January 6 Was Not A Coup

Bottom line, there was no insurrection, no coup, or attempted coup….Just a relatively small group of idiots that broke the law, like Colberts group…Difference is, Colberts group got to go home the next morning…
What the heck are u talking about? What did Colbert do that you're comparing to a coup by the leader of the free world and a VP who was meant to be murdered.
So, you admit you didn’t even click on it before posting this nonsense…You say you’re not a lib, but you post like a lib, argue for lib stances, support a progressive agenda, etc…walks like, talks like, smells like….
"Support a progressive agenda".

List out my positions on "the progressive agenda", please. I'm sure this will be easy.

Back up your words.

What the heck are u talking about? What did Colbert do that you're comparing to a coup by the leader of the free world and a VP who was meant to be murdered.

Hmmmm…same charges, but released the next day….seems fair, no?
"Support a progressive agenda".

List out my positions on "the progressive agenda", please. I'm sure this will be easy.

Back up your words.


Hmmmm…same charges, but released the next day….seems fair, no?
Well you will have to explain yourself, I am not a mind reader, what did he do? Either say it or don;t. not in the mood for your lip
"Support a progressive agenda".

List out my positions on "the progressive agenda", please. I'm sure this will be easy.

Back up your words.

Mac is pro open borders which is admitting 2 million illegal aliens a year
Do you blame Biden for them catching 29 terrorists coming across the border as opposed to only 5 during Trump? Is his border policy more dangerous?
Who you trying to convince. We all will hear the evidence from the hearings.

Proving again that all Democrats want to hear is yourself, huh racist?

I'm going to wait till all the facts are in.

The fact that you are trying to defend something that all the facts haven't been presented yet tells me you are trying to set expectations.

Liz Cheney seems to disagree with you in her opening statement and she isn't dumb.

You're just the dumbest people. Even if the OP wasn't right, how is a mob of a few thousand people going to take over the US government. Which is why Democrats are stupid and racist, it's absurd that you believe they could have taken over the government, grow up
Do you blame Biden for them catching 29 terrorists coming across the border as opposed to only 5 during Trump? Is his border policy more dangerous?

Let me guess, this made sense in your head, but you didn't read it to make sure it made sense after you wrote it. Try again, lackey. And you're a racist
Let me guess, this made sense in your head, but you didn't read it to make sure it made sense after you wrote it. Try again, lackey. And you're a racist
Why are u throwing out race? How is that even relevant?
Proving again that all Democrats want to hear is yourself, huh racist?

You're just the dumbest people. Even if the OP wasn't right, how is a mob of a few thousand people going to take over the US government. Which is why Democrats are stupid and racist, it's absurd that you believe they could have taken over the government, grow up
That Mob had ONE JOB. Stop the electoral count. In that they succeded.

The rest of the Coup was supposed to be carried out by Pence, GOP Congresscritters and Trump lawyers...possibly including the SC
Why are u throwing out race? How is that even relevant?

Why do Democrats keep calling everyone racist? I've had it, so I'm going first now. Note it generally shuts them up about race. If not then it still prevents them from going there in an argument.

Interesting why you ask me who is responding to it rather than the Democrats who keep going there every time they are losing an argument
It's just words...and words have no meaning to these Trumpers.
Well I don't blame all Trump voters and don't hate all of them either, they're not all racist idiots and extremists. Now those morons at the capital I don't care much for, kinda feel sorry for them. Plenty of good people on both sides, but the extremes bother me.
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That Mob had ONE JOB. Stop the electoral count. In that they succeded.

What States stopped counting? Name them.

The rest of the Coup was supposed to be carried out by Pence, GOP Congresscritters and Trump lawyers...possibly including the SC

Again, no one was going to listen to Pence. You really need to stop with the conspiracy theories. Democrats stole the election, the crowd was angry. It was what it was, and you're a racist.

All I said was it wouldn't have ever lead to a takeover of our government, no one would have listened to them. Conservatives condemned them, and rightfully so. Note both sides condemned them. Unlike you real insurrectionists who actually did steal the election and you never condemned the leftists who attacked US cities all summer of 2020
Well I don't blame all Trump voters and don't hate all of them either, they're not all racist idiots and extremists. Now those morons at the capital I don't care much for, kinda feel sorry for them. Plenty of good people on both sides, but the extremes bother me.

I credit you for saying this to a Democrat. That is the change I look for, though I don't expect. The you're a racist you're a racist you're a racist from the left is just tired and intellectually vacuous. Also, unlike Democrats with leftist rioters across the summer of 2020, I and other conservatives all condemned the January 6 riots. Not the majority who were peaceful, but the minority who were not
What States stopped counting? Name them.
How stupid are you?

The ELECTORAL count you jackass. Performed by CONGRESS
Again, no one was going to listen to Pence. You really need to stop with the conspiracy theories.
If Pence had not come back and finished the Count...the Coup was ON

The "conspiracy theory" was spelled out in the Eastman memos

Are you really this stupid or is it cynical dishonesty..

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