Jamie Foxx : 'Keep Telling the Truth'...What is the truth??

Cops aren't afraid of you black fucks!

The black prison population proves it.
How does the Black prison population prove it? Are you claiming that the cops arrested the Black guys without having serioius firepower to protect themselves? :laugh:

Proves they are not afraid to arrest blacks.

Face it, you blacks are not scary, you're just stupid.
Nope. it only proves they are cowards that have to have a gun and backup. Why would they be afraid to arrest Blacks? The cops have a larger arsenal than the Black guy and plenty of backup. Take off the badge, gun, be alone and we both know the fear would cause bile in the white guys throat.

I see so a person who carries a gun is a coward.

Just when I thought you couldn't be any more stupid.

If you want to think that blacks are super scary boogie men then go ahead, but the truth is they're not scary at all.
Thats a high probability but I'm strictly talking about the police that are afraid of Black guys so they cant function without a gun and backup.

In order to think you would need to have that mind you are obviously missing.

If you want me to believe cops are not afraid of Black guys you are going to have to try much harder. I have a former white police chief telling me they are afraid. You have no credibility anyway but this makes you look even more dumb....

Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”

Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing
I think white people don't trust blacks. The stories about women clutching their purses in elevators is mainly because of life experience. Living in a big city, you can spot a thug from a mile away. Blacks love using a favorite tactic these days called "Strong-armed Robbery". It does two things; Keeps them from getting weapons charges added to their indictment, and it also gives them a feeling that they can literally get away with the crime.

Some cities have a serious crime problem, and pulling a robbery with no weapon can mean getting away with it more times than not. They tend to focus on the more violent crimes and crimes where guns are involved, but no murder usually means a failure to even do an investigation in some cities.

A flash robbery is almost the perfect crime. The only way to stop it is pick the biggest motherfuckers and blow their brains all over the Fruity Pebbles. Do that and watch em scatter like cockroaches.

Waiting for some liberals to attack me for murdering unarmed teenagers now. #BLACKTHUGSSPLATTER
Harvey Weinstein is spanking Tarantino's ass all over Hollywood. I doubt Jamie Foxx can make that whupping feel better.
This is the truth....from the mouth of a former police chief.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”

Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

Cops aren't afraid of you black fucks!

The black prison population proves it.
How does the Black prison population prove it? Are you claiming that the cops arrested the Black guys without having serioius firepower to protect themselves? :laugh:

Proves they are not afraid to arrest blacks.

Face it, you blacks are not scary, you're just stupid.
Nope. it only proves they are cowards that have to have a gun and backup. Why would they be afraid to arrest Blacks? The cops have a larger arsenal than the Black guy and plenty of backup. Take off the badge, gun, be alone and we both know the fear would cause bile in the white guys throat.

Sounds like you think all black men are nothing but muscles and no brains. That goes with racial stereotyping which someone like you shouldn't be doing!
For shame! Not all black men are like that just like not ALL black men are criminals. It's just the facts show that as a percent of the US population
black men cause a higher percent of crimes.

It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the US Census Bureau.

And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is a broader category than “murder” but let’s not split hairs.
In 2013, the FBI has black criminals carrying out 38 per cent of murders, compared to 31.1 per cent for whites. The offender’s race was “unknown” in 29.1 per cent of cases.
There is evidence in the official police-recorded figures that black Americans are more likely to commit certain types of crime than people of other races.
FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?

Let's break it down further.
If 13% of Americans are black but 38% of murders are done by blacks.

That's not racist but it is the FACT... blacks do commit more murders then whites EVEN though blacks make up less then 13% of the population.
This is not a stereotype but a FACT.
Why is it so hard for people to accept those facts!
Nothing could be farther from the truth. I think most Black guys are both muscle and brains. The most dangerous thing to white men is a Black man that values both.

No youre wrong as most people that pull stats out of their asses. Whites commit more murders. Blacks may commit them at a higher rate however most of that is due to economic reasons (gang killings over drug turf).
Nope. it only proves they are cowards that have to have a gun and backup. Why would they be afraid to arrest Blacks? The cops have a larger arsenal than the Black guy and plenty of backup. Take off the badge, gun, be alone and we both know the fear would cause bile in the white guys throat.

I see so a person who carries a gun is a coward.

Just when I thought you couldn't be any more stupid.

