....January 6th Coverage begets a Pulitzer Prize....

There was no Russian collusion, it was a hoax, get a grip on reality already.
Sorry there was plenty of proof of connections between the Trump Campaign and Russia...

This is a report from the the GOP led Senate Intelligence committee...

Please read it... It might waken you up... You have to ask yourself why your news sources didn't tell you this existed.
Consider that the sources that you are getting might be more interested in confirming your beliefs rather than reporting the truth.

If you get your news from politically comprised news sites you can't expect to be properly informed... It might be nice to be told stuff you want to believe, but we tune into a radio every week that told you that your football team is winning every week despite the actual result. You could say they are right half the time...

The WasPo and NYT have biased Commentators but some of there actual news reporting is very good and one of the leaders in true investigative reporting...

This NYT video was praised worldwide as very acruate and very detailed on what actuall went on:
Turn the self-awareness dial down to "0" and the projection dial up to "11"! :auiqs.jpg:
Again Oddball... You have nothing...

You try and proclaim that WasPo or NYT are somehow wrong but you have no evidence... These are professional award winning journalists and Oddball read a blog and he thinks he knows better...

You can't see that there is an industry there to tell you what you want to hear... They have little to no proof...

Trump Campaign passed information to Russia, Russia did attack Trump's opponents in the election campaign... Trump was even asking them to do it on stage... Collusion is not a crime but acting as an unregistered foreign agent is,...

Truth is the Trump Campaign broke many laws some of them very serious... Trump pardoned them. This was never done like this before... Trump was pardoning people who breaking the law while helping him...
Yes, the Post did, as did the New York Times.
After you read both paper's reportage on the Russian/Trump nexus, poster blackhawk....did you think it was informative?
Russian collusion was horseshit based on partisan opposition research which was based on a discredited dossier. Which is why two year special counsel investigation into it found nothing to it. Every media outlet that pushed that story should be embarrassed and ashamed of course they would first have to be capable of feeling embarrassment and shame.
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Any news outlet that called the 1/6 protest an "insurrection" is a shit organization that operates as a propaganda arm for the democrat marxists. A circle-jerk award doesn't mean shit.
Well, of all the replies so far to the OP, this one seems somewhat notable.
I mean by that, the Watergate scandal....and the Washington Post's role in reporting on it.....was what?....over 50years ago?

Still, they did win the Pulitzer for their extensive coverage. Here is a list of their reportage that was cited by the Pulitzer jury:


August 1, 1972
Bug Suspect Got Campaign Funds

September 17, 1972
Spy Funds Linked to GOP Aides

September 18, 1972
2 Linked To Secret GOP Fund

September 20, 1972
Watergate Data Destruction Charged

September 29, 1972
Mitchell Controlled Secret GOP Fund

October 6, 1972
Bug Memos Sent to Nixon Aides

October 6, 1972
$100,000 Gift to Nixon Campaign Is Traced to Texas Corporation

October 10, 1972
FBI Finds Nixon Aides Sabotaged Democrats

October 15, 1972
Key Nixon Aide Named As ‘Sabotage’ Contact
Put another way, the Jan 6th circus was a molehill blown up into Mount Vesuvius just like Watergate. This is what the Democratic Party has been doing for decades, either making mountains out of molehills or complete fabrication as in the "Russian Collusion" fiction story created to cover for Hillary Clinton's epic beat down by a political novice.
"....you're taking criticism of WaPo's coverage and so called reporters' works too personally...."

Ah, we are humbled by the concern.
However, it's an avatar.
Not a lot of skin in the game.
Accordingly, it can't be "too personal" at all.
True that?

But, cannot even a fake identity notice that opposition to reportage seems to depend solely on that none of the opposers have read the reportage?

Which, if one follows the through-line....poses a broader question.

To wit: Can any opinion be of consequence, be of worth, if the opinion is not grounded in experience, exposure, study, or a modicum of due diligence?

In other words, the critiques offered so far about the actual reportage seemed to be of a rather thin gruel.

No disrespect intended.

How many times must one read that 'rayportage' before they see what you think you see.
Chillicothe said:
To wit: Can any opinion be of consequence, be of worth, if the opinion is not grounded in experience, exposure, study, or a modicum of due diligence?

I consider myself TO have a modicum of experience, exposure, and due diligence to have an opinion on the topic for which WaPo has won the (questionably vaunted) pulitzer. Do YOU?
But then..... why would that matter. Are you trying to put restrictions on who may comment on topics?
Are you trying to put restrictions on who may comment on topics?
No restrictions. As we can abundantly see by many postings.
But, thresholds for intelligence and efforts to be informed.....well, yeah.

Investing effort and attention towards being better informed ain't.....and trust me on this good poster Jones.......well, it ain't a bad thing.
And, if often demonstrates seriousness of purpose and intent.
Rather than being considered a frivolous dilettante. An unserious man.

where's the answer to my question? Where or What is your modicum of experience on the topic for which WaPo was awarded a pulitzer for which you chided me for?
What is your modicum of experience on the topic for which WaPo was awarded a pulitzer for
My experience is with the reportage by which the Washington Post was awarded the Pulitzer.
Which, not accidentally, is what the OP is about.
I was mildly sure you would have noticed that in post #1.
well. OF COURSE! so what are you making such a big deal about everyone elses' opinion. So they got a Pulitzer for it. BIG DAMN DEAL. How many times do you buy a Wapo Newspaper during the year?? I used to buy them everyweek...and sometimes i still miss the paper for fires and to put under painting projects. lol they got a pulitzer...for lying their damn asses off.

Let me ask you this? HAVE YOU BEEN to DC to experience any rallies....Trump's or Otherwise? HAve you had dealings with the DC cops? Have you lived in the area. Owned Property, drove thru it maybe? visited?
How many times do you buy a Wapo Newspaper during the year?
Digital subscription, you know.
So I read it (scan it)....everyday.
It is a great newspaper....that ably reports on many topics nationwide, and worldwide.
I recommend it to all readers of USMB.....and others.
In fact, I have gifted more than a dozen subscriptions to various family members over many years.


lol they got a pulitzer...for lying their damn asses off.
Well, please forgive my avatar for being somewhat skeptical that your avatar is in a position to know if, or how, or about what "they lied their asses off".

After all, you haven't even read WaPo's reportage on the attack by Trump supporters on the Capitol of our democracy.
So without that exposure, that due diligence......well, your avatar sorta self-identifies in that old dynamic of the: "All hat, now cows....cowboy."


Let me ask you this? HAVE YOU BEEN to DC to experience any rallies....Trump's or Otherwise? HAve you had dealings with the DC cops? Have you lived in the area. Owned Property, drove thru it maybe? visited?


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