....January 6th Coverage begets a Pulitzer Prize....

I'm sure, by now, most here have seen the reportage on the Washington Post earning a Pulitzer prize for their coverage of the January 6th attack on our Democracy.

I read all of their reporting, and studied their maps and illustrations.
It is good stuff and I would highly recommend it to all participants here for a measured and fulsome (at that time) explanation of what happened during those dynamic hours.

Also, of note the New York Times also won a Pulitzer today.

NEW YORK — The Washington Post won the Pulitzer Prize in public service journalism Monday for its coverage of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, an attack on democracy that was a shocking start to a tumultuous year that also saw the end of the United States’ longest war, in Afghanistan.

The Post’s extensive reporting, published in a sophisticated interactive series, found numerous problems and failures in political systems and security before, during and after the Jan. 6, 2021, riot in the newspaper’s own backyard.

Yeah, didn't they get awards for the russia collusion delusion lie? Funny, I haven't heard of anyone sending them back for spreading commie propaganda.

I'm sure, by now, most here have seen the reportage on the Washington Post earning a Pulitzer prize for their coverage of the January 6th attack on our Democracy.

I read all of their reporting, and studied their maps and illustrations.
It is good stuff and I would highly recommend it to all participants here for a measured and fulsome (at that time) explanation of what happened during those dynamic hours.

Also, of note the New York Times also won a Pulitzer today.

NEW YORK — The Washington Post won the Pulitzer Prize in public service journalism Monday for its coverage of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, an attack on democracy that was a shocking start to a tumultuous year that also saw the end of the United States’ longest war, in Afghanistan.

The Post’s extensive reporting, published in a sophisticated interactive series, found numerous problems and failures in political systems and security before, during and after the Jan. 6, 2021, riot in the newspaper’s own backyard.

Didn't the NYT win the / some awards for the lies it wrote about Hillary's,Obama's, & Biden's treasonous 'Russian Collusion' scam?!
Again Oddball... You have nothing...

You try and proclaim that WasPo or NYT are somehow wrong but you have no evidence... These are professional award winning journalists and Oddball read a blog and he thinks he knows better...

You can't see that there is an industry there to tell you what you want to hear... They have little to no proof...

Trump Campaign passed information to Russia, Russia did attack Trump's opponents in the election campaign... Trump was even asking them to do it on stage... Collusion is not a crime but acting as an unregistered foreign agent is,...

Truth is the Trump Campaign broke many laws some of them very serious... Trump pardoned them. This was never done like this before... Trump was pardoning people who breaking the law while helping him...
"I haven't heard of anyone sending them back for spreading commie propaganda."

Well, I don't know much about anyone sending back Pulitzers; however, that ain't really what the OP is about.

Rather, it is about the Post and it's coverage on the January 6th attack by Trump supporters on the temple of our democracy, the Capitol of the United States.

So, with that said, good poster OKTexas, may we ask what you thought about the actual reportage after you read it?
Did you like it? What part?
Did you dislike it? What part?

Did you come away after reading all of the reportage that earned the Washington Post the Pulitzer, well, did you come away feeling more informed?
"Didn't the NYT win the / some awards for the lies it wrote about Hillary's,Obama's, & Biden's treasonous 'Russian Collusion' scam?!"

Well, I don't know much about lies written aobut Hillary's treason; however, that ain't really what the OP is about.

Rather, it is about the Post and it's coverage on the January 6th attack by Trump supporters on the temple of our democracy, the Capitol of the United States.

So, with that said, good poster easyt65, may we ask what you thought about the actual reportage after you read it?
Did you like it? What part?
Did you dislike it? What part?

Did you come away after reading all of the reportage that earned the Washington Post the Pulitzer, well, did you come away feeling more informed?

Well, I don't know much about lies written aobut Hillary's treason; however, that ain't really what the OP is about.
Oh I know the OP's purpose behind the thread. I was just pointing out how the pulitzer has been diminished, much like the worth of a Nobel Peace Prize was diminished after Barry won his for un-achieved POTENTIAL.

Neither are worth what they used to be these days.
I was just pointing out how the pulitzer has been diminished,

Well, that is interesting.
Did you think the Pulitzer was diminished after you read their Pulitzer winning reportage on the January 6th attack by Trump supporters on our Capitol?

Well, if that is the case, why do you think their reportage about January 6th diminished the Pulitzer?
Well, that is interesting.
Did you think the Pulitzer was diminished after you read their Pulitzer winning reportage on the January 6th attack by Trump supporters on our Capitol?
Much like the NYT's piece than won a pulitzer, it was diminished by the half-truths and fake news reporting of its author....IMHO.
Chillicothe said:
Digital subscription, you know.
So I read it (scan it)....everyday.

oh. digital subscription you know...and you scan it. Well no freakin' damn wonder you can't determine truth from lie.
Well, I don't know much about anyone sending back Pulitzers; however, that ain't really what the OP is about.

