Jared Fogle of Subway to plead guilty to child porn

You know...................this is one of the reasons I've never wanted to become famous. I got enough of that when I was in the Navy and working as a Personnnelman. EVERYONE on the ship knew who I was (I took care of their service records and pay), and EVERYONE knew exactly what I did when I screwed up either on the ship or on shore. I got tired of living in the fishbowl and was glad to be out of it when I retired.

When you become famous, EVERYONE is looking at what you do, and EVERYONE has a comment on your behavior.

Which is also a reason why I'll never run for public office. I don't want all the attention and digging into my past, because although I've lived a pretty decent life, there are things in my past that I'd just as soon not talk about.

And........................if you DO become famous, you should remember one thing. Live your life like it will appear on tomorrow's front page of the news, because it just might.
There IS a joke in there Luddly...............

Q: What do Michael Jackson and Jared have in common?

A: They both like to "eat fresh".

Yeah, I get it.

I just can't find anything humorous about it.

As you all know, this is a soapbox subject for me.

I say, put him in the general population, along with the aforementioned child predators and let the other prisoners mete out his punishment.
Wonder if he will do time or probation?

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Aug. 18, 2015)— FOX59 has confirmed Jared Fogle, the former Subway spokesman, is expected to plead guilty to possession of child pornography charges.

Sources say Fogle will accept a plea deal Wednesday. The U.S. Attorney’s Office will hold a press conference tomorrow afternoon to discuss the deal and charges against Fogle.

Fogle’s attorney, Ron Elberger, had no comment in regards to the plea deal. He said any information regarding the charges would come from the attorney’s office. Elberger did say Fogle’s suspension with Subway continues.

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges Fox 59

Good!! It's a start

We should also go after people who belong to the catholic church for supporting pedos
Nice non-sequitur.....fucking moron.

Not at all. He's spot-on.

The catholic church has hidden pedo's and they are still hiding them. Many have not been brought to justice, nor have their victims gotten their own 'day in court'.

That's indefensible.
That's pretty much a death sentence Luddly.

Inmates and cons don't take very kindly to those they call "short eyes" (pedophiles).

When he does go to jail, it's probably going to be solitary for him.
Child porn is awful......it exploits children.

Regular porn (whatever that might be) exploits women and has 1st amendment protections.

I feel bad for this guy (he is going to pay dearly).

As to all of you screaming for blood....Shut up.

This stuff goes on all the time and I don't hear Sanders, Clinton, Bush, or Trump saying anything about it.
Since we don't know the details of the plea deal, there's no way to know whether he plead to any child porn charges at all.
Wonder if he will do time or probation?

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Aug. 18, 2015)— FOX59 has confirmed Jared Fogle, the former Subway spokesman, is expected to plead guilty to possession of child pornography charges.

Sources say Fogle will accept a plea deal Wednesday. The U.S. Attorney’s Office will hold a press conference tomorrow afternoon to discuss the deal and charges against Fogle.

Fogle’s attorney, Ron Elberger, had no comment in regards to the plea deal. He said any information regarding the charges would come from the attorney’s office. Elberger did say Fogle’s suspension with Subway continues.

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges Fox 59
I wonder if Harry Weid is involved in any way shape of form

Meh, Subway sucks anyway.
I am not seeing how Subway has anything to do with this.
Please elaborate.


Meh, Subway sucks anyway.
I am not seeing how Subway has anything to do with this.
Please elaborate.


Meh, Subway sucks anyway.
I am not seeing how Subway has anything to do with this.
Please elaborate.

Yes....I am not seeing the connection
Wonder if he will do time or probation?

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Aug. 18, 2015)— FOX59 has confirmed Jared Fogle, the former Subway spokesman, is expected to plead guilty to possession of child pornography charges.

Sources say Fogle will accept a plea deal Wednesday. The U.S. Attorney’s Office will hold a press conference tomorrow afternoon to discuss the deal and charges against Fogle.

Fogle’s attorney, Ron Elberger, had no comment in regards to the plea deal. He said any information regarding the charges would come from the attorney’s office. Elberger did say Fogle’s suspension with Subway continues.

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges Fox 59

Good!! It's a start

We should also go after people who belong to the catholic church for supporting pedos
Nice non-sequitur.....fucking moron.

Not at all. He's spot-on.

The catholic church has hidden pedo's and they are still hiding them. Many have not been brought to justice, nor have their victims gotten their own 'day in court'.

That's indefensible.
What the fuck does Jared Fogle have to do with the Catholic Church?
Wonder if he will do time or probation?

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Aug. 18, 2015)— FOX59 has confirmed Jared Fogle, the former Subway spokesman, is expected to plead guilty to possession of child pornography charges.

Sources say Fogle will accept a plea deal Wednesday. The U.S. Attorney’s Office will hold a press conference tomorrow afternoon to discuss the deal and charges against Fogle.

Fogle’s attorney, Ron Elberger, had no comment in regards to the plea deal. He said any information regarding the charges would come from the attorney’s office. Elberger did say Fogle’s suspension with Subway continues.

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges Fox 59

Good!! It's a start

We should also go after people who belong to the catholic church for supporting pedos
Yeah.....and then kill all of the Muslims and Hindus while we're at it.
Wonder if he will do time or probation?

