Japan Suggests Israel Could be Behind Tanker Attack, as President of Company Calls US Claims Fake

Japan doesn't suggest it. "An unidentified unverified source" seems to be the basis for the fake news.
Which, of course, is more than enough proof for Nazis and lefties. If nothing else this thread proves 21st Century socialists and National Socialists still have Jew-hate in common.
Japan Suggests Even Israel Could be Behind Tanker Attack, as President of Company Calls Pentagon Report Fake — Steemit

A source within the government of Japan has suggested that Israel, as well as the US itself, could be behind an attack on a Japanese tanker, according to the Japanese daily Japan Today.

In an article "Japan demands more proof from U.S. that Iran attacked tankers," the newspaper's online version reports:

If having expertise sophisticated enough to conduct the attack could be a reason to conclude that the attacker was Iran, "That would apply to the United States and Israel as well," said a source at the Foreign Ministry.

Liberal/progressive commentator Cenk Uygur of the popular program The Young Turks said on a show recently that only Israel or Saudi Arabia had motive to attack a Japanese tanker, in order to blame it on Iran, after the president of the tanker company called US claims that Iran was responsible "false." Iran has categorically denied any involvement.

Israeli hardliners have long advocated for US military action against Iran.

President Trump recently cited a video released by the Pentagon as showing what the Pentagon says is a limpit underwater mine being removed by a purported Iranian special forces crew. But observers with military backgrounds say that the video does not show a limpit mine, which is large, heavy, and conical, but magnetic ladder rungs used for climbing the sides of ships.

The president of the tanker company insists unequivocally that the ship was fired upon by "flying objects," not mines.

CBS News said:

"Company president Yutaka Katada said Friday he believes the flying objects seen by the sailors could have been bullets. He denied any possibility of mines or torpedoes because the damage was above the ship's waterline. He called reports of a mine attack "false.""

The Washington Post in an article entitled "Trump rejects Iran’s denials that it attacked tankers, citing video released by Central Command" wrote:

"the head of the Japanese shipping company that owns one of the targeted tankers challenged the U.S. assertion that the vessel was attacked with limpet mines. He said Friday that the crew reported it was hit by “a flying object.”"

The New York Times reported:

"One of the tankers that were attacked in the Gulf of Oman was struck by a flying object, the ship’s Japanese operator said on Friday, expressing doubt that a mine had been attached to its hull."

In 2005 Israel publicly acknowledged carrying out a 1954 attack on American targets in the Middle East, known as the Lavon Affair, in which Israeli operatives planted bombs which were then falsely blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood.

And in 1967, in a still highly disputed incident, the crew of a US surveillance ship, the USS Liberty, say a 75 minute attack by Israeli warplanes was deliberate. The attack expended hundreds of rounds of cannon fire, rockets, napalm, machine-gun fire at lifeboats, and a torpedo from an Israeli patrol boat. It has been opined by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Navy Admiral Thomas Moorer, that the attack may have been intended to draw the US into war with Egypt.

The attack killed 34 US sailors and wounded hundreds of others.

The Israeli newspaper Haraatz on last May 20th ran an article entitled "Netanyahu's Iran Dilemma: Getting Trump to Act Without Putting Israel on the Front Line" states:

"Even if Trump's instinct tells him it's best to avoid war with Iran, no one can be certain of his intentions - not even Netanyahu."

The Israeli secret service, the Mossad, previously proclaimed the slogan "by way of deception thou shalt make war." It has been changed to “without deception, a nation falls.”

In 2007, former commander of NATO and former presidential candidate General Wes Clark made waves when he told an audience that a series of regime changes had been planned by the Pentagon since even before the invasion of Iraq. Clark said a general within the Bush Administration told him before the invasion.

And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran."

The video of so called proof that it was the Iranians is a joke.

