Jamie Foxx : 'Keep Telling the Truth'...What is the truth??

Gimme a break. You dont honestly believe whites started civilization do you? :laugh:

Its a fact Blacks taught whites civilization. Even the Greeks called whites savages and barbarians along with plenty of white historians. Your public school education simply was lacking. Remember these are white guys.

"For the first two or three thousand years of civilization, there was not a civilized white man on the
Civilization was founded and developed by the swarthy races of Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt, and the white race remained so barbaric that in those days an Egyptian or a Babylonian priest would have said that the riffraff of white tribes a few hundred miles to the north of their civilization were hopelessly incapable of acquiring the knowledge requisite to progress. It was southern colored peoples everywhere, in China, in Central America, in India, Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt and Crete who gave the northern white peoples civilization." (The Bankruptcy of Christian Supernaturalism, Vol., p. 192.)

-Bishop William Montgomery Brown

"The accident of the predominance of white men in modern times should not give us supercilious ideas about color or persuade us to listen to superficial theories about the innate superiority of the white-skinned man. Four thousand years ago, when civilization was already one or two thousand years old, white men were just a bunch of semi-savages on the outskirts of the civilized world. If there had been anthropologists in Crete, Egypt, and Babylonia, they would have pronounced the white race obviously inferior, and might have discoursed learnedly on the superior germ-plasm or glands of colored folk."
-Joseph McCabe

For having such a head start, things sure didn't go so well for your homeland !:rofl:
When war like savages invade your homeland there is not much you can really do. Thats why its hilarious to think whites begin civilization. They were too busy starting wars and eating each other.

I never said whites began civilization. It's obvious though who evolved faster, white Europeans came up with technologies and the inventions and quickly became the dominant culture.
Now I know you'll lie and deny this, but the history that's already been written easily bears this out, so it doesn't matter what you think anyway.
So go ahead and keep spewing, you will of course. Someone with 44k posts in two years is a sign of someone that is fragile and not very confident.
I never claimed you said that. I was just pointing out how funny it is that whites believe that. Whites only came up with technologies and inventions by using the foundation of knowledge built by Blacks and other races, stealing inventions from slaves, or getting help from other races. Whites have never been original and have only stood on the shoulders of giants. Whites became the dominant culture through war and lying. Everyone knows that. You dont need civilization to wage war and lie.

Wow. So Shaka Zulu invented the internet! And if it weren't for their smoke signals why no cell phones! Thank you Shaka Zulu!
All of this while this civilized Shaka Zulu was killing over 2 million OTHER africans ...who heaven knows could have a cure for AIDS!

Finally unlike you that have to constantly seek validation for your existence, most "Whites" agree. There never is an original idea.
Just that something is built on the experiences of a previous generation. And so Thanks to Shaka zulu for smoke signals because who knows we might
never had cell phones!
And thanks for his killing 2 million people while serving mankind by probably culling out less desirable people...much like Planned Parenthood has done!
Now your being silly but most white people do that when exposed. Its ok but just know I know. :laugh:
For having such a head start, things sure didn't go so well for your homeland !:rofl:
When war like savages invade your homeland there is not much you can really do. Thats why its hilarious to think whites begin civilization. They were too busy starting wars and eating each other.

I never said whites began civilization. It's obvious though who evolved faster, white Europeans came up with technologies and the inventions and quickly became the dominant culture.
Now I know you'll lie and deny this, but the history that's already been written easily bears this out, so it doesn't matter what you think anyway.
So go ahead and keep spewing, you will of course. Someone with 44k posts in two years is a sign of someone that is fragile and not very confident.
I never claimed you said that. I was just pointing out how funny it is that whites believe that. Whites only came up with technologies and inventions by using the foundation of knowledge built by Blacks and other races, stealing inventions from slaves, or getting help from other races. Whites have never been original and have only stood on the shoulders of giants. Whites became the dominant culture through war and lying. Everyone knows that. You dont need civilization to wage war and lie.

