Jan. 6 panel to vote on urging DOJ to prosecute Trump on at least three criminal charges

I would never support a Democrat who was claiming for over two years the election was stolen with no proof who ultimately rallied a crowd of morons, knowing some were armed, to fight or the country will be lost and sent them to the capital while also calling out his vice president as weak because he didn't violate the constitution and stop a fair democratic election.

Especially if during this time they tried to call other states and find just enough votes or tell his AG to just say the election was stolen and let his allies in Congress take care of the rest.

Obviously you would though.
Look at all those qualifiers, many unprovable and incorrect I might add…

Guys, let me tell ya, I would never support someone doing something bad if they did it on a Tuesday after eating a ham sandwich while wearing jeans and a T shirt.

However, I WOULD support someone doing something bad if they did it on a Wednesday after eating a Turkey sandwich while wearing khakis and a polo.

Way to set those high standards lol
Obama says police racist, BLM acts out and murders. Look at you, no accountability for inflammatory rhetoric that resulted in murder.

Except there is not straight line between Obama and Micah Xavier Johnson. Johnson had a hatred of police long before Obama became president. His military service indicates a guy who was mentally disturbed, no doubt complicated by PTSD. He was thrown out of the New Black Panther Party for being too crazy. I mean, how crazy do youhave to be to get thrown out of the NBPP?

He called all GOP murderers, his followers tried to obey him and murder the horrible murderers, right? Look at you, no accountability for inflammatory rhetoric.

Wow...that's a crazy stretch. Again, where's the linkage? It seems his main motivators were his failing marriage and his hatred of Trump, not anything that Bernie said.

So wait, now a call for protesting is attempting to overthrow? then were the Row v Wade overturn protesters trying to overthrow the SCOTUS?

Wow, now you are getting into even more vague territory...

Meanwhile, the J6 committee holds no credibility outside of the leftist bubble, so you might as well be telling me to respect the Quran.

Actually, Republicans are starting to run away from Trump...

But here's the point you seem to miss. One crazy person decides to act on rhetoric, that's on that one crazy person.

Hundreds of people act on crazy rhetoric in a coordinated manner... then you look at the rhetoric.
Proof that Trump organized the people who rioted and ordered them or you’re just lying.

3… 2… 1… Go!

He organized the rally.
He riled the crowd up.
He spent days trying to get Pence and state officials to go along with his crazy plan to overturn the election.
Facts remain: trump called for peaceful protest, called for peace once riot started (unlike Biden/Harris during BLM riots).

More lies.

Tens of thousands of social media users are posting memes that claim that Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, has been silent for over three months on the issues of rioting and violence and has only just denounced them because of a dip in the polls. This claim is false: Joe Biden has denounced riots since protests after the death, just over three months ago, of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man who was killed after a white police officer knelt on his neck.

However, after George Floyd’s death, Joe Biden repeatedly condemned violent protests. In a May 31 post on his blog shortly after George Floyd’s death, he wrote, “Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not.”
Many Liberals here felt it was righteous.

Different people have different experiences but I think many people on the left thought the 'cause' was self righteous but I don't remember seeing to many examples of the the left supporting known violent offenders directly.

There's usually a double standard when it comes to violence wreaked by people in Blue cities.
Yeah, and their is usual a double standard when it comes to the havoc wreaked by red states but let's stay on topic please.
I didn't say they were conducting a criminal investigation.

Thank goodness for the Jan 6 committee. Now perhaps we can enact legislation that stymies and prepares for future insurrection attempts.

So what? Nothing illegal here. The DoJ likely had most of the info already. Again, if Congress conducts an investigation for legislation purposes and comes across criminal activity, certainly that info can be handed to the DoJ right?

You, probably based on a narrative provided you by the right wing media, are trying to make something normal seem nefarious.

Show me where it is illegal for Congress to pass info to the DoJ.

I am sure they have.

Yes, I would be fine with it.

Why would I want a congressional committee investigation that turned up a crime Biden committed to not be given to the justice department?

It's like you are saying that if Congress found I had committed a crime, that I would subsequently be immune to punishment because that would hurt feelings or be unfair or whatever your reasoning is.

What if a congressional investigation found a murder during an investigation? Is the murderer immune from prosecution?

I didn't say they were conducting a criminal investigation.

Actually you did:

Would that not mean that the act of Congress investigating potential crimes

They are not supposed to investigate crimes.

certainly that info can be handed to the DoJ right?

No, again, how is the committee handing over its investigation to the doj for a criminal investigation, any different than the committee doing the criminal investigation themselves?

You, probably based on a narrative provided you by the right wing media, are trying to make something normal seem nefarious.

