to media/entertainers for their information more then following reality. Anyway the ones you hate probably purchased another several thousand guns today.
Own, permitted to carry, not sure what your point was supposed to be. Now you've set yourself up as in charge of who I ostensibly hate?

America elected a reality tv celebrity as president who vomits up his information in 5th grade school level terms.
The ignorance of american society is on display for the entire world to witness. Two "celebrities" get into a tweetershitfest, and the american public chooses sides. No wonder our political system and economic system are in the shape they're in. "My guy's smarter than your guy so there!".
It just seems that for every one that has Wood's views there is a thousand of Milano's views in Hollywood.

I'm sorry what you see as an imbalance in the universe upsets you. I don't pay enough attention to count who tweets more.
Yeah but Milano dressed in a Handmaids Tale outfit and was at the Kavanaugh hearings in one of the back rows. For nothing.
That is because she is an attention whore. We are talking about a bimbo that slept with the majority of her male co stars on Charmed. And had to create her own message board where all her ass kissy fans could slobber all over her idiotic poetry and blessed be musings.
It is the stuff of "success" in american society is it not.
At a total of ten per cent in taxes yes! At fifty percent and I am being kind, no!
It just seems that for every one that has Wood's views there is a thousand of Milano's views in Hollywood.

I'm sorry what you see as an imbalance in the universe upsets you. I don't pay enough attention to count who tweets more.
Yeah but Milano dressed in a Handmaids Tale outfit and was at the Kavanaugh hearings in one of the back rows. For nothing.
That is because she is an attention whore. We are talking about a bimbo that slept with the majority of her male co stars on Charmed. And had to create her own message board where all her ass kissy fans could slobber all over her idiotic poetry and blessed be musings.
It is the stuff of "success" in american society is it not.
It is Hollywood’s need to create a safe little bubble around themselves where only people that feed their fragile egos can reside. Her and her mother would ban all the fans if the other actresses if they stepped out of line.
It appears she has invaded your safe space.
It just seems that for every one that has Wood's views there is a thousand of Milano's views in Hollywood.

I'm sorry what you see as an imbalance in the universe upsets you. I don't pay enough attention to count who tweets more.
Yeah but Milano dressed in a Handmaids Tale outfit and was at the Kavanaugh hearings in one of the back rows. For nothing.
That is because she is an attention whore. We are talking about a bimbo that slept with the majority of her male co stars on Charmed. And had to create her own message board where all her ass kissy fans could slobber all over her idiotic poetry and blessed be musings.
It is the stuff of "success" in american society is it not.
At a total of ten per cent in taxes yes! At fifty percent and I am being kind, no!
Go on, explain.
I'm sorry what you see as an imbalance in the universe upsets you. I don't pay enough attention to count who tweets more.
Yeah but Milano dressed in a Handmaids Tale outfit and was at the Kavanaugh hearings in one of the back rows. For nothing.
That is because she is an attention whore. We are talking about a bimbo that slept with the majority of her male co stars on Charmed. And had to create her own message board where all her ass kissy fans could slobber all over her idiotic poetry and blessed be musings.
It is the stuff of "success" in american society is it not.
It is Hollywood’s need to create a safe little bubble around themselves where only people that feed their fragile egos can reside. Her and her mother would ban all the fans if the other actresses if they stepped out of line.
It appears she has invaded your safe space.
On the contrary. I can take criticism as well as give it.

She opens herself up to it...so I will comment on it.
Yeah but Milano dressed in a Handmaids Tale outfit and was at the Kavanaugh hearings in one of the back rows. For nothing.
That is because she is an attention whore. We are talking about a bimbo that slept with the majority of her male co stars on Charmed. And had to create her own message board where all her ass kissy fans could slobber all over her idiotic poetry and blessed be musings.
It is the stuff of "success" in american society is it not.
It is Hollywood’s need to create a safe little bubble around themselves where only people that feed their fragile egos can reside. Her and her mother would ban all the fans if the other actresses if they stepped out of line.
It appears she has invaded your safe space.
On the contrary. I can take criticism as well as give it.

She opens herself up to it...so I will comment on it.

Let's look at this again my evasive friend.

It is Hollywood’s need to create a safe little bubble around themselves where only people that feed their fragile egos can reside. Her and her mother would ban all the fans if the other actresses if they stepped out of line.

Does she not feed your fragile ego? It appears not.
It just seems that for every one that has Wood's views there is a thousand of Milano's views in Hollywood.

I'm sorry what you see as an imbalance in the universe upsets you. I don't pay enough attention to count who tweets more.
Yeah but Milano dressed in a Handmaids Tale outfit and was at the Kavanaugh hearings in one of the back rows. For nothing.

People do all kinds of things all the time. Can't be bothered. Too much to be "outraged" over, too little time. If she and James want to fling poo publicly I just can't bother paying attention. Furthermore, if that's what you focused upon during the Bart O'Kavanaugh "hearings", I'm not sure we share the same perceptual reality. Please understand, I'm not attacking you personally for being interested in celebrity tweeter bickerings, if you find it entertaining or informative, it's your time to invest as you wish. I'll pass.
I find that the progressive socialist voters listen to media/entertainers for their information more then following reality. Anyway the ones you hate probably purchased another several thousand guns today.
Own, permitted to carry, not sure what your point was supposed to be. Now you've set yourself up inn charge of who I ostensibly hate?

