Jared Fogle of Subway to plead guilty to child porn

Democrats are about to normalize pedophiles.
They already have.

They set aside the highest, most critical social standard there is... for the sake of absurd political correctness, coloring such in likeness of Law.

Through that, they have DEEMED 'the RIGHT TO MARRY'... without limitations.

There is but one standard remaining and that is the legal means of the child to consent to sexual interaction.

Now... how did they do that for the homosexual? They simply held a vote at the APA and declared through that vote that the mental disorder that presents through homosexuality is not a mental disorder.

So all that is left, is for the same group to vote, and through that vote declare that children are perfectly capable of sexual consent... then setup a case that will go to the Supreme Legislature, who will vote and through that vote, declare all law that prohibits children from consenting sexually, to be 'Unconstitutional'. (Due to those laws being injurious to the child's equal protection, under the law, of course.)

Again.... it's raw, unadulterated Evil that we're dealing with here.


Manipulating those who don't understand what is really going on is wrong.

Above you see "The Problem".

Note that the would-be "Contributor" is apparently drawing a line... that line is in regard to "Children". The reservation is based, not upon a soundly reasoned moral foundation, but upon the legal threshold which rests upon the medical opinion of the psychological arts... .

At the point where the Psychological body, votes to deem children well capable of consenting to sexual interaction, the above contributor will be wholly accepting of adults pursuing children for sexual gratification.

Poll any Leftist... and you'll find that IF they still present any pretense of reservation on the Adult Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification, that reservation will rest upon the same sandy ground; with no morality component to be found anywhere.

Thus... where the Left remains in any sense of power, your children are at risk as a result.

And that is truly all there is to this incredibly simple social equation.
I believe he had sex with a 16yo girl. In some states that's perfectly legal. In most countries its also legal. It also doesn't make you a pedophile, it makes you a hebophile.

He pled out to the child porn charge.

You wanna know how easy it is to get in trouble with this shit?

When I was 19 I had a 17yo girlfriend named Crystal. In Louisiana, 17 is legal AOC. We could screw like rabbits and it was totally legal. I set up an old VHS camera on a tripod to record our first time together, completely with her consent, for our memories to keep. Come to find out, screwing her was legal, recording it could have gotten me 20 years in a federal prison.

Does this make sense to you?
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He knew the girls were underage and asked them to find more, the younger the better. How can anyone excuse that?
This nut-case came to child porn through non-child porn. Its the natural transition. Porn desensitizes the mind to sexual stimulation. It can't do anything else.

Expose yourself to enough porn and its only a mtter of time before you're sick ass needs something else... and kid porn is all that's available in that 'something else' department.

There's NOTHING complex about ANY of this.


"This nut-case came to child porn through non-child porn."

How do you know that?



Yeah, for once Luddy I have to agree with you on that.
I feel for the guy....he's gonna lose everything, just because he couldn't get help for his addiction. I just hope the family of these kids send him a skirt while in prison, cause he's gonna need it.
I feel for the guy....he's gonna lose everything, just because he couldn't get help for his addiction. I just hope the family of these kids send him a skirt while in prison, cause he's gonna need it.
Help for his addiction? Did he get it like a flu or something?
Jared flies to NYC to meet underage girls at a luxury hotel.

Bill Clinton flies in a private jet to a private island to meet underage girls at a resort.

Clearly, Jared's big mistake was flying commercial and staying in the U.S.
Jared flies to NYC to meet underage girls at a luxury hotel.

Bill Clinton flies in a private jet to a private island to meet underage girls at a resort.

And which under aged girl on that island is accusing Bill Clinton of.....well, anything?

Remember, just because you and your ilk repeat this nonsense back and forth to each other doesn't mean that reality magically changes to match.
Worse yet it goes to show how a Millennial gold digger wife can look the other way while her husband fucks little girls.
I'm hope she had no idea. I know a perv who completely put one over on his woman.

At least Jared's wife immediately filed for divorce. My buddies girl thought maybe she could fix him.

I'm sure she's just as shocked as we are.

I wonder who else I know is a pedophile. Remember how many gays were in the closet? What if there are that many pedophiles out there? I get being hot for 17 year olds but 10? That's sick.

What's your cut off? I've seen hot 13 year olds. Maybe 12. But at what point are little girls too young to be desired by men. The law says 18 but we've all seen hot 15 year olds.

Too many parents let their kids grow up too fast. We always see 12, 13 yr olds with make-up & dressing & looking like they're 18 or 19. Sometimes you just can't tell anymore! If a young girl tells you she's 19 and she looks like she could be, many men wouldn't even question it! That's how a friend of my son's went to prison for 10 yrs....he was 18 and messed around with a 14 yr old that got pregnant....she told him she was also 18. She looked like it. He was not a 'pedephile' at all. If there's any question at all....ask for proof or you could pay for it the rest of your life.
Maybe there should be a 10 year rule the girl has to be within 10 years of you for you to legally date her
Jared flies to NYC to meet underage girls at a luxury hotel.