That video is so blurry and grainy that no one can really see what is happening or who is in the shot. The claim that it's video of Iranians removing mines from the ship is beyond insulting to anyone who has a working brain. No one goes back to the scene of the crime immediately to retrieve a mine. They come up with video yet they don't have security in place after the attack? That is so ridiculous it's insulting to intelligent people.

I agree with the article, Saudi Arabia or Israel are responsible for this. I saw this coming last month.

I made the mistake in 2003 to believe the bush boy and Colin Powell. Mostly because we had the canceled receipts from reagan and bush the first selling chemical weapons to Iraq.

We've been through this before and it wasn't that long ago.

Add to the fact that trump lies through his teeth just about every time he speaks.

I won't fall for the lies again.

I have no reason to believe that Japanese businessman is lying. I believe him.
Japan Suggests Even Israel Could be Behind Tanker Attack, as President of Company Calls Pentagon Report Fake — Steemit

A source within the government of Japan has suggested that Israel, as well as the US itself, could be behind an attack on a Japanese tanker, according to the Japanese daily Japan Today.

In an article "Japan demands more proof from U.S. that Iran attacked tankers," the newspaper's online version reports:

If having expertise sophisticated enough to conduct the attack could be a reason to conclude that the attacker was Iran, "That would apply to the United States and Israel as well," said a source at the Foreign Ministry.

Liberal/progressive commentator Cenk Uygur of the popular program The Young Turks said on a show recently that only Israel or Saudi Arabia had motive to attack a Japanese tanker, in order to blame it on Iran, after the president of the tanker company called US claims that Iran was responsible "false." Iran has categorically denied any involvement.

Israeli hardliners have long advocated for US military action against Iran.

President Trump recently cited a video released by the Pentagon as showing what the Pentagon says is a limpit underwater mine being removed by a purported Iranian special forces crew. But observers with military backgrounds say that the video does not show a limpit mine, which is large, heavy, and conical, but magnetic ladder rungs used for climbing the sides of ships.

The president of the tanker company insists unequivocally that the ship was fired upon by "flying objects," not mines.

CBS News said:

"Company president Yutaka Katada said Friday he believes the flying objects seen by the sailors could have been bullets. He denied any possibility of mines or torpedoes because the damage was above the ship's waterline. He called reports of a mine attack "false.""

The Washington Post in an article entitled "Trump rejects Iran’s denials that it attacked tankers, citing video released by Central Command" wrote:

"the head of the Japanese shipping company that owns one of the targeted tankers challenged the U.S. assertion that the vessel was attacked with limpet mines. He said Friday that the crew reported it was hit by “a flying object.”"

The New York Times reported:

"One of the tankers that were attacked in the Gulf of Oman was struck by a flying object, the ship’s Japanese operator said on Friday, expressing doubt that a mine had been attached to its hull."

In 2005 Israel publicly acknowledged carrying out a 1954 attack on American targets in the Middle East, known as the Lavon Affair, in which Israeli operatives planted bombs which were then falsely blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood.

And in 1967, in a still highly disputed incident, the crew of a US surveillance ship, the USS Liberty, say a 75 minute attack by Israeli warplanes was deliberate. The attack expended hundreds of rounds of cannon fire, rockets, napalm, machine-gun fire at lifeboats, and a torpedo from an Israeli patrol boat. It has been opined by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Navy Admiral Thomas Moorer, that the attack may have been intended to draw the US into war with Egypt.

The attack killed 34 US sailors and wounded hundreds of others.

The Israeli newspaper Haraatz on last May 20th ran an article entitled "Netanyahu's Iran Dilemma: Getting Trump to Act Without Putting Israel on the Front Line" states:

"Even if Trump's instinct tells him it's best to avoid war with Iran, no one can be certain of his intentions - not even Netanyahu."

The Israeli secret service, the Mossad, previously proclaimed the slogan "by way of deception thou shalt make war." It has been changed to “without deception, a nation falls.”

In 2007, former commander of NATO and former presidential candidate General Wes Clark made waves when he told an audience that a series of regime changes had been planned by the Pentagon since even before the invasion of Iraq. Clark said a general within the Bush Administration told him before the invasion.

