Jan. 6 panel to vote on urging DOJ to prosecute Trump on at least three criminal charges

Actually, five people died, including one Capitol Police Officer.
That’s been debunked. However, it’s known you support spreading disinformation, so..
When HUNDREDS of people hear a politician and do something crazy, then I look at the politician and what he said and did.
So Biden/Harris supporting BLMs cause during BLM riots fits.
Biden did no such thing. In fact, he called for an end to violence.
So did Trump, which you oddly ignore.
Trump KNEW he lost the election
No, he thought he was screwed out of it, like Hillary and Abrams. But somehow they can “subvert democracy” by questioning elections because you agree with them and you don’t hold consistent standards.
The plan was always to stop the certification, impose martial law, and throw out the election.
Were you at the meeting? How do you know this? Oh, it’s just fan fiction.
That’s been debunked. However, it’s known you support spreading disinformation, so..
Debunked by who? Officer Sidnick was beaten and sprayed with bear spray, and died of a heart attack. 140 Capitol officers were injured.

So Biden/Harris supporting BLMs cause during BLM riots fits.
Not really.

"The Police should be reformed" - Sensible position.
"Go out and burn stuff" - Not a sensible position. Biden and Harris never said that.

"The election was stolen from me" - Not a sensible position.
"Go Storm the capitol" - Criminal position.

So did Trump, which you oddly ignore.
Given Trump spent years endorsing police misconduct, and undermining Obama's efforts at police reform, he needed to sit down and shut the fuck up.
The Riots happened because of Trump.

No, he thought he was screwed out of it, like Hillary and Abrams. But somehow they can “subvert democracy” by questioning elections because you agree with them and you don’t hold consistent standards.

well, first you have to have a legit complaint.
Hillary had a legit complaint- She got more votes and the Russians screwed with our election.
Abrams had a legit complaint. Kemp purged hundreds of thousands of black people from the rolls.
Trump was told by Barr and others in his own administration that he straight up lost.

Second, it's HOW you respond that is important. Hillary and Abrams accepted their losses. Trump tried to OVERTHROW THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT.

Were you at the meeting? How do you know this? Oh, it’s just fan fiction.
No, but people who were testified to it to the committee.
Debunked by who? Officer Sidnick was beaten and sprayed with bear spray, and died of a heart attack. 140 Capitol officers were injured.
You’ve spouted this misinformation before, Medical docs said heart issue had nothing to do with any physicality.

Meanwhile, it’s conservatives who more defend the assault on police in any circumstance. The BLM riots caused more that 2000 officers injured, but look, you don’t care about the majority and are focused on a minority.

Again, you hold no standards and are repeating debunked misinformation.
Not really.

"The Police should be reformed" - Sensible position.
"Go out and burn stuff" - Not a sensible position. Biden and Harris never said that.

"The election was stolen from me" - Not a sensible position.
"Go Storm the capitol" - Criminal position.
Trump never said “go storm the Capitol”

See, I hold a consistent standard. Neither Trump nor Biden/Harris are responsible for the actions of rioters. Even if they spouted inflammatory rhetoric, supported the cause vaguely, or took too long to denounce violence (it took Biden/Harris days, Trump hours)

You don’t hold a consistent standard, and create special qualifiers to denounce Trump but give the Democrats a pass or support them. You have no credibility.
Given Trump spent years endorsing police misconduct, and undermining Obama's efforts at police reform, he needed to sit down and shut the fuck up.
The Riots happened because of Trump.
You’re free to your opinion, but as we’ve seen over and over, your radical biased speculation and hyperbole isn’t accurate.

Leave your “feels” and address the “reals”
well, first you have to have a legit complaint.
Hillary had a legit complaint- She got more votes and the Russians screwed with our election.
Abrams had a legit complaint. Kemp purged hundreds of thousands of black people from the rolls.
Trump was told by Barr and others in his own administration that he straight up lost.
Exactly.. you support “subverting democracy” and questioning elections when it suits you, and then Condemn it when those you oppose do it. It’s the definition of a hypocrite.

