Jan. 6 panel to vote on urging DOJ to prosecute Trump on at least three criminal charges

Nope. Don't support it. Just can't get very worked up about it.

And there was no excuse for what the January 6 traitor and racists did.
And others think there’s no excuse for the mass rioting, arson, theft, assault, and murder that occurred during the BLM riots.

You don’t seem to care about the lives lost and people effected by such horrible violence. You clearly think it was necessary, and thus support it. Stop dancing and just own it.
Yawn, quit being pompous.

We had a decade to avoid the BLM Riots. Instead, we just made things worse by electing a racist Nazi (Trump) and ignoring pleas to reform the police.

So funny thing, after they rioted, all the white people shit themselves and passed reforms. Funny how that works.

Frankly, that's almost an invitation to riot.

Meanwhile, with the January 6 Traitors, they had the exact opposite effect. Not only did the GOP Senators who were going to play Trump's game and slow down the certification quickly abandon the effort (Certifying later that evening) but Trump got impeached, will probably be indicted, and will leave an indelible stain on his already shoddy presidency.

But you keep drinking the orange koolaid, buddy.
Wow, a long winded diatribe from an emotion-based poster using massively radical terms and full of unprovable claims.. I bet there’s a lot of wisdom in there LOL
About a blow job... and it was to a court, not to Congress.

Most sensible people would say, "Well, I'm not going to meddle in the man's sex life, let his wife brain him with a frying pan."

Not the whacky Republicans under Newt, though. Right after he was done cheating on his wife with the Lobbyist. Let's get Henry Hyde on that, he broke up a man's marriage 20 years earlier stepping out on his wife.

Party of Family Values, everyone! What do we do next? Hey, let's get the guy who's been married three times and paid porn starts for sex. Then paid them to keep quiet. Then sued one of them for not keeping quiet.

When are you guys going to stop being hypocrites. If Clinton lying about a blow job was a crisis, so is the guy who tried to overthrow an election and unleased an angry mob on Congress.
Play it off on just a blow job boy, when you know good and well it was a conglomerate of many things all caught up to him finally. Funny thing is that the blow job is what served to bring his corrupt ace down.... ROTFLMBO 🤣
good luck trying to convince the liberals of truth by using FACTS and logic

just good luck to that..... :banghead::banghead:
Fake news!
Meanwhile it is the fake electors scheme that ultimately is going to send Trump to prison.

You can bank on it.

This is the part where you try to say "b-b-but....everybody ELSE is guilty of the same thing!"
And others think there’s no excuse for the mass rioting, arson, theft, assault, and murder that occurred during the BLM riots.

They can think that all they want. But if you are putting the value of property over the value of lives, I just can't get terribly worked up about your problems.

Most of the stores that go looted and burned were the ones that were exploiting those communities..

You don’t seem to care about the lives lost and people effected by such horrible violence. You clearly think it was necessary, and thus support it. Stop dancing and just own it.

I'm not the one who supports continuing 400 years of racial injustice. It's like you people never learn when we have these race riots once every 30 years or so.

Don't want riots? Fix the problems.
Wow, a long winded diatribe from an emotion-based poster using massively radical terms and full of unprovable claims.. I bet there’s a lot of wisdom in there LOL

Wow, a long winded diatribe from an emotion-based poster using massively radical terms and full of unprovable claims.. I bet there’s a lot of wisdom in there LOL
Um, statements of fact.

After the riots started, politicians were falling all overthemselves to slap cameras onto the cops and reform police forces.

Ten years too late, but that's what it takes.

Meanwhile, the Trump Insurrection had the OPPOSITE effect. Biden was confirmed anyway in the middle of the night without the show of disputing the ballots that the GOP planned to drag on for days. The rioters are all going to prison. Trump was impeached. He will be indicted. He might even get convicted.

Don't worry, the GOP has their new pinup boy, DeSatan.
They can think that all they want. But if you are putting the value of property over the value of lives, I just can't get terribly worked up about your problems.
Thousands of officers and civilians were injured.
20-30 people died.

These are people.. people you clearly view as expendable. That’s very cold and immoral.
Don't want riots? Fix the problems.
Sounds like an immortal threat… So can the J6 rioters say that too?
Um, statements of fact.
You clearly don’t know the definition of the term.

