Jared Fogle of Subway to plead guilty to child porn

This nut-case came to child porn through non-child porn. Its the natural transition. Porn desensitizes the mind to sexual stimulation. It can't do anything else.

Expose yourself to enough porn and its only a mtter of time before you're sick ass needs something else... and kid porn is all that's available in that 'something else' department.

There's NOTHING complex about ANY of this.


"This nut-case came to child porn through non-child porn."

How do you know that?



Yeah, for once Luddy I have to agree with you on that.

I know it from a fundamental understanding of the human mind.

You act as if there is some alternative.

Are you married? Or have you ever been in a long standing committed relationship?

Everyone goes through the same thing...

Initially, the sex is Hot and frequent. 5-6 times a day. In the bedroom, on the bed, the floor, the dresser; in the Living rm, Family Rm, Kitchen, On the counters, the Table, the floor, the Garage, the Lanai, the guest rms, in the car, on the car, in the trucks, on the trucks, on the jet ski, on the boat, cabin and top-side, in the cab, in the plane, commercial and private, elevators, public bathrooms, dressing rms, on the pier, on the beach...

40 years later... Dah... been there done that, ya hit it twice a month, maybe.

Tool-bags that hit the porn hard go through the same thing. At first a nice rack is more than enough to get the job done. Then, it's full frontal... then spread legs. After a while, those poor fuckers need close ups of the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders in a daisy chain and at some point... Nothing in the regular porn works.

Its called normalization... . You can deny it and demand links for proof all day... and that doesn't change anything. It's not even a debatable point.

Matter of fact, with nothing but personal anecdotal musing as a basis, it's not a point at all.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Jared flies to NYC to meet underage girls at a luxury hotel.

Bill Clinton flies in a private jet to a private island to meet underage girls at a resort.

And which under aged girl on that island is accusing Bill Clinton of.....well, anything?

Remember, just because you and your ilk repeat this nonsense back and forth to each other doesn't mean that reality magically changes to match.

To them, it does.

PROVE wrong doing of Repubs and they get a pass.

HINT at wrong doing of a Dem and they're looking for a rope.

Which women has credibly accused William The Bubba of Rape or Sexual Misconduct?

Well, the list is long and distinguished, but the Oracle of All Leftist Knowledge has a few noteworthy examples... FTR: Bubba denied each and every one. Until he was Impeached for being proven WRONG:

Paula Jones
Paula Jones brought a sexual harassment lawsuit against Clinton while he was president. Clinton argued that as a sitting president, he should not be vulnerable to a civil suit of this nature. The case landed in the U.S. Supreme Court. The Supreme Court held that "Deferral of this litigation until petitioner's Presidency ends is not constitutionally required."[3]

However, a U.S. judge in Arkansas, Susan Webber Wright, ruled that since Jones had not suffered any damages, the case should be dismissed.[4] On April 2, 1998, Judge Susan Webber Wright dismissed Jones' lawsuit.[5] On July 31, 1998, Jones appealed the dismissal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.[6]

During the deposition for the Jones lawsuit, which was held at the White House,[7] Clinton denied having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky – a denial that became the basis for the Lewinsky scandal and the president's subsequent impeachment charge of perjury.[8] On November 18, 1998, Clinton agreed to an out-of-court settlement, and agreed to pay Jones and her attorneys a sum of $850,000.[9] Clinton denies ever engaging in a sexual affair with her.[9]

Monica Lewinsky[edit]
Main article: Lewinsky scandal
In 1995, Monica Lewinsky, a graduate of Lewis & Clark College, was hired to work as an intern at the White House during Clinton's first term, and began a personal relationship with him, the details of which she later confided to her friend and Defense department co-worker Linda Tripp, who secretly recorded their telephone conversations.[10] When Tripp discovered in January 1998 that Lewinsky had signed an affidavit in the Paula Jones case denying a relationship with Clinton, she delivered the tapes to Kenneth Starr, the Independent Counsel who was investigating Clinton on other matters, including the Whitewater scandal, the White House FBI files controversy, and the White House travel office controversy. The news of this extra-marital affair and the resulting investigation eventually led to the impeachment of President Clinton in 1998 by the U.S. House of Representatives and his subsequent acquittal on all impeachment charges of perjury and obstruction of justice in a 21-day Senate trial.[8]

