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January 6 Was Not A Coup

Beating the crap out of uniformed police who were upholding their oath to protect our elected representatives was 'direly needed'?
Was spraying those same police in the face with MACE....also so direly needed? Tasering them once they had been dragged down?
What about the Trump rioters who smeared their poo on the walls of the People's House? That too so direly needed?

I don't mean to be dismissive so early in the morning, but......but comments such as the 'direly needed' nonsense are part and parcel of the corrosive vibe that fringe elements of RightieWhitey-think are inflicting upon America.

The brutal attack on the men and women we legally elected to represent our voice about our governance.....was 'direly needed'? An attack against hundreds of paid staffers and volunteer interns? Screamed threats to murder officers of our governance were 'direly needed'?

None of that....was needed. Direly or otherwise.
To publicly state such on social media is silly, irresponsible, and corrosive to America.

In my humble opinion.

All of this still is not a coup or an insurrection.

CHAZ/CHOP was an actual Insurrection.
Trump was still President at the time, and would be no matter what for the next 3 weeks. The government in power was still Trump's government, so are you saying the protesters wanted to overthrow Trump?

The protesters wanted to keep Trump in power beyond those 3 weeks.
Who you trying to convince. We all will hear the evidence from the hearings.

I'm going to wait till all the facts are in.

In other words you're going to wait for Democrats to tell you what to think.

If you're waiting for facts you're going to be waiting a long time.

We are not watching an 'investigative committee',, and it hasn't been investigating the events specifically leading up to 6 Jan at the Capitol and on 6 Jan. They have been focusing on going after Trump ... AGAIN.

If you really gave a damn about 6 Jan you would be asking such questions as:

How did US Intel know weeks before 6 Jan about potential violence?
- Was the FBI INVOLVED AS IT WSS IN THE Whitmer kidnapping plot?
- Did the FBI criminally defraud the FISA Court AGAIN to illegally spy on Americans AGAIN?
- What was the name of their Op? How many people did they have working it. on the ground the night before 6 Jan, and on 6 Jan? Who was running it?

- After being viewed by the FBI, what did the DC Mayor, Pelosi, the Capitol Police Chief, & Sergeants-at-Arms do with the Intel?

The Capitol Police Chief said he requested National Guard troops 6 times prior to and during 6 Jan and was denied.
- Who did he ask?
- Who denied his request?
- Reason given?
- etc...

This committee is a hand-picked 'Get Trump' committee. There is no true partisanship, no cross-examination, key witnesses refusingvtobtestify (Pelosi), etc...

They've had over a year to be ready for this theatrical witch hunt / infomercial, yet because ratings are bad and their hired producer can't bail them out they are having to take more time off in an attempt to salvage their clusterfuck.

Even Democrats see it, as both Conservatives and Democrats are dumping on the Committee and this sham.

As several Democrats have declared 'off the record', 'No one gives a damn about 6 Jan' because the country is burning from Biden's failed policies & 'Do Nothing' Democrats'.

More specifically, NO ONE cares about this Committee and it's piss-poor, transparent Kabuki Theater.
All of this still is not a coup or an insurrection.

CHAZ/CHOP was an actual Insurrection.

The attack was meant to drive Congress out of chamber and prevent them from certifying the election, it also tried to force the Vice President to decertify certain EVs

What is that called?
If the Patriots wanted to take down the government they would have done a lot more that take selfies in Pelosi's office. Just saying.

It takes a real genius to take selfies in a Federal building that you've just broken into as your hunting down Congress people to do bodily harm to them.

But then again Trump who they worship is also a moron, so who's surprised?

I like the guy who filmed himself saying they were going to hunt down congress people & Pence & drag them thru the streets. Real smart.
Bottom line, there was no insurrection, no coup, or attempted coup….Just a relatively small group of idiots that broke the law, like Colberts group…Difference is, Colberts group got to go home the next morning…

Wow, how fast you all turn on your own.