If you want to think that blacks are super scary boogie men then go ahead, but the truth is they're not scary at all.
Thats a high probability but I'm strictly talking about the police that are afraid of Black guys so they cant function without a gun and backup.

In order to think you would need to have that mind you are obviously missing.

If you want me to believe cops are not afraid of Black guys you are going to have to try much harder. I have a former white police chief telling me they are afraid. You have no credibility anyway but this makes you look even more dumb....

Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”

Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

A lot of white people fear interaction with black people, it's not just a physical fear, it goes much deeper than that but you as a privileged black person wouldn't understand.

I already knew that before I ever spent time with white people. The fear is primal in some of you. Well at least the males. Thanks for finally fessing up. The women seem to be fine with us and tell us everything you say and think. I remember hooking up with one of my co-workers daughters when I transferred to a new location. This young lady told me everything the white guys said to her about staying away from me when they found out I was coming. It was hilarious. :laugh:

Yeah you're a real legend. Well at least in your own mind. :biggrin:
Anyway, you're not completely getting it, but that's ok.
No one said anything about a legend but now that you mention it I am a legend in several venues. Weird how I intimidate you so much you bring up the word when no one said anything about it.
This isn't about black men. It's about Quentin Tarantino ending his career. Black people may think that career ending is worth it. I doubt Tarantino would agree.
How does the Black prison population prove it? Are you claiming that the cops arrested the Black guys without having serioius firepower to protect themselves? :laugh:

Proves they are not afraid to arrest blacks.

Face it, you blacks are not scary, you're just stupid.
Nope. it only proves they are cowards that have to have a gun and backup. Why would they be afraid to arrest Blacks? The cops have a larger arsenal than the Black guy and plenty of backup. Take off the badge, gun, be alone and we both know the fear would cause bile in the white guys throat.

I see so a person who carries a gun is a coward.

Just when I thought you couldn't be any more stupid.

If you want to think that blacks are super scary boogie men then go ahead, but the truth is they're not scary at all.
Thats a high probability but I'm strictly talking about the police that are afraid of Black guys so they cant function without a gun and backup.

In order to think you would need to have that mind you are obviously missing.

If you want me to believe cops are not afraid of Black guys you are going to have to try much harder. I have a former white police chief telling me they are afraid. You have no credibility anyway but this makes you look even more dumb....

Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”

Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

I wonder why given the FACTS that of all the parties involved, who do the cops see commit the most crimes? Blacks.
Why does the stereotype that most men wearing saggy pants, hoodies, riding bikes seem to fit black men? Because black men as a percent of the population
commit a larger share of crimes.

I'm part American Indian. I had a black cousin in the 50s in Iowa. A black partner in Texas in the 70s. I've worked for black bosses.
So I've never feared them. But they like me feared a black guy wearing a hoodie, walking towards them with their hand on their crotch holding up their pants sagging to their knees,and another hand in their pocket. To any smart logical person KNOWING that persona fits a person that as Obama told us HE WAS...an angry black man!
Frankly I am more comfortable seeing such a black criminal coming towards me as I know this guy wouldn't be lying... But Obama was lying!
from Obama's book "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time
I was with you until you said your Black friend/cousin were afraid of of another Black guy wearing a hoodie. I have to call bullshit on that. Youre Obama rant was pretty amusing but it cost you some credibility.
How does the Black prison population prove it? Are you claiming that the cops arrested the Black guys without having serioius firepower to protect themselves? :laugh:

Proves they are not afraid to arrest blacks.

Face it, you blacks are not scary, you're just stupid.
Nope. it only proves they are cowards that have to have a gun and backup. Why would they be afraid to arrest Blacks? The cops have a larger arsenal than the Black guy and plenty of backup. Take off the badge, gun, be alone and we both know the fear would cause bile in the white guys throat.

I see so a person who carries a gun is a coward.

Just when I thought you couldn't be any more stupid.

If you want to think that blacks are super scary boogie men then go ahead, but the truth is they're not scary at all.
Thats a high probability but I'm strictly talking about the police that are afraid of Black guys so they cant function without a gun and backup.

In order to think you would need to have that mind you are obviously missing.

If you want me to believe cops are not afraid of Black guys you are going to have to try much harder. I have a former white police chief telling me they are afraid. You have no credibility anyway but this makes you look even more dumb....

Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”

Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing
I think white people don't trust blacks. The stories about women clutching their purses in elevators is mainly because of life experience. Living in a big city, you can spot a thug from a mile away. Blacks love using a favorite tactic these days called "Strong-armed Robbery". It does two things; Keeps them from getting weapons charges added to their indictment, and it also gives them a feeling that they can literally get away with the crime.

Some cities have a serious crime problem, and pulling a robbery with no weapon can mean getting away with it more times than not. They tend to focus on the more violent crimes and crimes where guns are involved, but no murder usually means a failure to even do an investigation in some cities.

A flash robbery is almost the perfect crime. The only way to stop it is pick the biggest motherfuckers and blow their brains all over the Fruity Pebbles. Do that and watch em scatter like cockroaches.

Waiting for some liberals to attack me for murdering unarmed teenagers now. #BLACKTHUGSSPLATTER
More bullshit. You can go to a town where no Black person has ever been before and see the fear. Gimme a break dude.
Proves they are not afraid to arrest blacks.

Face it, you blacks are not scary, you're just stupid.
Nope. it only proves they are cowards that have to have a gun and backup. Why would they be afraid to arrest Blacks? The cops have a larger arsenal than the Black guy and plenty of backup. Take off the badge, gun, be alone and we both know the fear would cause bile in the white guys throat.

I see so a person who carries a gun is a coward.

Just when I thought you couldn't be any more stupid.

If you want to think that blacks are super scary boogie men then go ahead, but the truth is they're not scary at all.
Thats a high probability but I'm strictly talking about the police that are afraid of Black guys so they cant function without a gun and backup.

In order to think you would need to have that mind you are obviously missing.

If you want me to believe cops are not afraid of Black guys you are going to have to try much harder. I have a former white police chief telling me they are afraid. You have no credibility anyway but this makes you look even more dumb....

Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”

Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing
I think white people don't trust blacks. The stories about women clutching their purses in elevators is mainly because of life experience. Living in a big city, you can spot a thug from a mile away. Blacks love using a favorite tactic these days called "Strong-armed Robbery". It does two things; Keeps them from getting weapons charges added to their indictment, and it also gives them a feeling that they can literally get away with the crime.

Some cities have a serious crime problem, and pulling a robbery with no weapon can mean getting away with it more times than not. They tend to focus on the more violent crimes and crimes where guns are involved, but no murder usually means a failure to even do an investigation in some cities.

A flash robbery is almost the perfect crime. The only way to stop it is pick the biggest motherfuckers and blow their brains all over the Fruity Pebbles. Do that and watch em scatter like cockroaches.

Waiting for some liberals to attack me for murdering unarmed teenagers now. #BLACKTHUGSSPLATTER
More bullshit. You can go to a town where no Black person has ever been before and see the fear. Gimme a break dude.
Of course you would see fear. Put a rabid dog in the town square you would see fear too. What you imagine are white people cowering before the superior black male is really the stripping away of humanity. The perception of the black male as an animal to be avoided if possible and put down when necessary.
Nope. it only proves they are cowards that have to have a gun and backup. Why would they be afraid to arrest Blacks? The cops have a larger arsenal than the Black guy and plenty of backup. Take off the badge, gun, be alone and we both know the fear would cause bile in the white guys throat.

I see so a person who carries a gun is a coward.

Just when I thought you couldn't be any more stupid.

If you want to think that blacks are super scary boogie men then go ahead, but the truth is they're not scary at all.
Thats a high probability but I'm strictly talking about the police that are afraid of Black guys so they cant function without a gun and backup.

In order to think you would need to have that mind you are obviously missing.

If you want me to believe cops are not afraid of Black guys you are going to have to try much harder. I have a former white police chief telling me they are afraid. You have no credibility anyway but this makes you look even more dumb....

Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”

Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing
I think white people don't trust blacks. The stories about women clutching their purses in elevators is mainly because of life experience. Living in a big city, you can spot a thug from a mile away. Blacks love using a favorite tactic these days called "Strong-armed Robbery". It does two things; Keeps them from getting weapons charges added to their indictment, and it also gives them a feeling that they can literally get away with the crime.

Some cities have a serious crime problem, and pulling a robbery with no weapon can mean getting away with it more times than not. They tend to focus on the more violent crimes and crimes where guns are involved, but no murder usually means a failure to even do an investigation in some cities.