And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran."

The video of so called proof that it was the Iranians is a joke.

That video is so blurry and grainy that no one can really see what is happening or who is in the shot. The claim that it's video of Iranians removing mines from the ship is beyond insulting to anyone who has a working brain. No one goes back to the scene of the crime immediately to retrieve a mine. They come up with video yet they don't have security in place after the attack? That is so ridiculous it's insulting to intelligent people.

I agree with the article, Saudi Arabia or Israel are responsible for this. I saw this coming last month.

I made the mistake in 2003 to believe the bush boy and Colin Powell. Mostly because we had the canceled receipts from reagan and bush the first selling chemical weapons to Iraq.

We've been through this before and it wasn't that long ago.

Add to the fact that trump lies through his teeth just about every time he speaks.

I won't fall for the lies again.

I have no reason to believe that Japanese businessman is lying. I believe him.

You have NO fucking idea how it pains me to agree with you that the tanker attack was more likely than not a MOSSAD false flag. It wouldn't be the first, second, third or 4th time that they have done it starting with the USS Liberty. I believe that the MOSSAD was also behind the Syrian chemical alleged attacks.
You have NO fucking idea how it pains me to agree with you that the tanker attack was more likely than not a MOSSAD false flag. It wouldn't be the first, second, third or 4th time that they have done it starting with the USS Liberty. I believe that the MOSSAD was also behind the Syrian chemical alleged attacks.

didn't you believe it was the Trilateralists Lizard People.
lol if it Was Israel they would have to operate out of an Arab country, smuggling in a torpedo, and then hitting a target with it in a very enclosed and small choke point, under the observation of several intel and military agencies, i.e. a laughable claim. It's not like Arabs are hippies and never do stupid shit, and it's not like we don't know Democrats loves them some of those Iranian Mullahs and encourage them in their terrorism and mass murders, and would love to egg them into starting a war while Trump was in office, hoping to cash in on it for themselves. The Democrats' biggest Hero himself gave the bearded little monkeys lots of untraceable cash to play with, and no telling what he and Kerry gave them in private, probably everything the CIA had they wanted to know as well.
Japan Suggests Even Israel Could be Behind Tanker Attack, as President of Company Calls Pentagon Report Fake — Steemit

A source within the government of Japan has suggested that Israel, as well as the US itself, could be behind an attack on a Japanese tanker, according to the Japanese daily Japan Today.

In an article "Japan demands more proof from U.S. that Iran attacked tankers," the newspaper's online version reports:

If having expertise sophisticated enough to conduct the attack could be a reason to conclude that the attacker was Iran, "That would apply to the United States and Israel as well," said a source at the Foreign Ministry.

Liberal/progressive commentator Cenk Uygur of the popular program The Young Turks said on a show recently that only Israel or Saudi Arabia had motive to attack a Japanese tanker, in order to blame it on Iran, after the president of the tanker company called US claims that Iran was responsible "false." Iran has categorically denied any involvement.

Israeli hardliners have long advocated for US military action against Iran.

President Trump recently cited a video released by the Pentagon as showing what the Pentagon says is a limpit underwater mine being removed by a purported Iranian special forces crew. But observers with military backgrounds say that the video does not show a limpit mine, which is large, heavy, and conical, but magnetic ladder rungs used for climbing the sides of ships.

The president of the tanker company insists unequivocally that the ship was fired upon by "flying objects," not mines.

CBS News said:

"Company president Yutaka Katada said Friday he believes the flying objects seen by the sailors could have been bullets. He denied any possibility of mines or torpedoes because the damage was above the ship's waterline. He called reports of a mine attack "false.""

The Washington Post in an article entitled "Trump rejects Iran’s denials that it attacked tankers, citing video released by Central Command" wrote:

"the head of the Japanese shipping company that owns one of the targeted tankers challenged the U.S. assertion that the vessel was attacked with limpet mines. He said Friday that the crew reported it was hit by “a flying object.”"

