Jan. 6 panel to vote on urging DOJ to prosecute Trump on at least three criminal charges

To sum up your claims:
1. You think 50 dead cops isn’t enough. Wow, you want more dead cops.

Nope, I want dead less everyone.. 1000 dead civilians is too many. 50 dead cops is too many, but we've decided this is acceptable because the gun industry thinks the militia amendment is a right for crooks to have guns.

But if you are going to argue that cops have to go around shooting everyone they run into, INCLUDING BLACK CHILDREN, because they might have guns, then you better show me that this is happening a lot more often.

2. You can’t address statistics about groups and violence, so you scurry away with your tail tucked between your legs.
Not at all. You guys drag these numbers out to show how "savage" they are, because you are a racist. Done.

3. It’s wrong when people die, but not all the time, only when you can try to use it in victimization for your cause.

We had 25,000 murders in 2020. Most of them because people were locked up with their families getting on each other's nerves. You want to whine about the 18 that happened during BLM protests, even though half of those were at the hands of cops or vigilantes.

4. If it wasn’t by a group of unarmed rioters who tried to “overthrow” a govt (anyone who thought it was a serious threat is a moron) then arson, murder, mass theft, assault, mass injuries are justified.
An incompetent coup is still a coup. So Trump's coup is like his presidency and his businesses, incompetent.

Your morals need improved. I’m proud to denounce all who are bad, not just the ones I disagree with. I denounce all who are violent, who murder etc.. you don’t. It’s crazy.

Yawn, the thing that was immoral was our unwillingness to address police misconduct.
TEN FUCKING YEARS they asked, begged for police reform to happen. And they kept watching thug cops walk out of court or getting slap on the wrist sentences.
Yeah and it's always the other guys fault right ??? Hands up don't shoot remember that lie ? Over and over it has been proven that many deserved what they got, but you just brush it off because it destroys your sick traitorous no count bull shite.

Let's review the list, shall we?
Tamir Rice- Playing with a toy.
Eric Garner - selling single cigarettes
Alton Sterling - selling bootleg CD's
Michael Brown - Stealing some cigarettes.. or maybe he just traded them for pot... or maybe he was just jaywalking.
Laquan McDonald - trying to break into a truck to keep warm
Botham Jean - Sitting in his apartment, eating ice cream
Sandra Bland - not making a turn.
George Floyd - passing a fake $20.

Yes, black people are upset, and they should be.

He'll retreat to his handler's now, then he'll be back with some off the wall twisted bull shite that he thinks makes him look smart, but I say that he's just a gullible idiot.

Yet I always out argue you.. but you are a mental midget.
Nope, I want dead less everyone.. 1000 dead civilians is too many. 50 dead cops is too many, but we've decided this is acceptable because the gun industry thinks the militia amendment is a right for crooks to have guns.

But if you are going to argue that cops have to go around shooting everyone they run into, INCLUDING BLACK CHILDREN, because they might have guns, then you better show me that this is happening a lot more often.

Not at all. You guys drag these numbers out to show how "savage" they are, because you are a racist. Done.

We had 25,000 murders in 2020. Most of them because people were locked up with their families getting on each other's nerves. You want to whine about the 18 that happened during BLM protests, even though half of those were at the hands of cops or vigilantes.

An incompetent coup is still a coup. So Trump's coup is like his presidency and his businesses, incompetent.

Yawn, the thing that was immoral was our unwillingness to address police misconduct.
TEN FUCKING YEARS they asked, begged for police reform to happen. And they kept watching thug cops walk out of court or getting slap on the wrist sentences.
It matters to all law abiding citizen's, and this regardless of any color they have you perceived racist from hell, otherwise it mattered that injustices were happening in our court systems all due to corrupt individual's that had in some ways strategically highjacked those system's to a certain degree (sounds like what we have once again), but none of us were ready to attack the system like a bunch of savage's in order to try and straighten it all out. We are being extremely civilized about it all. I'm proud of these mainstream and poor citizens that behave themselves no matter how poor their choices in life may have made them.