Other allegations[edit]
In 1992 Gennifer Flowers stated that she had a relationship with Clinton that began in 1980.[11] Flowers at first denied that she had an affair with Clinton, but later changed her story.[12][13] After initially denying it, Clinton later admitted that he had a sexual encounter with Flowers when put under oath during the Lewinsky investigation.[14]

In 1998, Kathleen Willey alleged Clinton groped her in a hallway in 1993. An independent counsel determined Willey gave "false information" to the FBI, inconsistent with sworn testimony related to the Jones allegation.[15] Willey dodged perjury charges after Kenneth Starr granted her immunity for her testimony.[15]

In 1998, Juanita Broaddrick alleged Clinton had raped her though she did not remember the exact date, which may have been 1978.[16] However,she did supply the name of the hotel (Camelot), and the reason she was visiting Little Rock (a nursing home seminar) when the incident had allegedly occurred. NBC News found that a nursing conference was held in the Camelot Hotel on April 25, 1978 (see main entry for Juanita Broaddrick). Broaddrick's only sworn testimony about Clinton was a previous denial of any harassment by Clinton.[17]

In 1998, in response to what she called false media claims that Clinton had raped her, Elizabeth Ward Gracen recanted a six-year-old denial and stated she had a one night stand with Clinton in 1982.[18] Gracen later apologized to Hillary Clinton.[18]

Dolly Kyle Browning began writing a "semi-autobiographical novel" about her alleged affair with Bill Clinton. In the publication process, Browning asserted that Clinton did everything in his power to prohibit and undermine publication. Browning sued Clinton for damages, but the US Court of Appeals denied her appeal.[19]

Clinton's name appears more than 10 times on flight manifests for Jeffrey Epstein's private airliner: a Boeing 727. Epstein was convicted in 2008 in Florida for soliciting underage teenage prostitutes. Court documents show that Epstein used the Fifth Amendment to avoid self-incrimination in a deposition when directly asked, “Do you know former President Clinton personally?” Epstein made the plea in a 2010-2011 civil case between Epstein and Florida lawyer Brad Edwards, who sued Epstein on behalf of some of Epstein’s alleged victims.[20]

  1. Jump up ^ "Biography of William J. Clinton". The White House. Retrieved October 29,2008.
  2. Jump up ^ Clines, Francis X. (March 14, 1998). "Testing of a President: The Accuser; Jones Lawyers Issue Files Alleging Clinton Pattern of Harassment of Women". The New York Times. Retrieved March 20, 2008. The Presidential deposition released today confirmed several revelations reported earlier, including Mr. Clinton's confirmation... that he had had sex with Gennifer Flowers, a one-time Arkansas worker.
  3. Jump up ^ "Clinton v. Jones, No. 95-1853". Caselaw.lp.findlaw.com. Retrieved 2011-06-11.
  4. Jump up ^ "Judge Wright's Opinion". The Washington Post. April 1, 1998. Retrieved April 26, 2010.
  5. Jump up ^ "Clinton Welcomes Jones Decision; Appeal Likely – April 2, 1998". CNN. Retrieved November 9, 2008.
  6. Jump up ^ "Text of Jones's Appeal". The Washington Post. July 31, 1998. Retrieved 2010-08-25.
  7. Jump up ^ "Deposition of William Jefferson Clinton, January 17, 1998". Cnn.com. 1998-03-13. Retrieved 2010-08-25.
  8. ^ Jump up to: a b "Lewinsky scandal", The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, ©2008 Columbia University Press, "As Retrieved 2010-02-09". Archived from the original on 2012-07-30.
  9. ^ Jump up to: a b "Appeals court ponders Paula Jones settlement – November 18, 1998". CNN. Retrieved November 9, 2008.
  10. Jump up ^ "Tripp: I Am Not Intimidated". CBS Worldwide Corp. July 7, 1998. Retrieved January 26, 2010. In January, Trpp[sic] gave Starr the tapes. She made the recordings secretly at her home at the urging of her friend Lucianne Goldberg, a New York literary agent.
  11. Jump up ^ "Declaration of Gennifer Flowers". The Washington Post. March 13, 1998. Retrieved 2008-03-20.
  12. Jump up ^ "Gennifer Flowers may proceed with defamation suit". Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. November 19, 2002. Retrieved 2008-03-20. At the press conference, Flowers — who initially denied allegations that she had an affair with then Arkansas governor Bill Clinton but then changed her story — played tapes of conversations she had secretly recorded between herself and Clinton
  13. Jump up ^ "Entrepreneur - Start, run and grow your business.". Entrepreneur.
  14. Jump up ^ Clines, Francis X. (1998-03-14). "TESTING OF A PRESIDENT: THE ACCUSER; JONES LAWYERS ISSUE FILES ALLEGING CLINTON PATTERN OF HARASSMENT OF WOMEN". The New York Times. Retrieved 2008-03-20. In his January deposition, the President, though finally confirming a sexual encounter with Ms. Flowers, was precise in denying Ms. Willey's report that he had sought to kiss her and feel her breasts
  15. ^ Jump up to: a b "The Lives Of Kathleen Willey". CNN. March 30, 1998. Retrieved September 11, 2011.
  16. Jump up ^ Archive.org record from February 2006, of Capitol Hill Blue's original record; Full Transcript of NBC Dateline report on Juanita Broaddrick; February 1999.
  17. Jump up ^ "Clinton Accuser's Story Aired". The Washington Post. March 14, 1999. Retrieved April 26, 2010.
  18. ^ Jump up to: a b "Former Miss America Apologizes To First Lady – April 25, 1998". CNN. Archived from the original on June 14, 2008. Retrieved November 9, 2008.
  19. Jump up ^ Browning v. Clinton No. 01-5050, June 11, 2002. Retrieved August 23, 2012.
  20. Jump up ^ "Pedophile Took The Fifth When Asked About Clinton Friendship - The Daily Caller". The Daily Caller.