The New York Times reported:

"One of the tankers that were attacked in the Gulf of Oman was struck by a flying object, the ship’s Japanese operator said on Friday, expressing doubt that a mine had been attached to its hull."

In 2005 Israel publicly acknowledged carrying out a 1954 attack on American targets in the Middle East, known as the Lavon Affair, in which Israeli operatives planted bombs which were then falsely blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood.

And in 1967, in a still highly disputed incident, the crew of a US surveillance ship, the USS Liberty, say a 75 minute attack by Israeli warplanes was deliberate. The attack expended hundreds of rounds of cannon fire, rockets, napalm, machine-gun fire at lifeboats, and a torpedo from an Israeli patrol boat. It has been opined by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Navy Admiral Thomas Moorer, that the attack may have been intended to draw the US into war with Egypt.

The attack killed 34 US sailors and wounded hundreds of others.

The Israeli newspaper Haraatz on last May 20th ran an article entitled "Netanyahu's Iran Dilemma: Getting Trump to Act Without Putting Israel on the Front Line" states:

"Even if Trump's instinct tells him it's best to avoid war with Iran, no one can be certain of his intentions - not even Netanyahu."

The Israeli secret service, the Mossad, previously proclaimed the slogan "by way of deception thou shalt make war." It has been changed to “without deception, a nation falls.”

In 2007, former commander of NATO and former presidential candidate General Wes Clark made waves when he told an audience that a series of regime changes had been planned by the Pentagon since even before the invasion of Iraq. Clark said a general within the Bush Administration told him before the invasion.

And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran."

Trump thinks Iran did it
lol if it Was Israel they would have to operate out of an Arab country, smuggling in a torpedo, and then hitting a target with it in a very enclosed and small choke point, under the observation of several intel and military agencies, i.e. a laughable claim. It's not like Arabs are hippies and never do stupid shit, and it's not like we don't know Democrats loves them some of those Iranian Mullahs and encourage them in their terrorism and mass murders, and would love to egg them into starting a war while Trump was in office, hoping to cash in on it for themselves...
Any conflict with Iran would likely cause voter sentiment to rally 'round the sitting POTUS yet I am convinced Trump is an America-First kinda guy who has not and would not put any American in harm's way just to insure his 2nd term. Besides, our Democrat Socialist Party is hard at work doing that for him.
They are quite the comical clown car, no? :beer:
lol if it Was Israel they would have to operate out of an Arab country, smuggling in a torpedo, and then hitting a target with it in a very enclosed and small choke point, under the observation of several intel and military agencies, i.e. a laughable claim. It's not like Arabs are hippies and never do stupid shit, and it's not like we don't know Democrats loves them some of those Iranian Mullahs and encourage them in their terrorism and mass murders, and would love to egg them into starting a war while Trump was in office, hoping to cash in on it for themselves...
Any conflict with Iran would likely cause voter sentiment to rally 'round the sitting POTUS yet I am convinced Trump is an America-First kinda guy who has not and would not put any American in harm's way just to insure his 2nd term. Besides, our Democrat Socialist Party is hard at work doing that for him.
They are quite the comical clown car, no? :beer:
Not any worse than the now silent Repubs that had no problem running their mouths critiquing anything that happened when Oblama was president. Those repubs are now quite little cuckolds...
Japan Suggests Even Israel Could be Behind Tanker Attack, as President of Company Calls Pentagon Report Fake — Steemit

A source within the government of Japan has suggested that Israel, as well as the US itself, could be behind an attack on a Japanese tanker, according to the Japanese daily Japan Today.

In an article "Japan demands more proof from U.S. that Iran attacked tankers," the newspaper's online version reports:

If having expertise sophisticated enough to conduct the attack could be a reason to conclude that the attacker was Iran, "That would apply to the United States and Israel as well," said a source at the Foreign Ministry.