No, this isn't coming from any right wing news source, and it is nefarious. The committee is going to hand over its own investigation to the doj, to help them in their criminal investigation. How people cannot see this?

It's like you are saying that if Congress found I had committed a crime, that I would subsequently be immune to punishment because that would hurt feelings or be unfair or whatever your reasoning is.

Has nothing to do with feelings. If Congress found you had committed a crime, then they make a referral to the doj to conduct an investigation based on the allegations. They don't conduct a 2 year investigation and then just hand it over to the doj and say "here ya go, we've ready done all the work..here's your investigation on a silver platter". That would be the same as the J6 committee doing the criminal investigation themselves.....

Show me where it is illegal for Congress to pass info to the DoJ.

congress has the power to investigate for legislative purposes only.

Actually, the cotus doesn't specifically even give Congress the power to conduct investigations at all, but scotus decided that the power to legislate included to power to investigate for the purpose of creating legislation.

Now, if Congress conducts an investigation on its own for the purposes of creating legislation, then that's fine, thats their scotus interpreted right, however, if during the course of that investigation, they detect a crime, they can tell the doj that a crime may have been committed, and then the doj can conduct a criminal investigation. If the Congress takes their entire investigation and hands it to the doj, it's the same thing as the Congress doing the work of a criminal investigation.....it's the same thing.

What if a congressional investigation found a murder during an investigation? Is the murderer immune from prosecution?

If in the course of their investigation, they discover a murder had taken place, then they make a referral to the doj to conduct an investigation for murder, but the Congress doesn't investigate the murder themselves, and then turn over their investigation to the doj to help them. The Congress has no role in conducting criminal investigations.

Why would I want a congressional committee investigation that turned up a crime Biden committed to not be given to the justice department?

If the committee, during the course if their investigation, comes across a crime Trump had committed, then they can refer that to the doj, but the committee doesn't actually get to investigate the crime themselves. The problem we have here is that the Committee investigation was so broad, that it was actually a criminal investigation from the start. They started that committee with doj referrals in mind, that was ways their goal. "Legislation" was always just a cover for what they were really doing.

Outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., thanked the members of the Jan. 6 committee for being “relentless” in “their pursuit of truth” and demanded that “justice must be done” following the panel’s last public meeting.

see, pelosi knows..this whole thing was an investigation to find out what happened that day, for "justice". Sounds like they knew it was always a criminal investigation...conducted by Congress.

In 2 years of the J6 committee, what laws were created as a result of it?. I think someone said they passed like...2 laws? If that's it..seems kind of a weak cover.
Different people have different experiences but I think many people on the left thought the 'cause' was self righteous but I don't remember seeing to many examples of the the left supporting known violent offenders directly.

Yeah, and their is usual a double standard when it comes to the havoc wreaked by red states but let's stay on topic please.
When the Democrat authorities do nothing, that's enough evidence for me to they're pure evil.
Facts remain: trump called for peaceful protest, called for peace once riot started (unlike Biden/Harris during BLM riots).
What the hell is this a triple jump? Hop, Skip and Jump? A niced pole vault from Hillary to candidate Biden who didn't incite any MOB and send them off to Minneapolis but who did condemn the rioters after Floyds murder.
I've been following politics somewhat since Richard Nixon...my first election. The criminals are most always republicans going way back. I copied and pasted some republican criminals off of quora. Guess that's ok. I voted for trump since I disliked Clinton so much. I started seeing from almost the beginning what a piece of shit trump was almost as soon as he got into office.
My copy and paste below. .
"In the last 50 years we have had Democrat presidents for 24 years and republican about the same The total for Democrats is 3 indictments, 1 conviction and 1 prison sentence. For republicans it’s 147 indictments, 94 convictions and 34 prison sentences". These figures don’t count for Trump, but he will probably double those for the Law and Order party.
No, it's the republicans, guys. They've got larceny in the blood it looks like.




I've been following politics somewhat since Richard Nixon...my first election. The criminals are most always republicans going way back. I copied and pasted some republican criminals off of quora. Guess that's ok. I voted for trump since I disliked Clinton so much. I started seeing from almost the beginning what a piece of shit trump was almost as soon as he got into office.
My copy and paste below. .
"In the last 50 years we have had Democrat presidents for 24 years and republican about the same The total for Democrats is 3 indictments, 1 conviction and 1 prison sentence. For republicans it’s 147 indictments, 94 convictions and 34 prison sentences". These figures don’t count for Trump, but he will probably double those for the Law and Order party.
No, it's the republicans, guys. They've got larceny in the blood it looks like.




