Jamie Foxx : 'Keep Telling the Truth'...What is the truth??

This isn't about black men. It's about Quentin Tarantino ending his career. Black people may think that career ending is worth it. I doubt Tarantino would agree.

Tarantino said the right thing and he wont be hurt by it. His movies kick too much ass for them to be ignored. Sux for them
He's shrinking his audience with his big mouth. People paid to see just how crazy his movies would get out of morbid curiosity

No, he's ok. What you say doesnt matter to reality

Now he's turning off a lot of the very people that were his most avid followers.

I follow and I'm not, your predictions mean dick really

Nobody is gonna shell out $10 to see his crap anymore....except #blackliesmatter folks....and they are too few to put enough butts in seats.

See above

Most of America hates their fucking guts with a passion......and he's hitched his wagon to them like the tool he is.

I'll remember that next time the theater is full
Don't hold yer breath. ...
This isn't about black men. It's about Quentin Tarantino ending his career. Black people may think that career ending is worth it. I doubt Tarantino would agree.

Tarantino said the right thing and he wont be hurt by it. His movies kick too much ass for them to be ignored. Sux for them
He's shrinking his audience with his big mouth. People paid to see just how crazy his movies would get out of morbid curiosity

No, he's ok. What you say doesnt matter to reality

Now he's turning off a lot of the very people that were his most avid followers.

I follow and I'm not, your predictions mean dick really

Nobody is gonna shell out $10 to see his crap anymore....except #blackliesmatter folks....and they are too few to put enough butts in seats.

See above

Most of America hates their fucking guts with a passion......and he's hitched his wagon to them like the tool he is.

I'll remember that next time the theater is full
Don't hold yer breath. ...
Thats weird. Thats exactly what I was going to tell you. :laugh:
This isn't about black men. It's about Quentin Tarantino ending his career. Black people may think that career ending is worth it. I doubt Tarantino would agree.

Tarantino said the right thing and he wont be hurt by it. His movies kick too much ass for them to be ignored. Sux for them
He's shrinking his audience with his big mouth. People paid to see just how crazy his movies would get out of morbid curiosity

No, he's ok. What you say doesnt matter to reality

Now he's turning off a lot of the very people that were his most avid followers.

I follow and I'm not, your predictions mean dick really

Nobody is gonna shell out $10 to see his crap anymore....except #blackliesmatter folks....and they are too few to put enough butts in seats.

See above

Most of America hates their fucking guts with a passion......and he's hitched his wagon to them like the tool he is.

I'll remember that next time the theater is full
Don't hold yer breath. ...
Thats weird. Thats exactly what I was going to tell you. :laugh:

I was going to tell him the opposite. Plz do
This isn't about black men. It's about Quentin Tarantino ending his career. Black people may think that career ending is worth it. I doubt Tarantino would agree.
I'm pretty sure Tarentino agrees. He is the one that made the statement Foxx agrees with.
I doubt that Tarantino expected his days as a director would be over.
Who told you they were over?
It's what Harvey Weinstein has been saying. If Tarantino's mouth sinks The Hateful Eight there will be no investment in future projects. The police are boycotting joined now by the border patrol and all the pro law enforcement sympathizers. I doubt that only black people can save this career suicide.

Watch Tarantino try to rescue himself with an apology tour. The money has spoken.
Youre dumb enough to think Tarantino wont be able to secure funding for other projects because of one guy? :laugh:
No he won't. He'll end up directing soap operas for daytime TV if he's lucky. Not because of one guy. Because no one will ever trust him to keep his mouth shut. Watch. Tarantino will be forced to go on some sort of apology tour and make a massive donation to some police charity. If this movie fails it's over for him.
I'm pretty sure Tarentino agrees. He is the one that made the statement Foxx agrees with.
I doubt that Tarantino expected his days as a director would be over.
Who told you they were over?
It's what Harvey Weinstein has been saying. If Tarantino's mouth sinks The Hateful Eight there will be no investment in future projects. The police are boycotting joined now by the border patrol and all the pro law enforcement sympathizers. I doubt that only black people can save this career suicide.

Watch Tarantino try to rescue himself with an apology tour. The money has spoken.
Youre dumb enough to think Tarantino wont be able to secure funding for other projects because of one guy? :laugh:
No he won't. He'll end up directing soap operas for daytime TV if he's lucky. Not because of one guy. Because no one will ever trust him to keep his mouth shut. Watch. Tarantino will be forced to go on some sort of apology tour and make a massive donation to some police charity. If this movie fails it's over for him.
I think white people don't trust blacks. The stories about women clutching their purses in elevators is mainly because of life experience. Living in a big city, you can spot a thug from a mile away. Blacks love using a favorite tactic these days called "Strong-armed Robbery". It does two things; Keeps them from getting weapons charges added to their indictment, and it also gives them a feeling that they can literally get away with the crime.

Some cities have a serious crime problem, and pulling a robbery with no weapon can mean getting away with it more times than not. They tend to focus on the more violent crimes and crimes where guns are involved, but no murder usually means a failure to even do an investigation in some cities.

