Jared Fogle of Subway to plead guilty to child porn

Wonder if he will do time or probation?

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Aug. 18, 2015)— FOX59 has confirmed Jared Fogle, the former Subway spokesman, is expected to plead guilty to possession of child pornography charges.

Sources say Fogle will accept a plea deal Wednesday. The U.S. Attorney’s Office will hold a press conference tomorrow afternoon to discuss the deal and charges against Fogle.

Fogle’s attorney, Ron Elberger, had no comment in regards to the plea deal. He said any information regarding the charges would come from the attorney’s office. Elberger did say Fogle’s suspension with Subway continues.

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges Fox 59

Good!! It's a start

We should also go after people who belong to the catholic church for supporting pedos

guno going after anybody and everybody who supports pedophiles is an issue we can truly call bipartisan.

Bet he doesn't support and defend pedo's like Nugent, Druggars and that old Duck Dynasty sack of slime.

IMO, we don't take crimes against children nearly as seriously as we should.

Oh geeze louise are you still on about Nuge who wanted to marry the young lady but she was a smidge under the age limit for marriage?

By the way the age of consent for Pelee was 16. No pedophilia involved luddly no matter how many times you try this bullshit.

Ditto Phil and his wife were high school sweethearts and marrying young. Which was oh so common in the 50's and 60's and even the 70's?

Why oh why do you keep lying?

You do realize that the victim here was 17?
Bet he doesn't support and defend pedo's like Nugent, Druggars and that old Duck Dynasty sack of slime.

IMO, we don't take crimes against children nearly as seriously as we should.

I wish Nugent would sue you for slander and libel, you pile of shit demagogue.

You know you're lying, we know you're lying, but all for the party...


You need to look up the definitions of slander and libel.

Every word I've written about him is true. He has bragged about it and wrote a song about it.

He is also a draft dodger who sat in his own shit for two weeks and a convicted poacher. He once wrote on his blog that he couldn't get it up unless he killed something.

What's wrong here is that you have some really slimy heroes.
Child porn is awful......it exploits children.

Regular porn (whatever that might be) exploits women and has 1st amendment protections.

I feel bad for this guy (he is going to pay dearly).

As to all of you screaming for blood....Shut up.

This stuff goes on all the time and I don't hear Sanders, Clinton, Bush, or Trump saying anything about it.
Whaaaaaaat? I don't feel bad at all. He should be exterminated like a cockroach on a Subway displaycase, something got wired wrong in his head and there's no fixing it. No wonder he was a fat fuck.

What are the politicians supposed to say? Child porn is wrong, please reconsider.
This nut-case came to child porn through non-child porn. Its the natural transition. Porn desensitizes the mind to sexual stimulation. It can't do anything else.

Expose yourself to enough porn and its only a mtter of time before you're sick ass needs something else... and kid porn is all that's available in that 'something else' department.

There's NOTHING complex about ANY of this.
This nut-case came to child porn through non-child porn. Its the natural transition. Porn desensitizes the mind to sexual stimulation. It can't do anything else.

Expose yourself to enough porn and its only a mtter of time before you're sick ass needs something else... and kid porn is all that's available in that 'something else' department.

There's NOTHING complex about ANY of this.

If you think that's the way it works... apparently there is.

You need to look up the definitions of slander and libel.

Every word I've written about him is true.

Actually, you're a fucking liar and have been exposed for it before.

You engage in slander and libel - as the little Goebbels you are.

He has bragged about it and wrote a song about it.

He wrote a song about his 17 year old girlfriend who he wanted to marry, scumbag.

You have zero integrity and zero honor - you are partisan pile of shit who slanders and libels enemies of the party with zero regard for facts.

He is also a draft dodger who sat in his own shit for two weeks and a convicted poacher. He once wrote on his blog that he couldn't get it up unless he killed something.

What's wrong here is that you have some really slimy heroes.

You are a sleazy little lying fuck who spreads slander and libel.

Even the leftist Snopes balked at the Rolling Stone smear - as you've been shown repeatedly.

Hey, you're a little Goebbels, lying is just what you do.
Frank. I replied to your statement, not that of guno. You are a progressive statist reactionary in that that you want big Government to return this government and culture to the 1950s. That won't happen.
Jake, See above re: Go Fuck Yourself. I don't endorse pedophilia
Good, glad you don't. But you are a reactionary progressive statist wanting to use Big Government to return our country to the 1950s.
when there was personal responsibility ?
When minorities and women were treated badly with glass ceilings and separate drinking fountains and on and on and on.
Wonder if he will do time or probation?

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Aug. 18, 2015)— FOX59 has confirmed Jared Fogle, the former Subway spokesman, is expected to plead guilty to possession of child pornography charges.

Sources say Fogle will accept a plea deal Wednesday. The U.S. Attorney’s Office will hold a press conference tomorrow afternoon to discuss the deal and charges against Fogle.

Fogle’s attorney, Ron Elberger, had no comment in regards to the plea deal. He said any information regarding the charges would come from the attorney’s office. Elberger did say Fogle’s suspension with Subway continues.

Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges Fox 59

Good!! It's a start

We should also go after people who belong to the catholic church for supporting pedos

guno going after anybody and everybody who supports pedophiles is an issue we can truly call bipartisan.

Bet he doesn't support and defend pedo's like Nugent, Druggars and that old Duck Dynasty sack of slime.

