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January 6 Was Not A Coup

Well it seems I have control over you. I can make you say things. Like I call you "Karen," which compelled you to squawk back, "Karen," like a midless parrot. Your mind is malleable like clay and easily manipulated.
Pfft, I call you whatever the fuck I want, shit for brains leftie retard.

Anyone who supports the Stalin Committee has shit for brains, Karen.

jgs220616-#10 “No wonder the proggy women run you like dogs, they know you'd piss yourselves if they threatened ya'll.”

NFBW: You sound like one of those male supremacist Trump.Christian Proud.Boys who apparently didn’t have the balls to join the Proud.Boys seditious conspiracy to attack the Joint Session of Congress on Jan6 in order to save the universe from the impending man-pocalypse if the loser and pussy grabber in chief DGT is not installed in a second term to continue as an errand boy for the real white European Christian man VVP. Why weren’t you there johngaltshrugged on Jan6 with the real men storming the Capitol like Ashley Babbit? END2207160544

jgs201114-#1 “What happened next? Along came a highly suspicious flu-like novel airborne virus & the perfect opportunity to take away the Trump card of a booming economy. They capitalized on this by starting the DEMPANIC. “

NFBW: So, johngaltshrugged do you agree that the ignorance based words of this high government official highly contributed to the fear and terror that began the DEMPANIC designed to take Trump Down?


The question is: What would have happened if we did nothing? Because there was a group that said, “Let’s just ride it out. Let’s ride it out.” What would have happened? And that number comes in at 1.5 to 1.6 million people, up to 2.2 and even beyond. So that’s 2.2 million people would have died if we did nothing, if we just carried on our life.​
Now, I don’t think that would have been possible because you would have had people dying all over the place. This would not have been a normal life. How many people have even seen anybody die? You would have seen people dying on airplanes. You would have been seeing people dying in hotel lobbies. You would’ve seen death all over.​
So I think, from a practical standpoint, that couldn’t have been carried out too far. But — but if you — if you did nothing, on the higher side, the number would be 2.2 and maybe even more, and on the lower side, 1.6 million people.​

NFBW: Who do you johngaltshrugged think said it? END2207160627
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But TONS of people have already done that! People way better than me! MIT statisticians, like that. There was one guy from Stanford, another from the U of Iowa... you don't read the papers?

I just don't have time to collect links for you, I'm sorry. But see, if you were really interested you would have found and known about this stuff already.

No one is contesting the math, it's just math. The contest is about the all the OTHER things that happened, in and around those vote dumps.

Statistically, you have 5 states, they all happen to be swing states (go figure), and they all use different voting methods and systems. Some use optical counting systems for their mail in ballots, some don't. (Some didn't have time to set them up after Covid struck).

Disappointing, but not surprising that this is your response. You are just one more person parroting what you have been told without knowing any actual specifics.

I have read probably all of the things you are talking about, and spent time on this or other forums showing their errors. So, yes the math is in question, as is their methodology (you do know what that word means, right?).

Also, if you did a little bit of your own research you would find that many of the "statistical anomalies" actually happen ever election. They were not unique to this one.

I had hope for more from you with all your big talk, but in the end you are just one more party parrot.

Have a great weekend!
Disappointing, but not surprising that this is your response. You are just one more person parroting what you have been told without knowing any actual specifics.

I have read probably all of the things you are talking about, and spent time on this or other forums showing their errors. So, yes the math is in question, as is their methodology (you do know what that word means, right?).

Also, if you did a little bit of your own research you would find that many of the "statistical anomalies" actually happen ever election. They were not unique to this one.

I had hope for more from you with all your big talk, but in the end you are just one more party parrot.

Have a great weekend!
So, in all that happened, and I am not being a smart ass here, but, do you really think that there was nothing funny about the 2020 election? It was all on the up and up?

I know that at this point there is nothing that would change any outcome, but we can't have another election like the one that took place. Don't you think that regardless of the outcome we need to get to the bottom of how this election resulted the way it did? Restore some confidence in the system?
So, in all that happened, and I am not being a smart ass here, but, do you really think that there was nothing funny about the 2020 election? It was all on the up and up?

There is a level of fraud in every election, I do not find any evidence there was more in this one than any other. Certainly not enough to change the outcome of the election and most assuredly not enough for the 10s of millions of fake votes that are claimed.

There is a reason why everyone pushing the stolen election story uses generalized statements but can never provide any specific details. Somewhere in this thread I was told that the "vote bumps" on election night were more votes than the tally machines could have counted in the time period. Thus I asked for some specifics, what state, what time period and the speed of the tally machine. And of course the person who made the claim just pretend to not see my post at all.