Liberal/progressive commentator Cenk Uygur of the popular program The Young Turks said on a show recently that only Israel or Saudi Arabia had motive to attack a Japanese tanker, in order to blame it on Iran, after the president of the tanker company called US claims that Iran was responsible "false." Iran has categorically denied any involvement.

Israeli hardliners have long advocated for US military action against Iran.

President Trump recently cited a video released by the Pentagon as showing what the Pentagon says is a limpit underwater mine being removed by a purported Iranian special forces crew. But observers with military backgrounds say that the video does not show a limpit mine, which is large, heavy, and conical, but magnetic ladder rungs used for climbing the sides of ships.

The president of the tanker company insists unequivocally that the ship was fired upon by "flying objects," not mines.

CBS News said:

"Company president Yutaka Katada said Friday he believes the flying objects seen by the sailors could have been bullets. He denied any possibility of mines or torpedoes because the damage was above the ship's waterline. He called reports of a mine attack "false.""

The Washington Post in an article entitled "Trump rejects Iran’s denials that it attacked tankers, citing video released by Central Command" wrote:

"the head of the Japanese shipping company that owns one of the targeted tankers challenged the U.S. assertion that the vessel was attacked with limpet mines. He said Friday that the crew reported it was hit by “a flying object.”"

The New York Times reported:

"One of the tankers that were attacked in the Gulf of Oman was struck by a flying object, the ship’s Japanese operator said on Friday, expressing doubt that a mine had been attached to its hull."

In 2005 Israel publicly acknowledged carrying out a 1954 attack on American targets in the Middle East, known as the Lavon Affair, in which Israeli operatives planted bombs which were then falsely blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood.

And in 1967, in a still highly disputed incident, the crew of a US surveillance ship, the USS Liberty, say a 75 minute attack by Israeli warplanes was deliberate. The attack expended hundreds of rounds of cannon fire, rockets, napalm, machine-gun fire at lifeboats, and a torpedo from an Israeli patrol boat. It has been opined by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Navy Admiral Thomas Moorer, that the attack may have been intended to draw the US into war with Egypt.

The attack killed 34 US sailors and wounded hundreds of others.

The Israeli newspaper Haraatz on last May 20th ran an article entitled "Netanyahu's Iran Dilemma: Getting Trump to Act Without Putting Israel on the Front Line" states:

"Even if Trump's instinct tells him it's best to avoid war with Iran, no one can be certain of his intentions - not even Netanyahu."

The Israeli secret service, the Mossad, previously proclaimed the slogan "by way of deception thou shalt make war." It has been changed to “without deception, a nation falls.”

In 2007, former commander of NATO and former presidential candidate General Wes Clark made waves when he told an audience that a series of regime changes had been planned by the Pentagon since even before the invasion of Iraq. Clark said a general within the Bush Administration told him before the invasion.

And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran."

I see you took a double dose of your I Hate Jews Paranoia Meds today.
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Japan Suggests Even Israel Could be Behind Tanker Attack, as President of Company Calls Pentagon Report Fake — Steemit

A source within the government of Japan has suggested that Israel, as well as the US itself, could be behind an attack on a Japanese tanker, according to the Japanese daily Japan Today.

In an article "Japan demands more proof from U.S. that Iran attacked tankers," the newspaper's online version reports:

If having expertise sophisticated enough to conduct the attack could be a reason to conclude that the attacker was Iran, "That would apply to the United States and Israel as well," said a source at the Foreign Ministry.

Liberal/progressive commentator Cenk Uygur of the popular program The Young Turks said on a show recently that only Israel or Saudi Arabia had motive to attack a Japanese tanker, in order to blame it on Iran, after the president of the tanker company called US claims that Iran was responsible "false." Iran has categorically denied any involvement.

Israeli hardliners have long advocated for US military action against Iran.

President Trump recently cited a video released by the Pentagon as showing what the Pentagon says is a limpit underwater mine being removed by a purported Iranian special forces crew. But observers with military backgrounds say that the video does not show a limpit mine, which is large, heavy, and conical, but magnetic ladder rungs used for climbing the sides of ships.