Civilized people don't take the law into their own hands, because most do what Martin Luther King's people did, and that has been a template to go by, was a very powerful peaceful movement that has led people to the promised lands ever since....

Then came the community instigating activist, otherwise a self prescribed so called racist leader that probably came from hell, and who actually somehow duped this country into getting him elected, and this was not based upon the historical premise of placing a qualified person in the white house,, but rather instead they placed a man based upon his skin color in the white house), instead of a qualified man or woman in there like it always should be..

Yes the country elected a man who ended up screwing not only the black people over that put him there, but even more shockingly he screwed over the white's who we're duped into putting him there as well.

The man was a tremendous disappointment, but anyone caught saying it was then labeled (wait for it), a racist.

How damned stupid can people be ?
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It matters to all law abiding citizen's, and this regardless of any color they have you perceived racist from hell, otherwise it mattered that injustices were happening in our court systems all due to corrupt individual's that had in some ways strategically highjacked those system's to a certain degree (sounds like what we have once again), but none of us were ready to attack the system like a bunch of savage's in order to try and straighten it all out. We are being extremely civilized about it all. I'm proud of these mainstream and poor citizens that behave themselves no matter how poor their choices in life may have made them.

Uh, no, guy. Our Prison-Industrial Complex is a fucking disgrace. We lock up more people than fucking Communist China, and most of those on non-violent offenses. We lock them up to the point we have nowhere to lock them up. And yes, the burden of that falls on people of color.

Civilized people don't take the law into their own hands, because most do what Martin Luther King's people did, and that has been a template to go by, was a very powerful peaceful movement that has led people to the promised lands ever since....


Then came the community instigating activist, otherwise a self prescribed so called racist leader that probably came from hell, and who actually somehow duped this country into getting him elected, and this was not based upon the historical premise of placing a qualified person in the white house,, but rather instead they placed a man based upon his skin color in the white house), instead of a qualified man or woman in there like it always should be..

Uh, guy, Obama didn't get elected because he was black.

Obama got elected because George W. Stupid LIED us into a war in Iraq, and Obama was the guy who had the good sense to point out it was a terrible idea. Hillary and McCain lost because they voted for that war, and were unwilling to say straight up, 'This war is a terrible idea, and we need to end it, NOW!"

To his credit, Obama kept his promise and got us out of Iraq - mostly. We still have 2500 guys hiding on a base advising the Iraqi military. We should probably get them out of there.

Yes the country elected a man who ended up screwing not only the black people over that put him there, but even more shockingly he screwed over the white's who we're duped into putting him there as well.

Really? Because most people were in FAR better shape in 2016 than they were in 2009, when Obama took office. The stock Market doubled, unemployment dropped under 5% (Romney would have considered it an accomplishment if he got it under 6% by 2016). He saved the Auto Industry, housing bounced back, etc.

I mean, other than hurting your feelings, what did Obama do that was so bad, exactly?

The man was a tremendous disappointment, but anyone caught saying it was then labeled (wait for it), a racist.

How damned stupid can people be ?
I didn't vote for Obama in 2008. I thought McCain was the better candidate.
Then the GOP nominated the fucking Mormon, and I was finally done with the GOP.
Of course, nothing compared to the crazy that would come with Trump.
Uh, no, guy. Our Prison-Industrial Complex is a fucking disgrace. We lock up more people than fucking Communist China, and most of those on non-violent offenses. We lock them up to the point we have nowhere to lock them up. And yes, the burden of that falls on people of color.


Uh, guy, Obama didn't get elected because he was black.

Obama got elected because George W. Stupid LIED us into a war in Iraq, and Obama was the guy who had the good sense to point out it was a terrible idea. Hillary and McCain lost because they voted for that war, and were unwilling to say straight up, 'This war is a terrible idea, and we need to end it, NOW!"