Dave King
The DOJ never investigates Democrats...never!
I've been following politics somewhat since Richard Nixon...my first election. The criminals are most always republicans going way back. I copied and pasted some republican criminals off of quora. Guess that's ok. I voted for trump since I disliked Clinton so much. I started seeing from almost the beginning what a piece of shit trump was almost as soon as he got into office.
My copy and paste below. .
"In the last 50 years we have had Democrat presidents for 24 years and republican about the same The total for Democrats is 3 indictments, 1 conviction and 1 prison sentence. For republicans it’s 147 indictments, 94 convictions and 34 prison sentences". These figures don’t count for Trump, but he will probably double those for the Law and Order party.
No, it's the republicans, guys. They've got larceny in the blood it looks like.




Dave King
Unfortunately in politics, there are criminals on both sides of the aisle. Those that get caught weren't as smart at hiding their tracks.
You guys were apparently drowning in Russian evidence too.
You apparently refer to allegations of the disgraced Trump collaborating in the 2016 election with his "savvy" "genius" Putin that the Trump administration's Republican Acting Attorney General appointed a Republican Special Counsel to investigate.

Putin's interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to hurt Clinton and help Trump that was uncovered by the FBI, NSA, and CIA and confirmed by two Republican-led Senate investigative committees did not require direct coordination, although Steve Bannon found Trump's senior campaign personnel secretly meeting with Putin's agents highly problematical:

Screen Shot 2022-12-21 at 7.48.39 AM.png

“The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea
to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the
conference room on the 25th floor – with no lawyers.
They didn’t have any lawyers...
Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic,
or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that,
you should have called the FBI immediately.”
Actually you did:

They are not supposed to investigate crimes.

No, again, how is the committee handing over its investigation to the doj for a criminal investigation, any different than the committee doing the criminal investigation themselves?

No, this isn't coming from any right wing news source, and it is nefarious. The committee is going to hand over its own investigation to the doj, to help them in their criminal investigation. How people cannot see this?

Has nothing to do with feelings. If Congress found you had committed a crime, then they make a referral to the doj to conduct an investigation based on the allegations. They don't conduct a 2 year investigation and then just hand it over to the doj and say "here ya go, we've ready done all the work..here's your investigation on a silver platter". That would be the same as the J6 committee doing the criminal investigation themselves.....

congress has the power to investigate for legislative purposes only.

Actually, the cotus doesn't specifically even give Congress the power to conduct investigations at all, but scotus decided that the power to legislate included to power to investigate for the purpose of creating legislation.

Now, if Congress conducts an investigation on its own for the purposes of creating legislation, then that's fine, thats their scotus interpreted right, however, if during the course of that investigation, they detect a crime, they can tell the doj that a crime may have been committed, and then the doj can conduct a criminal investigation. If the Congress takes their entire investigation and hands it to the doj, it's the same thing as the Congress doing the work of a criminal investigation.....it's the same thing.

If in the course of their investigation, they discover a murder had taken place, then they make a referral to the doj to conduct an investigation for murder, but the Congress doesn't investigate the murder themselves, and then turn over their investigation to the doj to help them. The Congress has no role in conducting criminal investigations.

If the committee, during the course if their investigation, comes across a crime Trump had committed, then they can refer that to the doj, but the committee doesn't actually get to investigate the crime themselves. The problem we have here is that the Committee investigation was so broad, that it was actually a criminal investigation from the start. They started that committee with doj referrals in mind, that was ways their goal. "Legislation" was always just a cover for what they were really doing.
Thanks for correcting Catsnmeters so completely.. they clearly don’t know anything about govt processes, responsibilities, or how government works.

They probably read a bumper sticker or saw an MSNBC headline and came to conclusions. Sadly, such uninformed are usually the loudest.
Then they have to show ALL THE EVIDENCE!

Videos inside and outside the Capitol building. Documents regarding Epps and any other FBI stooges.

Everything! I watched the hearings and the things they were saying trump was responsible for were totally ludicrous.

No they don't... They have referred them to the DOJ..

The DOJ might bring charges and they share that evidence with just the Trump Defence team (after charges are filed).

Trump defence might do then...

Cops don't share there evidence with suspects when investigating a case..
The J6 panel cannot "urge" anything. Prosecutors at DoJ must decide.

Besides, none of it will make a damn bit of difference, Trump is the irresistible force, especially now that Musk has exposed the Deep State.
Exposed what???

Again I have to ask... How do you get paid for working in the Deep State? Do you get benefits...
Have they got a good retirement plan....
Thanks for your personal definition of a coup...

I also hear if the wind blows from the south it is not a coup as coups can only happen under a north blowing wind...

There is no coup if someone doesn't appear in a military uniform... Trump wasn't in a military uniform...


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