Japan Reports the Hottest March in recorded history!

:cuckoo: Junk science
Hey SassyIrishLass, shouldn't you be happy about this? Compare the price of a winter coat to a bikini.

Meh, give it some time and it will be debunked like the other garbage they've tried to pawn off. All these doomsday predictions....and none of them playing out
They need to keep their teaching tenures somehow.

And the grant money

Yep, lets send our boys to war rather then study science and advance our society. You loserterians are shit. Pure shit. You're little better then the taliban you say we need to spend decades fighting.
It's snowed 3 times in PA, since Apr.

cherry picking your bullshit is not the doom of the world
Too Close to Dangerous Climate Thresholds — Japan Meteorological Agency Shows First Three Months of 2016 Were About 1.5 C Above the IPCC Preindustrial Baseline
We should take a moment to appreciate how hot it’s actually been so far in 2016. To think about what it means to be in a world that’s already so damn hot. To think about how far behind the 8 ball we are on responses to human forced climate change. And to consider how urgent it is to swiftly stop burning coal, oil and gas. To stop adding more fuel to an already raging global fire.


Global policy makers, scientists, and many environmentalists have identified an annual average of 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial marks as a level of heat we should try to avoid. The Paris Climate Summit made a verbal pledge to at least attempt to steer clear of such extreme high temperature ranges. But even the strongest emissions reduction commitments from the nations of the world now do not line up with that pledge. And it’s questionable that they ever could given the massive amount of greenhouse gas overburden that has already accumulated and is already rapidly heating the world’s airs, waters, ice, and carbon stores.

Current emission reduction pledges, though significant when taking into context the size and potential for growth of all of carbon-spewing industry, don’t even come close to the stated 1.5 C goal. Under our presently accepted understanding of climate sensitivity, and barring any response from the global carbon stores unforeseen by mainstream science, pledged reductions in fossil fuel use by the nations of the world under Paris would limit warming to around 3 C by the end of this Century. Rates of carbon emission reduction would necessarily have to significantly speed up beyond the pledged Paris NDC goals in order to hit below 3 C by 2100 — much less avoid 2 C.

As for 1.5 C above preindustrial averages — it already appears that this year, 2016, will see temperatures uncomfortably close to a level that mainstream scientists have identified as dangerous.

(Japan’s Meteorological Agency shows that March of 2016 remained at global temperature levels above 1.5 C higher than the preindustrial baseline.)

The most recent warning came as the Japan Meteorological Agency today posted its March temperature values. In the measure, we again see a major jump in readings with the new March measure hitting a record of 1.07 C above the 20th Century average or about 1.55 C above temperatures last seen during the early 1890s. These temperatures compare to approximate 1.52 C above 1890s temperatures recorded by the same agency during February and a 1.35 C positive departure above 1890s levels during January. Averaging all these rough anomaly figures together, we find that the first three months of 2016 were about 1.47 C above the 1890s, or near 1.52 C above the IPCC 1850 to 1900 preindustrial baseline.

Recorded history... so about 150 years, all of which have been on the upward side of solar high output... and not long enough to see the next cool down and low side of the solar 360 year cycle..

In other words this thread is just more BS hype and crap from left wit retards..

Nothing to see here.. just a bunch of internet pseudoscience fools..
It's snowed 3 times in PA, since Apr.

cherry picking your bullshit is not the doom of the world

Where it is hot is CAGW.. where it is cold is just a figment of your imagination and weather... so say the AGW Sooth Sayers..
UAHMarch 2016 was the warmest March in the satellite temperature record and the third warmest month overall, when compared to seasonal norms, reports a press release from the Earth System Science Center at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. Dr. John Christy, director of the Center notes that the El Niño event in Pacific Ocean continues to warm the tropical atmosphere. While the record high set in February 2016 was driven by exceptionally warm temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere, temperatures in March were pumped by a broad band of warmer than normal air that girdled the tropics entirely around the globe.

According to satellite data, Feb. 2016 was 0.83C hotter than seasonal norms; Apr. 1998 was 0.74C above the norm; and Mar. 2016 was 0.73C warmer
March 2016 the Third Warmest Ever Month in Satellite Record: Global Temperature Trend Update

Very warm March.
Are temperatures approaching dangerous levels?
Last December, 195 countries signed the COP21 international climate agreement in Paris. Graham Readfearn summarized the agreement for The Guardian:

The guts of the agreement hang off the so-called “long-term goal” that commits almost 200 countries to hold the global average temperature to “well below 2°C” above pre-industrial levels and to “pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C”.

Depending on how exactly we define “pre-industrial,” February temperatures were between 1.5 and 2°C hotter than those in pre-industrial times. So, we’re already starting to tread on thin ice, in the range that the global community has deemed dangerously hot.