America elected a reality tv celebrity as president who vomits up his information in 5th grade school level terms.
I type on what you spout on a site because it is chest thumping lie many others. But I do not care for you will never change your views. Trump was elected because of pseudo intellectuals like you. All of the problems we have should have been eliminated with all of the money spent. Violence is not mensa. Since you are so much the master of the universe perhaps you should tell us all the agendas of Trump and why he is so terrible besides his verbage that matches progressive socialists.
It just seems that for every one that has Wood's views there is a thousand of Milano's views in Hollywood.

I'm sorry what you see as an imbalance in the universe upsets you. I don't pay enough attention to count who tweets more.
Yeah but Milano dressed in a Handmaids Tale outfit and was at the Kavanaugh hearings in one of the back rows. For nothing.

People do all kinds of things all the time. Can't be bothered. Too much to be "outraged" over, too little time. If she and James want to fling poo publicly I just can't bother paying attention. Furthermore, if that's what you focused upon during the Bart O'Kavanaugh "hearings", I'm not sure we share the same perceptual reality. Please understand, I'm not attacking you personally for being interested in celebrity tweeter bickerings, if you find it entertaining or informative, it's your time to invest as you wish. I'll pass.
I find that the progressive socialist voters listen to media/entertainers for their information more then following reality. Anyway the ones you hate probably purchased another several thousand guns today.
Own, permitted to carry, not sure what your point was supposed to be. Now you've set yourself up as in charge of who I ostensibly hate?

America elected a reality tv celebrity as president who vomits up his information in 5th grade school level terms.

How else is he ever going to get libtards to pay attention?
I shan’t engage in a battle of wits with you, Alyssa, as I have a soft spot for the disadvantaged. That said, I have always been a fan..” Woods answered.

Some comeback

Yes, it is. He is arguably the smartest guy in Hollywood, and he just demonstrated that fact very ably. Shame you're not sharp enough to figure it out. But then, you're a progressive which means you are either a little (or a lot in your case) dumb, or crazy.
Woods is as “smart” as Ted Nugent

Maybe not, but he has a dozen times your IQ.

I have a college degree

Woods is a dropout


not a flunk out
Same net result
I'm sorry what you see as an imbalance in the universe upsets you. I don't pay enough attention to count who tweets more.
Yeah but Milano dressed in a Handmaids Tale outfit and was at the Kavanaugh hearings in one of the back rows. For nothing.

People do all kinds of things all the time. Can't be bothered. Too much to be "outraged" over, too little time. If she and James want to fling poo publicly I just can't bother paying attention. Furthermore, if that's what you focused upon during the Bart O'Kavanaugh "hearings", I'm not sure we share the same perceptual reality. Please understand, I'm not attacking you personally for being interested in celebrity tweeter bickerings, if you find it entertaining or informative, it's your time to invest as you wish. I'll pass.
I find that the progressive socialist voters listen to media/entertainers for their information more then following reality. Anyway the ones you hate probably purchased another several thousand guns today.
Own, permitted to carry, not sure what your point was supposed to be. Now you've set yourself up inn charge of who I ostensibly hate?

America elected a reality tv celebrity as president who vomits up his information in 5th grade school level terms.
I type on what you spout on a site because it is chest thumping lie many others. But I do not care for you will never change your views. Trump was elected because of pseudo intellectuals like you. All of the problems we have should have been eliminated with all of the money spent. Violence is not mensa. Since you are so much the master of the universe perhaps you should tell us all the agendas of Trump and why he is so terrible besides his verbage that matches progressive socialists.

I owe you this because you had no response in rebuttal?

Let's go through this again, it seems to have escaped you the first time.

"I find that the progressive socialist voters listen to media/entertainers for their information more then following reality. Anyway the ones you hate probably purchased another several thousand guns today."

"America elected a reality tv celebrity as president who vomits up his information in 5th grade school level terms."

"But I do not care for you will never change your views., but hey I want you to try to change mine".

Why don't you just go watch an old episode of The Apprentice.
I'm sorry what you see as an imbalance in the universe upsets you. I don't pay enough attention to count who tweets more.
Yeah but Milano dressed in a Handmaids Tale outfit and was at the Kavanaugh hearings in one of the back rows. For nothing.
That is because she is an attention whore. We are talking about a bimbo that slept with the majority of her male co stars on Charmed. And had to create her own message board where all her ass kissy fans could slobber all over her idiotic poetry and blessed be musings.
It is the stuff of "success" in american society is it not.
At a total of ten per cent in taxes yes! At fifty percent and I am being kind, no!
Go on, explain.
One of the reason nations die and there can be many reasons is that taxes keep rising in real terms even if games are played with false CPI or no interest on bank deposits and all of that to make false gains on growth. If it gets to a certain point maybe 70% or so, things can get nasty. Now I read this a few times on literature I do not remember over the years. But is a minimum of 50% now when you add all of the taxes up. Do you know that products made here are taxed at each stage to reach about 20% from the ground up. That was from a former radio host. We are all getting ornery and those middle class people who worked privileged jobs have worse to worry about the those who have not as long as the system does not collapse.
Yes, it is. He is arguably the smartest guy in Hollywood, and he just demonstrated that fact very ably. Shame you're not sharp enough to figure it out. But then, you're a progressive which means you are either a little (or a lot in your case) dumb, or crazy.
Woods is as “smart” as Ted Nugent

Maybe not, but he has a dozen times your IQ.