IMO, we don't take crimes against children nearly as seriously as we should.

Oh geeze louise are you still on about Nuge who wanted to marry the young lady but she was a smidge under the age limit for marriage?

By the way the age of consent for Pelee was 16. No pedophilia involved luddly no matter how many times you try this bullshit.

Ditto Phil and his wife were high school sweethearts and marrying young. Which was oh so common in the 50's and 60's and even the 70's?

Why oh why do you keep lying?

You do realize that the victim here was 17?

What victim? Age of consent was 16. Pelee was a groupie who fell in love with Ted and the Nuge fell in love with her so much so he wanted to marry her. But she was under the age to marry.

That's not a victim at all. And FYI her parents approved.
Someone send me the pictures he was looking at. Ill be the judge if they are child porn or not. We can set up a file trade online. If anyone is interested, PM me.
This goes to show anyone can be a monster.

Dennis hasterts another one. No different than Jerry sandusky.

I don't know how parents let their kids spend the night at other peoples houses. Jared had a wife and kids too.
Yanno.................if a person wants to perform in adult movies, let them do as they will. If people want to watch those same people perform in adult movies, let them watch as much as they want.

The operative word in the above statement is "adult", meaning over the age of 18.

I also support legalizing prostitution. Why? Simple.............I've seen how it works in other countries and think it would work over here very well. In Europe (those countries that have legalized prostitution), those who decide to work in the sex trade must be medically inspected every 6 months, and if they are clean, they are issued a health card. You have the right over there to ask to see a health card before any business is done.

Those ladies also have the right to be protected by the police.

Those ladies also pay taxes and help the economy.

No, there is nothing bad about ADULTS having sex for money or doing movies about them having sex.


Manipulating those who don't understand what is really going on is wrong.
Worse yet it goes to show how a Millennial gold digger wife can look the other way while her husband fucks little girls.
Worse yet it goes to show how a Millennial gold digger wife can look the other way while her husband fucks little girls.
I'm hope she had no idea. I know a perv who completely put one over on his woman.

At least Jared's wife immediately filed for divorce. My buddies girl thought maybe she could fix him.

I'm sure she's just as shocked as we are.

I wonder who else I know is a pedophile. Remember how many gays were in the closet? What if there are that many pedophiles out there? I get being hot for 17 year olds but 10? That's sick.

What's your cut off? I've seen hot 13 year olds. Maybe 12. But at what point are little girls too young to be desired by men. The law says 18 but we've all seen hot 15 year olds.
Worse yet it goes to show how a Millennial gold digger wife can look the other way while her husband fucks little girls.
I'm hope she had no idea. I know a perv who completely put one over on his woman.

At least Jared's wife immediately filed for divorce. My buddies girl thought maybe she could fix him.

I'm sure she's just as shocked as we are.

I wonder who else I know is a pedophile. Remember how many gays were in the closet? What if there are that many pedophiles out there? I get being hot for 17 year olds but 10? That's sick.

What's your cut off? I've seen hot 13 year olds. Maybe 12. But at what point are little girls too young to be desired by men. The law says 18 but we've all seen hot 15 year olds.

If pedophiles could swing an election, Democrats would be all for them
Worse yet it goes to show how a Millennial gold digger wife can look the other way while her husband fucks little girls.
I'm hope she had no idea. I know a perv who completely put one over on his woman.

At least Jared's wife immediately filed for divorce. My buddies girl thought maybe she could fix him.

I'm sure she's just as shocked as we are.

I wonder who else I know is a pedophile. Remember how many gays were in the closet? What if there are that many pedophiles out there? I get being hot for 17 year olds but 10? That's sick.

What's your cut off? I've seen hot 13 year olds. Maybe 12. But at what point are little girls too young to be desired by men. The law says 18 but we've all seen hot 15 year olds.

If pedophiles could swing an election, Democrats would be all for them

ahhh spewing your stupid shit early this am...
Worse yet it goes to show how a Millennial gold digger wife can look the other way while her husband fucks little girls.
I'm hope she had no idea. I know a perv who completely put one over on his woman.

At least Jared's wife immediately filed for divorce. My buddies girl thought maybe she could fix him.

I'm sure she's just as shocked as we are.

I wonder who else I know is a pedophile. Remember how many gays were in the closet? What if there are that many pedophiles out there? I get being hot for 17 year olds but 10? That's sick.

What's your cut off? I've seen hot 13 year olds. Maybe 12. But at what point are little girls too young to be desired by men. The law says 18 but we've all seen hot 15 year olds.

Too many parents let their kids grow up too fast. We always see 12, 13 yr olds with make-up & dressing & looking like they're 18 or 19. Sometimes you just can't tell anymore! If a young girl tells you she's 19 and she looks like she could be, many men wouldn't even question it! That's how a friend of my son's went to prison for 10 yrs....he was 18 and messed around with a 14 yr old that got pregnant....she told him she was also 18. She looked like it. He was not a 'pedephile' at all. If there's any question at all....ask for proof or you could pay for it the rest of your life.
This nut-case came to child porn through non-child porn. Its the natural transition. Porn desensitizes the mind to sexual stimulation. It can't do anything else.

Expose yourself to enough porn and its only a mtter of time before you're sick ass needs something else... and kid porn is all that's available in that 'something else' department.

There's NOTHING complex about ANY of this.


"This nut-case came to child porn through non-child porn."

How do you know that?



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