Wow. So Shaka Zulu invented the internet! And if it weren't for their smoke signals why no cell phones! Thank you Shaka Zulu!
All of this while this civilized Shaka Zulu was killing over 2 million OTHER africans ...who heaven knows could have a cure for AIDS!

Finally unlike you that have to constantly seek validation for your existence, most "Whites" agree. There never is an original idea.
Just that something is built on the experiences of a previous generation. And so Thanks to Shaka zulu for smoke signals because who knows we might
never had cell phones!
And thanks for his killing 2 million people while serving mankind by probably culling out less desirable people...much like Planned Parenthood has done!
Now your being silly but most white people do that when exposed. Its ok but just know I know. :laugh:

I am being silly? According to you nothing that the white culture has done would have been done if there were never a black "civilization"?
That's what you are saying. You are telling all of us that we owe EVERYTHING i.e. medical advances, technology.... even our internet connectivity to the
Black civilization. Shaka Zulu's improvement of the IKLWA as well as his complex battle formations certainly improved the quest for peace in Africa. One thing for
sure his troops were in excellent condition. Having watch the TV Movie series I was really impressed with their ability to run without sandals covering 50 miles a day!
Wow. Impressive contribution to civilization!
When war like savages invade your homeland there is not much you can really do. Thats why its hilarious to think whites begin civilization. They were too busy starting wars and eating each other.

I never said whites began civilization. It's obvious though who evolved faster, white Europeans came up with technologies and the inventions and quickly became the dominant culture.
Now I know you'll lie and deny this, but the history that's already been written easily bears this out, so it doesn't matter what you think anyway.
So go ahead and keep spewing, you will of course. Someone with 44k posts in two years is a sign of someone that is fragile and not very confident.
I never claimed you said that. I was just pointing out how funny it is that whites believe that. Whites only came up with technologies and inventions by using the foundation of knowledge built by Blacks and other races, stealing inventions from slaves, or getting help from other races. Whites have never been original and have only stood on the shoulders of giants. Whites became the dominant culture through war and lying. Everyone knows that. You dont need civilization to wage war and lie.

Wow. So Shaka Zulu invented the internet! And if it weren't for their smoke signals why no cell phones! Thank you Shaka Zulu!
All of this while this civilized Shaka Zulu was killing over 2 million OTHER africans ...who heaven knows could have a cure for AIDS!

Finally unlike you that have to constantly seek validation for your existence, most "Whites" agree. There never is an original idea.
Just that something is built on the experiences of a previous generation. And so Thanks to Shaka zulu for smoke signals because who knows we might
never had cell phones!
And thanks for his killing 2 million people while serving mankind by probably culling out less desirable people...much like Planned Parenthood has done!
Now your being silly but most white people do that when exposed. Its ok but just know I know. :laugh:

I am being silly? According to you nothing that the white culture has done would have been done if there were never a black "civilization"?
That's what you are saying. You are telling all of us that we owe EVERYTHING i.e. medical advances, technology.... even our internet connectivity to the
Black civilization. Shaka Zulu's improvement of the IKLWA as well as his complex battle formations certainly improved the quest for peace in Africa. One thing for
sure his troops were in excellent condition. Having watch the TV Movie series I was really impressed with their ability to run without sandals covering 50 miles a day!
Wow. Impressive contribution to civilization!

Let him say what he wants. There's his bullshit, and then there's reality.
When war like savages invade your homeland there is not much you can really do. Thats why its hilarious to think whites begin civilization. They were too busy starting wars and eating each other.

I never said whites began civilization. It's obvious though who evolved faster, white Europeans came up with technologies and the inventions and quickly became the dominant culture.
Now I know you'll lie and deny this, but the history that's already been written easily bears this out, so it doesn't matter what you think anyway.
So go ahead and keep spewing, you will of course. Someone with 44k posts in two years is a sign of someone that is fragile and not very confident.
I never claimed you said that. I was just pointing out how funny it is that whites believe that. Whites only came up with technologies and inventions by using the foundation of knowledge built by Blacks and other races, stealing inventions from slaves, or getting help from other races. Whites have never been original and have only stood on the shoulders of giants. Whites became the dominant culture through war and lying. Everyone knows that. You dont need civilization to wage war and lie.

