January 6th Committee Urges Trump Prosecution With Four Criminal Referrals.

I already did fool....

No you did not. You posted that A.G. Garland and Biden wanted to basically let the Traitor walk. Both Faun a dI post that Garland appointed Jack Smith as Special Counsel Investigating the Traitor and you came back with empty word salad.
Attorney General Merrick Garland has suggested that there will be no indictment before the fall midterm elections.

The House Jan. 6 committee’s expected criminal referrals are just that — referrals. If you’re expecting them to automatically lead to charges against former President Donald Trump, you should temper your expectations.

It might seem as if there’s some special legal significance to official pronouncements from a high-profile congressional committee that’s investigating a grave matter. But the committee can’t force the Justice Department’s hand. At the end of the day, prosecutors have the discretion to bring charges, regardless of who does or doesn’t recommend them.
Ummm..you are aware that the midterms are over? So if you saw that as an impediment to prosecution....not a factor anymore.

You are, of course, correct in that it's all about the justice dept. as to seeking an indictment.

What are the odds Garland will do just that/ 70%...80%....90%? Right now the majority of Americans would welcome a fair, unbiased trial on the facts of the matter. Let the people decide the merits right?

I'd toss the insurrection charges...the other three..well...let a jury decide. To me, conspiracy to make a false statement is a slam-dunk.
Ummm..you are aware that the midterms are over? So if you saw that as an impediment to prosecution....not a factor anymore.

You are, of course, correct in that it's all about the justice dept. as to seeking an indictment.

What are the odds Garland will do just that/ 70%...80%....90%? Right now the majority of Americans would welcome a fair, unbiased trial on the facts of the matter. Let the people decide the merits right?

I'd toss the insurrection charges...the other three..well...let a jury decide. To me, conspiracy to make a false statement is a slam-dunk.
No you did not. You posted that A.G. Garland and Biden wanted to basically let the Traitor walk. Both Faun a dI post that Garland appointed Jack Smith as Special Counsel Investigating the Traitor and you came back with empty word salad.

Has not Jackshit to do with my post...afraid to answer? Need some cheesy vid to spam up the joint?
I don't care about the handwringing on NewsMax,

I'd just like to know why you would be so against a trial...a presentation of facts in a courtroom? If Trump is innocent...let him be shown as such and his reputation saved?
If he is not, what right-thinking American would want a criminal and a liar to get away with it?
Besides, we both know that any trial would be a hung jury no matter the evidence, don't we?

I still would love a trial..just so the American people see all the evidence and can make up their own minds.
Haha, don't bet the farm on that, chest beater. That's more free advice for you.
Trump isn’t going to be indicted over the Jan 6 riot because he commuted no criminal acts He wasn’t an organizer, participant nor was he a co-conspirator.

No one arrested and convicted of any associated crime has named Donald Trump as a co-conspirator or in any way involved. Not one person.

They may as well accuse him of thought crimes.

Hardly documented proof. Some Reich Wing Nut Job saying what you want to hear is not proof. Nor is hearsay valid. Very lame on your part. An F-List Shyster for the Traitor is NOT an unbiased source, Verified evidence, document proof. Not hearsay for a partisan source would be better. Pathetic on your part.
Garland said no such thing, ya lyin' rambcunt. In fact, he appointed a special counsel to investigate Trump's involvement on January 6th and the classified documents seized from Trump by the FBI.

Remind us again, why Garland hasn't done it two years ago?
If the US needs a brand new gallos, I will build it for free.
You'll be mad when you see who might end up climbing those stairs.

Otherwise be careful what you wish for, because your leftist coup-operative leftist bretheren might end up being the benefactors of it, and so they'll be mad as hell at your disillusioned idiocy, and I'm guessing in a very bad way.
In the thread title, change the word "Urges" to "Begs", or "Desperately requires"

The Jan 6 Committee soon to be known as the "no longer committee".
I hope they figure out what to do with the rest of their worthless lives.
How about that Liz Cheney? Now that she lost her House seat, maybe she can run for President.

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