Japanese War on China 1931 to 1945


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
According to La Ram Japan was not at war with China and did not butcher millions of Chinese from 1931 to 1945. He has claimed it is a lie to say the US cut off Oil and metal sales to Japan because of that WAR. He claims we FORCED Japan to attack us by being the bad guy and not selling oil and metal to Japan so they could kill even more Chinese.

According to LA Ram we had no right to protest the war and NO right to stop selling the means to conduct that war to Japan and it is US that were the bad guys and Japan was justified in attacking us.
According to LA Ram we had no right to protest the war and NO right to stop selling the means to conduct that war to Japan and it is US that were the bad guys and Japan was justified in attacking us.
You would have called Roosevelt a liberal, communist traitor for entering the war had you been alive and able to back then
I never read the babble of his lies anymore but This troll creates a thread out of frustration because he keeps evading cold hard facts that Mike Griffith took him to school and checkmated him on his thread that Harry Truman was a traiter and mass murderer who murdered millions of women and children ignoring the mountains of documented evidence over the years that japen offered to a conditional surrender to us many times and that evil monster ignored those offers by bombing japen bombing civilian targets instead of military bases.he then lies and says that’s not true only cause his corrupt school system told him so.lol

Ignoring as well accusing people like mike Griffith of lying after he took him to school on his thread checkmating him that MANY senior military officers such as The great McArthur as well as soldiers spoke out and said back then they were against the bombing,that it was unnessary and have come out over the years publicly condemning the actions of that war criminal telling the truth he was a traiter and murderer he was. Of course he likes to pretend that is not true of course and calls ME the liar,that none of that is not documented of course.comedy gold this troll,is how he keeps making these threads when getting his ass kicked by myself,Gipper and mike griffin.Lol.

A revionist apologist who always goes by what our corrupt school system taught him EVERYTiME instead off listening to the people that were there,the high ranking military officials that told what our textbooks suppressed from us in our corrupt schools that he worships as the ultimate truth on eveything,if THEY said it,in his warped mind,it’s the gospel truth.comedy gold.lol
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According to LA Ram we had no right to protest the war and NO right to stop selling the means to conduct that war to Japan and it is US that were the bad guys and Japan was justified in attacking us.
You would have called Roosevelt a liberal, communist traitor for entering the war had you been alive and able to back then

Before Pearl Harbor, most people did. Most Americans were strongly isolationist at that time.
La Ram is the secondary user account of griffith, for all intensive purposes.

Griffith cuts and copies debunked revisionist history.

La Ram, cheerleaders the comment, trolls and flames everyone else's comments and bumps the thread when it falls off the 1st page due to disinterest.

Even in this thread, La Ram cheerleeds griffith? One accpunt above the fray, the other account to play dirty.

One or two accounts? It dont matter, neither are original or know what their ass from a hole in the ground.
that japen offered to a conditional surrender to us many times
They were in no position to demand conditions for surrender. It was unconditional surrender or be pounded into the ground.

We didn't start the War.........We had every right to not supply them for a War of Imperialism against China.........and it was well known how barbarous Japan had become.\

They started a fight they couldn't win............then they demanded conditions for surrender...........oh well........bye bye bye......and that is history.

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