A flash robbery is almost the perfect crime. The only way to stop it is pick the biggest motherfuckers and blow their brains all over the Fruity Pebbles. Do that and watch em scatter like cockroaches.

Waiting for some liberals to attack me for murdering unarmed teenagers now. #BLACKTHUGSSPLATTER
More bullshit. You can go to a town where no Black person has ever been before and see the fear. Gimme a break dude.
Of course you would see fear. Put a rabid dog in the town square you would see fear too. What you imagine are white people cowering before the superior black male is really the stripping away of humanity. The perception of the black male as an animal to be avoided if possible and put down when necessary.
So you agree the Mud is wrong when he says its not fear? Glad you agree. I didnt image white people cowering before the superiority of the Black male. Weird how you think Black people are superior but you are still a racist. Thats like an oxymoron.

I am a realist. I understand that the veneer of civilization on black people is very thin. They can revert the same way a dancing bear can go wild. That's why dancing bears are still kept chained.
Obviously youre not a realist. Blacks taught you whites civilization....twice. There is reason whites are viewed as savages world wide. You specialize in violence and abhor education.

OH come on! Taught "whites civilization"???
This is what blacks "civilization" at it's HEIGHT was!
See this web site for it's interpretation of "civilization"...The Worlds First Civilizations Were All Black Civilizations
Question for you after you visit the above site:
How did the "black civilized" people handle "slavery"?
Has the "civilized" black created sophisticated electronics including this medium you are using? NO. Now there have been "black" contributors I know.
But to say blacks taught "whites civilization" is to buy into everything this totally ignorant web site proposes about the superiority of the black culture!
If the black culture taught "white's civilization" what happened??
If a black man is such a wonderful teacher of "civilized" behavior what happened that the statistics show blacks commit a higher percent of crimes ?
That is what the blacks have taught "Whites"? Speaks rather poorly of the black civilization!
More bullshit. You can go to a town where no Black person has ever been before and see the fear. Gimme a break dude.
Of course you would see fear. Put a rabid dog in the town square you would see fear too. What you imagine are white people cowering before the superior black male is really the stripping away of humanity. The perception of the black male as an animal to be avoided if possible and put down when necessary.
So you agree the Mud is wrong when he says its not fear? Glad you agree. I didnt image white people cowering before the superiority of the Black male. Weird how you think Black people are superior but you are still a racist. Thats like an oxymoron.

I am a realist. I understand that the veneer of civilization on black people is very thin. They can revert the same way a dancing bear can go wild. That's why dancing bears are still kept chained.
Obviously youre not a realist. Blacks taught you whites civilization....twice. There is reason whites are viewed as savages world wide. You specialize in violence and abhor education.

OH come on! Taught "whites civilization"???
This is what blacks "civilization" at it's HEIGHT was!
See this web site for it's interpretation of "civilization"...The Worlds First Civilizations Were All Black Civilizations
Question for you after you visit the above site:
How did the "black civilized" people handle "slavery"?
Has the "civilized" black created sophisticated electronics including this medium you are using? NO. Now there have been "black" contributors I know.
But to say blacks taught "whites civilization" is to buy into everything this totally ignorant web site proposes about the superiority of the black culture!
If the black culture taught "white's civilization" what happened??
If a black man is such a wonderful teacher of "civilized" behavior what happened that the statistics show blacks commit a higher percent of crimes ?
That is what the blacks have taught "Whites"? Speaks rather poorly of the black civilization!
Gimme a break. You dont honestly believe whites started civilization do you? :laugh:

Its a fact Blacks taught whites civilization. Even the Greeks called whites savages and barbarians along with plenty of white historians. Your public school education simply was lacking. Remember these are white guys.

"For the first two or three thousand years of civilization, there was not a civilized white man on the
Civilization was founded and developed by the swarthy races of Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt, and the white race remained so barbaric that in those days an Egyptian or a Babylonian priest would have said that the riffraff of white tribes a few hundred miles to the north of their civilization were hopelessly incapable of acquiring the knowledge requisite to progress. It was southern colored peoples everywhere, in China, in Central America, in India, Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt and Crete who gave the northern white peoples civilization." (The Bankruptcy of Christian Supernaturalism, Vol., p. 192.)

-Bishop William Montgomery Brown

"The accident of the predominance of white men in modern times should not give us supercilious ideas about color or persuade us to listen to superficial theories about the innate superiority of the white-skinned man. Four thousand years ago, when civilization was already one or two thousand years old, white men were just a bunch of semi-savages on the outskirts of the civilized world. If there had been anthropologists in Crete, Egypt, and Babylonia, they would have pronounced the white race obviously inferior, and might have discoursed learnedly on the superior germ-plasm or glands of colored folk."
-Joseph McCabe
Of course you would see fear. Put a rabid dog in the town square you would see fear too. What you imagine are white people cowering before the superior black male is really the stripping away of humanity. The perception of the black male as an animal to be avoided if possible and put down when necessary.
So you agree the Mud is wrong when he says its not fear? Glad you agree. I didnt image white people cowering before the superiority of the Black male. Weird how you think Black people are superior but you are still a racist. Thats like an oxymoron.