Don't you think that regardless of the outcome we need to get to the bottom of how this election resulted the way it did? Restore some confidence in the system?

I think we have already gotten to the bottom of how this election resulted the way it did. We had the most polarizing president of my lifetime, and perhaps ever, running against a guy that was seen as pretty boring and moderate. And then that polarizing president choose to make the entire election about him, it came down to a vote for Trump or for "not-Trump". Both sides came out in droves to vote, and Trump found out that he was not as widely popular as he thought.

Not sure we can ever restore some confidence in the system as the two parties do not benefit from it, thus they will not do anything that could do so.
There is a level of fraud in every election, I do not find any evidence there was more in this one than any other. Certainly not enough to change the outcome of the election and most assuredly not enough for the 10s of millions of fake votes that are claimed.

I won't claim to know, but seeing as you put yourself out there as having researched this ad nauseum, and the advent of State SoS's, and Governors changing election rules in violation of their state constitutions to allow for 10s of millions of ballots mailed out nationwide without requests, then no verification of who cast these ballots through signatures or any other means, it may not have been enough, but then again it might have...Guess we'll never know for sure....

There is a reason why everyone pushing the stolen election story uses generalized statements but can never provide any specific details. Somewhere in this thread I was told that the "vote bumps" on election night were more votes than the tally machines could have counted in the time period. Thus I asked for some specifics, what state, what time period and the speed of the tally machine. And of course the person who made the claim just pretend to not see my post at all.

What would make you say that? I remember accounts, and affidavits (legal declarations) from people that worked these polls and drivers that told of thousands of ballots being moved from one state to another, etc...All of which were tossed from a basis of "no standing" or summarily....Not a good look from a system that is supposed to be impartial...

I think we have already gotten to the bottom of how this election resulted the way it did.

You do? Really? Because in order to truly believe that you have to have swallowed the Democrat line on this completely. That doesn't sound like the level headed, non partisan you tout to be...

We had the most polarizing president of my lifetime, and perhaps ever, running against a guy that was seen as pretty boring and moderate.

Yeah? And how'd that work out? Biden has adopted every far left approach he has been told to enact...It has driven his polling to the absolute worst President in American history...Carter may be happy, but no one else is....

And then that polarizing president choose to make the entire election about him, it came down to a vote for Trump or for "not-Trump". Both sides came out in droves to vote, and Trump found out that he was not as widely popular as he thought.

Hard to win fair and square when your opposition tampers every way necessary....

Not sure we can ever restore some confidence in the system as the two parties do not benefit from it, thus they will not do anything that could do so.
Well that may be true, especially if we just lay down and accept this circus as it is proceeding today...
I won't claim to know, but seeing as you put yourself out there as having researched this ad nauseum, and the advent of State SoS's, and Governors changing election rules in violation of their state constitutions to allow for 10s of millions of ballots mailed out nationwide without requests, then no verification of who cast these ballots through signatures or any other means, it may not have been enough, but then again it might have...Guess we'll never know for sure....

Except that this did not happen. Only a handful of states sent out ballots unrequested and they were all doing it in past elections with the exception of Nevada. Every other state the ballot had to be requested using personal information that only the person or an ID thief would know.

Also, signatures were verified in every state except for PA, which uses personal information via a signature and that was was in place long before 2020.

You have been fed a line of BS and never bothered to see if you were being lied to or not. And that is what these people count on.

What would make you say that? I remember accounts, and affidavits (legal declarations) from people that worked these polls and drivers that told of thousands of ballots being moved from one state to another, etc...

And those accounts/stories were pretty much destroyed as soon as they were made. The truck drive that claimed to have moved ballots from one state to another had so many holes in his story that he actually recanted it. Many of the other affidavits were things like "they were mean to me" and "this one guy was wearing a BLM shirt". Also, an affidavit is not valid until is has been signed in front of a judge.

Yeah? And how'd that work out? Biden has adopted every far left approach he has been told to enact...It has driven his polling to the absolute worst President in American history...Carter may be happy, but no one else is....

Every president this century has been worse than Carter.

jgs220716-#1,085 , but we can't have another election like the one that took place.

NFBW: dump your support of the lying sore loser that said he could only lose if it was rigged against him. problem solved. If he committed crimes post election be patient, patiently wait for the investigations to be complete and the Justice Department decides whether to indict or not. Until then remain neutral. But I do know this if there is no Trump in the next election and no wannabee sore losers like him we will be just fine. It’s called a return to normalcy that was disrupted by DJT.VVP. The next time he asks for your money tell him to go fuck himself. That’s what I would do. END2207161332
Just trying to get closer to an honest assessment, This was not a tour group, & what ever it was failed. And thank God it did. Not the least bit interested in a Dictator running America.
Lol just like I said, this bullcrap about the steering wheel and fighting with the ss is deader than a leftist brain cell.
An unnecessary tiny thing, That has nothing to do with trashing our country's hundred of years of certifying our elections, how ever painful or unhappy we are over the results.