Wow. So Shaka Zulu invented the internet! And if it weren't for their smoke signals why no cell phones! Thank you Shaka Zulu!
All of this while this civilized Shaka Zulu was killing over 2 million OTHER africans ...who heaven knows could have a cure for AIDS!

Finally unlike you that have to constantly seek validation for your existence, most "Whites" agree. There never is an original idea.
Just that something is built on the experiences of a previous generation. And so Thanks to Shaka zulu for smoke signals because who knows we might
never had cell phones!
And thanks for his killing 2 million people while serving mankind by probably culling out less desirable people...much like Planned Parenthood has done!
Now your being silly but most white people do that when exposed. Its ok but just know I know. :laugh:

I am being silly? According to you nothing that the white culture has done would have been done if there were never a black "civilization"?
That's what you are saying. You are telling all of us that we owe EVERYTHING i.e. medical advances, technology.... even our internet connectivity to the
Black civilization. Shaka Zulu's improvement of the IKLWA as well as his complex battle formations certainly improved the quest for peace in Africa. One thing for
sure his troops were in excellent condition. Having watch the TV Movie series I was really impressed with their ability to run without sandals covering 50 miles a day!
Wow. Impressive contribution to civilization!
Thats not what I said. Who knows what whites would have done if left to their own devices? I said whites learned civilization from Blacks. Yes you owe everything. Blacks were the first to make medical advances. Matter of fact Blacks were the first to use tetracycline. whites were taught this information then lost it all during the dark ages. They had to be retaught once again. While in Africa Timbuktu was the premier scholastic destination in the world.

Timbuktu: History of Fabled Center of Learning

"In the West, the city has become synonymous with mysterious isolation, the farthest one can travel. However, for centuries this was a major trading hub and a center for scholarship. The city reached its height in the 16th century when it was controlled by the Songhay Empire. “t has been estimated that Timbuktu had perhaps as many as 25,000 students, amounting to a quarter of the city’s population,” write John Hunwick and Alida Jay Boye in the book "The Hidden Treasures of Timbuktu" (Thames and Hudson, 2008)."
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I never said whites began civilization. It's obvious though who evolved faster, white Europeans came up with technologies and the inventions and quickly became the dominant culture.
Now I know you'll lie and deny this, but the history that's already been written easily bears this out, so it doesn't matter what you think anyway.
So go ahead and keep spewing, you will of course. Someone with 44k posts in two years is a sign of someone that is fragile and not very confident.
I never claimed you said that. I was just pointing out how funny it is that whites believe that. Whites only came up with technologies and inventions by using the foundation of knowledge built by Blacks and other races, stealing inventions from slaves, or getting help from other races. Whites have never been original and have only stood on the shoulders of giants. Whites became the dominant culture through war and lying. Everyone knows that. You dont need civilization to wage war and lie.

Wow. So Shaka Zulu invented the internet! And if it weren't for their smoke signals why no cell phones! Thank you Shaka Zulu!
All of this while this civilized Shaka Zulu was killing over 2 million OTHER africans ...who heaven knows could have a cure for AIDS!

Finally unlike you that have to constantly seek validation for your existence, most "Whites" agree. There never is an original idea.
Just that something is built on the experiences of a previous generation. And so Thanks to Shaka zulu for smoke signals because who knows we might
never had cell phones!
And thanks for his killing 2 million people while serving mankind by probably culling out less desirable people...much like Planned Parenthood has done!
Now your being silly but most white people do that when exposed. Its ok but just know I know. :laugh:

I am being silly? According to you nothing that the white culture has done would have been done if there were never a black "civilization"?
That's what you are saying. You are telling all of us that we owe EVERYTHING i.e. medical advances, technology.... even our internet connectivity to the
Black civilization. Shaka Zulu's improvement of the IKLWA as well as his complex battle formations certainly improved the quest for peace in Africa. One thing for
sure his troops were in excellent condition. Having watch the TV Movie series I was really impressed with their ability to run without sandals covering 50 miles a day!
Wow. Impressive contribution to civilization!