I am a realist. I understand that the veneer of civilization on black people is very thin. They can revert the same way a dancing bear can go wild. That's why dancing bears are still kept chained.
Obviously youre not a realist. Blacks taught you whites civilization....twice. There is reason whites are viewed as savages world wide. You specialize in violence and abhor education.

OH come on! Taught "whites civilization"???
This is what blacks "civilization" at it's HEIGHT was!
See this web site for it's interpretation of "civilization"...The Worlds First Civilizations Were All Black Civilizations
Question for you after you visit the above site:
How did the "black civilized" people handle "slavery"?
Has the "civilized" black created sophisticated electronics including this medium you are using? NO. Now there have been "black" contributors I know.
But to say blacks taught "whites civilization" is to buy into everything this totally ignorant web site proposes about the superiority of the black culture!
If the black culture taught "white's civilization" what happened??
If a black man is such a wonderful teacher of "civilized" behavior what happened that the statistics show blacks commit a higher percent of crimes ?
That is what the blacks have taught "Whites"? Speaks rather poorly of the black civilization!
Gimme a break. You dont honestly believe whites started civilization do you? :laugh:

Its a fact Blacks taught whites civilization. Even the Greeks called whites savages and barbarians along with plenty of white historians. Your public school education simply was lacking. Remember these are white guys.

"For the first two or three thousand years of civilization, there was not a civilized white man on the
Civilization was founded and developed by the swarthy races of Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt, and the white race remained so barbaric that in those days an Egyptian or a Babylonian priest would have said that the riffraff of white tribes a few hundred miles to the north of their civilization were hopelessly incapable of acquiring the knowledge requisite to progress. It was southern colored peoples everywhere, in China, in Central America, in India, Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt and Crete who gave the northern white peoples civilization." (The Bankruptcy of Christian Supernaturalism, Vol., p. 192.)

-Bishop William Montgomery Brown

"The accident of the predominance of white men in modern times should not give us supercilious ideas about color or persuade us to listen to superficial theories about the innate superiority of the white-skinned man. Four thousand years ago, when civilization was already one or two thousand years old, white men were just a bunch of semi-savages on the outskirts of the civilized world. If there had been anthropologists in Crete, Egypt, and Babylonia, they would have pronounced the white race obviously inferior, and might have discoursed learnedly on the superior germ-plasm or glands of colored folk."
-Joseph McCabe

For having such a head start, things sure didn't go so well for your homeland !:rofl:
So you agree the Mud is wrong when he says its not fear? Glad you agree. I didnt image white people cowering before the superiority of the Black male. Weird how you think Black people are superior but you are still a racist. Thats like an oxymoron.

I am a realist. I understand that the veneer of civilization on black people is very thin. They can revert the same way a dancing bear can go wild. That's why dancing bears are still kept chained.
Obviously youre not a realist. Blacks taught you whites civilization....twice. There is reason whites are viewed as savages world wide. You specialize in violence and abhor education.

OH come on! Taught "whites civilization"???
This is what blacks "civilization" at it's HEIGHT was!
See this web site for it's interpretation of "civilization"...The Worlds First Civilizations Were All Black Civilizations
Question for you after you visit the above site:
How did the "black civilized" people handle "slavery"?
Has the "civilized" black created sophisticated electronics including this medium you are using? NO. Now there have been "black" contributors I know.
But to say blacks taught "whites civilization" is to buy into everything this totally ignorant web site proposes about the superiority of the black culture!
If the black culture taught "white's civilization" what happened??
If a black man is such a wonderful teacher of "civilized" behavior what happened that the statistics show blacks commit a higher percent of crimes ?
That is what the blacks have taught "Whites"? Speaks rather poorly of the black civilization!
Gimme a break. You dont honestly believe whites started civilization do you? :laugh:

Its a fact Blacks taught whites civilization. Even the Greeks called whites savages and barbarians along with plenty of white historians. Your public school education simply was lacking. Remember these are white guys.

"For the first two or three thousand years of civilization, there was not a civilized white man on the
Civilization was founded and developed by the swarthy races of Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt, and the white race remained so barbaric that in those days an Egyptian or a Babylonian priest would have said that the riffraff of white tribes a few hundred miles to the north of their civilization were hopelessly incapable of acquiring the knowledge requisite to progress. It was southern colored peoples everywhere, in China, in Central America, in India, Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt and Crete who gave the northern white peoples civilization." (The Bankruptcy of Christian Supernaturalism, Vol., p. 192.)