Thousands of officers and civilians were injured.
20-30 people died.

These are people.. people you clearly view as expendable. That’s very cold and immoral.
Far more demonstrators were injured and killed than Police and Bystanders.

And it could have been avoided by reforming police a decade ago.

Sounds like an immortal threat… So can the J6 rioters say that too?

They can say that... from JAIL, which is where most of them ended up. Let's be honest, your side lost the room on January 6. Heck, the main reason why the 2022 Red Wave turned into a pink mist is that people are tired of relitigating the 2020 election.

The J6 rioters are privileged. They really don't have a legitimate complaint.

You clearly don’t know the definition of the term.

Then you should have no problem refuting the facts I've laid out.

Did the BLM riots trigger real reform? Yes, they did.

Did the J6 riot prevent Biden from becoming President? No they did not.

Did they make the GOP more popular. Judging by the results of Nov. 2022, they certainly did not. Particularly if a candidate was linked to Trump.
Far more demonstrators were injured and killed than Police and Bystanders.
Rioters who are committing felonies against humans aren’t the victims, sorry.
And it could have been avoided by reforming police a decade ago.
So you think the violence was justified, which is very immoral on your part.
They can say that... from JAIL, which is where most of them ended up. Let's be honest, your side lost the room on January 6. Heck, the main reason why the 2022 Red Wave turned into a pink mist is that people are tired of relitigating the 2020 election.

The J6 rioters are privileged. They really don't have a legitimate complaint.
I’d say someone who either walked in or barraged into the capital unarmed and was arrested with no trial for years in solitary confinement has been abused. It’s the BLM rioters who were extremely privileged.. as they commited far worse and got bailed out by organizations promoted by Kamala Harris and George Soros installed prosecutors.
Fake news!
Meanwhile it is the fake electors scheme that ultimately is going to send Trump to prison.

You can bank on it.

This is the part where you try to say "b-b-but....everybody ELSE is guilty of the same thing!"
Keep dreaming...
They can think that all they want. But if you are putting the value of property over the value of lives, I just can't get terribly worked up about your problems.

Most of the stores that go looted and burned were the ones that were exploiting those communities..

I'm not the one who supports continuing 400 years of racial injustice. It's like you people never learn when we have these race riots once every 30 years or so.

Don't want riots? Fix the problems.

Um, statements of fact.

After the riots started, politicians were falling all overthemselves to slap cameras onto the cops and reform police forces.

Ten years too late, but that's what it takes.

Meanwhile, the Trump Insurrection had the OPPOSITE effect. Biden was confirmed anyway in the middle of the night without the show of disputing the ballots that the GOP planned to drag on for days. The rioters are all going to prison. Trump was impeached. He will be indicted. He might even get convicted.

Don't worry, the GOP has their new pinup boy, DeSatan.
Why do you call Desantis DeSatan ??

Keep talking boy, it's going to be learned exactly what your character is.

Desantis is doing some great things in Florida, and don't forget he had an 80% approval when re-elected. You are on the Fringe of those numbers, so remember that too Mr.Nobody.
Do we prosecute Ray Epps?

Massie Confronts Dems About Ray Epps: 'Why Is There No Interest In Him?'​

Yes, but he's also giving hints as to his character and his agenda in which is his motivator.
From what I can tell:
- If the left commits violence, it’s necessary and virtuous.
- If the Right commits violence, it’s evil.

You know, high-intellect stuff like that LOL
So you think the violence was justified, which is very immoral on your part.
Nope. I think it was inevitable when we refused to reform the police. 1000 people are killed by the police every year, a disporportinate amount of them black.

Rioters who are committing felonies against humans aren’t the victims, sorry.
No, but peaceful demonstrators being beaten by police are.

When I was in the National Guard, we had a major tell us during Civil Disturbance Training, "When you go out there during a demonstration, those are not the enemy. They are your fellow citizens, they are damned angry about something, and they have every right to be."