I really do not give a damn if Trump is not indicted for his Putin-like attempt to throw away your vote and mine so he could stay in office to further spread the unAmerican white Christian Nationalists Mashmont CATHOLIC agenda as if Jesus wants the worthless immoral and ignorant pieces of shit trump family being some kind of royal dynasty anointed by God to run the affairs of a WHITE-CHRISTIAN-AMERICA after destroying what our founders gave us..

I don’t care if the Trump’s are not prosecuted because DJT has done the multicultural majority a favor by exposing the 33 percenters white nationalist Talibanish Christian hate driven agenda that has been poisonous to our multicultural system of self rule for fifty years but never considered a threat to our democratic Institutions until Trump replaced Jesus sitting on the throne next to God Almighty himself. White Christian nationalists and Taliban Catholics who lied to get on the Supreme Court under Trump are becoming America’s National pariah and undesired radical extremists group due to the well deserved disgust with Trump/Christianity by a woke majority. END2207130850
Deflection fail.
You have a truth fail. The steering wheel story was a flea sized spec in the corner of a much bigger IMAX sized movie screen but it made you take a look at what’s going on in the hearings. And worse for the white hillbilly Christian’s and the white Taliban Catholic Trump.Christians is that the steering wheel story is holding up, backed up by a DC police officer plus the fact that no SS agent has come forward to testify under oath that it did not happen the way Cassidy Hutchinson was told it happened.

Trump is losing again. how long are you sticking with the lying loser who loses at just about everything he does?
Pfft, I call you whatever the fuck I want, shit for brains leftie retard.

Anyone who supports the Stalin Committee has shit for brains, Karen.


Who said you can't, ChoadBreath? I'm just pointing out you're too stupid to think for yourself. I called you "Karen," so now you mindlessly squawk "Karen" back at me.
I won't claim to know, but seeing as you put yourself out there as having researched this ad nauseum, and the advent of State SoS's, and Governors changing election rules in violation of their state constitutions to allow for 10s of millions of ballots mailed out nationwide without requests, then no verification of who cast these ballots through signatures or any other means, it may not have been enough, but then again it might have...Guess we'll never know for sure....

What would make you say that? I remember accounts, and affidavits (legal declarations) from people that worked these polls and drivers that told of thousands of ballots being moved from one state to another, etc...All of which were tossed from a basis of "no standing" or summarily....Not a good look from a system that is supposed to be impartial...

You do? Really? Because in order to truly believe that you have to have swallowed the Democrat line on this completely. That doesn't sound like the level headed, non partisan you tout to be...

Yeah? And how'd that work out? Biden has adopted every far left approach he has been told to enact...It has driven his polling to the absolute worst President in American history...Carter may be happy, but no one else is....

Hard to win fair and square when your opposition tampers every way necessary....

Well that may be true, especially if we just lay down and accept this circus as it is proceeding today...

Which states mailed out tens of millions of unsolicited ballots without the state legislature passing such a bill to allow that?
Disappointing, but not surprising that this is your response. You are just one more person parroting what you have been told without knowing any actual specifics.

I have read probably all of the things you are talking about, and spent time on this or other forums showing their errors. So, yes the math is in question, as is their methodology (you do know what that word means, right?).

Also, if you did a little bit of your own research you would find that many of the "statistical anomalies" actually happen ever election. They were not unique to this one.

I had hope for more from you with all your big talk, but in the end you are just one more party parrot.

Have a great weekend!

Told you, I don't care what you believe.

I was here to do a job, the job is done, I'm moving on. End of story.

Unfortunately, I have to leave paradise and go back to work for a while, gotta feed the kiddies, they're tall and skinny and hungry.

It's okay though, Burbank is about the best place to be in LA, if you're in the biz. Everything happens in Burbank, nothing happens in Hollywood anymore.
Told you, I don't care what you believe.

I was here to do a job, the job is done, I'm moving on. End of story.

Unfortunately, I have to leave paradise and go back to work for a while, gotta feed the kiddies, they're tall and skinny and hungry.

It's okay though, Burbank is about the best place to be in LA, if you're in the biz. Everything happens in Burbank, nothing happens in Hollywood anymore.

So that's where you setup your cardboard box to live in?

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