Rather, it is about the Post and it's coverage on the January 6th attack by Trump supporters on the temple of our democracy, the Capitol of the United States.

So, with that said, good poster OKTexas, may we ask what you thought about the actual reportage after you read it?
Did you like it? What part?
Did you dislike it? What part?

Did you come away after reading all of the reportage that earned the Washington Post the Pulitzer, well, did you come away feeling more informed?

I don't pay to get news. Especially from a corrupt and obviously biased tabloid like the WAPO.

"I don't pay to get news"

OK, fair enough.
But then, can you share with the forum where you do get your 'news'?
Free.......or otherwise?

Clearly, you feel your sources are superior. Accordingly, the forum may benefit if we too could read, watch, listen to the same sources that you utilize. Regardless if we buy at the newsstand, pay a cable company or web provider. It makes no difference to the rest of the forum....cost is not an issue. We just want good and credible reporting.

CC wants proven fake news tabloids to get a pat on the head for winning awards for fake news.

Feel free to. Whe you're at it, applaud Obama again for getting a Nob prize for unfulfilled potential.

Yeah, exactly and then he goes off and wars it up.
Et tu, Trout?
Have you read the Washington Post's reportage on the attack by Trump supporters on the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021?

The reportage ---over several days and weeks----that won them the Pulitzer?
It would be really helpful to the forum if you had actually read it and then could offer your considered views on what you actually read.



"...get a pat on the head for winning awards for fake news."

After you read the January 6th Attack reportage by the Washington Post that won them the Pulitzer....did you still think it was "fake news"?

Or, and I fear this..........have you not even read the reportage that you are shrilling about?

I hope you have read it.
Then you can offer the forum your informed insights on what you actually read.
Et tu, Trout?
Have you read the Washington Post's reportage on the attack by Trump supporters on the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021?

The reportage ---over several days and weeks----that won them the Pulitzer?
It would be really helpful to the forum if you had actually read it and then could offer your considered views on what you actually read.



After you read the January 6th Attack reportage by the Washington Post that won them the Pulitzer....did you still think it was "fake news"?

Or, and I fear this..........have you not even read the reportage that you are shrilling about?

I hope you have read it.
Then you can offer the forum your informed insights on what you actually read.

I don't read leftist rag garbage.
OK, fair enough.
But then, can you share with the forum where you do get your 'news'?
Free.......or otherwise?

Clearly, you feel your sources are superior. Accordingly, the forum may benefit if we too could read, watch, listen to the same sources that you utilize. Regardless if we buy at the newsstand, pay a cable company or web provider. It makes no difference to the rest of the forum....cost is not an issue. We just want good and credible reporting.


Perhaps your time would be better spent rereading the posting rules. Particularly the portions about editing other peoples posts within the quote box.

I'm sure, by now, most here have seen the reportage on the Washington Post earning a Pulitzer prize for their coverage of the January 6th attack on our Democracy.

I read all of their reporting, and studied their maps and illustrations.
It is good stuff and I would highly recommend it to all participants here for a measured and fulsome (at that time) explanation of what happened during those dynamic hours.

Also, of note the New York Times also won a Pulitzer today.

NEW YORK — The Washington Post won the Pulitzer Prize in public service journalism Monday for its coverage of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, an attack on democracy that was a shocking start to a tumultuous year that also saw the end of the United States’ longest war, in Afghanistan.

The Post’s extensive reporting, published in a sophisticated interactive series, found numerous problems and failures in political systems and security before, during and after the Jan. 6, 2021, riot in the newspaper’s own backyard.

What, no prizes for their Hunter Biden coverage? Shocking I tell you. :D
"What, no prizes for their Hunter Biden coverage?"

I dunno, Welfare. There may be.
But that is not what the OP is about.
I'm disappointed in my avatar that he wasn't clearer in signaling that the thread topic would be about the Pulitzer awarded the Washington Post for their excellent (IMO) coverage of the attack by Trump supporters on the seat of our democratic governance, the Capitol of the United States on January 6th, 2021.

I don't mean to be condescending, Welfare, but.....but I would recommend you travel back up this thread to the OP (post #1).....and just check to see if my avatar was referring to the January 6th Attack reportage.....or reportage on Hunter Biden.


ps.....BTW, have you read the Post's reportage on the Attack event?
If you had, well, you would be unique among the media critics here who have offered their thoughtful ---albeit non-experienced, naive' ----opinions on the reportage.

Show us that you are better than them.

✌️ ;)

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