I’d say someone who either walked in or barraged into the capital unarmed and was arrested with no trial for years in solitary confinement has been abused. It’s the BLM rioters who were extremely privileged.. as they commited far worse and got bailed out by organizations promoted by Kamala Harris and George Soros installed prosecutors.
No, trying to overthrow a legitimate election is a LOT worse than breaking a window during a demonstration.
Why do you call Desantis DeSatan ??
Because it's funny?
Keep talking boy, it's going to be learned exactly what your character is.
Oh, I'm a character all right.
Desantis is doing some great things in Florida, and don't forget he had an 80% approval when re-elected. You are on the Fringe of those numbers, so remember that too Mr.Nobody.
Not really.

If you consider railing against gay people to be a great thing, that's fine, but I don't think it will play outside Florida.

Now, here's the thing. You all are hoping he'll be Trump without the baggage, but you are going to be disappointed.
Nope. I think it was inevitable when we refused to reform the police. 1000 people are killed by the police every year, a disporportinate amount of them black.
1. Were the 1000 people just standing there, minding their own business? Were they shooting at police? I’m betting your data counts them as the same, and thus, isn’t reputable.

2. Do all cultures act the same? No. So, there will be differences.. and the increased ratio of violence in the black community among young males is known, documented, and proven.
No, but peaceful demonstrators being beaten by police are.
Nobody wants that, but you have to prove that police were out wildly beating innocent bystanders. I don’t think that happened.
No, trying to overthrow a legitimate election is a LOT worse than breaking a window during a demonstration.
Let’s compare:
- Time: J6 was a few hours, BLM riots were months long.
- Death: J6 one rioter died, BLM 20+ people died
- police injuries: J6 100+, BLM 2000+
- damage: J6 hundreds of thousands of dollars, BLM billions of dollars
- affected: J6 hundreds of politicians and security, session resumed that night. BLM millions of americans, houses/careers destroyed.

Yikes, looks like it wasn’t just “breaking a window”, and it looks like it wasn’t much an overthrow attempt. It looks like your observation skills need improvement
1. Were the 1000 people just standing there, minding their own business? Were they shooting at police? I’m betting your data counts them as the same, and thus, isn’t reputable.

Uh, no. Our cops shoot too many people.

Here's the thing. 1000 suspects were shot last year. How many cops were shot to death? 50. Now it would seem to me that if all these cops were REALLY in fear for their lives, you'd have a LOT more dead cops... and we don't.

50 dead cops a year in a country this gun crazy?

Speaking of other countries, do you know how many suspects get shot by cops in the UK? 5 a year. Most countries, it's single digits.

2. Do all cultures act the same? No. So, there will be differences.. and the increased ratio of violence in the black community among young males is known, documented, and proven.

Yeah, we KNEW we'd get to the racism eventually.

Actually, the only difference is that white people get warnings for things black people get jail for.

Hey, check this video out.. How cops handle a white person walking around with an assault rifle vs. how they handle a black person.

Nobody wants that, but you have to prove that police were out wildly beating innocent bystanders. I don’t think that happened.

As you say,

Let’s compare:
- Time: J6 was a few hours, BLM riots were months long.
Um, irrelevant. BLM was never aimed at overthrowing the government. J6 was.

- Death: J6 one rioter died, BLM 20+ people died

Many killed by police or vigilantes.

