January 6 defendant commits suicide

The guy tried to overthrow our Democracy
Constitutional Republic. I'm sure I have explained this to you before. You loons are either dumb as a bag of retarded hammers or you think claiming someone is overthrowing the US's fictional Democracy sounds more ominous only the ignorant on your side falls for that shit.
Heavy court load... they are dragging things out to torture the captives more. There was no crime with the protestors. The crime is being done by those who jailed the protestors and lie about it continally.
I don't think any on or in the DC courts are doing that at all....they truly have been handed a huge extra load, with the same number of judges, court scribes, and others....and you can't just add judges Willy nilly, they are allotted and then appointed and confirmed, or they go through an election process....

I think you've bought in to a partisan and twisted talking point... any thing to blame democrats for.....for hatred's sake.

Is it taking longer than normal...heck yeah! Is it awful to have to wait so long....heck yeah again!

But, as i mentioned....there is a practical and logical reason for the delays....no need to just create a story to fit a partisan agenda....or to believe that story that was created. imho.
Democrats hold political prisoners...never thought I'd see this day in the USA....
You might think you were in Stalin’s USSR. I’m surprised the Democrats are not setting up re-education camps in remote Alaska. If they get full control of Congress in the midterms they probably will put such camps on the agenda.
If you’re a flight risk you’re going to stay in jail.
Sure. Been in jail for over a year. Career ruined. Thousands in debt due to legal fees.

They are not holding them for being a flight risk. This is 100% political.
Sure. Been in jail for over a year. Career ruined. Thousands in debt due to legal fees.

They are not holding them for being a flight risk. This is 100% political.
They are being held as flight risks. Happens all the time. Should Gislane Maxwell have bailed out?
Nothing tragic about it other than the fact he didn`t take his family with him. I have no sympathy for these goons. They all should have been shot.
Are you also for murdering Antifa anarchists and BLM racist grifters?
Wouldn't want to be inconsistent.
They've been held for over a year.
The rightwing domestic terrorist detainees are being afforded their full and comprehensive due process – which takes time, and appropriately so, as there should be no rush to judgment – consistent with the Constitution and the rule of law.

The same Constitution and rule of law rightwing domestic terrorists attempted to destroy on 1/6.

If they had tried the same thing in some rightwing neo-fascist dictatorship they would have been executed on the spot.
The rightwing domestic terrorist detainees are being afforded their full and comprehensive due process – which takes time, and appropriately so, as there should be no rush to judgment – consistent with the Constitution and the rule of law.

The same Constitution and rule of law rightwing domestic terrorists attempted to destroy on 1/6.

If they had tried the same thing in some rightwing neo-fascist dictatorship they would have been executed on the spot.

Thats a load of horseshit.

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