Jan. 6 panel to vote on urging DOJ to prosecute Trump on at least three criminal charges

Okay, I guess I missed when you lectured about how people shouldn’t be worrying about a Steele Dossier and demonizing CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc for focusing on it.

Is that your stance?

No, the Russians trying to rig our elections is kind of a big deal.
Hunter taking an unflattering selfie isn't.
Because every time I see a NY POst article, they will post at least four unflattering selfies of Hunter.

Do you hold the same standard for Joe? Or is just Trump to be assumed in such a way

Well, no, Joe has been in the public service for 44 years and has run for president three times.

So you wish disinformation would have manipulated an American election.. wow. How totalitarian leftist of you, I’m shocked lol
Except was it disinformation?
Here's the thing, the FBI largely suppressed public knowledge of the Dossier and Trump's links to Russia before the election. A few reporters were on the story, but most ignored it, because they all thought Trump was a buffoon who was going to lose.

Then because we use a backwards system devised by dead slave rapists to select presidents that the people rejected, we found out about this guy, and there was a last ditch attempt by the FBI to get to the bottom of legitimate concerns before this clown was put into office.

If there was nothing to "Russia, Russia, Russia", then why did Trump have to pardon Flynn, Manafort and all his other lackies who might get better memories once they went to jail?
No, the Russians trying to rig our elections is kind of a big deal.
You’re repeating proven disinformation paid for by the DNC because it helps you attack the people you oppose, so, you have no credibility.

The dossier was the stated reason for any investigation by the DOJ, and the dossier was fake, and anyone who wasn’t a leftist political activist suspected it was fake as soon as it was leaked purposefully to media.

The only thing your frantic squabbling shows is that you’ll drop to any depth just to try to desperately attack those you oppose. It’s pathetic, and you ought to be better than that given how much time you’re on a debate site.
Well well, the latest leftist advocating for authoritarian “might makes right” logic

Colour me surprised
We have listen to the various levels of bullshit the MAGA people have said for years now... Problem is they keep loosing in court and acting like they won on their media bubble...

Sorry but ye are the product of diet of that media bubble... But ye fucking loose in court where lies are not tolerated...
We have listen to the various levels of bullshit the MAGA people have said for years now... Problem is they keep loosing in court and acting like they won on their media bubble...

Sorry but ye are the product of diet of that media bubble... But ye fucking loose in court where lies are not tolerated...
The only real MSM for conservatives is FOX news.. and I dont watch it, so, your fan fiction is proven false.
You’re repeating proven disinformation paid for by the DNC because it helps you attack the people you oppose, so, you have no credibility.
17 Intelligence agencies concluded the Russians interferred in the 2016 election. The only question was, was Trump a useful idiot or a willing collaborator. Either should disqualify him from office.

The dossier was the stated reason for any investigation by the DOJ, and the dossier was fake, and anyone who wasn’t a leftist political activist suspected it was fake as soon as it was leaked purposefully to media.

Again, your bizarro conspiracy theories would work if they were leaked BEFORE the election.

The only thing your frantic squabbling shows is that you’ll drop to any depth just to try to desperately attack those you oppose. It’s pathetic, and you ought to be better than that given how much time you’re on a debate site.
Quit the contrary. Trump is a fascist, a racist, and a complete fucking loon.
That our system can't deal with someone so patently unfit to hold the office is a problem.
Even the Romans knew how to deal with mad emperors.

17 Intelligence agencies concluded the Russians interferred in the 2016 election. The only question was, was Trump a useful idiot or a willing collaborator. Either should disqualify him from office.

Again, your bizarro conspiracy theories would work if they were leaked BEFORE the election.

Quit the contrary. Trump is a fascist, a racist, and a complete fucking loon.
That our system can't deal with someone so patently unfit to hold the office is a problem.
Even the Romans knew how to deal with mad emperors.

So, let’s look at you:
- supporting paid disinformation on the candidate you oppose
- endorsing violence and murder against them.

You’re an authoritarian fascist leftist. Historically your kind brings up the most notorious tyrannical maniacs that cause global wars and mass murder of their own people. I guess we never learn..
So, let’s look at you:
- supporting paid disinformation on the candidate you oppose
- endorsing violence and murder against them.

You’re an authoritarian fascist leftist. Historically your kind brings up the most notorious tyrannical maniacs that cause global wars and mass murder of their own people. I guess we never learn..

The only maniac I've seen in my lifetime is Trump. And our system has failed to deal with him.

Sweet evil Jesus, man, we had this discussion with Nixon, but back then, Republicans had enough integrity to realize Nixon had gone too far and had to go.

The only reason why some of you are Trump now is he keeps losing elections for you.
The only maniac I've seen in my lifetime is Trump. And our system has failed to deal with him.

Sweet evil Jesus, man, we had this discussion with Nixon, but back then, Republicans had enough integrity to realize Nixon had gone too far and had to go.

The only reason why some of you are Trump now is he keeps losing elections for you.
What “maniacal” actions has Trump or Nixon committed that are on any different plane than other US presidents?

The hyperbole is ridiculous. Hitler was “maniacal”… not Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden, or Clinton. the left uses worse language against American GOP or Conservatives than they do against Jihad terrorists.. it’s insane.
What “maniacal” actions has Trump or Nixon committed that are on any different plane than other US presidents?

Openly subverting US democracy...
Ordering his troops to fire on demonstrators (which the military resisted in Trump's case)

The hyperbole is ridiculous. Hitler was “maniacal”… not Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden, or Clinton. the left uses worse language against American GOP or Conservatives than they do against Jihad terrorists.. it’s insane.

Trump falls beyond the pale of those other guys.
Then they have to show ALL THE EVIDENCE!

