January 6 Committee Admits It Doctored Text Message Between Meadows And

The world's biggest sore losers of all time tried to find ways to throw the US Constitution under the bus. Just because Schiff attributed this particular attempt to Jordan instead of the author does not change that fact.

Jordan obviously approved of the attempt to trash the Constitution or he would not have forwarded the lawyer's message to Meadows and therefore Trump.

This histrionic moaning and whining is just a feeble attempt to obscure what the assholes were up to.
The world's biggest sore losers of all time tried to find ways to throw the US Constitution under the bus. Just because Schiff attributed this particular attempt to Jordan instead of the author does not change that fact.

Jordan obviously approved of the attempt to trash the Constitution or he would not have forwarded the lawyer's message to Meadows and therefore Trump.

This histrionic moaning and whining is just a feeble attempt to obscure what the assholes were up to.
You will earn you pay trying to dance around this one
Jim Jordan, Meadows, and Trump were all trying to find ways to throw the US Constitution under the bus.

A lawyer provided Jordan with a specious argument and Jordan forwarded it to Meadows.

That's what matters, and NOTHING in the OP story changes what these fucking assholes were doing.

Schiff attributed the specious argument to Jordan instead of to the lawyer. Big. Fucking. Deal.

The fact remains these fucktards were trying to overthrow the duly elected government.

Everything else is histrionics attempting to throw up smoke to hide that fact.
Jim Jordan, Meadows, and Trump were all trying to find ways to throw the US Constitution under the bus.

A lawyer provided Jordan with a specious argument and Jordan forwarded it to Meadows.

That's what matters, and NOTHING in the OP story changes what these fucking assholes were doing.

Schiff attributed the specious argument to Jordan instead of to the lawyer. Big. Fucking. Deal.

The fact remains these fucktards were trying to overthrow the duly elected government.

Everything else is histrionics which are attempting to throw up smoke to hide that fact.

^^^Look at the fascist, sweeping justice and due process under the rug in the name of the cause. Despicable!
^^^Look at the fascist, sweeping justice and due process under the rug in the name of the cause. Despicable!

It just does not get more ironic or retarded than this, folks.

Jordan, Meadows, and Trump were attempting to overthrow the duly elected government and these tards are letting themselves get whipped into a frenzy over an erroneous attribution over which traitor wrote a specious argument.

Oh my god this is priceless.

Jordan, Meadows, and Trump were trying to overthrow the duly elected government. That is a fact and that is what matters far more than an erroneous attribution.

You tards are being led around by the nose.
Rag tag bunch with aimless purpose and lib loons assign them a mission that they were never on.
It’s like saying kindergartners were going to take over the college
You all are so corrupt and so shit simple locked into what your feelings direct things to be and reality won’t cooperate. .
Think about it, tards. You are angry that Adam Schiff implied that Jordan was the author of a traitorous argument instead of the lawyer.

Instead of being angry about the actual treason, you are allowing yourselves to be led around by the nose over a copyright issue.

Using doctored quotes to make their case isn't credible.

Using doctored quotes to make their case isn't credible.
Already corrected. Facts are facts. And there is plenty of other info. The coup is what it is. The whining over this one text won't change that. The only people making a big deal out of this are cultists who are written off as deplorable and unreachable already.
Uh huh. You figure you know better than, uh, ALEXANDER HAMILTON, about the language and intent found in the Constitution? You really are a walking, mumbling case of shit-for-brains, aren't ya?
Alexander Hamilton was not cited in the argument. Some modern day traitor made up shit for the cause of a sore loser traitor trying to overthrow a duly elected government.
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Schiff is beyond being just a scumbag. His intentional misbehavior is further proof of how contemptuous he is of truth and even basic decency. There are so many Democrats holding positions of power and authority in our government who are far too willing to accept such behavior and copy it that it will be almost impossible to root them out.

At least the RINOS on the committee will be cleaning out their offices this time next year.

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Think about it, tards. You are angry that Adam Schiff implied that Jordan was the author of a traitorous argument instead of the lawyer.

Instead of being angry about the actual treason, you are allowing yourselves to be led around by the nose over a copyright issue.


^^^This is the reason NO ONE involved in the 1/6 protest has been charged with anything even resembling treason, insurrection, or terrorism. And they never will. It was a simple protest, sadly one where an innocent woman was killed by a trigger happy left-wing cop.
Jim Jordan, Meadows, and Trump were all trying to find ways to throw the US Constitution under the bus.

A lawyer provided Jordan with a specious argument and Jordan forwarded it to Meadows.

That's what matters, and NOTHING in the OP story changes what these fucking assholes were doing.

Schiff attributed the specious argument to Jordan instead of to the lawyer. Big. Fucking. Deal.

The fact remains these fucktards were trying to overthrow the duly elected government.

Everything else is histrionics attempting to throw up smoke to hide that fact.
I'm with you. Schiff did nothing wrong here. All he did was take a few words out, put punctuation differently and ommitted the last 2 paragraphs of the text. Nothing wrong with that

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