CDZ Japan has a better national health care than us: why?

I really do want to know why we can't do as well or better: we are America. Let's see if we can discuss this without personal attacks, name calling, flaming etc. Let's be polite.


/---- Get Japan to pay for the US national defense and we can do the same you dip.

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Japan doesn't have a corrupt Congress siphoning off taxpayer funds.

Also, they have porn police. Wait, or is that China?

They don't have a long history of eating a lot of animal meat, just seafood, and rice grains and leaves and the like. They do, however, currently have as serious a problem with electronic addictions and distractions as we do; so does South Korea.
I don't know if there is any cultural bias associated with addiction but addictive personalities are very real. I see so many people swapping one addiction for another. I have a son who was on drugs as a teen and has been off and on them all of his life. He gets off drugs, and starts drinking to excess. Gets off alcohol, starts eating like a horse gaining 30 or 40 lbs then goes on diets, loses 50 lbs or more, then he's on prescription drugs for bi-polar disorder, then back on street drugs. Throughout his whole life, he goes from one extreme to another in everything he does. It's as if his life is just two speeds, stop or full speed ahead.
It's as if his life is just two speeds, stop or full speed ahead.

Interesting. I wonder whether that binary quality is "to the bone" among millennials. (I presume your son in a millennial.) Nearly all the millennials I speak with express and conceive of things -- everything -- in accordance with the linguistic model of "shi bu shi," "dui bu dui." They seemingly cannot fathom that "to a degree" is possible, and for most things more accurately the case.
Unfortunately, he is quite a bit older than that. I have accepted years ago, that there was nothing else we could do. He just is as he is. At some point, you have cut them loose.
I really do want to know why we can't do as well or better: we are America. Let's see if we can discuss this without personal attacks, name calling, flaming etc. Let's be polite.


JakeStarkey, I wonder what is the cost of education in Japan? USA requires great financial sacrifices before medical students earn their doctor degrees.

I suppose that interns are no longer treated as severely overworked and (considering the actual worth of what they achieved to reach the status of internship), greatly underpaid labor?

Student loans demand acceptance of financial risks that cannot waived due to bankruptcy. They have not only invested significant efforts but additionally great financial risks and sacrifices before to be permitted to earn their bachelor or post-bachelorly degrees.

Doctors in the USA are in great demand and in short supply; their financial compensation reflects that reality.

Respectfully, Supposn
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I really do want to know why we can't do as well or better: we are America. Let's see if we can discuss this without personal attacks, name calling, flaming etc. Let's be polite.


JakeStarkey, I wonder what is the cost of education in Japan? USA requires great financial sacrifices before medical students earn their doctor degrees.

I suppose that interns are no longer treated as severely overworked and (considering the actual worth of what they achieved to reach the status of internship), greatly underpaid labor?

Student loans demand acceptance of financial risks that cannot waived due to bankruptcy. They have not only invested significant efforts but additionally great financial risks and sacrifices before to be permitted to earn their bachelor or post-bachelorly degrees.

Doctors in the USA are in great demand and in short supply; their financial compensation reflects that reality.

Respectfully, Supposn
Medical schools in Japan are expensive just like the US. However, you can start medical school right out of high school if you qualify which is hard. Japan is on the cutting edge of many technologies and medical science is one of them.
I really do want to know why we can't do as well or better: we are America. Let's see if we can discuss this without personal attacks, name calling, flaming etc. Let's be polite.

That's easy

We don't have national health care in this country
we have the mandated purchase of health insurance
Thank you. That's what I have been waiting for.

You have been waiting for a FANTASY? The FACT is there are many less people in Japan, they have a better gene pool which is the LARGEST factor in the amount of sickness and longevity will experience. We do MOST OF THE innovation in all healthcare and pay the MOST BY far for research. We ONLY have problems because of GOVERNMNET INTERVENTION and lawyers getting involved in our healthcare. In Japan a doctor cant be sued, just like in most other countries in the world. Your idea of this country having worse healthcare is ludicrous. THE healthcare outcome ratio has nothing whatsoever to do with the quality of healthcare it is about lifestyle, USE of the system instead of self medicating, and using the healthcare system wisely. Liberals over the years have decided they have the right to decide what everyone in this country gets to have and they want to use the government to force all of their ideas on everyone. That is one of the major factors in our healthcare costs. GOVERNMENT and COURT INTERVENTION between the patient, and the doctor, and between the doctor and the healthcare resource providers.
They don't have a trillion dollar a year military..
Neither do we, but the government redistributes a trillion dollars of tax payer money on entitlements, also known as the, Get Out the Vote plan.
Unfortunately, he is quite a bit older than that. I have accepted years ago, that there was nothing else we could do. He just is as he is. At some point, you have cut them loose.

