Jan 6 Footage Shows Police Friendly With Protestors, and FBI Confirms there was no Insurrection

It doesn't mean these things didn't happen.
Your video of "safe space" means ziltch, nada, nothing.
Yet, curiously enough, there are hundreds of hours of video from various perspectives on that day. Why does the media only re-loop a few of them? WHY is the DC crowd unwilling to release them all? Seems to me, if you want America to see the horrors - so-called - of that "infamous" day, you'd be in a rush to get the damning video out into the public. So... why don't they?
It's absolutely hilarious that you believe the government is perfectly honest and they've only withheld video of empty corridors because it's boring. :auiqs.jpg:
What are they hiding?
What is it you are expecting to see?
What is being withheld?

Will you admit that a lot of this so called 1,400 hours is ACTUALLY empty hallways and rooms?
It has to come out. You cannot hold big congressional hearing, and suppress information, all at the same time. Something will give.
Yep. It will be interesting to see how Pelosi handles winding down her "investigations" as the midterms approach. I suspect she'll want to get the star chamber's business finished before she hands the gavel off to a Republican. The Republican House can impanel an investigative body and subpoena those videos.
Yet, curiously enough, there are hundreds of hours of video from various perspectives on that day. Why does the media only re-loop a few of them? WHY is the DC crowd unwilling to release them all? Seems to me, if you want America to see the horrors - so-called - of that "infamous" day, you'd be in a rush to get the damning video out into the public. So... why don't they?
I agree, RELEASE it ALL.

Who has possession of this 1,400 hours?
Who has seen it? Members of Congress?
Who is holding it back........names please.
What are they hiding?
What is it you are expecting to see?
What is being withheld?

Will you admit that a lot of this so called 1,400 hours is ACTUALLY empty hallways and rooms?
If most of it is benign as you seem to believe, why not make it available to the public? Would that not help average Americans better understand the criminality you say, occurred?
Only about 770 people have been tried and convicted. Most were fined $500 or more with probation and community service.

Because, of course, the penalty for Insurrection against the Government is $500 or more with probation and community service right?

You are a true retarded idiot

What are they hiding?
What is it you are expecting to see?
What is being withheld?

Fuck off you retarded fuck. You came into this thread blabbing out the KKK and being an idiot, so if you're done proving you're an imbecile you can leave now..

Resolved: There was no insurrection on Jan. 6

NEW Jan 6 Footage Shows Police Being Friendly With Protestors

Dinesh D'Souza Published January 27, 2022

Of course, that ties in perfectly with this:

FBI confirms there was no insurrection on Jan. 6
The Cambridge Dictionary defines “insurrection” as: “an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence”
By that definition, there was no “insurrection” at the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, according to the FBI. Reuters reports:

My comment: Eventually the truth will come out that even though there was a protest on Jan 6 and there was some property damage, the only serious crime committed that day was a cop killing an unarmed woman (Ashley Babbit) and the Democrats trying to say that this protest was an insurrection and using it to sway the election, just as they did with baseless impeachments.
I agree, RELEASE it ALL.

Who has possession of this 1,400 hours?
Who has seen it? Members of Congress?
Who is holding it back........names please.
WHO? Hell, how would I know who pushes the buttons in DC? Does the fact that multiple sources have complained about this evidence being withheld, not make you in the least, curious? As for names, I suspect we'll have to wait until mid-2023 for those, and even THEN, you'll most likely ignore their claims because you have your mind made up.
If most of it is benign as you seem to believe, why not make it available to the public? Would that not help average Americans better understand the criminality you say, occurred?
I said, release it all.

Fuck off you retarded fuck. You came into this thread blabbing out the KKK and being an idiot, so if you're done proving you're an imbecile you can leave now..
Translation. You can't come up with a reasonable response, so you will name call and attack.
Got it.

What's being hidden?
Do rumble and (Dinesh D'Souza) also have video of the rioters trampling Roseanne Boyland and video of them breaking into the Capitol, and video of them shouting "We are coming to get you Nancy" and "Hang Mike Pence"

Fair and unbiased would be presenting all sides.

Unless you believe no one broke any windows/doors
Unless you believe no one shouted "Hang Mike Pence."
Unless you believe no one made threats to Nancy.

You and Dinesh D'Souza and Rumble are biased hacks.
But so is left wing media.
No one has denied it was a riot.

You're just desperate. We understand.

You are in a panic to overexaggerate what happened. You must, it is all you have.

Why do you think they are hiding something in that 1400 hours.

This 1,400 hours includes many cameras that captured NOTHING.
Meaning there was no activity.
Do you need to see 1,200 hours of empty, unoccupied Hallways and Rooms.
That exciting.

What do you expect to see?
What do you want to be exposed? What are they hiding?

Please share what is being hidden.

If it shows nothing why not release it?
that the violent assholes were blm and antifa.........while the Trump supporters peacefully walked through the building taking selfies.

No one has denied it was a riot.
2aguy says "the trump supporters peacefully walked through the building taking selfies."

Sounds like a denial of any involvement from trump supporters.
Sounds like the riot is being blamed on others, and certainly NOT trump supporters.
Will you please point out which of these police officers were ushering people into the capitol?

NONE, but some others did.
So in their mind, that CLEARLY means that ZERO trump supporters entered the building in a violent manner. In their minds.
One clean video clears ALL trump supporters.
I know two men from my AO that were there and while they did not go inside and rummage around they were within the barricade after it was breached and said folks were just milling about quietly and the cops, while anxious, did not give them a hard time.

He saw folks being ushered inside but thought it best to stay outside least it became a kill zone. They took lots of pics that supported what they claimed so I've no reason not to believe them. They never felt goaded into "attacking" anything, more like just hanging back, watching what transpired.
NONE, but some others did.
So in their mind, that CLEARLY means that ZERO trump supporters entered the building in a violent manner. In their minds.
One clean video clears ALL trump supporters.
So the people in the above video didn't think they were entering in a violent manner? Sure. That doesn't sound crazy at all.
Only about 770 people have been tried and convicted. Most were fined $500 or more with probation and community service.

Some saw six months jail time

A few when to prison for 5 years or more.

Sounds about right.
And let's not forget the weapons they confiscated to carry out this well-organized premeditated overthrow of government. Er, well, weapon: One flagpole.
So the people in the above video didn't think they were entering in a violent manner? Sure. That doesn't sound crazy at all.
I'm agreeing with you.

In the trump cult, one video of people walking around clears them (trump cultists) all.
In the trump cult, some being illegally let in by crooked trump supporting cops, means that no others actually broke into the Capitol illegally.

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