Videos inside and outside the Capitol building. Documents regarding Epps and any other FBI stooges.

Everything! I watched the hearings and the things they were saying trump was responsible for were totally ludicrous.

Bring on the trial of the century... It's damned well time for it. It's time to allow Trump and his team their much needed day in court. BRING IT ALREADY !!!! The leftist getting their political jollies for the last 6+ year's at the Trump family expense, has got to come to a balanced end.
You’re repeating proven disinformation paid for by the DNC because it helps you attack the people you oppose, so, you have no credibility.

The dossier was the stated reason for any investigation by the DOJ, and the dossier was fake, and anyone who wasn’t a leftist political activist suspected it was fake as soon as it was leaked purposefully to media.

The only thing your frantic squabbling shows is that you’ll drop to any depth just to try to desperately attack those you oppose. It’s pathetic, and you ought to be better than that given how much time you’re on a debate site.
It just goes to show is right.... He's agenda riddled, so one has to wonder what category or agenda does he fit into, and which agenda is he actually defending here ? He's got a motivation, and he's exploiting everything he can in order to support his agenda.
Openly subverting US democracy...
by your flimsy standards, That happens all the time:
- Hillary in 2016
- Abrams in 2018
- Obama passing executive orders he knows aren’t legal to have them implemented until being struck down by the court
- sanctuary cities

so, your hyperbole is much ado about nothing. “subverting democracy” is such an odd, vague claim.. probably on purpose so you can continue your constant double standards.
Ordering his troops to fire on demonstrators (which the military resisted in Trump's case)
I’d love to see you prove that LMAO
It just goes to show is right.... He's agenda riddled, so one has to wonder what category or agenda does he fit into, and which agenda is he actually defending here ? He's got a motivation, and he's exploiting everything he can in order to support his agenda.
Yeah, he’s pro disinformation as long as it harms those he opposes.. so he really doesn’t have an issue with disinformation itself, just when it hurts his cause.

This is like 7th grade cognitive dissonance on display
by your flimsy standards, That happens all the time:
- Hillary in 2016
- Abrams in 2018
I missed the part where they unleashed an angry mob on the Capitol.

Heck, Hillary was genuinely graceful in her concession. Particularly since she actually got more votes.

- Obama passing executive orders he knows aren’t legal to have them implemented until being struck down by the court
Presidents have been doing that since Washington. NEXT>
- sanctuary cities
Which most people in those cities support. It's really not the job of the cities to enforce immigration law.
I’d love to see you prove that LMAO

His own defense secretary said so.

I missed the part where they unleashed an angry mob on the Capitol.
Ah, so again.. you’re fine with questioning elections.. but it can’t be on a Tuesday. It’s fine on Wednesday.

No standards.
Presidents have been doing that since Washington.
Exactly my point
Which most people in those cities support. It's really not the job of the cities to enforce immigration law.
So purposely acting against American law is not “subverting Democracy”? I think you need to define your ambiguous vague malleable term
His own defense secretary said so.

a guy makes radical, unprovable claims to promote his book release? Wow! Tell me more!
Ah, so again.. you’re fine with questioning elections.. but it can’t be on a Tuesday. It’s fine on Wednesday.

Trump did more than question an election. He outright tried to overthrow the results of it. As a result, people died.

Exactly my point
You don't have a point, Frisky. Presidential power includes executive orders. Congress and the Courts can overrule them. Checks and balances.

Quite difference than Trump trying to overthrow a legitimate election that his own people told him was free of fraud.

So purposely acting against American law is not “subverting Democracy”? I think you need to define your ambiguous vague malleable term

Except it's not the job of a city to enforce a federal law. I also don't want the cities enforcing the federal tax code.

If you guys REALLY want to enforce the law, commit the resources... don't expect the cities to do your job for you.

a guy makes radical, unprovable claims to promote his book release? Wow! Tell me more!
Um, yeah, if it's down to his credibility vs. Trump that's an easy one.
Trump did more than question an election. He outright tried to overthrow the results of it. As a result, people died.
People didn’t die.. a person died, One of the rioters. Do you support them?

When Obama questioned the legitimacy of the police as racist, a BLM radical murdered multiple cops. People died.

When Biden/Harris/Democrats supported and encouraged BLM while riots were happening, 20-30 people died over that summer.

I don’t see you shedding any tears. You obviously don’t care if people die, you just try to shamefully exploit the dead for your political desires.. you really ought to be ashamed of doing that.
People didn’t die.. a person died, One of the rioters. Do you support them?

Actually, five people died, including one Capitol Police Officer. And no one should have because Trump never should have incited a riot to start with.

When Obama questioned the legitimacy of the police as racist, a BLM radical murdered multiple cops. People died.

We;ve been over this.. but I will make it simple for you.

When one crazy person hears a politician, and does something crazy, then I look at that one crazy person.
When HUNDREDS of people hear a politician and do something crazy, then I look at the politician and what he said and did.

When Biden/Harris/Democrats supported and encouraged BLM while riots were happening, 20-30 people died over that summer.

Biden did no such thing. In fact, he called for an end to violence.

And most of the people killed during the BLM riots were killed by the police, which is what they were protesting to start with.

I don’t see you shedding any tears. You obviously don’t care if people die, you just try to shamefully exploit the dead for your political desires.. you really ought to be ashamed of doing that.

Nope. January 6th was COMPLETELY unnecessary, because Trump KNEW he lost the election, was told by state officials and his own staff he lost the election, and decided to try to overthrow the result of that election.

It wasn't just the riot, it was removing key players at Defense and Justice who wouldn't do his bidding. The plan was always to stop the certification, impose martial law, and throw out the election. Fortunately, he failed, but you don't get a pass on criminality because you fail.

Put him on trial, and let a jury decide.

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