-Bishop William Montgomery Brown

"The accident of the predominance of white men in modern times should not give us supercilious ideas about color or persuade us to listen to superficial theories about the innate superiority of the white-skinned man. Four thousand years ago, when civilization was already one or two thousand years old, white men were just a bunch of semi-savages on the outskirts of the civilized world. If there had been anthropologists in Crete, Egypt, and Babylonia, they would have pronounced the white race obviously inferior, and might have discoursed learnedly on the superior germ-plasm or glands of colored folk."
-Joseph McCabe

For having such a head start, things sure didn't go so well for your homeland !:rofl:
When war like savages invade your homeland there is not much you can really do. Thats why its hilarious to think whites begin civilization. They were too busy starting wars and eating each other.
I am a realist. I understand that the veneer of civilization on black people is very thin. They can revert the same way a dancing bear can go wild. That's why dancing bears are still kept chained.
Obviously youre not a realist. Blacks taught you whites civilization....twice. There is reason whites are viewed as savages world wide. You specialize in violence and abhor education.

OH come on! Taught "whites civilization"???
This is what blacks "civilization" at it's HEIGHT was!
See this web site for it's interpretation of "civilization"...The Worlds First Civilizations Were All Black Civilizations
Question for you after you visit the above site:
How did the "black civilized" people handle "slavery"?
Has the "civilized" black created sophisticated electronics including this medium you are using? NO. Now there have been "black" contributors I know.
But to say blacks taught "whites civilization" is to buy into everything this totally ignorant web site proposes about the superiority of the black culture!
If the black culture taught "white's civilization" what happened??
If a black man is such a wonderful teacher of "civilized" behavior what happened that the statistics show blacks commit a higher percent of crimes ?
That is what the blacks have taught "Whites"? Speaks rather poorly of the black civilization!
Gimme a break. You dont honestly believe whites started civilization do you? :laugh:

Its a fact Blacks taught whites civilization. Even the Greeks called whites savages and barbarians along with plenty of white historians. Your public school education simply was lacking. Remember these are white guys.

"For the first two or three thousand years of civilization, there was not a civilized white man on the
Civilization was founded and developed by the swarthy races of Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt, and the white race remained so barbaric that in those days an Egyptian or a Babylonian priest would have said that the riffraff of white tribes a few hundred miles to the north of their civilization were hopelessly incapable of acquiring the knowledge requisite to progress. It was southern colored peoples everywhere, in China, in Central America, in India, Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt and Crete who gave the northern white peoples civilization." (The Bankruptcy of Christian Supernaturalism, Vol., p. 192.)

-Bishop William Montgomery Brown

"The accident of the predominance of white men in modern times should not give us supercilious ideas about color or persuade us to listen to superficial theories about the innate superiority of the white-skinned man. Four thousand years ago, when civilization was already one or two thousand years old, white men were just a bunch of semi-savages on the outskirts of the civilized world. If there had been anthropologists in Crete, Egypt, and Babylonia, they would have pronounced the white race obviously inferior, and might have discoursed learnedly on the superior germ-plasm or glands of colored folk."
-Joseph McCabe

For having such a head start, things sure didn't go so well for your homeland !:rofl:
When war like savages invade your homeland there is not much you can really do. Thats why its hilarious to think whites begin civilization. They were too busy starting wars and eating each other.

Civilized like this guy???
Shaka kaSenzangakhona (circa 1787 – 24 September 1828), also known as Shaka[a] Zulu (Zulu pronunciation: [ˈʃaːɠa]), was one of the most influential monarchs of the Zulu Kingdom.
This was the "height" of civilization in South Africa and the example you would use as "civilized"?
Screen Shot 2015-11-03 at 11.22.12 AM.png

Shaka Zulu, the fierce African warlord, who built a Zulu army that killed 2 million enemies, and transformed a continent;
That is "peaceful" he killed mainly other blacks!
I am a realist. I understand that the veneer of civilization on black people is very thin. They can revert the same way a dancing bear can go wild. That's why dancing bears are still kept chained.
Obviously youre not a realist. Blacks taught you whites civilization....twice. There is reason whites are viewed as savages world wide. You specialize in violence and abhor education.

OH come on! Taught "whites civilization"???
This is what blacks "civilization" at it's HEIGHT was!
See this web site for it's interpretation of "civilization"...The Worlds First Civilizations Were All Black Civilizations
Question for you after you visit the above site:
How did the "black civilized" people handle "slavery"?
Has the "civilized" black created sophisticated electronics including this medium you are using? NO. Now there have been "black" contributors I know.
But to say blacks taught "whites civilization" is to buy into everything this totally ignorant web site proposes about the superiority of the black culture!
If the black culture taught "white's civilization" what happened??
If a black man is such a wonderful teacher of "civilized" behavior what happened that the statistics show blacks commit a higher percent of crimes ?
That is what the blacks have taught "Whites"? Speaks rather poorly of the black civilization!
Gimme a break. You dont honestly believe whites started civilization do you? :laugh:

Its a fact Blacks taught whites civilization. Even the Greeks called whites savages and barbarians along with plenty of white historians. Your public school education simply was lacking. Remember these are white guys.

"For the first two or three thousand years of civilization, there was not a civilized white man on the
Civilization was founded and developed by the swarthy races of Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt, and the white race remained so barbaric that in those days an Egyptian or a Babylonian priest would have said that the riffraff of white tribes a few hundred miles to the north of their civilization were hopelessly incapable of acquiring the knowledge requisite to progress. It was southern colored peoples everywhere, in China, in Central America, in India, Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt and Crete who gave the northern white peoples civilization." (The Bankruptcy of Christian Supernaturalism, Vol., p. 192.)