To his credit, Obama kept his promise and got us out of Iraq - mostly. We still have 2500 guys hiding on a base advising the Iraqi military. We should probably get them out of there.

Really? Because most people were in FAR better shape in 2016 than they were in 2009, when Obama took office. The stock Market doubled, unemployment dropped under 5% (Romney would have considered it an accomplishment if he got it under 6% by 2016). He saved the Auto Industry, housing bounced back, etc.

I mean, other than hurting your feelings, what did Obama do that was so bad, exactly?

I didn't vote for Obama in 2008. I thought McCain was the better candidate.
Then the GOP nominated the fucking Mormon, and I was finally done with the GOP.
Of course, nothing compared to the crazy that would come with Trump.
To many lie's and bull crap to sit here and attempt to straighten your idiot self out on, so just seeing your own words sit there in the open condemning your racist, opportunistic crisis pedaling ace is enough for me.... ROTFLMBO 🤣

Yeah your democrat's shot King, so of course there's that you dipstick. You act as if there were no whites holding hands with black's in Kings March, so you use a ridiculous Photoshop picture to try and make some kind of jab at the white race even though you are white you outrageous racist pathetic numbskull. Well infact I don't know what you are, because 1st off you are white yourself, but you love to act like you are green, purple or pink when you attack the white skin color as if that has anything to do with a corrupt or diabolical individual that chooses to be a racist whether they are white, black or any other such color for that matter...

For one that thinks he is so smart, you actually are just a loser on a platform that is using said platform to say and write thing's that make you look like an edumacated fool... LOL.
Yeah your democrat's shot King, so of course there's that you dipstick. You act as if there were no whites holding hands with black's in Kings March, so you use a ridiculous Photoshop picture to try and make some kind of jab at the white race even though you are white you outrageous racist pathetic numbskull. Well infact I don't know what you are, because 1st off you are white yourself, but you love to act like you are green, purple or pink when you attack the white skin color as if that has anything to do with a corrupt or diabolical individual that chooses to be a racist whether they are white, black or any other such color for that matter...

I wasn't aware James Earl Ray was a member of either political party.

But the thing was, the white Racists didn't love Dr. King until AFTER he was dead. King was an inspirational leader, but let's be honest, the only reason why reforms happened in the 1960's was because Malcolm X and the Black Panthers were standing right behind him threatening to burn shit down.

I'm old enough to remember the riots that happened after Dr. King was murdered, and my parents (who sadly were products of their time) were terrified that the rioters would get to our neighborhood on the SW side of Chicago. That's why they had reforms.

To many lie's and bull crap to sit here and attempt to straighten your idiot self out on, so just seeing your own words sit there in the open condemning your racist, opportunistic crisis pedaling ace is enough for me.... ROTFLMBO
Your concession is duly noted.

But if we have a "Crisis", it's because people like you and Frisky let things fester.

BLM is a great example. You had a dozens of incidents of police brutality that were peacefully protested. This guy took a knee, and no one said, "Gee, Colin, what a thoughtful man you are!" Nope. You protested football and ruined his career!
I wasn't aware James Earl Ray was a member of either political party.

But the thing was, the white Racists didn't love Dr. King until AFTER he was dead. King was an inspirational leader, but let's be honest, the only reason why reforms happened in the 1960's was because Malcolm X and the Black Panthers were standing right behind him threatening to burn shit down.

I'm old enough to remember the riots that happened after Dr. King was murdered, and my parents (who sadly were products of their time) were terrified that the rioters would get to our neighborhood on the SW side of Chicago. That's why they had reforms.

Your concession is duly noted.

But if we have a "Crisis", it's because people like you and Frisky let things fester.

BLM is a great example. You had a dozens of incidents of police brutality that were peacefully protested. This guy took a knee, and no one said, "Gee, Colin, what a thoughtful man you are!" Nope. You protested football and ruined his career!
Again keep on writing your ridiculous drivel for the community to see, it's actually an hilarious thing to watch.. 😂

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