Let him say what he wants. There's his bullshit, and then there's reality.
Your reality is bullshit. Youre just having a hard time coming to grips with it.
I never claimed you said that. I was just pointing out how funny it is that whites believe that. Whites only came up with technologies and inventions by using the foundation of knowledge built by Blacks and other races, stealing inventions from slaves, or getting help from other races. Whites have never been original and have only stood on the shoulders of giants. Whites became the dominant culture through war and lying. Everyone knows that. You dont need civilization to wage war and lie.

Wow. So Shaka Zulu invented the internet! And if it weren't for their smoke signals why no cell phones! Thank you Shaka Zulu!
All of this while this civilized Shaka Zulu was killing over 2 million OTHER africans ...who heaven knows could have a cure for AIDS!

Finally unlike you that have to constantly seek validation for your existence, most "Whites" agree. There never is an original idea.
Just that something is built on the experiences of a previous generation. And so Thanks to Shaka zulu for smoke signals because who knows we might
never had cell phones!
And thanks for his killing 2 million people while serving mankind by probably culling out less desirable people...much like Planned Parenthood has done!
Now your being silly but most white people do that when exposed. Its ok but just know I know. :laugh:

I am being silly? According to you nothing that the white culture has done would have been done if there were never a black "civilization"?
That's what you are saying. You are telling all of us that we owe EVERYTHING i.e. medical advances, technology.... even our internet connectivity to the
Black civilization. Shaka Zulu's improvement of the IKLWA as well as his complex battle formations certainly improved the quest for peace in Africa. One thing for
sure his troops were in excellent condition. Having watch the TV Movie series I was really impressed with their ability to run without sandals covering 50 miles a day!
Wow. Impressive contribution to civilization!

Let him say what he wants. There's his bullshit, and then there's reality.
Your reality is bullshit. Youre just having a hard time coming to grips with it.

You had some old bitter black affirmative action professor's didn't you ? :biggrin:
Wow. So Shaka Zulu invented the internet! And if it weren't for their smoke signals why no cell phones! Thank you Shaka Zulu!
All of this while this civilized Shaka Zulu was killing over 2 million OTHER africans ...who heaven knows could have a cure for AIDS!

Finally unlike you that have to constantly seek validation for your existence, most "Whites" agree. There never is an original idea.
Just that something is built on the experiences of a previous generation. And so Thanks to Shaka zulu for smoke signals because who knows we might
never had cell phones!
And thanks for his killing 2 million people while serving mankind by probably culling out less desirable people...much like Planned Parenthood has done!
Now your being silly but most white people do that when exposed. Its ok but just know I know. :laugh:

I am being silly? According to you nothing that the white culture has done would have been done if there were never a black "civilization"?
That's what you are saying. You are telling all of us that we owe EVERYTHING i.e. medical advances, technology.... even our internet connectivity to the
Black civilization. Shaka Zulu's improvement of the IKLWA as well as his complex battle formations certainly improved the quest for peace in Africa. One thing for
sure his troops were in excellent condition. Having watch the TV Movie series I was really impressed with their ability to run without sandals covering 50 miles a day!
Wow. Impressive contribution to civilization!

Let him say what he wants. There's his bullshit, and then there's reality.
Your reality is bullshit. Youre just having a hard time coming to grips with it.

You had some old bitter black affirmative action professor's didn't you ? :biggrin:
You never had any professors since you didnt make it past high school correct?
Now your being silly but most white people do that when exposed. Its ok but just know I know. :laugh:

I am being silly? According to you nothing that the white culture has done would have been done if there were never a black "civilization"?
That's what you are saying. You are telling all of us that we owe EVERYTHING i.e. medical advances, technology.... even our internet connectivity to the
Black civilization. Shaka Zulu's improvement of the IKLWA as well as his complex battle formations certainly improved the quest for peace in Africa. One thing for
sure his troops were in excellent condition. Having watch the TV Movie series I was really impressed with their ability to run without sandals covering 50 miles a day!
Wow. Impressive contribution to civilization!