The president of the tanker company insists unequivocally that the ship was fired upon by "flying objects," not mines.

CBS News said:

"Company president Yutaka Katada said Friday he believes the flying objects seen by the sailors could have been bullets. He denied any possibility of mines or torpedoes because the damage was above the ship's waterline. He called reports of a mine attack "false.""

The Washington Post in an article entitled "Trump rejects Iran’s denials that it attacked tankers, citing video released by Central Command" wrote:

"the head of the Japanese shipping company that owns one of the targeted tankers challenged the U.S. assertion that the vessel was attacked with limpet mines. He said Friday that the crew reported it was hit by “a flying object.”"

The New York Times reported:

"One of the tankers that were attacked in the Gulf of Oman was struck by a flying object, the ship’s Japanese operator said on Friday, expressing doubt that a mine had been attached to its hull."

In 2005 Israel publicly acknowledged carrying out a 1954 attack on American targets in the Middle East, known as the Lavon Affair, in which Israeli operatives planted bombs which were then falsely blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood.

And in 1967, in a still highly disputed incident, the crew of a US surveillance ship, the USS Liberty, say a 75 minute attack by Israeli warplanes was deliberate. The attack expended hundreds of rounds of cannon fire, rockets, napalm, machine-gun fire at lifeboats, and a torpedo from an Israeli patrol boat. It has been opined by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Navy Admiral Thomas Moorer, that the attack may have been intended to draw the US into war with Egypt.

The attack killed 34 US sailors and wounded hundreds of others.

The Israeli newspaper Haraatz on last May 20th ran an article entitled "Netanyahu's Iran Dilemma: Getting Trump to Act Without Putting Israel on the Front Line" states:

"Even if Trump's instinct tells him it's best to avoid war with Iran, no one can be certain of his intentions - not even Netanyahu."

The Israeli secret service, the Mossad, previously proclaimed the slogan "by way of deception thou shalt make war." It has been changed to “without deception, a nation falls.”

In 2007, former commander of NATO and former presidential candidate General Wes Clark made waves when he told an audience that a series of regime changes had been planned by the Pentagon since even before the invasion of Iraq. Clark said a general within the Bush Administration told him before the invasion.

And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran."

Lol too bad that irans hard line morons have not even said that they are not responsible.

PS Only retards believe what the ny times says
lol if it Was Israel they would have to operate out of an Arab country, smuggling in a torpedo, and then hitting a target with it in a very enclosed and small choke point, under the observation of several intel and military agencies, i.e. a laughable claim. It's not like Arabs are hippies and never do stupid shit, and it's not like we don't know Democrats loves them some of those Iranian Mullahs and encourage them in their terrorism and mass murders, and would love to egg them into starting a war while Trump was in office, hoping to cash in on it for themselves...
Any conflict with Iran would likely cause voter sentiment to rally 'round the sitting POTUS yet I am convinced Trump is an America-First kinda guy who has not and would not put any American in harm's way just to insure his 2nd term. Besides, our Democrat Socialist Party is hard at work doing that for him.
They are quite the comical clown car, no? :beer:

I think they're too stupid to realize it would help Trump, though. Given our treaty agreements in the area, he may not have a choice if the Democrats can convince their Iranian allies to start one. They're juvenile sociopaths and could care less about human lives, revenge and racist hate is what drives them, same as it drove Hitler and his followers..
The Israeli government is just as duplicitous as the corrupt Trump administration.
Is there anything I can say that would convince you to travel to Iran and tell them all about how gays should be married in mosques?

So many places around the world need some Social Justice Warriors like Clayton to come and show them how it's done. Their 'talents'(snicker) are wasted out in the burbs, smoking dope and searching for kiddie porn all day.
Japan Suggests Even Israel Could be Behind Tanker Attack, as President of Company Calls Pentagon Report Fake — Steemit

A source within the government of Japan has suggested that Israel, as well as the US itself, could be behind an attack on a Japanese tanker, according to the Japanese daily Japan Today.