-Bishop William Montgomery Brown

"The accident of the predominance of white men in modern times should not give us supercilious ideas about color or persuade us to listen to superficial theories about the innate superiority of the white-skinned man. Four thousand years ago, when civilization was already one or two thousand years old, white men were just a bunch of semi-savages on the outskirts of the civilized world. If there had been anthropologists in Crete, Egypt, and Babylonia, they would have pronounced the white race obviously inferior, and might have discoursed learnedly on the superior germ-plasm or glands of colored folk."
-Joseph McCabe

For having such a head start, things sure didn't go so well for your homeland !:rofl:
When war like savages invade your homeland there is not much you can really do. Thats why its hilarious to think whites begin civilization. They were too busy starting wars and eating each other.

Eating each other seems to be the purview of these people...
Cannibalism is the act or practice of humans eating the flesh or internal organs of other human beings. A person who practices cannibalism is called a cannibal. The expression "cannibalism" has been extended into zoology to mean one individual of a species consuming all or part of another individual of the same species as food, including sexual cannibalism.

The Island Carib people of the Lesser Antilles, from whom the word cannibalism derives, acquired a long-standing reputation as cannibals following the recording of their legends in the 17th century.[1] Some controversy exists over the accuracy of these legends and the prevalence of actual cannibalism in the culture. Cannibalism was widespread in the past among humans in many parts of the world, continuing into the 19th century in some isolated South Pacific cultures, and to the present day in parts of tropical Africa. Cannibalism was practiced in New Guinea and in parts of the Solomon Islands, and flesh markets existed in some parts of Melanesia.[2] Fiji was once known as the 'Cannibal Isles'.[3] Cannibalism has been well documented around the world, from Fiji to the Amazon Basin to the Congo to Māori New Zealand.[4] Neanderthals are believed to have practiced cannibalism,[5][6] and Neanderthals may have been eaten by anatomically modern humans.[7]

Cannibalism has recently been both practiced and fiercely condemned in several wars, especially in Liberia[8] and Congo.[9] As of 2006, the Korowai were one of very few tribes still believed to eat human flesh as a cultural practice.[10] It is also still known to be practiced as a ritual and in war in various Melanesian tribes. Historically, allegations of cannibalism were used by the colonial powers as a tool of empire to justify the subjugation of what were seen as primitive peoples.[11][page needed] Cannibalism has been said to test the bounds of cultural relativism as it challenges anthropologists "to define what is or is not beyond the pale of acceptable human behavior".[1]
Cannibalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obviously youre not a realist. Blacks taught you whites civilization....twice. There is reason whites are viewed as savages world wide. You specialize in violence and abhor education.

OH come on! Taught "whites civilization"???
This is what blacks "civilization" at it's HEIGHT was!
See this web site for it's interpretation of "civilization"...The Worlds First Civilizations Were All Black Civilizations
Question for you after you visit the above site:
How did the "black civilized" people handle "slavery"?
Has the "civilized" black created sophisticated electronics including this medium you are using? NO. Now there have been "black" contributors I know.
But to say blacks taught "whites civilization" is to buy into everything this totally ignorant web site proposes about the superiority of the black culture!
If the black culture taught "white's civilization" what happened??
If a black man is such a wonderful teacher of "civilized" behavior what happened that the statistics show blacks commit a higher percent of crimes ?
That is what the blacks have taught "Whites"? Speaks rather poorly of the black civilization!
Gimme a break. You dont honestly believe whites started civilization do you? :laugh:

Its a fact Blacks taught whites civilization. Even the Greeks called whites savages and barbarians along with plenty of white historians. Your public school education simply was lacking. Remember these are white guys.

"For the first two or three thousand years of civilization, there was not a civilized white man on the
Civilization was founded and developed by the swarthy races of Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt, and the white race remained so barbaric that in those days an Egyptian or a Babylonian priest would have said that the riffraff of white tribes a few hundred miles to the north of their civilization were hopelessly incapable of acquiring the knowledge requisite to progress. It was southern colored peoples everywhere, in China, in Central America, in India, Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt and Crete who gave the northern white peoples civilization." (The Bankruptcy of Christian Supernaturalism, Vol., p. 192.)

-Bishop William Montgomery Brown

"The accident of the predominance of white men in modern times should not give us supercilious ideas about color or persuade us to listen to superficial theories about the innate superiority of the white-skinned man. Four thousand years ago, when civilization was already one or two thousand years old, white men were just a bunch of semi-savages on the outskirts of the civilized world. If there had been anthropologists in Crete, Egypt, and Babylonia, they would have pronounced the white race obviously inferior, and might have discoursed learnedly on the superior germ-plasm or glands of colored folk."
-Joseph McCabe

For having such a head start, things sure didn't go so well for your homeland !:rofl:
When war like savages invade your homeland there is not much you can really do. Thats why its hilarious to think whites begin civilization. They were too busy starting wars and eating each other.