However, since we’re at the peak of an El Niño, as they did after 1998, global surface temperatures will temporarily go back down once this event is over. That is, until human-caused global warming pushes them up to and beyond these temperatures once again in the near future. As climate scientists Steve Sherwood and Stefan Rahmstorf wrote,

This is the true climate emergency: it is getting more difficult with each passing year for humanity to prevent temperatures from rising above 2℃. February should remind us how pressing the situation is.

Current record-shattering temperatures are shocking even to climate scientists | Dana Nuccitelli

It is not getting press just in the US.
The maps below represent precipitation percent of normal (left) and precipitation percentiles (right) based on the GHCN dataset of land surface stations using a base period of 1961–1990. As is typical, precipitation anomalies during January 2016 varied significantly around the world. Precipitation was especially high across parts of eastern Brazil and areas of southern South America, much of western Europe, western Mongolia, some coastal regions in southeastern China, and much of the coastline along southern and southwestern Australia. It was notably dry across part of western Mexico, parts of both northern and southern South America, sections of southern, north central, and eastern Asia, far northwestern Africa, and small areas of western and southern Australia.

January 2016 Land-Only Precipitation
Percent of Normal

January 2016 Land-Only Precipitation Percentiles

  • The tropical air that flowed over New Zealand during January brought not only warmth but wetness, extreme in some areas. Precipitation totals were more than 149 percent of normal across the northern and eastern portions of both islands. On the South Island the port city of Timaru received almost three times its typical January rainfall. More than half of that total (81 mm) was received in one day, marking the highest single day rainfall total since records began there in 1881.
  • It was also wet in Ireland. Dublin airport reported its wettest January since 1948, with 118.4 mm (4.7 inches) of rainfall, close to twice its monthly average.
  • Following its wettest December on record, the United Kingdom received 152 percent of its average rainfall during January, marking its fourth wettest January since records began in 1910. Eastern Scotland observed its second wettest month among all months in its record.
  • In January, Colombia, Venezuela, and the southern highlands of Peru were experiencing severe dryness, which impacted agriculture, water supplies, and power generation. Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina experienced flooding, which impacted thousands of residents, as reported byCIIFEN.
Global Analysis - January 2016 | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

More about March
It's snowed 3 times in PA, since Apr.

cherry picking your bullshit is not the doom of the world

That is called weather...I am talking about climate compared to about 150 year period for the globe.
they found the fossil remains of a fern tree dating back millions of years on the northern beaches of Norway.

you're talking about the weather and dont even know it
Thumbs, you poor ignorant ass, Norway was not in its present position when that fern tree grew.

UAHMarch 2016 was the warmest March in the satellite temperature record and the third warmest month overall, when compared to seasonal norms, reports a press release from the Earth System Science Center at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. Dr. John Christy, director of the Center notes that the El Niño event in Pacific Ocean continues to warm the tropical atmosphere. While the record high set in February 2016 was driven by exceptionally warm temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere, temperatures in March were pumped by a broad band of warmer than normal air that girdled the tropics entirely around the globe.

According to satellite data, Feb. 2016 was 0.83C hotter than seasonal norms; Apr. 1998 was 0.74C above the norm; and Mar. 2016 was 0.73C warmer
March 2016 the Third Warmest Ever Month in Satellite Record: Global Temperature Trend Update

Very warm March.

A question what does that thermometer read ?

Hilarious.. They are talking about natural climatic variation and they cant see the damn forest through the trees... Levels of CO2 as high as 7,000ppm and temp ranges of 12 deg C.

Inclines and declines of temperature far faster than today ... and yet they cant see it.. In order for a decline or incline to be seen in the proxy records they must have been extremely rapid and big to be seen in the 300-500 years span of the data point. Basics statistical course of study explain this... but nooooooo they ignore reasoned science.. Place today's data in the plot going back 300 years and we see no rise for over 1,000 years, and only 0.1 deg C... now that's dam funny
I'll bet the population in Japan is more worried about being crushed by a building or drowning from a tsunami since yesterday's earthquake. yep that , .1 degree uptick has em scurring around in Japan, not the 7.2 earthquake that just killed nine. nope, .1 degree temperature spike. yep a spike ouch!!!!
Im laughing.........Japan is shaking so bad these days it might fall into the sea. And the OP thinks the Japanese people are worried about a half degree of temperature!!!:2up:
NASA-GISS reports the same. +1.28C, hottest March ever, second hottest month ever.


Thus the denier cultists are working overtime to deflect. All the science keeps proving they've been lying wildly about everything for years, their cult is collapsing, so they're just flailing about blindly and crying hysterically.

Sucks to be you, eh denier losers? You loserdom couldn't have happened to a more deserving group of cult losers.

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