Let him say what he wants. There's his bullshit, and then there's reality.
Your reality is bullshit. Youre just having a hard time coming to grips with it.

You had some old bitter black affirmative action professor's didn't you ? :biggrin:
You never had any professors since you didnt make it past high school correct?

Well the ones I had didn't make shit up.
I am being silly? According to you nothing that the white culture has done would have been done if there were never a black "civilization"?
That's what you are saying. You are telling all of us that we owe EVERYTHING i.e. medical advances, technology.... even our internet connectivity to the
Black civilization. Shaka Zulu's improvement of the IKLWA as well as his complex battle formations certainly improved the quest for peace in Africa. One thing for
sure his troops were in excellent condition. Having watch the TV Movie series I was really impressed with their ability to run without sandals covering 50 miles a day!
Wow. Impressive contribution to civilization!

Let him say what he wants. There's his bullshit, and then there's reality.
Your reality is bullshit. Youre just having a hard time coming to grips with it.

You had some old bitter black affirmative action professor's didn't you ? :biggrin:
You never had any professors since you didnt make it past high school correct?

Well the ones I had didn't make shit up.
Of course they didnt. Hard for non existent professors to make up stuff.
I never said whites began civilization. It's obvious though who evolved faster, white Europeans came up with technologies and the inventions and quickly became the dominant culture.
Now I know you'll lie and deny this, but the history that's already been written easily bears this out, so it doesn't matter what you think anyway.
So go ahead and keep spewing, you will of course. Someone with 44k posts in two years is a sign of someone that is fragile and not very confident.
I never claimed you said that. I was just pointing out how funny it is that whites believe that. Whites only came up with technologies and inventions by using the foundation of knowledge built by Blacks and other races, stealing inventions from slaves, or getting help from other races. Whites have never been original and have only stood on the shoulders of giants. Whites became the dominant culture through war and lying. Everyone knows that. You dont need civilization to wage war and lie.

Wow. So Shaka Zulu invented the internet! And if it weren't for their smoke signals why no cell phones! Thank you Shaka Zulu!
All of this while this civilized Shaka Zulu was killing over 2 million OTHER africans ...who heaven knows could have a cure for AIDS!

Finally unlike you that have to constantly seek validation for your existence, most "Whites" agree. There never is an original idea.
Just that something is built on the experiences of a previous generation. And so Thanks to Shaka zulu for smoke signals because who knows we might
never had cell phones!
And thanks for his killing 2 million people while serving mankind by probably culling out less desirable people...much like Planned Parenthood has done!
Now your being silly but most white people do that when exposed. Its ok but just know I know. :laugh:

I am being silly? According to you nothing that the white culture has done would have been done if there were never a black "civilization"?
That's what you are saying. You are telling all of us that we owe EVERYTHING i.e. medical advances, technology.... even our internet connectivity to the
Black civilization. Shaka Zulu's improvement of the IKLWA as well as his complex battle formations certainly improved the quest for peace in Africa. One thing for
sure his troops were in excellent condition. Having watch the TV Movie series I was really impressed with their ability to run without sandals covering 50 miles a day!
Wow. Impressive contribution to civilization!
Thats not what I said. Who knows what whites would have done if left to their own devices? I said whites learned civilization from Blacks. Yes you owe everything. Blacks were the first to make medical advances. Matter of fact Blacks were the first to use tetracycline. whites were taught this information then lost it all during the dark ages. They had to be retaught once again. While in Africa Timbuktu was the premier scholastic destination in the world.

Timbuktu: History of Fabled Center of Learning

"In the West, the city has become synonymous with mysterious isolation, the farthest one can travel. However, for centuries this was a major trading hub and a center for scholarship. The city reached its height in the 16th century when it was controlled by the Songhay Empire. “t has been estimated that Timbuktu had perhaps as many as 25,000 students, amounting to a quarter of the city’s population,” write John Hunwick and Alida Jay Boye in the book "The Hidden Treasures of Timbuktu" (Thames and Hudson, 2008)."