Civilized like this guy???
Shaka kaSenzangakhona (circa 1787 – 24 September 1828), also known as Shaka[a] Zulu (Zulu pronunciation: [ˈʃaːɠa]), was one of the most influential monarchs of the Zulu Kingdom.
This was the "height" of civilization in South Africa and the example you would use as "civilized"?
View attachment 53817
Shaka Zulu, the fierce African warlord, who built a Zulu army that killed 2 million enemies, and transformed a continent;
That is "peaceful" he killed mainly other blacks!
You do realize Shaka was born in 1787 right? That was a pretty dumb post. Civilization begin way back before 5000 BC.
The system works when Police Officers are prosecuted for misconduct. More Police Officers in the U.S. have been killed in the line of duty so far this year (104) then Military heroes in foreign conflicts. Police Officers die to give smarmy (has-been?) comedians and hypocrite Hollywood directors the right to call them murderers. It ain't about race. It's about politics. Why did Left wing Black political star Al Sharpton refuse to deliver the eulogy for a (constituent?) NYPD Black Officer killed in the line of duty? Maybe to keep the left wing political pot simmering?
I am a realist. I understand that the veneer of civilization on black people is very thin. They can revert the same way a dancing bear can go wild. That's why dancing bears are still kept chained.
Obviously youre not a realist. Blacks taught you whites civilization....twice. There is reason whites are viewed as savages world wide. You specialize in violence and abhor education.

OH come on! Taught "whites civilization"???
This is what blacks "civilization" at it's HEIGHT was!
See this web site for it's interpretation of "civilization"...The Worlds First Civilizations Were All Black Civilizations
Question for you after you visit the above site:
How did the "black civilized" people handle "slavery"?
Has the "civilized" black created sophisticated electronics including this medium you are using? NO. Now there have been "black" contributors I know.
But to say blacks taught "whites civilization" is to buy into everything this totally ignorant web site proposes about the superiority of the black culture!
If the black culture taught "white's civilization" what happened??
If a black man is such a wonderful teacher of "civilized" behavior what happened that the statistics show blacks commit a higher percent of crimes ?
That is what the blacks have taught "Whites"? Speaks rather poorly of the black civilization!
Gimme a break. You dont honestly believe whites started civilization do you? :laugh:

Its a fact Blacks taught whites civilization. Even the Greeks called whites savages and barbarians along with plenty of white historians. Your public school education simply was lacking. Remember these are white guys.

"For the first two or three thousand years of civilization, there was not a civilized white man on the
Civilization was founded and developed by the swarthy races of Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt, and the white race remained so barbaric that in those days an Egyptian or a Babylonian priest would have said that the riffraff of white tribes a few hundred miles to the north of their civilization were hopelessly incapable of acquiring the knowledge requisite to progress. It was southern colored peoples everywhere, in China, in Central America, in India, Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt and Crete who gave the northern white peoples civilization." (The Bankruptcy of Christian Supernaturalism, Vol., p. 192.)

-Bishop William Montgomery Brown

"The accident of the predominance of white men in modern times should not give us supercilious ideas about color or persuade us to listen to superficial theories about the innate superiority of the white-skinned man. Four thousand years ago, when civilization was already one or two thousand years old, white men were just a bunch of semi-savages on the outskirts of the civilized world. If there had been anthropologists in Crete, Egypt, and Babylonia, they would have pronounced the white race obviously inferior, and might have discoursed learnedly on the superior germ-plasm or glands of colored folk."
-Joseph McCabe

For having such a head start, things sure didn't go so well for your homeland !:rofl:
When war like savages invade your homeland there is not much you can really do. Thats why its hilarious to think whites begin civilization. They were too busy starting wars and eating each other.

I never said whites began civilization. It's obvious though who evolved faster, white Europeans came up with technologies and the inventions and quickly became the dominant culture.
Now I know you'll lie and deny this, but the history that's already been written easily bears this out, so it doesn't matter what you think anyway.
So go ahead and keep spewing, you will of course. Someone with 44k posts in two years is a sign of someone that is fragile and not very confident.
Obviously youre not a realist. Blacks taught you whites civilization....twice. There is reason whites are viewed as savages world wide. You specialize in violence and abhor education.

OH come on! Taught "whites civilization"???
This is what blacks "civilization" at it's HEIGHT was!
See this web site for it's interpretation of "civilization"...The Worlds First Civilizations Were All Black Civilizations
Question for you after you visit the above site:
How did the "black civilized" people handle "slavery"?
Has the "civilized" black created sophisticated electronics including this medium you are using? NO. Now there have been "black" contributors I know.
But to say blacks taught "whites civilization" is to buy into everything this totally ignorant web site proposes about the superiority of the black culture!
If the black culture taught "white's civilization" what happened??
If a black man is such a wonderful teacher of "civilized" behavior what happened that the statistics show blacks commit a higher percent of crimes ?
That is what the blacks have taught "Whites"? Speaks rather poorly of the black civilization!
Gimme a break. You dont honestly believe whites started civilization do you? :laugh:

Its a fact Blacks taught whites civilization. Even the Greeks called whites savages and barbarians along with plenty of white historians. Your public school education simply was lacking. Remember these are white guys.