Meh, Subway sucks anyway.
I am not seeing how Subway has anything to do with this.
Please elaborate.


What DOES his employer have to do with it?

You are truly every bit as stupid as I have always claimed. Perhaps I even underestimated a bit.


What does his employer have to do with it?


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This nut-case came to child porn through non-child porn. Its the natural transition. Porn desensitizes the mind to sexual stimulation. It can't do anything else.

Expose yourself to enough porn and its only a mtter of time before you're sick ass needs something else... and kid porn is all that's available in that 'something else' department.

There's NOTHING complex about ANY of this.


"This nut-case came to child porn through non-child porn."

How do you know that?



Yeah, for once Luddy I have to agree with you on that.

I know it from a fundamental understanding of the human mind.

You act as if there is some alternative.

Are you married? Or have you ever been in a long standing committed relationship?

Everyone goes through the same thing...

Initially, the sex is Hot and frequent. 5-6 times a day. In the bedroom, on the bed, the floor, the dresser; in the Living rm, Family Rm, Kitchen, On the counters, the Table, the floor, the Garage, the Lanai, the guest rms, in the car, on the car, in the trucks, on the trucks, on the jet ski, on the boat, cabin and top-side, in the cab, in the plane, commercial and private, elevators, public bathrooms, dressing rms, on the pier, on the beach...

40 years later... Dah... been there done that, ya hit it twice a month, maybe.

Tool-bags that hit the porn hard go through the same thing. At first a nice rack is more than enough to get the job done. Then, it's full frontal... then spread legs. After a while, those poor fuckers need close ups of the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders in a daisy chain and at some point... Nothing in the regular porn works.

Its called normalization... . You can deny it and demand links for proof all day... and that doesn't change anything. It's not even a debatable point.

Matter of fact, with nothing but personal anecdotal musing as a basis, it's not a point at all.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

It's da simple fact, son. Next time you think you have a point, bring something for it to stand on.
Otherwise, fall down, go boom.
Worse yet it goes to show how a Millennial gold digger wife can look the other way while her husband fucks little girls.
I'm hope she had no idea. I know a perv who completely put one over on his woman.

At least Jared's wife immediately filed for divorce. My buddies girl thought maybe she could fix him.

I'm sure she's just as shocked as we are.

I wonder who else I know is a pedophile. Remember how many gays were in the closet? What if there are that many pedophiles out there? I get being hot for 17 year olds but 10? That's sick.

What's your cut off? I've seen hot 13 year olds. Maybe 12. But at what point are little girls too young to be desired by men. The law says 18 but we've all seen hot 15 year olds.
He had a porn room filled with computers and smartphones. She knew.
This nut-case came to child porn through non-child porn. Its the natural transition. Porn desensitizes the mind to sexual stimulation. It can't do anything else.

Expose yourself to enough porn and its only a mtter of time before you're sick ass needs something else... and kid porn is all that's available in that 'something else' department.

There's NOTHING complex about ANY of this.


"This nut-case came to child porn through non-child porn."

How do you know that?



Yeah, for once Luddy I have to agree with you on that.