Bottom line, Trump riled up a mob of angry people and set them loose on Congress in an attempt to intimidate them into overthrowing the election. Even after he was told by his Vice President, Attorney General and most of his cabinet he didn't have a legal leg to stand on.

This is third world, banana-republic shit. The Republicans know it, but they are too afraid of Trump's supporters to stand up to them.
The attack was meant to drive Congress out of chamber and prevent them from certifying the election, it also tried to force the Vice President to decertify certain EVs

What is that called?

And would have had to succeeded for 3 weeks.....

Never would have happened, no actual mechanism, no insurrection.
The attack was meant to drive Congress out of chamber and prevent them from certifying the election, it also tried to force the Vice President to decertify certain EVs

What is that called?

A protest that got out of hand for a few hours and delayed a vote for a few hours.

Meanwhile government authority was revoked in CHAZ/CHOP for MONTHS.
And they had no mechanism to do so, unless they took the place hostage for 3 weeks and managed to get a majority of the democratic congresspeople and held them for said 3 weeks.


Seems stupid doesn’t it?

Trump was told they could not stop the certification process and that Pence must accept the votes

He sent his TRUMPmob anyway and told them they could stop the election and it was up to them
The attack was meant to drive Congress out of chamber and prevent them from certifying the election, it also tried to force the Vice President to decertify certain EVs

What is that called?
Yea...t was a coup attempt and 60% of America thinks Trump should be indicted
And they had no mechanism to do so, unless they took the place hostage for 3 weeks and managed to get a majority of the democratic congresspeople and held them for said 3 weeks.


Two things.

First they were not really bright enough to know that and second, their role was just to delay it, those behind the sense are the ones that had what they thought were the mechanism to do so. Hell, had Pence not finally grown a backbone they would have likely succeeded.
1.5 to 2.5 million people attended are the estimates I get from friends who've lived there their for most of their lives. People I consider to be very reliable sources.

I demur.
Reports say about 100,000. Some say somewhat over 100,000.
I'll regard more respectfully someone saying there were millions at the January 6th event when it comes from a source other than a friend of a friend.

More in line with the OP is that vast vast majority there on January 6th were lawful peaceful protestors. They shouted their support for their chosen candidate. They shouted insults at the winner. They waived signs, wore silly attire but legally......protested, demonstrated and largely behaved.

However, in my opinion, those involved and passionate citizens were merely the cover. The camouflage. For the purposeful attackers.
The rioters, the vandals, the sackers, and thugs who had far darker aims and motives. These were NOT protesters, they were insurrectionists who literally attacked the U.S.

And the Select Committee on January 6th is attempting to determine if that cohort of thugs were under cover of tacit approval or direct communications with any players within the official Trump camp.

America needs to know such.

Nope. Chaz was six blocks of a dumb protest.

January 6 was an attack on our democracy because one man-child couldn't accept he lost an election.

CHAZ/CHOP was a no go zone for local authority, which was over-taken by the insurrectionists.

Jan 6th was a protest that got out of hand that progs are using as Reichstag fire equivalent.
And would have had to succeeded for 3 weeks.....

Never would have happened, no actual mechanism, no insurrection.

Trump knew that but sent his mob anyway and told them they could stop the process

The Jan 6 Committee has documented what Trump was told and that he told the TRUMPmob they could stop it
Seems stupid doesn’t it?

Trump was told they could not stop the certification process and that Pence must accept the votes

He sent his TRUMPmob anyway and told them they could stop the election and it was up to them

He told them to be peaceful, some were not.

And now anyone in the area is being prosecuted to the over-extent of the law while blue cities coddle the ones who burned down their commercial areas.
Wait. Wait. Aren't you Mr. Libertarian who thinks government is bad? CHAZ/CHOP was the LIBERTARIAN DREAM!!! You should be proud of it.

I'm a libertarian leaning Federalist strict constructionist who usually votes Republican, not a Libertarian, big difference.

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