"For the first two or three thousand years of civilization, there was not a civilized white man on the
Civilization was founded and developed by the swarthy races of Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt, and the white race remained so barbaric that in those days an Egyptian or a Babylonian priest would have said that the riffraff of white tribes a few hundred miles to the north of their civilization were hopelessly incapable of acquiring the knowledge requisite to progress. It was southern colored peoples everywhere, in China, in Central America, in India, Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt and Crete who gave the northern white peoples civilization." (The Bankruptcy of Christian Supernaturalism, Vol., p. 192.)

-Bishop William Montgomery Brown

"The accident of the predominance of white men in modern times should not give us supercilious ideas about color or persuade us to listen to superficial theories about the innate superiority of the white-skinned man. Four thousand years ago, when civilization was already one or two thousand years old, white men were just a bunch of semi-savages on the outskirts of the civilized world. If there had been anthropologists in Crete, Egypt, and Babylonia, they would have pronounced the white race obviously inferior, and might have discoursed learnedly on the superior germ-plasm or glands of colored folk."
-Joseph McCabe

For having such a head start, things sure didn't go so well for your homeland !:rofl:
When war like savages invade your homeland there is not much you can really do. Thats why its hilarious to think whites begin civilization. They were too busy starting wars and eating each other.

Eating each other seems to be the purview of these people...
Cannibalism is the act or practice of humans eating the flesh or internal organs of other human beings. A person who practices cannibalism is called a cannibal. The expression "cannibalism" has been extended into zoology to mean one individual of a species consuming all or part of another individual of the same species as food, including sexual cannibalism.

The Island Carib people of the Lesser Antilles, from whom the word cannibalism derives, acquired a long-standing reputation as cannibals following the recording of their legends in the 17th century.[1] Some controversy exists over the accuracy of these legends and the prevalence of actual cannibalism in the culture. Cannibalism was widespread in the past among humans in many parts of the world, continuing into the 19th century in some isolated South Pacific cultures, and to the present day in parts of tropical Africa. Cannibalism was practiced in New Guinea and in parts of the Solomon Islands, and flesh markets existed in some parts of Melanesia.[2] Fiji was once known as the 'Cannibal Isles'.[3] Cannibalism has been well documented around the world, from Fiji to the Amazon Basin to the Congo to Māori New Zealand.[4] Neanderthals are believed to have practiced cannibalism,[5][6] and Neanderthals may have been eaten by anatomically modern humans.[7]

Cannibalism has recently been both practiced and fiercely condemned in several wars, especially in Liberia[8] and Congo.[9] As of 2006, the Korowai were one of very few tribes still believed to eat human flesh as a cultural practice.[10] It is also still known to be practiced as a ritual and in war in various Melanesian tribes. Historically, allegations of cannibalism were used by the colonial powers as a tool of empire to justify the subjugation of what were seen as primitive peoples.[11][page needed] Cannibalism has been said to test the bounds of cultural relativism as it challenges anthropologists "to define what is or is not beyond the pale of acceptable human behavior".[1]
Cannibalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Try again. Only this time try harder.

Cannibals of the Stone Age

Early American Settlers May Have Had To Eat Each Other
Obviously youre not a realist. Blacks taught you whites civilization....twice. There is reason whites are viewed as savages world wide. You specialize in violence and abhor education.

OH come on! Taught "whites civilization"???
This is what blacks "civilization" at it's HEIGHT was!
See this web site for it's interpretation of "civilization"...The Worlds First Civilizations Were All Black Civilizations
Question for you after you visit the above site:
How did the "black civilized" people handle "slavery"?
Has the "civilized" black created sophisticated electronics including this medium you are using? NO. Now there have been "black" contributors I know.
But to say blacks taught "whites civilization" is to buy into everything this totally ignorant web site proposes about the superiority of the black culture!
If the black culture taught "white's civilization" what happened??
If a black man is such a wonderful teacher of "civilized" behavior what happened that the statistics show blacks commit a higher percent of crimes ?
That is what the blacks have taught "Whites"? Speaks rather poorly of the black civilization!
Gimme a break. You dont honestly believe whites started civilization do you? :laugh:

Its a fact Blacks taught whites civilization. Even the Greeks called whites savages and barbarians along with plenty of white historians. Your public school education simply was lacking. Remember these are white guys.

"For the first two or three thousand years of civilization, there was not a civilized white man on the
Civilization was founded and developed by the swarthy races of Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt, and the white race remained so barbaric that in those days an Egyptian or a Babylonian priest would have said that the riffraff of white tribes a few hundred miles to the north of their civilization were hopelessly incapable of acquiring the knowledge requisite to progress. It was southern colored peoples everywhere, in China, in Central America, in India, Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt and Crete who gave the northern white peoples civilization." (The Bankruptcy of Christian Supernaturalism, Vol., p. 192.)