  • In Downtown Detroit, a 21-year-old man was killed when his car was fired upon.[75][76] He was shot in the middle of police brutality demonstrations,[75] although police claimed the incident had no connection to the protests.[116]
  • In Louisville, local restaurateur David McAtee was killed as a Louisville Metro Police and Kentucky National Guard curfew patrol fired at him.[86] Authorities stated that the patrol returned gunfire after McAtee fired at them.[86] McAtee's gunshot occurred after the patrol appeared to fire a pepper ball into McAtee's restaurant, nearly striking his niece in the head.[86] According to McAtee's sister, the gathering was not a protest but rather a regularly scheduled social gathering at which McAtee served food from his barbecue restaurant.[120] An investigation of the killing is ongoing.[121][87] LMPD Chief Steve Conrad was fired later that day, as officers and troops involved in the shooting did not wear or failed to activate body cameras.[122] Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer admitted that the city had shown an "inability to apply [curfew] evenly."[86]
  • In Las Vegas, police shot and killed Jorge Gomez, who was walking among protesters and reportedly reached for his firearm when he was shot.[93]
  • n Philadelphia, two deaths occurred during the fourth day of unrest. A man in his twenties was fatally shot by the owner of the gun shop Firing Line Inc., while trying to break into the store in the south section of the city.[94] Mayor Jim Kenney said he was "deeply troubled" by the killing and that he did not condone vigilantism.[
  • In Vallejo, California, Sean Monterrosa, a 22-year-old man, was shot and killed by police while on his knees. Monterrosa lifted his hands, which revealed a 15-inch hammer tucked in his pocket police said they mistook for a handgun. A police officer in a vehicle then fired on him five times through the windshield.
  • June 3: In Bakersfield, California, Robert Forbes, a 50-year-old man was killed after being struck by a vehicle while marching between California Avenue and Oak Street.[101] The incident was caught on video and distributed widely on social media.[101] Forbes was transported to Kern Medical Center, where he remained in critical condition for three days before dying.[101] Police deny that Forbes was hit intentionally, while others dispute this claim.[101] The police did not restrain the driver with handcuffs and allowed him to smoke a cigarette, which caused indignation on social media.
  • On May 31, 20-year-old African American Texas State University student Justin Howell was shot in the head with a less lethal bean bag round by an APD officer while protesting outside police headquarters in Austin, Texas. Chief of Police Brian Manley said they were aiming at another protester and shot Howell by mistake. Fellow protesters were instructed by police to carry the injured Howell toward them for medical aid, however, those protesters were then also fired upon by police. Howell was left in critical condition, with a fractured skull and brain damage.[160][161]
Now, yes some of those deaths were protestors going too far.
- police injuries: J6 100+, BLM 2000+
Um, irrelevant. BLM was never aimed at overthrowing the government. J6 was.

- damage: J6 hundreds of thousands of dollars, BLM billions of dollars
Um, irrelevant. BLM was never aimed at overthrowing the government. J6 was.
affected: J6 hundreds of politicians and security, session resumed that night. BLM millions of americans, houses/careers destroyed.
Um, irrelevant. BLM was never aimed at overthrowing the government. J6 was.
Yikes, looks like it wasn’t just “breaking a window”, and it looks like it wasn’t much an overthrow attempt. It looks like your observation skills need improvement
Um, irrelevant. BLM was never aimed at overthrowing the government. J6 was.
Uh, no. Our cops shoot too many people.

Here's the thing. 1000 suspects were shot last year. How many cops were shot to death? 50. Now it would seem to me that if all these cops were REALLY in fear for their lives, you'd have a LOT more dead cops... and we don't.

50 dead cops a year in a country this gun crazy?

Speaking of other countries, do you know how many suspects get shot by cops in the UK? 5 a year. Most countries, it's single digits.

Yeah, we KNEW we'd get to the racism eventually.

Actually, the only difference is that white people get warnings for things black people get jail for.

Hey, check this video out.. How cops handle a white person walking around with an assault rifle vs. how they handle a black person.

As you say,

Um, irrelevant. BLM was never aimed at overthrowing the government. J6 was.

Many killed by police or vigilantes.

