Japanese Including Japanese Goverment Believes Anime Characters Based On Asians


VIP Member
Sep 8, 2014
This is more reason for anti western cosplayers must exist because western cosplayers only ruining our Anime characters which hurt millions of Anime fans, western cosplayers only ruining and will always ruining our Anime characters because our Anime characters are not based on westerners so western cosplayers will never succeed on imitating or looking like our Anime characters. Anti western cosplayers channel [ see how many Asians and Anime fans from around the world who participated and agreed with the movement ] http://www.youtube.com/user/VeryProudToBeAsian/discussion

First of all check this toys made by Japanese to make fun of westerners face :

Especially check the 2D character on the toy's background which based on westerners appearance, did you see how very different that western character is compared to our Anime characters? That western characters just look like the cartoon characters which westerners made based on themselves.

This is Japanese depiction of westerners in reality which depicted on Japanese ads :

That is just one example from many other Japanese ads like that.

And check this pamphlets made by Japan's ministry of foreign affairs to Japanese citizens for educational purpose :

To see more about the pamphlets then just go to here.

As you can see, not only Japanese but Japanese government also believes westerners have small deep set eyes, big long nose, square face, square jaw, etc which are all the opposite of Anime characters big narrow set eyes, small nose, round face, sharp jaw, etc.

Many westerners keep claiming our Anime characters based on westerners when Anime characters clearly based on us Asians which both from Japanese own believe, also from how our Anime characters are really look like which proven by millions of our Anime fans world wide who prefer our Asian cosplayers and not western cosplayers. What very stupid when those westerners claim our Anime characters based on them are :
1. Those westerners never make their cartoon/western characters which look like our Anime/Asian characters.
2. When those westerners claim our Anime characters based on them then based on who are the characters made by those westerners themselves such as this character :

If those westerners claim that character to be based on us Asians then that would be wrong because we Asians are not born with small deep set eyes, big long nose, square face, square jaw and big wide body form like that. And if those westerners claim that character to be based on themselves too then that would also be wrong because that character look very different from our Anime/Asian characters which those westerners claim before to be based on themselves.
3. Millions of our Anime fans prefer us Asians and not those westerners to Cosplay as our Anime/Asian characters which our Anime fans love and respect http://antiwesterncosplayers.blogspot.com/2013/02/evidence-of-anime-fans-hate-western.html

How to participate in the anti western cosplayers movement :
. By following the anti western cosplayers channel, the more peoples who follow the channel then the more pressure the western cosplayers who see the channel's videos will feel that their action of cosplaying Anime characters are really wrong. This will also cause them to stop thinking that they can just do whatever they want, many western cosplayers who insist on cosplaying Anime characters is because they [ they said it themselves ] think they can just do whatever they want.
2. By joining the anti western cosplayers group [ http://www.antiwc.net/group ], the reasons is the same as above.
3. The best way is by making your own videos, blogs, topics, etc which told or mention that western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters will only ruin the Anime characters which hurt many Anime fans feelings and their action also a form of racism against Asians.
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Sorry..the jap gov holds no weight with me. They were stupid enough to attack the U.S. Obvious morons.

Is it not very ironic that many american this days trying very hard to act, look and even claim they are Japanese? For example just see hundreds thousands of them in www.cosplay.com
Fair criticism by the Japanese. Ironically though without western imitation anime would be a fringe animation form limited to Japan instead of popular world-wide.
Grew up watching G-Force, Starblazers, Robotech, etc.

Kinda hypocritical to export those programs to US markets then whine later on when those US markets imitate the art form.
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Grew up watching G-Force, Starblazers, Robotech, etc.

Kinda hypocritical to export those programs to US markets then whine later on when those US markets imitate the art form.

You mean america begging Japan for license in order to watch them?
Grew up watching G-Force, Starblazers, Robotech, etc.

Kinda hypocritical to export those programs to US markets then whine later on when those US markets imitate the art form.

You mean america begging Japan for license in order to watch them?

Same difference. If they should be upset about anything it's how poorly dubbed they were. To say nothing of the Godzilla movies. :)

Think this is just the latest Japanese nationalism rearing its' ugly head.
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What do any of you think when someone claiming Anime characters not based on Asians but based on westerners? As for me, I find them to be very ridiculous, most peoples who make that ridiculous claims are westerners.
What do any of you think when someone claiming Anime characters not based on Asians but based on westerners? As for me, I find them to be very ridiculous, most peoples who make that ridiculous claims are westerners.

Look here grasshopper,no one in this country gives a rats ass about japan.
You make a pretty good car and your electronics are decent as well..other than that your country is pretty useless.
Your attempts at making yourself and japan relevant are kinda sad and pathetic,please stop because for some reason it makes me uncomfortable to watch someone grovel.

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