I know it from a fundamental understanding of the human mind.

You act as if there is some alternative.

Are you married? Or have you ever been in a long standing committed relationship?

Everyone goes through the same thing...

Initially, the sex is Hot and frequent. 5-6 times a day. In the bedroom, on the bed, the floor, the dresser; in the Living rm, Family Rm, Kitchen, On the counters, the Table, the floor, the Garage, the Lanai, the guest rms, in the car, on the car, in the trucks, on the trucks, on the jet ski, on the boat, cabin and top-side, in the cab, in the plane, commercial and private, elevators, public bathrooms, dressing rms, on the pier, on the beach...

40 years later... Dah... been there done that, ya hit it twice a month, maybe.

Tool-bags that hit the porn hard go through the same thing. At first a nice rack is more than enough to get the job done. Then, it's full frontal... then spread legs. After a while, those poor fuckers need close ups of the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders in a daisy chain and at some point... Nothing in the regular porn works.

Its called normalization... . You can deny it and demand links for proof all day... and that doesn't change anything. It's not even a debatable point.

Actually my tastes in porn have remained consistent for decades.

Large racks= happy happy Marty.
Worse yet it goes to show how a Millennial gold digger wife can look the other way while her husband fucks little girls.
I'm hope she had no idea. I know a perv who completely put one over on his woman.

At least Jared's wife immediately filed for divorce. My buddies girl thought maybe she could fix him.

I'm sure she's just as shocked as we are.

I wonder who else I know is a pedophile. Remember how many gays were in the closet? What if there are that many pedophiles out there? I get being hot for 17 year olds but 10? That's sick.

What's your cut off? I've seen hot 13 year olds. Maybe 12. But at what point are little girls too young to be desired by men. The law says 18 but we've all seen hot 15 year olds.
He had a porn room filled with computers and smartphones. She knew.
What does all that prove? Certainly not that he was banging minors.

But usually you are right.
This nut-case came to child porn through non-child porn. Its the natural transition. Porn desensitizes the mind to sexual stimulation. It can't do anything else.

Expose yourself to enough porn and its only a mtter of time before you're sick ass needs something else... and kid porn is all that's available in that 'something else' department.

There's NOTHING complex about ANY of this.


"This nut-case came to child porn through non-child porn."

How do you know that?



Yeah, for once Luddy I have to agree with you on that.

I know it from a fundamental understanding of the human mind.

You act as if there is some alternative.

Are you married? Or have you ever been in a long standing committed relationship?

Everyone goes through the same thing...

Initially, the sex is Hot and frequent. 5-6 times a day. In the bedroom, on the bed, the floor, the dresser; in the Living rm, Family Rm, Kitchen, On the counters, the Table, the floor, the Garage, the Lanai, the guest rms, in the car, on the car, in the trucks, on the trucks, on the jet ski, on the boat, cabin and top-side, in the cab, in the plane, commercial and private, elevators, public bathrooms, dressing rms, on the pier, on the beach...

40 years later... Dah... been there done that, ya hit it twice a month, maybe.

Tool-bags that hit the porn hard go through the same thing. At first a nice rack is more than enough to get the job done. Then, it's full frontal... then spread legs. After a while, those poor fuckers need close ups of the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders in a daisy chain and at some point... Nothing in the regular porn works.

Its called normalization... . You can deny it and demand links for proof all day... and that doesn't change anything. It's not even a debatable point.

Actually my tastes in porn have remained consistent for decades.

Large racks= happy happy Marty.
No kidding. Im a creature of habit too. I want to see a little banter then her give him head then they fuck. Fast forward him giving her oral.
Jared's Foundation was the sponsor of a half-marathon race I ran in Bloomington, Indiana. Thus, I am the proud owner of a T-shirt with "The Jared Foundation" plastered on it, along with Jared's face.

It had been sitting in a drawer, but I think I'll start wearing it now.
Jared's Foundation was the sponsor of a half-marathon race I ran in Bloomington, Indiana. Thus, I am the proud owner of a T-shirt with "The Jared Foundation" plastered on it, along with Jared's face.

It had been sitting in a drawer, but I think I'll start wearing it now.
Cool. Pass out candy to the little girls while you're at it.
Jared's Foundation was the sponsor of a half-marathon race I ran in Bloomington, Indiana. Thus, I am the proud owner of a T-shirt with "The Jared Foundation" plastered on it, along with Jared's face.

It had been sitting in a drawer, but I think I'll start wearing it now.


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