I have a college degree

Woods is a dropout


not a flunk out
Same net result

Edgar Buchanon gave up his thriving dentistry to become an actor.

Lisa Kudlow graduated with a degree in Psychobiology. Gave it up to act.

Ed Brophy gave up his studies in Law to become an actor.


Would you like more examples of people giving up great careers to enter the world of entertainments?

Or are you in stupid mode tonight?
Yeah but Milano dressed in a Handmaids Tale outfit and was at the Kavanaugh hearings in one of the back rows. For nothing.

People do all kinds of things all the time. Can't be bothered. Too much to be "outraged" over, too little time. If she and James want to fling poo publicly I just can't bother paying attention. Furthermore, if that's what you focused upon during the Bart O'Kavanaugh "hearings", I'm not sure we share the same perceptual reality. Please understand, I'm not attacking you personally for being interested in celebrity tweeter bickerings, if you find it entertaining or informative, it's your time to invest as you wish. I'll pass.
I find that the progressive socialist voters listen to media/entertainers for their information more then following reality. Anyway the ones you hate probably purchased another several thousand guns today.
Own, permitted to carry, not sure what your point was supposed to be. Now you've set yourself up inn charge of who I ostensibly hate?

America elected a reality tv celebrity as president who vomits up his information in 5th grade school level terms.
I type on what you spout on a site because it is chest thumping lie many others. But I do not care for you will never change your views. Trump was elected because of pseudo intellectuals like you. All of the problems we have should have been eliminated with all of the money spent. Violence is not mensa. Since you are so much the master of the universe perhaps you should tell us all the agendas of Trump and why he is so terrible besides his verbage that matches progressive socialists.

I owe you this because you had no response in rebuttal?

Let's go through this again, it seems to have escaped you the first time.

"I find that the progressive socialist voters listen to media/entertainers for their information more then following reality. Anyway the ones you hate probably purchased another several thousand guns today."

"America elected a reality tv celebrity as president who vomits up his information in 5th grade school level terms."

"But I do not care for you will never change your views., but hey I want you to try to change mine".

Why don't you just go watch an old episode of The Apprentice.
I never cared for Donald Trump. I believed him to be loud and obnoxious. A northerner or New Yorker for sure. It was his programs that he hooked onto.
Woods is as “smart” as Ted Nugent

Maybe not, but he has a dozen times your IQ.

I have a college degree

Woods is a dropout


not a flunk out
Same net result

Edgar Buchanon gave up his thriving dentistry to become an actor.

Lisa Kudlow graduated with a degree in Psychobiology. Gave it up to act.

Ed Brophy gave up his studies in Law to become an actor.


Would you like more examples of people giving up great careers to enter the world of entertainments?

Or are you in stupid mode tonight?
James Woods has the best words
Maybe not, but he has a dozen times your IQ.

I have a college degree

Woods is a dropout


not a flunk out
Same net result

Edgar Buchanon gave up his thriving dentistry to become an actor.

Lisa Kudlow graduated with a degree in Psychobiology. Gave it up to act.

Ed Brophy gave up his studies in Law to become an actor.


Would you like more examples of people giving up great careers to enter the world of entertainments?

Or are you in stupid mode tonight?
James Woods has the best words

James Woods has an IQ that makes you look like a monkey....

but then, so does Porky Pig
Yeah but Milano dressed in a Handmaids Tale outfit and was at the Kavanaugh hearings in one of the back rows. For nothing.
That is because she is an attention whore. We are talking about a bimbo that slept with the majority of her male co stars on Charmed. And had to create her own message board where all her ass kissy fans could slobber all over her idiotic poetry and blessed be musings.
It is the stuff of "success" in american society is it not.
At a total of ten per cent in taxes yes! At fifty percent and I am being kind, no!
Go on, explain.
One of the reason nations die and there can be many reasons is that taxes keep rising in real terms even if games are played with false CPI or no interest on bank deposits and all of that to make false gains on growth. If it gets to a certain point maybe 70% or so, things can get nasty. Now I read this a few times on literature I do not remember over the years. But is a minimum of 50% now when you add all of the taxes up. Do you know that products made here are taxed at each stage to reach about 20% from the ground up. That was from a former radio host. We are all getting ornery and those middle class people who worked privileged jobs have worse to worry about the those who have not as long as the system does not collapse.

Well we have a global military empire to fund so that out Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class can manage the planet and its extractable wealth and resources. What you heard on the radio doesn't mean that much to me.

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