  • In Downtown Detroit, a 21-year-old man was killed when his car was fired upon.[75][76] He was shot in the middle of police brutality demonstrations,[75] although police claimed the incident had no connection to the protests.[116]
  • In Louisville, local restaurateur David McAtee was killed as a Louisville Metro Police and Kentucky National Guard curfew patrol fired at him.[86] Authorities stated that the patrol returned gunfire after McAtee fired at them.[86] McAtee's gunshot occurred after the patrol appeared to fire a pepper ball into McAtee's restaurant, nearly striking his niece in the head.[86] According to McAtee's sister, the gathering was not a protest but rather a regularly scheduled social gathering at which McAtee served food from his barbecue restaurant.[120] An investigation of the killing is ongoing.[121][87] LMPD Chief Steve Conrad was fired later that day, as officers and troops involved in the shooting did not wear or failed to activate body cameras.[122] Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer admitted that the city had shown an "inability to apply [curfew] evenly."[86]
  • In Las Vegas, police shot and killed Jorge Gomez, who was walking among protesters and reportedly reached for his firearm when he was shot.[93]
  • n Philadelphia, two deaths occurred during the fourth day of unrest. A man in his twenties was fatally shot by the owner of the gun shop Firing Line Inc., while trying to break into the store in the south section of the city.[94] Mayor Jim Kenney said he was "deeply troubled" by the killing and that he did not condone vigilantism.[
  • In Vallejo, California, Sean Monterrosa, a 22-year-old man, was shot and killed by police while on his knees. Monterrosa lifted his hands, which revealed a 15-inch hammer tucked in his pocket police said they mistook for a handgun. A police officer in a vehicle then fired on him five times through the windshield.
  • June 3: In Bakersfield, California, Robert Forbes, a 50-year-old man was killed after being struck by a vehicle while marching between California Avenue and Oak Street.[101] The incident was caught on video and distributed widely on social media.[101] Forbes was transported to Kern Medical Center, where he remained in critical condition for three days before dying.[101] Police deny that Forbes was hit intentionally, while others dispute this claim.[101] The police did not restrain the driver with handcuffs and allowed him to smoke a cigarette, which caused indignation on social media.
  • On May 31, 20-year-old African American Texas State University student Justin Howell was shot in the head with a less lethal bean bag round by an APD officer while protesting outside police headquarters in Austin, Texas. Chief of Police Brian Manley said they were aiming at another protester and shot Howell by mistake. Fellow protesters were instructed by police to carry the injured Howell toward them for medical aid, however, those protesters were then also fired upon by police. Howell was left in critical condition, with a fractured skull and brain damage.[160][161]
Now, yes some of those deaths were protestors going too far.

Um, irrelevant. BLM was never aimed at overthrowing the government. J6 was.

Um, irrelevant. BLM was never aimed at overthrowing the government. J6 was.

Um, irrelevant. BLM was never aimed at overthrowing the government. J6 was.

Um, irrelevant. BLM was never aimed at overthrowing the government. J6 was.

To sum up your claims:
1. You think 50 dead cops isn’t enough. Wow, you want more dead cops.
2. You can’t address statistics about groups and violence, so you scurry away with your tail tucked between your legs.
3. It’s wrong when people die, but not all the time, only when you can try to use it in victimization for your cause.
4. If it wasn’t by a group of unarmed rioters who tried to “overthrow” a govt (anyone who thought it was a serious threat is a moron) then arson, murder, mass theft, assault, mass injuries are justified.

Your morals need improved. I’m proud to denounce all who are bad, not just the ones I disagree with. I denounce all who are violent, who murder etc.. you don’t. It’s crazy.
Nope. I think it was inevitable when we refused to reform the police. 1000 people are killed by the police every year, a disporportinate amount of them black.

No, but peaceful demonstrators being beaten by police are.

When I was in the National Guard, we had a major tell us during Civil Disturbance Training, "When you go out there during a demonstration, those are not the enemy. They are your fellow citizens, they are damned angry about something, and they have every right to be."

No, trying to overthrow a legitimate election is a LOT worse than breaking a window during a demonstration.
Yeah and it's always the other guys fault right ??? Hands up don't shoot remember that lie ? Over and over it has been proven that many deserved what they got, but you just brush it off because it destroys your sick traitorous no count bull shite.
To sum up your claims:
1. You think 50 dead cops isn’t enough. Wow, you want more dead cops.
2. You can’t address statistics about groups and violence, so you scurry away with your tail tucked between your legs.
3. It’s wrong when people die, but not all the time, only when you can try to use it in victimization for your cause.
4. If it wasn’t by a group of unarmed rioters who tried to “overthrow” a govt (anyone who thought it was a serious threat is a moron) then arson, murder, mass theft, assault, mass injuries are justified.

Your morals need improved. I’m proud to denounce all who are bad, not just the ones I disagree with. I denounce all who are violent, who murder etc.. you don’t. It’s crazy.
He'll retreat to his handler's now, then he'll be back with some off the wall twisted bull shite that he thinks makes him look smart, but I say that he's just a gullible idiot.

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