“Guys, violence is wrong in every and any sense, anyone who does it or even remotely possibly incites it is evil, no matter their reasons or feelings! But… I was justified in punching that guy in the face because he made fun of me!”

Yeah, you’re that aloof. Cognitive dissonance, look it up.
Second, it's HOW you respond that is important. Hillary and Abrams accepted their losses. Trump tried to OVERTHROW THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT.
Denying a genuine loss over years as Clinton and Abrams did is inflammatory, and only fans the flames of radicals who will feel virtuous to act violently to correct the “wrong”.

Again, I don’t blame Clinton, Abrams, Obama, Sanders, or Trump for inciting anything, I have a standard. You don’t, so you’re just a joke in this debate.
The king of "Whataboutism"

You’ve spouted this misinformation before, Medical docs said heart issue had nothing to do with any physicality.

Right, he just happen to have a heart attack the day after he was beaten and pepper-sprayed by a bunch of Nazis.

Meanwhile, it’s conservatives who more defend the assault on police in any circumstance. The BLM riots caused more that 2000 officers injured, but look, you don’t care about the majority and are focused on a minority.
We had 10 years to avoid the BLM riots. We didn't. Sadly, white people ONLY pay attention to black people's valid complaints when they threaten to burn their stuff.

Trump never said “go storm the Capitol”

Yes, he did.

See, I hold a consistent standard. Neither Trump nor Biden/Harris are responsible for the actions of rioters. Even if they spouted inflammatory rhetoric, supported the cause vaguely, or took too long to denounce violence (it took Biden/Harris days, Trump hours)

The thing is, the BLM riots didn't happen because of anything Harris or Biden said.
The BLM riot happened because a thug cop murdered a black man on national TV as he begged for his life.

The January 6 riots ONLY happened because Trump made the decision to overthrow the results of the election.

You’re free to your opinion, but as we’ve seen over and over, your radical biased speculation and hyperbole isn’t accurate.
Whatever, dude. You Trump supporters live in your own little world.
The BLM riots happened because Trump made it pretty clear he didn't care if the police murdered black people. Combine that with the anxiety that already existed because of Covid and the Recession, you had the perfect storm for riots.

Exactly.. you support “subverting democracy” and questioning elections when it suits you, and then Condemn it when those you oppose do it. It’s the definition of a hypocrite.

no, I question things that are truly questionable. - Still using an outdated system to select presidents, or purging thousands of black people from the voter rolls.. those things are questionable.

Whining that you lost after you screwed up everything and people voted you out isn't.

Denying a genuine loss over years as Clinton and Abrams did is inflammatory, and only fans the flames of radicals who will feel virtuous to act violently to correct the “wrong”.
Voter suppression is a bad thing.
Why is your side afraid of the voters?

Again, I don’t blame Clinton, Abrams, Obama, Sanders, or Trump for inciting anything, I have a standard. You don’t, so you’re just a joke in this debate.
Buddy, you engage in a lot of whataboutism to cover the fact your boy got caught, and will be going to prison for it.
Trump did more than question an election. He outright tried to overthrow the results of it. As a result, people died.

You don't have a point, Frisky. Presidential power includes executive orders. Congress and the Courts can overrule them. Checks and balances.

Quite difference than Trump trying to overthrow a legitimate election that his own people told him was free of fraud.

Except it's not the job of a city to enforce a federal law. I also don't want the cities enforcing the federal tax code.

If you guys REALLY want to enforce the law, commit the resources... don't expect the cities to do your job for you.

Um, yeah, if it's down to his credibility vs. Trump that's an easy one.
No one subverted Democracy and our justice system worse than the leftist deep state Democrats have done. They had a year in violent acts committed, and 4+ year's of a coup to undermine and destroy a sitting president verses one day of pent up frustrations because of it all. You choose who you think are the worst offender's, and I'll garantee to anyone that you will choose foolishly.
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The king of "Whataboutism"

Right, he just happen to have a heart attack the day after he was beaten and pepper-sprayed by a bunch of Nazis.