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Aug. 18, 2015)— FOX59 has confirmed Jared Fogle, the former Subway spokesman, is expected to plead guilty to possession of child pornography charges.

Sources say Fogle will accept a plea deal Wednesday. The U.S. Attorney’s Office will hold a press conference tomorrow afternoon to discuss the deal and charges against Fogle.

Fogle’s attorney, Ron Elberger, had no comment in regards to the plea deal. He said any information regarding the charges would come from the attorney’s office. Elberger did say Fogle’s suspension with Subway continues.

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges Fox 59

Good!! It's a start

We should also go after people who belong to the catholic church for supporting pedos
Nice non-sequitur.....fucking moron.

Not at all. He's spot-on.

The catholic church has hidden pedo's and they are still hiding them. Many have not been brought to justice, nor have their victims gotten their own 'day in court'.

That's indefensible.
What the fuck does Jared Fogle have to do with the Catholic Church?
Guano hates religion......so every issue becomes an attack on religious beliefs.

I think he was abused when he was a child.

He's lucky he doesn't live in Iran.

They'd have him swinging from a rope in the center of town square.
Wonder if he will do time or probation?

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Aug. 18, 2015)— FOX59 has confirmed Jared Fogle, the former Subway spokesman, is expected to plead guilty to possession of child pornography charges.

Sources say Fogle will accept a plea deal Wednesday. The U.S. Attorney’s Office will hold a press conference tomorrow afternoon to discuss the deal and charges against Fogle.

Fogle’s attorney, Ron Elberger, had no comment in regards to the plea deal. He said any information regarding the charges would come from the attorney’s office. Elberger did say Fogle’s suspension with Subway continues.

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges Fox 59

Good!! It's a start

We should also go after people who belong to the catholic church for supporting pedos
Nice non-sequitur.....fucking moron.

Not at all. He's spot-on.

The catholic church has hidden pedo's and they are still hiding them. Many have not been brought to justice, nor have their victims gotten their own 'day in court'.

That's indefensible.
What the fuck does Jared Fogle have to do with the Catholic Church?
Guano hates religion......so every issue becomes an attack on religious beliefs.

I think he was abused when he was a child.

A mean ole Christian peed in his Fruity Pebbles, he still hasn't forgotten the trauma
Wonder if he will do time or probation?

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Aug. 18, 2015)— FOX59 has confirmed Jared Fogle, the former Subway spokesman, is expected to plead guilty to possession of child pornography charges.

Sources say Fogle will accept a plea deal Wednesday. The U.S. Attorney’s Office will hold a press conference tomorrow afternoon to discuss the deal and charges against Fogle.

Fogle’s attorney, Ron Elberger, had no comment in regards to the plea deal. He said any information regarding the charges would come from the attorney’s office. Elberger did say Fogle’s suspension with Subway continues.

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges Fox 59

Good!! It's a start

We should also go after people who belong to the catholic church for supporting pedos

guno going after anybody and everybody who supports pedophiles is an issue we can truly call bipartisan.

Bet he doesn't support and defend pedo's like Nugent, Druggars and that old Duck Dynasty sack of slime.

IMO, we don't take crimes against children nearly as seriously as we should.

Oh geeze louise are you still on about Nuge who wanted to marry the young lady but she was a smidge under the age limit for marriage?

By the way the age of consent for Pelee was 16. No pedophilia involved luddly no matter how many times you try this bullshit.

Ditto Phil and his wife were high school sweethearts and marrying young. Which was oh so common in the 50's and 60's and even the 70's?

Why oh why do you keep lying?
Child porn is awful......it exploits children.

Regular porn (whatever that might be) exploits women and has 1st amendment protections.

I feel bad for this guy (he is going to pay dearly).

As to all of you screaming for blood....Shut up.

This stuff goes on all the time and I don't hear Sanders, Clinton, Bush, or Trump saying anything about it.

Why would they? What's it got to do with them?
Wonder if he will do time or probation?

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Aug. 18, 2015)— FOX59 has confirmed Jared Fogle, the former Subway spokesman, is expected to plead guilty to possession of child pornography charges.

Sources say Fogle will accept a plea deal Wednesday. The U.S. Attorney’s Office will hold a press conference tomorrow afternoon to discuss the deal and charges against Fogle.

Fogle’s attorney, Ron Elberger, had no comment in regards to the plea deal. He said any information regarding the charges would come from the attorney’s office. Elberger did say Fogle’s suspension with Subway continues.

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges Fox 59

Good!! It's a start

We should also go after people who belong to the catholic church for supporting pedos

guno going after anybody and everybody who supports pedophiles is an issue we can truly call bipartisan.

Bet he doesn't support and defend pedo's like Nugent, Druggars and that old Duck Dynasty sack of slime.

IMO, we don't take crimes against children nearly as seriously as we should.

Oh geeze louise are you still on about Nuge who wanted to marry the young lady but she was a smidge under the age limit for marriage?

By the way the age of consent for Pelee was 16. No pedophilia involved luddly no matter how many times you try this bullshit.

Ditto Phil and his wife were high school sweethearts and marrying young. Which was oh so common in the 50's and 60's and even the 70's?

Why oh why do you keep lying?


They're child predators and you know it.

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