A flash robbery is almost the perfect crime. The only way to stop it is pick the biggest motherfuckers and blow their brains all over the Fruity Pebbles. Do that and watch em scatter like cockroaches.

Waiting for some liberals to attack me for murdering unarmed teenagers now. #BLACKTHUGSSPLATTER
More bullshit. You can go to a town where no Black person has ever been before and see the fear. Gimme a break dude.
Of course you would see fear. Put a rabid dog in the town square you would see fear too. What you imagine are white people cowering before the superior black male is really the stripping away of humanity. The perception of the black male as an animal to be avoided if possible and put down when necessary.
So you agree the Mud is wrong when he says its not fear? Glad you agree. I didnt image white people cowering before the superiority of the Black male. Weird how you think Black people are superior but you are still a racist. Thats like an oxymoron.
This isn't about black men. It's about Quentin Tarantino ending his career. Black people may think that career ending is worth it. I doubt Tarantino would agree.
I'm pretty sure Tarentino agrees. He is the one that made the statement Foxx agrees with.
I doubt that Tarantino expected his days as a director would be over.
Who told you they were over?
It's what Harvey Weinstein has been saying. If Tarantino's mouth sinks The Hateful Eight there will be no investment in future projects. The police are boycotting joined now by the border patrol and all the pro law enforcement sympathizers. I doubt that only black people can save this career suicide.

Watch Tarantino try to rescue himself with an apology tour. The money has spoken.
I see so a person who carries a gun is a coward.

Just when I thought you couldn't be any more stupid.

If you want to think that blacks are super scary boogie men then go ahead, but the truth is they're not scary at all.
Thats a high probability but I'm strictly talking about the police that are afraid of Black guys so they cant function without a gun and backup.

In order to think you would need to have that mind you are obviously missing.

If you want me to believe cops are not afraid of Black guys you are going to have to try much harder. I have a former white police chief telling me they are afraid. You have no credibility anyway but this makes you look even more dumb....

Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”

Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing
I think white people don't trust blacks. The stories about women clutching their purses in elevators is mainly because of life experience. Living in a big city, you can spot a thug from a mile away. Blacks love using a favorite tactic these days called "Strong-armed Robbery". It does two things; Keeps them from getting weapons charges added to their indictment, and it also gives them a feeling that they can literally get away with the crime.

Some cities have a serious crime problem, and pulling a robbery with no weapon can mean getting away with it more times than not. They tend to focus on the more violent crimes and crimes where guns are involved, but no murder usually means a failure to even do an investigation in some cities.

A flash robbery is almost the perfect crime. The only way to stop it is pick the biggest motherfuckers and blow their brains all over the Fruity Pebbles. Do that and watch em scatter like cockroaches.

Waiting for some liberals to attack me for murdering unarmed teenagers now. #BLACKTHUGSSPLATTER
More bullshit. You can go to a town where no Black person has ever been before and see the fear. Gimme a break dude.
Of course you would see fear. Put a rabid dog in the town square you would see fear too. What you imagine are white people cowering before the superior black male is really the stripping away of humanity. The perception of the black male as an animal to be avoided if possible and put down when necessary.
So you agree the Mud is wrong when he says its not fear? Glad you agree. I didnt image white people cowering before the superiority of the Black male. Weird how you think Black people are superior but you are still a racist. Thats like an oxymoron.

I am a realist. I understand that the veneer of civilization on black people is very thin. They can revert the same way a dancing bear can go wild. That's why dancing bears are still kept chained.
This isn't about black men. It's about Quentin Tarantino ending his career. Black people may think that career ending is worth it. I doubt Tarantino would agree.
I'm pretty sure Tarentino agrees. He is the one that made the statement Foxx agrees with.
I doubt that Tarantino expected his days as a director would be over.
Who told you they were over?
It's what Harvey Weinstein has been saying. If Tarantino's mouth sinks The Hateful Eight there will be no investment in future projects. The police are boycotting joined now by the border patrol and all the pro law enforcement sympathizers. I doubt that only black people can save this career suicide.

Watch Tarantino try to rescue himself with an apology tour. The money has spoken.
Youre dumb enough to think Tarantino wont be able to secure funding for other projects because of one guy? :laugh:
Thats a high probability but I'm strictly talking about the police that are afraid of Black guys so they cant function without a gun and backup.