We had 10 years to avoid the BLM riots. We didn't. Sadly, white people ONLY pay attention to black people's valid complaints when they threaten to burn their stuff.

Yes, he did.

The thing is, the BLM riots didn't happen because of anything Harris or Biden said.
The BLM riot happened because a thug cop murdered a black man on national TV as he begged for his life.

The January 6 riots ONLY happened because Trump made the decision to overthrow the results of the election.

Whatever, dude. You Trump supporters live in your own little world.
The BLM riots happened because Trump made it pretty clear he didn't care if the police murdered black people. Combine that with the anxiety that already existed because of Covid and the Recession, you had the perfect storm for riots.

no, I question things that are truly questionable. - Still using an outdated system to select presidents, or purging thousands of black people from the voter rolls.. those things are questionable.

Whining that you lost after you screwed up everything and people voted you out isn't.

Voter suppression is a bad thing.
Why is your side afraid of the voters?

Buddy, you engage in a lot of whataboutism to cover the fact your boy got caught, and will be going to prison for it.
You are the very thing that Malcolm X warned black people about, and your fake racism that is constantly being charged only at white's (in which ironically you are white yourself as well), only proves that you just use the black's in what you think are weak and ignorant enough to just gobble your bull shite down, but hopefully they will break the liberal leftist chains that you hold on them, and someday realize just how damned evil you people actually are.
No one subverted Democracy and our justice system worse than the leftist deep state Democrats have done. They had a year in violent acts committed, and 4+ year's of a coup to undermine and destroy a sitting president verses one day of pent up frustrations because of it all. You choose who you think are the worst offender's, and I'll garantee to anyone that you will choose foolishly.

Uh, get real. Every president since Nixon has faced these kinds of questions and investigations over their conduct. You guys impeached Clinton over a fucking blow job.

You are the very thing that Malcolm X warned black people about, and your fake racism that is constantly being charged only at white's (in which ironically you are white yourself as well), only proves that you just use the black's in what you think are weak and ignorant enough to just gobble your bull shite down, but hopefully they will break the liberal leftist chains that you hold on them, and someday realize just how damned evil you people actually are.
If Malcolm X were alive today, he'd be at the front of the BLM riots.
Fact check false: Clinton was impeached for lying to Congress

About a blow job... and it was to a court, not to Congress.

Most sensible people would say, "Well, I'm not going to meddle in the man's sex life, let his wife brain him with a frying pan."

Not the whacky Republicans under Newt, though. Right after he was done cheating on his wife with the Lobbyist. Let's get Henry Hyde on that, he broke up a man's marriage 20 years earlier stepping out on his wife.

Party of Family Values, everyone! What do we do next? Hey, let's get the guy who's been married three times and paid porn starts for sex. Then paid them to keep quiet. Then sued one of them for not keeping quiet.

Are when are going to stop spreading so much misinformation and disinformation?

When are you guys going to stop being hypocrites. If Clinton lying about a blow job was a crisis, so is the guy who tried to overthrow an election and unleased an angry mob on Congress.
The king of "Whataboutism"
Referencing other examples is the only way to determine if one’s logic is consistent or they’re being hypocritical and holding political double standards. It makes sense that someone who constantly holds double standards and holds no consistent logic would try to demonize the method to expose their weakness.
Right, he just happen to have a heart attack the day after he was beaten and pepper-sprayed by a bunch of Nazis.
Yes, he died of natural causes so says the medical folk who examined him.