To support your point---
More than 40% of modern pharmacological medicines are derived from traditional African medicinal herbs. For example, the Yoruba of Nigeria used the plant Rauwolfia vomitoria as a sedative or tranquilizer to calm agitated or psychotic patients. Modern medicine was able to isolate a substance called reserpine from this plant that was marketed for the same purpose. Reserpine was also discovered to profoundly lower blood pressure and consequently, became one of the antihypertensive medications.
Black People And Their Place In World History - After Christ
And I'm impressed!....

So what happened to these premier developers of medical advances? What happened to Timbuktu, Mali?
Among the 25 poorest countries in the world, Mali is a landlocked country that depends on gold mining and agricultural exports for revenue. The country's fiscal status fluctuates with gold and agricultural commodity prices and the harvest; cotton and gold exports make up around 80% of export earnings. Economic activity is largely confined to the riverine area irrigated by the Niger River and about 65% of its land area is desert or semidesert. About 10% of the population is nomadic and about 80% of the labor force is engaged in farming and fishing. Mali remains dependent on foreign aid. Industrial activity is concentrated on processing farm commodities. Mali is developing its iron ore extraction industry to diversify foreign exchange earnings away from gold, but the pace will largely depend on global price trends. The government is subsidizing the production of cereals to decrease the country’s dependence on imported foodstuffs and to reduce its vulnerability to food price shocks. The main threat to Mali’s economy is a return to physical insecurity. Other long term threats to the economy include high population growth, corruption, a weak infrastructure, and low levels of human capital. The administration’s purchase of a presidential jet for $40 million and inflated defense contracts damaged its credibility and led the IMF to temporarily suspend aid in 2014.
The World Factbook
So should the "white civilization" take a lesson from Timbuktu,Mali?
Is the future for "white civilization" what Timbuktu the leader of the world in the 16th century is today?

Really? We are suppose to learn from this "advanced" civilization???
So what happened to these premier developers of medical advances? What happened to Timbuktu, Mali?............Really? We are suppose to learn from this "advanced" civilization???

The Persians and later Alexander the great happened to those premier developers of medical advances.

Arab and White people facilitating the transatlantic slave trade happened to Timbuktu and Mali.

See what I mean about being silly? :laugh:
Now youre trying to change the subject from the fact whites stand on the shoulder of giants to present day sources of knowledge.. No youre not supposed to learn much unless its about how whites fuck things up everywhere they have gone. I said whites already did learn from advanced civilizations such as this.
So what happened to these premier developers of medical advances? What happened to Timbuktu, Mali?............Really? We are suppose to learn from this "advanced" civilization???

The Persians and later Alexander the great happened to those premier developers of medical advances.

Arab and White people facilitating the transatlantic slave trade happened to Timbuktu and Mali.

See what I mean about being silly? :laugh:
Now youre trying to change the subject from the fact whites stand on the shoulder of giants to present day sources of knowledge.. No youre not supposed to learn much unless its about how whites fuck things up everywhere they have gone. I said whites already did learn from advanced civilizations such as this.

Right. So this medium you and I are using right now is a f...k up?
I will grant you that "whites" stand on the shoulders" So what?
You want reparations? That's the point isn't it!
Because you are a failure and can't be a success on your own you want to tear down the white community to your level.
That really is proof you guys deserve whatever you are at now!
I'm all in favor of you gaining success as 80% of wealthy people have made it on their own!
And by the way why aren't we white folks taking affirmative action against the NBA where over 90% of players are black!
NO... I am not disagreeing with you that from what you've done you've educated me about the black contributions.
My problem is why then are we white folks able to stand on your shoulders? What reason did the superiority of the "black civilizations" not survive and allow
"white civilization" to stand on your shoulders? What happened to your superiority?
Yeah healthmyths, didn't you know our ancestors "stood on the shoulders of giants" as they stole the knowledge from Ascleepeepee's ancestors ?
Funny though how they apparently never did anything with that knowledge, and left it all up to white males to create all the modern technologies and inventions throughout the world today .