In an article "Japan demands more proof from U.S. that Iran attacked tankers," the newspaper's online version reports:

If having expertise sophisticated enough to conduct the attack could be a reason to conclude that the attacker was Iran, "That would apply to the United States and Israel as well," said a source at the Foreign Ministry.

Liberal/progressive commentator Cenk Uygur of the popular program The Young Turks said on a show recently that only Israel or Saudi Arabia had motive to attack a Japanese tanker, in order to blame it on Iran, after the president of the tanker company called US claims that Iran was responsible "false." Iran has categorically denied any involvement.

Israeli hardliners have long advocated for US military action against Iran.

President Trump recently cited a video released by the Pentagon as showing what the Pentagon says is a limpit underwater mine being removed by a purported Iranian special forces crew. But observers with military backgrounds say that the video does not show a limpit mine, which is large, heavy, and conical, but magnetic ladder rungs used for climbing the sides of ships.

The president of the tanker company insists unequivocally that the ship was fired upon by "flying objects," not mines.

CBS News said:

"Company president Yutaka Katada said Friday he believes the flying objects seen by the sailors could have been bullets. He denied any possibility of mines or torpedoes because the damage was above the ship's waterline. He called reports of a mine attack "false.""

The Washington Post in an article entitled "Trump rejects Iran’s denials that it attacked tankers, citing video released by Central Command" wrote:

"the head of the Japanese shipping company that owns one of the targeted tankers challenged the U.S. assertion that the vessel was attacked with limpet mines. He said Friday that the crew reported it was hit by “a flying object.”"

The New York Times reported:

"One of the tankers that were attacked in the Gulf of Oman was struck by a flying object, the ship’s Japanese operator said on Friday, expressing doubt that a mine had been attached to its hull."

In 2005 Israel publicly acknowledged carrying out a 1954 attack on American targets in the Middle East, known as the Lavon Affair, in which Israeli operatives planted bombs which were then falsely blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood.

And in 1967, in a still highly disputed incident, the crew of a US surveillance ship, the USS Liberty, say a 75 minute attack by Israeli warplanes was deliberate. The attack expended hundreds of rounds of cannon fire, rockets, napalm, machine-gun fire at lifeboats, and a torpedo from an Israeli patrol boat. It has been opined by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Navy Admiral Thomas Moorer, that the attack may have been intended to draw the US into war with Egypt.

The attack killed 34 US sailors and wounded hundreds of others.

The Israeli newspaper Haraatz on last May 20th ran an article entitled "Netanyahu's Iran Dilemma: Getting Trump to Act Without Putting Israel on the Front Line" states:

"Even if Trump's instinct tells him it's best to avoid war with Iran, no one can be certain of his intentions - not even Netanyahu."

The Israeli secret service, the Mossad, previously proclaimed the slogan "by way of deception thou shalt make war." It has been changed to “without deception, a nation falls.”

In 2007, former commander of NATO and former presidential candidate General Wes Clark made waves when he told an audience that a series of regime changes had been planned by the Pentagon since even before the invasion of Iraq. Clark said a general within the Bush Administration told him before the invasion.

And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran."

Lol too bad that irans hard line morons have not even said that they are not responsible.

PS Only retards believe what the ny times says

Is it any wonder why Israel sees American liberal Jews, in the same way they label the Jews that worked for the NAZIS?

They called them KAPOS.

Kapos – The Holocaust Explained: Designed for schools


Something else ignored by our beloved educators who rewrite history in order to enslave the minds of the young.

The same they ignore the black slave owners in this country, the blacks that fought voluntarily for the confederates, the vast number of Native American tribes that owned slaves and fought for the confederacy along with the Trans Sahara slave trade and the Barbary Coast slave trade.

We have nothing but fucking dupes parroting their simplistic bullshit.
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