Are they in on it? If not, you’re spreading disinformation.
We had 10 years to avoid the BLM riots. We didn't. Sadly, white people ONLY pay attention to black people's valid complaints when they threaten to burn their stuff.
So the violence was justified.. the thousands of officer injuries, the livelihoods ruined, the 20+ deaths.. all worth it to you. got it. That’s ver immoral and selfish for you to sacrifice these lives and people just to further your cause.
Yes, he did.
Cite where Trump said to storm the capital. Or, you’re spreading disinformation.
The BLM riots happened because Trump made it pretty clear he didn't care if the police murdered black people.
Prove this claim. When did Trump say anything
Like this? If you can’t, this is even more disinformation from you.
no, I question things that are truly questionable.
So who dictates what is “truly questionable”.. you? LOL

You seem to have some delusion that only your perspective is allowed to be violent and perform actions that you otherwise denounce. It’s justified when you do it, it’s evil when your opposition does it. You have no standards, so you’re just a joke here.
Referencing other examples is the only way to determine if one’s logic is consistent or they’re being hypocritical and holding political double standards. It makes sense that someone who constantly holds double standards and holds no consistent logic would try to demonize the method to expose their weakness.

No, it's "whataboutism". Now, if you can find another case where a presidential candidate organized an angry mob to march on the capitol with the intent of changing the result of an election, let me know.

Oh, wait, you can't. Because in 225 years of American Democracy, this shit has never happened before.

Yes, he died of natural causes so says the medical folk who examined him.

Are they in on it? If not, you’re spreading disinformation.

He died from a stroke a day after being beaten and bear-sprayed.

So the violence was justified.. the thousands of officer injuries, the livelihoods ruined, the 20+ deaths.. all worth it to you. got it. That’s ver immoral and selfish for you to sacrifice these lives and people just to further your cause.

Quite the contrary, the police kill 1000 Americans every year. Very few of them are held accountable for these actions. People asked nicely for police reform for a decade but it ONLY happened when people started burning stuff, and already we see them trying to do "backsies".

Cite where Trump said to storm the capital. Or, you’re spreading disinformation.

The part where he told them to march down and threaten Republicans who weren't in line.

Prove this claim. When did Trump say anything
Like this? If you can’t, this is even more disinformation from you.

Among many, many others.

So who dictates what is “truly questionable”.. you? LOL

You seem to have some delusion that only your perspective is allowed to be violent and perform actions that you otherwise denounce. It’s justified when you do it, it’s evil when your opposition does it. You have no standards, so you’re just a joke here.

Clinton lying about a blow job was not a threat to American Democracy.
Someone looting a 7-11 during a BLM protest was not a threat to American Democracy.
Someone pointing out that the Electoral College is bullshit is not a threat to democracy.
Someone organizing an angry mob to storm the Capitol, is a threat to democracy.
No, it's "whataboutism".
Which is you evading accountability for your supposed logic. You screaming “what aboutism” is just you throwing a temper tantrum over being confronted with standards.
. He died from a stroke a day after being beaten and bear-sprayed.
Yep, Unrelated to any violence. I don’t get why you’re hanging on to this debunked claim you’re making.
The part where he told them to march down and threaten Republicans who weren't in line.
LMAO wow, more disinformation. He was talking about the MS 13 gang.. are you supporting that murderous group of people??

Can you provide anything truthful? Every charge you make is easily debunked.
Someone organizing an angry mob to storm the Capitol, is a threat to democracy.
Prove Trump organized the rioters to be violent or stop spreading disinformation. FBI investigation found the rioters to be nearly entirely loosely-affiliated idiots who coordinated over Facebook.
Which is you evading accountability for your supposed logic. You screaming “what aboutism” is just you throwing a temper tantrum over being confronted with standards.

Not at all... the fact that you want to talk about ANYTHING other than what Trump did shows you are ducking and hiding.

Yep, Unrelated to any violence. I don’t get why you’re hanging on to this debunked claim you’re making.
Um, people just don't up and die after being beaten by protestors.

LMAO wow, more disinformation. He was talking about the MS 13 gang.. are you supporting that murderous group of people??

Can you provide anything truthful? Every charge you make is easily debunked.

That makes it okay to violate their civil rights and use violence against them?

Prove Trump organized the rioters to be violent or stop spreading disinformation. FBI investigation found the rioters to be nearly entirely loosely-affiliated idiots who coordinated over Facebook.
The J6 committee found otherwise.
Trump is going to get indicted.
And if he's tried in DC, he'll get convicted.