Guess when they stole the knowledge from the giants, we took their memories too !:lol:
So what happened to these premier developers of medical advances? What happened to Timbuktu, Mali?............Really? We are suppose to learn from this "advanced" civilization???

The Persians and later Alexander the great happened to those premier developers of medical advances.

Arab and White people facilitating the transatlantic slave trade happened to Timbuktu and Mali.

See what I mean about being silly? :laugh:
Now youre trying to change the subject from the fact whites stand on the shoulder of giants to present day sources of knowledge.. No youre not supposed to learn much unless its about how whites fuck things up everywhere they have gone. I said whites already did learn from advanced civilizations such as this.

Right. So this medium you and I are using right now is a f...k up?
I will grant you that "whites" stand on the shoulders" So what?
You want reparations? That's the point isn't it!
Because you are a failure and can't be a success on your own you want to tear down the white community to your level.
That really is proof you guys deserve whatever you are at now!
I'm all in favor of you gaining success as 80% of wealthy people have made it on their own!
And by the way why aren't we white folks taking affirmative action against the NBA where over 90% of players are black!
NO... I am not disagreeing with you that from what you've done you've educated me about the black contributions.
My problem is why then are we white folks able to stand on your shoulders? What reason did the superiority of the "black civilizations" not survive and allow
"white civilization" to stand on your shoulders? What happened to your superiority?
This medium is not a place you go. Its a collection of servers communicating to each other using protocols based on a digital concept utilizing an electrical infrastructure. BTW you wouldnt be using this medium if not for a Black guy.

I'm glad you granted me something I already explained to you. The "so what" is that was my point.

Your descent into personal attacks is amusing. White people seem to get angered when forced to face the truth.

I'm in a good place so I agree.

Why would white people want affirmative action for the NBA? White people have long owned the NBA teams and made the decisions on who to pay millions while they make billions.

Whites are able to stand on our shoulders because we willingly taught you and you also stole knowledge after invading. Who told you that meant superiority? Why are whites so caught up in superiority?
This medium is not a place you go. Its a collection of servers communicating to each other using protocols based on a concept utilizing an electrical infrastructure.

And invented and put in place by white males, thank you very much ! :beer:
This medium is not a place you go. Its a collection of servers communicating to each other using protocols based on a concept utilizing an electrical infrastructure.

And invented and put in place by white males, thank you very much ! :beer:
Based on mathematical concepts taught to them by Blacks. Thank you very much. :laugh:
This medium is not a place you go. Its a collection of servers communicating to each other using protocols based on a concept utilizing an electrical infrastructure.

And invented and put in place by white males, thank you very much ! :beer:
Based on mathematical concepts taught to them by Blacks. Thank you very much. :laugh:

And for whatever reason the blacks decided to never use that technology beyond using slaves to stack up blocks in the form of a pyramid.

This invites an old saying, something like "you have a right to your own set of opinions, but not your own set of facts" :lol:
This medium is not a place you go. Its a collection of servers communicating to each other using protocols based on a concept utilizing an electrical infrastructure.

And invented and put in place by white males, thank you very much ! :beer:
Based on mathematical concepts taught to them by Blacks. Thank you very much. :laugh:

And for whatever reason the blacks decided to never use that technology beyond using slaves to stack up blocks in the form of a pyramid.

This invites an old saying, something like "you have a right to your own set of opinions, but not your own set of facts" :lol:
Yes they did use that technology to build something whites cant build now sing the same tools. However, they didnt use slaves. If you have some proof they did then show me the link that disputes this one.

Slaves Didn't Build Pyramids: Egypt : DNews

You should take that old saying to heart. You look like a white fool.
I've read that before, it's not proof that no slaves were ever used, nor does it prove that these were simply workers.
That doesn't mean the workers were Jews forced to work, they could have easily been fellow Egyptians, but since we know that even in modern times Africans will sell their brother, it's ridiculous to believe that in ancient times workers were free to come and go.
You're free to believe what you like, you're already so far out in la la land you might as well believe the pyramid laborers were treated as kings.

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