A bad thing, unfortunately it is a fact. I finally got mine under control, My cousin had twins, one was a great kid, did everything really well, the other kind of rode his brothers wake. The better one got killed in a car wreck while both were riding with my cousins druggie ex wife's drunkard boyfriend. They and their half brother were in the car the boyfriend and the twin were killed the other twin and the young boy survived because the twin that died shielded his brothers. The other twin caused my cousin a lot of grief, and cost him a lot of money too and he finally did as you said and cut him loose after the twin pulled a shotgun on a cop, and there were enough there to slap him down and get it before they had to kill him. So I can relate to your pain cutting them loose never means that you are out of it. It only means you know you cant do anything to help them, and suffer and hope you don't have to bury them. Best wishes for a good outcome.
I really do want to know why we can't do as well or better: we are America. Let's see if we can discuss this without personal attacks, name calling, flaming etc. Let's be polite.

That's easy

We don't have national health care in this country
we have the mandated purchase of health insurance
Thank you. That's what I have been waiting for.

You have been waiting for a FANTASY? The FACT is there are many less people in Japan, they have a better gene pool which is the LARGEST factor in the amount of sickness and longevity will experience. We do MOST OF THE innovation in all healthcare and pay the MOST BY far for research. We ONLY have problems because of GOVERNMNET INTERVENTION and lawyers getting involved in our healthcare. In Japan a doctor cant be sued, just like in most other countries in the world. Your idea of this country having worse healthcare is ludicrous. THE healthcare outcome ratio has nothing whatsoever to do with the quality of healthcare it is about lifestyle, USE of the system instead of self medicating, and using the healthcare system wisely. Liberals over the years have decided they have the right to decide what everyone in this country gets to have and they want to use the government to force all of their ideas on everyone. That is one of the major factors in our healthcare costs. GOVERNMENT and COURT INTERVENTION between the patient, and the doctor, and between the doctor and the healthcare resource providers.

Below is a link to an article about how the taxpayers subsidize the drug companies.

Taxpayers End Up Funding Drug Companies
I really do want to know why we can't do as well or better: we are America. Let's see if we can discuss this without personal attacks, name calling, flaming etc. Let's be polite.

That's easy

We don't have national health care in this country
we have the mandated purchase of health insurance
Thank you. That's what I have been waiting for.

You have been waiting for a FANTASY? The FACT is there are many less people in Japan, they have a better gene pool which is the LARGEST factor in the amount of sickness and longevity will experience. We do MOST OF THE innovation in all healthcare and pay the MOST BY far for research. We ONLY have problems because of GOVERNMNET INTERVENTION and lawyers getting involved in our healthcare. In Japan a doctor cant be sued, just like in most other countries in the world. Your idea of this country having worse healthcare is ludicrous. THE healthcare outcome ratio has nothing whatsoever to do with the quality of healthcare it is about lifestyle, USE of the system instead of self medicating, and using the healthcare system wisely. Liberals over the years have decided they have the right to decide what everyone in this country gets to have and they want to use the government to force all of their ideas on everyone. That is one of the major factors in our healthcare costs. GOVERNMENT and COURT INTERVENTION between the patient, and the doctor, and between the doctor and the healthcare resource providers.

Below is a link to an article about how the taxpayers subsidize the drug companies.

Taxpayers End Up Funding Drug Companies
Interesting article. The one bright spot in government funding medical research is that government decides where the research dollars will go. Drug companies love to develop maintenance drugs for asthma, cancer, heart disease, diabetics, and other chronic illness because patients will be using these drugs for years, decades, or all their life creating a huge steady income stream.

I was reading recently about the growing need to develop new antibiotics. The problem for drug companies is most antibiotics are used to treat acute illnesses where the drug is taken for a short period of time and that's it, no long term usage and thus no steady income stream unless the antibiotic is very wide spectrum. In other words the drug must show a potentially large profit or the company will not invest in it's development.

In order to treat hundreds of diseases that effect only a few thousand people a year, there has to be drug research money from government or private sources because the drug companies will not take the risk because the profit potential is not high enough
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