Jan. 6 panel to vote on urging DOJ to prosecute Trump on at least three criminal charges

So what about Obama and dead cops in Dallas? or Bernie sanders and a shot up softball game? Or Democrats anti-Kavanaugh rhetoric and an attempted assassination?
If you feel that your desperate need for diversion has any basis in reality, you are free to petition your politicians to contrive such charges, of course.

"Oh, yeah!
Well, what about...?"
Good luck with that.

In the meantime, you need to come up with a cover story for the Loser's pleasuring himself for hours by watching his goons attack outnumbered police defending democracy.
If you feel that your desperate need for diversion has any basis in reality, you are free to petition your politicians to contrive such charges, of course.
View attachment 740451
"Oh, yeah!
Well, what about...?"
Good luck with that.

In the meantime, you need to come up with a cover story for the Loser's pleasuring himself for hours by watching his goons attack outnumbered police defending democracy.
How to say “I hold no standards” without saying that you hold no standards.

You’re a hack who will change their position based on who does it. Credibility zero, you really ought to aspire to be better. Hold a standard.
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Who is they? Anyone in a position of power? Hillary Clinton publicly conceded and urged all her supporters to accept the results of the election. Trumpyberra on the other hand never conceded his loss and actually tried to declare victory before the ballots were even counted.
She said trump was illegitimate, that’s common knowledge outside of the leftist bubble. The fact you don’t know this is alarming.. but predictable.
Who is they? Anyone in a position of power? Hillary Clinton publicly conceded and urged all her supporters to accept the results of the election.


Didn’t you know? she absolutely conceded the election to the person who she defined as illegitimately winning! She’s exonerated, totally didn’t question the election. AT ALL!

a committee of trump haters and liars. The Jan 6 committee was the definition of a kangaroo court. It was a set up from the very beginning, its amazing that there are so many idiots like you that do not understand that.
That was very obvious to me, and it made me very unhappy with the way the government has been out-of-control and against the Constitution by the Democrat mob. The one and only time it's come to my attention that the Democrats ever defended the Constitution was a couple of weeks ago when President Trump said something like we should ignore the Constitution and go after the Democrat offenders. I almost fainted when I heard a clip about his critique, and realized it would immediately cause a self-righteous response from the Deep State leftists who have truly expunged the First Amendment with some of the new hidden-in-the thousand-page bills they have passed in recent years. They're also trying to take bites out of the Second Amendment, ignored the 25th Amendment's instruction for Congress to remove impaired individuals in the Executive Branch, and I don't know how they finagled a way to print money for which we have no gold backup for security's sake, except for blatant through-the-roof inflation that has bitten low income Americans the hardest--the people Biden says he is protecting, it sure is funny how he's making sure a lot of Americans could starve to death because of his spending ruses signed, sealed, and delivered to the American taxpayers. We've been used badly, and triple that in small border towns that are being devasdated by hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants pushing their way into states that can't handle the endless masses polluting local farms and ranches with trash and heisting their bread and butter through butchering their animals where they live and leaving the rest to rot out on the prairie feeding areas of the farms and ranches they tend to exploit thinking no one will miss a cow or two. Profits can be so skinny that the few animals they take would have paid for their monthly debt mortgages to the point of bankruptcy.

Conservatives have to double down on the spendthrifts who've caused Americans fiscal misery in every way imaginable. Prayers up for American taxpayers. They're being robbed of their future Social Security payments.
Indeed. The DoJ will decide. Once the Select Committee publishes its findings it will prove exceedingly difficult for the DoJ to ignore the matter any longer.

Irresistible force? Musk's disclosures? Yeah... right... you go right on deluding yourself that that is the case. :itsok:
If Trump is not indicted at least for his top secret document heist how can the FBI ever arrest anyone else for the same crime? They have that lowlife dead to rights.
You can pretend that, of course.

However, our system of jurisprudence is based upon credible evidence, not hyper-partisan, airy-fairy scenarios, no matter how much weird worshipers screech, "Lock her up! Lock her up!"

No Republican during the years of their fatwa against Clinton could ever contrive actual charges what against her in a U.S. court of law.

If you wish to believe they were all grossly incompetent, that is certainly your right.
what do you think wasn’t credible about the server and it’s contents?

you are right all the evidence was discussed by obamas doj not a republican one
How to say “I hold no standards” without saying that you hold no standards.

You’re a hack who will change their position based on who does it. Credibility zero, you really ought to aspire to be better. Hold a standard.
Your deity is destined for the netherworld.

As a concatenation of sobering realities converge on the Cry Baby Loser, and he is dumped by his enabling mega-donors and media sycophants, after his befouling the GOP in 2018, 2020, and 2022 elections, his weird worships squirm in vain.

They have been consigned to stimulating themselves with their cheesy, juju-emitting tchotchkes.

The likely release of the Loser's tax returns, fulfilling his repeated promise to share them, should add to the revelations.

Think of it as a red, white, and blue tsunami of truth.
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Person A: I lost because it was stolen!
Person B: I lost because it was stolen!

Timing is everything. For example when Hillary conceded and went through the motions of informing her base and urging them to accept the outcome, it was early the next morning when the networks had called the election for The Don. Compared to the time Donnie conceded and calmed his supporters, which was never. He immediately inflamed the situation with pre planned squeals of fraud.

So yeah quite a bit different.
Only 3 charges ? He was the mastermind ? of the catastrophe.
The headhunter committee forgot to mention that Trump told the protesters they should protest in a peaceful, and patriotic way. Because they intentionally omitted this call, they pretended that he broke the law and that the protesters were "insurrectionists" when they really weren't. And the rotten media corpses had a field day repeating the errors of their omissions. I think that will set them back to hiring and using mules to win 2024. *yawn*
Timing is everything. For example when Hillary conceded and went through the motions of informing her base and urging them to accept the outcome, it was early the next morning when the networks had called the election for The Don. Compared to the time Donnie conceded and calmed his supporters, which was never. He immediately inflamed the situation with pre planned squeals of fraud.

So yeah quite a bit different.
Clinton' gracious concession was in the nation's proud tradition of peaceful transfer of power from 1789 until 2021.

Let's hope the Untied States of America can restore its savaged status as the beacon of democracy.

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