-Bishop William Montgomery Brown

"The accident of the predominance of white men in modern times should not give us supercilious ideas about color or persuade us to listen to superficial theories about the innate superiority of the white-skinned man. Four thousand years ago, when civilization was already one or two thousand years old, white men were just a bunch of semi-savages on the outskirts of the civilized world. If there had been anthropologists in Crete, Egypt, and Babylonia, they would have pronounced the white race obviously inferior, and might have discoursed learnedly on the superior germ-plasm or glands of colored folk."
-Joseph McCabe

For having such a head start, things sure didn't go so well for your homeland !:rofl:
When war like savages invade your homeland there is not much you can really do. Thats why its hilarious to think whites begin civilization. They were too busy starting wars and eating each other.

I never said whites began civilization. It's obvious though who evolved faster, white Europeans came up with technologies and the inventions and quickly became the dominant culture.
Now I know you'll lie and deny this, but the history that's already been written easily bears this out, so it doesn't matter what you think anyway.
So go ahead and keep spewing, you will of course. Someone with 44k posts in two years is a sign of someone that is fragile and not very confident.
I never claimed you said that. I was just pointing out how funny it is that whites believe that. Whites only came up with technologies and inventions by using the foundation of knowledge built by Blacks and other races, stealing inventions from slaves, or getting help from other races. Whites have never been original and have only stood on the shoulders of giants. Whites became the dominant culture through war and lying. Everyone knows that. You dont need civilization to wage war and lie.
OH come on! Taught "whites civilization"???
This is what blacks "civilization" at it's HEIGHT was!
See this web site for it's interpretation of "civilization"...The Worlds First Civilizations Were All Black Civilizations
Question for you after you visit the above site:
How did the "black civilized" people handle "slavery"?
Has the "civilized" black created sophisticated electronics including this medium you are using? NO. Now there have been "black" contributors I know.
But to say blacks taught "whites civilization" is to buy into everything this totally ignorant web site proposes about the superiority of the black culture!
If the black culture taught "white's civilization" what happened??
If a black man is such a wonderful teacher of "civilized" behavior what happened that the statistics show blacks commit a higher percent of crimes ?
That is what the blacks have taught "Whites"? Speaks rather poorly of the black civilization!
Gimme a break. You dont honestly believe whites started civilization do you? :laugh:

Its a fact Blacks taught whites civilization. Even the Greeks called whites savages and barbarians along with plenty of white historians. Your public school education simply was lacking. Remember these are white guys.

"For the first two or three thousand years of civilization, there was not a civilized white man on the
Civilization was founded and developed by the swarthy races of Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt, and the white race remained so barbaric that in those days an Egyptian or a Babylonian priest would have said that the riffraff of white tribes a few hundred miles to the north of their civilization were hopelessly incapable of acquiring the knowledge requisite to progress. It was southern colored peoples everywhere, in China, in Central America, in India, Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt and Crete who gave the northern white peoples civilization." (The Bankruptcy of Christian Supernaturalism, Vol., p. 192.)

-Bishop William Montgomery Brown

"The accident of the predominance of white men in modern times should not give us supercilious ideas about color or persuade us to listen to superficial theories about the innate superiority of the white-skinned man. Four thousand years ago, when civilization was already one or two thousand years old, white men were just a bunch of semi-savages on the outskirts of the civilized world. If there had been anthropologists in Crete, Egypt, and Babylonia, they would have pronounced the white race obviously inferior, and might have discoursed learnedly on the superior germ-plasm or glands of colored folk."
-Joseph McCabe

For having such a head start, things sure didn't go so well for your homeland !:rofl:
When war like savages invade your homeland there is not much you can really do. Thats why its hilarious to think whites begin civilization. They were too busy starting wars and eating each other.

I never said whites began civilization. It's obvious though who evolved faster, white Europeans came up with technologies and the inventions and quickly became the dominant culture.
Now I know you'll lie and deny this, but the history that's already been written easily bears this out, so it doesn't matter what you think anyway.
So go ahead and keep spewing, you will of course. Someone with 44k posts in two years is a sign of someone that is fragile and not very confident.
I never claimed you said that. I was just pointing out how funny it is that whites believe that. Whites only came up with technologies and inventions by using the foundation of knowledge built by Blacks and other races, stealing inventions from slaves, or getting help from other races. Whites have never been original and have only stood on the shoulders of giants. Whites became the dominant culture through war and lying. Everyone knows that. You dont need civilization to wage war and lie.

Wow. So Shaka Zulu invented the internet! And if it weren't for their smoke signals why no cell phones! Thank you Shaka Zulu!
All of this while this civilized Shaka Zulu was killing over 2 million OTHER africans ...who heaven knows could have a cure for AIDS!

Finally unlike you that have to constantly seek validation for your existence, most "Whites" agree. There never is an original idea.
Just that something is built on the experiences of a previous generation. And so Thanks to Shaka zulu for smoke signals because who knows we might
never had cell phones!
And thanks for his killing 2 million people while serving mankind by probably culling out less desirable people...much like Planned Parenthood has done!

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