Bill Clinton flies in a private jet to a private island to meet underage girls at a resort.

And which under aged girl on that island is accusing Bill Clinton of.....well, anything?

Remember, just because you and your ilk repeat this nonsense back and forth to each other doesn't mean that reality magically changes to match.

Your "Ilk" are hypocritical asslickers of Statists who abuse power.

It's so easy to focus on the heinous actions of a powerless dweeb like Jared instead of focusing on the far more egregious crimes of those you worship.
This nut-case came to child porn through non-child porn. Its the natural transition. Porn desensitizes the mind to sexual stimulation. It can't do anything else.

Expose yourself to enough porn and its only a mtter of time before you're sick ass needs something else... and kid porn is all that's available in that 'something else' department.

There's NOTHING complex about ANY of this.


"This nut-case came to child porn through non-child porn."

How do you know that?



Yeah, for once Luddy I have to agree with you on that.

I know it from a fundamental understanding of the human mind.

You act as if there is some alternative.

Are you married? Or have you ever been in a long standing committed relationship?

Everyone goes through the same thing...

Initially, the sex is Hot and frequent. 5-6 times a day. In the bedroom, on the bed, the floor, the dresser; in the Living rm, Family Rm, Kitchen, On the counters, the Table, the floor, the Garage, the Lanai, the guest rms, in the car, on the car, in the trucks, on the trucks, on the jet ski, on the boat, cabin and top-side, in the cab, in the plane, commercial and private, elevators, public bathrooms, dressing rms, on the pier, on the beach...

40 years later... Dah... been there done that, ya hit it twice a month, maybe.

Tool-bags that hit the porn hard go through the same thing. At first a nice rack is more than enough to get the job done. Then, it's full frontal... then spread legs. After a while, those poor fuckers need close ups of the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders in a daisy chain and at some point... Nothing in the regular porn works.

Its called normalization... . You can deny it and demand links for proof all day... and that doesn't change anything. It's not even a debatable point.
This nut-case came to child porn through non-child porn. Its the natural transition. Porn desensitizes the mind to sexual stimulation. It can't do anything else.

Expose yourself to enough porn and its only a mtter of time before you're sick ass needs something else... and kid porn is all that's available in that 'something else' department.

There's NOTHING complex about ANY of this.


"This nut-case came to child porn through non-child porn."

How do you know that?



Yeah, for once Luddy I have to agree with you on that.

I know it from a fundamental understanding of the human mind.

You act as if there is some alternative.

Are you married? Or have you ever been in a long standing committed relationship?

Everyone goes through the same thing...

Initially, the sex is Hot and frequent. 5-6 times a day. In the bedroom, on the bed, the floor, the dresser; in the Living rm, Family Rm, Kitchen, On the counters, the Table, the floor, the Garage, the Lanai, the guest rms, in the car, on the car, in the trucks, on the trucks, on the jet ski, on the boat, cabin and top-side, in the cab, in the plane, commercial and private, elevators, public bathrooms, dressing rms, on the pier, on the beach...

40 years later... Dah... been there done that, ya hit it twice a month, maybe.

Tool-bags that hit the porn hard go through the same thing. At first a nice rack is more than enough to get the job done. Then, it's full frontal... then spread legs. After a while, those poor fuckers need close ups of the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders in a daisy chain and at some point... Nothing in the regular porn works.

Its called normalization... . You can deny it and demand links for proof all day... and that doesn't change anything. It's not even a debatable point.

Matter of fact, with nothing but personal anecdotal musing as a basis, it's not a point at all.
Jared flies to NYC to meet underage girls at a luxury hotel.

Bill Clinton flies in a private jet to a private island to meet underage girls at a resort.

And which under aged girl on that island is accusing Bill Clinton of.....well, anything?

Remember, just because you and your ilk repeat this nonsense back and forth to each other doesn't mean that reality magically changes to match.

Your "Ilk" are hypocritical asslickers of Statists who abuse power.

It's so easy to focus on the heinous actions of a powerless dweeb like Jared instead of focusing on the far more egregious crimes of those you worship.

You ah, didn't even address the question.
Jared flies to NYC to meet underage girls at a luxury hotel.

Bill Clinton flies in a private jet to a private island to meet underage girls at a resort.

And which under aged girl on that island is accusing Bill Clinton of.....well, anything?

Remember, just because you and your ilk repeat this nonsense back and forth to each other doesn't mean that reality magically changes to match.

To them, it does.

PROVE wrong doing of Repubs and they get a pass.

HINT at wrong doing of a Dem and they're looking for a rope.
Jared flies to NYC to meet underage girls at a luxury hotel.

Bill Clinton flies in a private jet to a private island to meet underage girls at a resort.

And which under aged girl on that island is accusing Bill Clinton of.....well, anything?

Remember, just because you and your ilk repeat this nonsense back and forth to each other doesn't mean that reality magically changes to match.

To them, it does.

PROVE wrong doing of Repubs and they get a pass.

HINT at wrong doing of a Dem and they're looking for a rope.

That dyxlesia....

Congenital or acquired?

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