Janet Reno Dead

She ordered the raid in Waco which killed 80 people, including children. Some of them were shot while trying to flee. I'm finding it hard to muster a lot of sympathy.

Meh, they were a bunch of meth-dealing, gun running whackadoodle cultists..

By killing themselves, they saved the taxpayers a lot of money not having to imprison them.
Yeah, I'm sure those toddlers were hard core meth dealing gun runners.
No they weren`t. They were just rape victims of your blessed Jesus Koresh. A panel of arson investigators concluded that he cooked them. Hearing Jesus on tape sayng "spread the fuel" 6 hours earlier was a pretty good clue.
They cooked themselves just as Koresh promised to do. Those pieces of shit ambushed and murdered 4 cops. Why Reno fucked around with them for 51 days is a mystery.

So the children "cooked themselves?" :eek:

I realize leftists are evil and lack the human attributes of empathy, but really..

I think you hated Reno for the same reason you hate most women. They would kick your ass. That`s why you have a lot of guns to hide behind.

I hate most women?

Do tell?

Reno was evil from the start. Her witch hunt destroyed the lives of hundreds if not thousands of people. The satanic cult hysteria she created swept the nation, as she put innocent people in prison for decades.

May she rot in hell.
Thank you Janet.


"We cannot say we have completed our journey when even today, blacks and Hispanics and in many cases women have a harder time getting into college, renting an apartment, getting a job or obtaining a loan,"

- Janet Reno

"We have not completed our journey when the unemployment rate for black males is still twice as high as it is for white males. . . . That's not right."

- Janet Reno
Yet you leftards claim America was racist then.
No they weren`t. They were just rape victims of your blessed Jesus Koresh.
An excuse to use deadly force, including killing the children she supposedly wanted to rescue. No evidence or proof was ever presented.
IWF -Janet Reno and Her Record as a So-Called Champion of Children

A panel of arson investigators concluded that he cooked them.
Of course, what would you expect them to say when they're investigating their own?
Fallen Agents | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

Names of the four ATF agents killed on February 28, 1993 by David Koresh and the Branch Dividians. Four ATF agents were killed; 20 ATF agents wounded from gunshots or shrapnel and 8 suffered other injuries.

Robert J Williams
Todd W McHeehan
Stephen D Willis
Conway C LeBleu

These were real people who's families lost them as well.

Todd W. McKeehan | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Is that why Reno murdered the children, revenge?
Thank you Janet.


"We cannot say we have completed our journey when even today, blacks and Hispanics and in many cases women have a harder time getting into college, renting an apartment, getting a job or obtaining a loan,"

- Janet Reno

"We have not completed our journey when the unemployment rate for black males is still twice as high as it is for white males. . . . That's not right."

- Janet Reno
Yet you leftards claim America was racist then.
You should invest in a self help remedial reading course. After you finish come back a read my post again.
"Speak out against the hatred, the bigotry and the violence in this land. Most haters are cowards. When confronted, they back down. When we remain silent, they flourish,"

-Janet Reno
Did she say that while the children burned alive?
I would think that while Koresh was burning his children she was shocked beyond words.
Why would she be shocked about a fire after she ordered incendiary devices thrown in a wooden building with a hot 35 mph wind blowing?
Fallen Agents | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

Names of the four ATF agents killed on February 28, 1993 by David Koresh and the Branch Dividians. Four ATF agents were killed; 20 ATF agents wounded from gunshots or shrapnel and 8 suffered other injuries.

Robert J Williams
Todd W McHeehan
Stephen D Willis
Conway C LeBleu

These were real people who's families lost them as well.

Todd W. McKeehan | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Is that why Reno murdered the children, revenge?
When was Reno convicted of murdering children? Do you have a link...a credible link?
"Speak out against the hatred, the bigotry and the violence in this land. Most haters are cowards. When confronted, they back down. When we remain silent, they flourish,"

-Janet Reno
Did she say that while the children burned alive?
I would think that while Koresh was burning his children she was shocked beyond words.
Why would she be shocked about a fire after she ordered incendiary devices thrown in a wooden building with a hot 35 mph wind blowing?
She was shocked that Koresh decided to kill the children of course.
Her day has come to stand in judgement. My bet is that she isn't going to be so well in that department.
Fallen Agents | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

Names of the four ATF agents killed on February 28, 1993 by David Koresh and the Branch Dividians. Four ATF agents were killed; 20 ATF agents wounded from gunshots or shrapnel and 8 suffered other injuries.

Robert J Williams
Todd W McHeehan
Stephen D Willis
Conway C LeBleu

These were real people who's families lost them as well.

Todd W. McKeehan | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Is that why Reno murdered the children, revenge?
When was Reno convicted of murdering children? Do you have a link...a credible link?

They'll give you that link with a link on how Reno was also responsible for Ruby Ridge. It's a whole derp circle.
Don't forget the murders at Ruby Ridge. I hope her death was slow, and painful...
Fallen Agents | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

Names of the four ATF agents killed on February 28, 1993 by David Koresh and the Branch Dividians. Four ATF agents were killed; 20 ATF agents wounded from gunshots or shrapnel and 8 suffered other injuries.

Robert J Williams
Todd W McHeehan
Stephen D Willis
Conway C LeBleu

These were real people who's families lost them as well.

Todd W. McKeehan | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Is that why Reno murdered the children, revenge?
When was Reno convicted of murdering children? Do you have a link...a credible link?

They'll give you that link with a link on how Reno was also responsible for Ruby Ridge. It's a whole derp circle.
How many conspiracy theories do these wackos have going?
Fallen Agents | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

Names of the four ATF agents killed on February 28, 1993 by David Koresh and the Branch Dividians. Four ATF agents were killed; 20 ATF agents wounded from gunshots or shrapnel and 8 suffered other injuries.

Robert J Williams
Todd W McHeehan
Stephen D Willis
Conway C LeBleu

These were real people who's families lost them as well.

Todd W. McKeehan | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Is that why Reno murdered the children, revenge?
When was Reno convicted of murdering children? Do you have a link...a credible link?
When was Bush convicted of doing anything?

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