But it's okay, by then, the whole GOP will be acting like they never met the guy. Kind of like you did with McCarthy, Nixon, and GW Bush.
Not at all... the fact that you want to talk about ANYTHING other than what Trump did shows you are ducking and hiding.

Um, people just don't up and die after being beaten by protestors.

That makes it okay to violate their civil rights and use violence against them?

The J6 committee found otherwise.
Trump is going to get indicted.
And if he's tried in DC, he'll get convicted.

But it's okay, by then, the whole GOP will be acting like they never met the guy. Kind of like you did with McCarthy, Nixon, and GW Bush.
1. You refuse to allow your “logic” to be checked, so you have tons of double standards.
2. You fail to correct and continue to repeat disinformation
3. You support immorality like arson, battery, murder, theft, etc in the name of your political causes.

Not a good look on a debate forum
1. You refuse to allow your “logic” to be checked, so you have tons of double standards.
Whataboutism isn't logic. Strike one.
2. You fail to correct and continue to repeat disinformation
Facts you don't like aren't "disinformation" or "fake news". Strike two.
3. You support immorality like arson, battery, murder, theft, etc in the name of your political causes.
The police murdering black people is immoral. As for the rest, it's just property, and property can be replaced.
That we ONLY care about black lives when black people threaten to burn white people's stuff, that's an immoral society.
Strike 3, you're out.
Whataboutism isn't logic. Strike one.

Facts you don't like aren't "disinformation" or "fake news". Strike two.

The police murdering black people is immoral. As for the rest, it's just property, and property can be replaced.
That we ONLY care about black lives when black people threaten to burn white people's stuff, that's an immoral society.
Strike 3, you're out.
Pathetic ego posting does you now favours. You run from your logic being examined, you repeat false information, and you support mass violence and tens of deaths.

Pathetic ego posting does you now favours. You run from your logic being examined, you repeat false information, and you support mass violence and tens of deaths.

Guys who believe in magic sky fairies don't really get to talk to me about logic.

I don't support mass violence. I called for police reform for a decade. It didn't happen, and you got violence. Sucks to be you.
I don't support mass violence. I called for police reform for a decade. It didn't happen, and you got violence. Sucks to be you.
So you supported when it happened. Just own
It. You support mass violence for your political causes because they are necessary in your eyes, but demonize those you oppose for doing what they felt was justified and necessary in their eyes.

I say both were wrong, but then again, I have standards, and based on this fact clearly hold higher moral considerations. You really ought to strive to be better than that. Any impulsive dullard can rationalize virtue in their cause and justify all actions to achieve it (Hitler), it’s taking the next step in asking if it holds up to morality that you don’t bother to begin. Its intellectual immaturity, a stunted growth, a developmental delay. That’s you, and Adolf.
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So you supported when it happened. Just own
It. You support mass violence for your political causes because they are necessary in your eyes, but demonize those you oppose for doing what they felt was justified and necessary in their eyes.
Nope. Don't support it. Just can't get very worked up about it.
And there was no excuse for what the January 6 traitor and racists did.

I say both were wrong, but then again, I have standards, and based on this fact clearly hold higher moral considerations. You really ought to strive to be better than that. Any impulsive dullard can rationalize virtue in their cause and justify all actions to achieve it (Hitler), it’s taking the next step in asking if it holds up to morality that you don’t bother to begin. Its intellectual immaturity, a stunted growth, a developmental delay. That’s you, and Adolf.
Yawn, quit being pompous.

We had a decade to avoid the BLM Riots. Instead, we just made things worse by electing a racist Nazi (Trump) and ignoring pleas to reform the police.

So funny thing, after they rioted, all the white people shit themselves and passed reforms. Funny how that works.

Frankly, that's almost an invitation to riot.

Meanwhile, with the January 6 Traitors, they had the exact opposite effect. Not only did the GOP Senators who were going to play Trump's game and slow down the certification quickly abandon the effort (Certifying later that evening) but Trump got impeached, will probably be indicted, and will leave an indelible stain on his already shoddy presidency.

But you keep drinking the orange koolaid, buddy.

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