In order to think you would need to have that mind you are obviously missing.

If you want me to believe cops are not afraid of Black guys you are going to have to try much harder. I have a former white police chief telling me they are afraid. You have no credibility anyway but this makes you look even more dumb....

Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”

Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing
I think white people don't trust blacks. The stories about women clutching their purses in elevators is mainly because of life experience. Living in a big city, you can spot a thug from a mile away. Blacks love using a favorite tactic these days called "Strong-armed Robbery". It does two things; Keeps them from getting weapons charges added to their indictment, and it also gives them a feeling that they can literally get away with the crime.

Some cities have a serious crime problem, and pulling a robbery with no weapon can mean getting away with it more times than not. They tend to focus on the more violent crimes and crimes where guns are involved, but no murder usually means a failure to even do an investigation in some cities.

A flash robbery is almost the perfect crime. The only way to stop it is pick the biggest motherfuckers and blow their brains all over the Fruity Pebbles. Do that and watch em scatter like cockroaches.

Waiting for some liberals to attack me for murdering unarmed teenagers now. #BLACKTHUGSSPLATTER
More bullshit. You can go to a town where no Black person has ever been before and see the fear. Gimme a break dude.
Of course you would see fear. Put a rabid dog in the town square you would see fear too. What you imagine are white people cowering before the superior black male is really the stripping away of humanity. The perception of the black male as an animal to be avoided if possible and put down when necessary.
So you agree the Mud is wrong when he says its not fear? Glad you agree. I didnt image white people cowering before the superiority of the Black male. Weird how you think Black people are superior but you are still a racist. Thats like an oxymoron.

I am a realist. I understand that the veneer of civilization on black people is very thin. They can revert the same way a dancing bear can go wild. That's why dancing bears are still kept chained.
Obviously youre not a realist. Blacks taught you whites civilization....twice. There is reason whites are viewed as savages world wide. You specialize in violence and abhor education.
This isn't about black men. It's about Quentin Tarantino ending his career. Black people may think that career ending is worth it. I doubt Tarantino would agree.

Tarantino said the right thing and he wont be hurt by it. His movies kick too much ass for them to be ignored. Sux for them
This isn't about black men. It's about Quentin Tarantino ending his career. Black people may think that career ending is worth it. I doubt Tarantino would agree.

Tarantino said the right thing and he wont be hurt by it. His movies kick too much ass for them to be ignored. Sux for them
He's shrinking his audience with his big mouth. People paid to see just how crazy his movies would get out of morbid curiosity

Now he's turning off a lot of the very people that were his most avid followers.

Nobody is gonna shell out $10 to see his crap anymore....except #blackliesmatter folks....and they are too few to put enough butts in seats.

Most of America hates their fucking guts with a passion......and he's hitched his wagon to them like the tool he is.
This isn't about black men. It's about Quentin Tarantino ending his career. Black people may think that career ending is worth it. I doubt Tarantino would agree.

Tarantino said the right thing and he wont be hurt by it. His movies kick too much ass for them to be ignored. Sux for them
He's shrinking his audience with his big mouth. People paid to see just how crazy his movies would get out of morbid curiosity

Now he's turning off a lot of the very people that were his most avid followers.

Nobody is gonna shell out $10 to see his crap anymore....except #blackliesmatter folks....and they are too few to put enough butts in seats.

Most of America hates their fucking guts with a passion......and he's hitched his wagon to them like the tool he is.
He's made enough money so that it really doesnt matter if his audience shrinks. He is in what I call the zone. He can release his true artist without worrying about how to secure his next meal.
This isn't about black men. It's about Quentin Tarantino ending his career. Black people may think that career ending is worth it. I doubt Tarantino would agree.

Tarantino said the right thing and he wont be hurt by it. His movies kick too much ass for them to be ignored. Sux for them
He's shrinking his audience with his big mouth. People paid to see just how crazy his movies would get out of morbid curiosity

No, he's ok. What you say doesnt matter to reality

Now he's turning off a lot of the very people that were his most avid followers.

I follow and I'm not, your predictions mean dick really

Nobody is gonna shell out $10 to see his crap anymore....except #blackliesmatter folks....and they are too few to put enough butts in seats.

See above

Most of America hates their fucking guts with a passion......and he's hitched his wagon to them like the tool he is.

I'll remember that next time the theater is full

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