Zone1 Jared Taylor, On Orientals


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023
Jared Taylor is sometimes called a white supremacist. This is unfair, as one can see from the following quotes I have garnered from his writings and interviews. Jared Taylor was raised in Japan, and speaks Japanese like a native. In what follows, when he says "Asian" he means "East Asian.," (AKA "Orientals"). These are Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, and Vietnamese.


Well, it seems to me that if there are two racial groups that can live side by side in harmony, it appears to be whites and Asians.

Jared Taylor, from “Interview with Professor Arthur Jensen"


Asians have faced fierce discrimination in America, but this has not stopped them from working hard and getting ahead.In fact, they have been so successful in "racist" America that whites have even begun to complain about Asian achievement.

Whether one looks at Japanese and Chinese, who have been in America for generations, or Koreans and Vietnamese, who have arrived more recently, Asians have been remarkably successful...

The achievements of more recent Asian immigrants have been well publicized. Everyone has heard of Vietnamese children who came to America unable to speak English and then, a few years later, graduated at the tops of their high-school classes...

Throughout this period of constant prejudice and persecution, Chinese worked hard, saved their money, and built better lives for themselves. By the time they had full, legal standing in this country, many Chinese had incomes comparable to those of native-born whites.

By 1969, Chinese as a group out earned Italian, German, and even Anglo-Saxon Americans.

During the 1960s, Chinatown was the part of San Francisco with the most unemployment and poverty, the highest rate of tuberculosis, the least education, and the most substandard housing. Nevertheless, in 1965, only five people of Chinese ancestry went to jail in the whole state of California.

- Jared Taylor, Paved with Good Intentions


Wherever you look, Asians outperform whites academically and financially...

we have a considerably less than one standard deviation difference between Asian IQ — North Asian IQ — and white IQ. I think that, too, is a result of genetics, and I think that that is what explains the dominance of Asians in certain fields, and their lower rates of illegitimacy compared to whites, their lower crime rates, their better achievement in school, their higher average incomes...

I think Asians are objectively superior to whites by just about any measure that you can come up with in terms of what are the ingredients for a successful society.

- Jared Taylor Interview
Jared Taylor is sometimes called a white supremacist. This is unfair, as one can see from the following quotes I have garnered from his writings and interviews. Jared Taylor was raised in Japan, and speaks Japanese like a native. In what follows, when he says "Asian" he means "East Asian.," (AKA "Orientals"). These are Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, and Vietnamese.


Well, it seems to me that if there are two racial groups that can live side by side in harmony, it appears to be whites and Asians.

Jared Taylor, from “Interview with Professor Arthur Jensen"


Asians have faced fierce discrimination in America, but this has not stopped them from working hard and getting ahead.In fact, they have been so successful in "racist" America that whites have even begun to complain about Asian achievement.

Whether one looks at Japanese and Chinese, who have been in America for generations, or Koreans and Vietnamese, who have arrived more recently, Asians have been remarkably successful...

The achievements of more recent Asian immigrants have been well publicized. Everyone has heard of Vietnamese children who came to America unable to speak English and then, a few years later, graduated at the tops of their high-school classes...

Throughout this period of constant prejudice and persecution, Chinese worked hard, saved their money, and built better lives for themselves. By the time they had full, legal standing in this country, many Chinese had incomes comparable to those of native-born whites.

By 1969, Chinese as a group out earned Italian, German, and even Anglo-Saxon Americans.

During the 1960s, Chinatown was the part of San Francisco with the most unemployment and poverty, the highest rate of tuberculosis, the least education, and the most substandard housing. Nevertheless, in 1965, only five people of Chinese ancestry went to jail in the whole state of California.

- Jared Taylor, Paved with Good Intentions


Wherever you look, Asians outperform whites academically and financially...

we have a considerably less than one standard deviation difference between Asian IQ — North Asian IQ — and white IQ. I think that, too, is a result of genetics, and I think that that is what explains the dominance of Asians in certain fields, and their lower rates of illegitimacy compared to whites, their lower crime rates, their better achievement in school, their higher average incomes...

I think Asians are objectively superior to whites by just about any measure that you can come up with in terms of what are the ingredients for a successful society.

- Jared Taylor Interview
When people of any ethnicity walk down the street, they do not become "wary" if they suddenly see three Asian youths coming toward them. The same cannot be said if those youths are of any of the other ethnicities (including Caucasians).
When people of any ethnicity walk down the street, they do not become "wary" if they suddenly see three Asian youths coming toward them. The same cannot be said if those youths are of any of the other ethnicities (including Caucasians).
People become quite a bit more wary if they are black than white. Jesse Jackson feels the same way.

And when a black person is sees a group is of whites coming toward us on the street, we are wary.
And when a black person is sees a group is of whites coming toward us on the street, we are wary.
Once a black man told me, "I am more afraid of other black men than I am of the Ku Klux Klan."

When I asked another black man, "If you are alone in a city after dark and four young men are walking in your direction, will you feel safer if they are white or black?"

He answered, "I will feel safer if they are white, a lot safer. Even in the South I will feel safer. I think most blacks feel the same way."

This is what Jesse Jackson says about that:

They are criminal gangs but not usually street gangs. Organized crime gangs run like a business.
No race is perfect. Nevertheless, Orientals tend to be more intelligent than whites. They are less prone toward crime and illegitimacy.

I am white, by the way.
No race is perfect. Nevertheless, Orientals tend to be more intelligent than whites. They are less prone toward crime and illegitimacy.

I am white, by the way.
Asians or Orientals are not really more intelligent than whites. They apply themselves more and accept failure less. When an Asian child fails in school, American parents blame the school. The teacher is biased. The course work too hard. Or, blame the child. You must study harder. Asian parents blame themselves. They weren't demanding enough, their expectations were too low. A few years ago, there was a huge exposè on Tiger Moms who pushed their children to success.
Asians or Orientals are not really more intelligent than whites. They apply themselves more and accept failure less. When an Asian child fails in school, American parents blame the school. The teacher is biased. The course work too hard. Or, blame the child. You must study harder. Asian parents blame themselves. They weren't demanding enough, their expectations were too low. A few years ago, there was a huge exposè on Tiger Moms who pushed their children to success.

RACE, EVOLUTION AND BEHAVIOR: A Life History Perspective​

2nd Special Abridged Edition
Professor J. Philippe Rushton
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2

IQ tests measure intelligence and predict real life success. The races differ in brain size and on IQ tests. On average Orientals have the largest brains and highest IQs. Blacks average the lowest, and Whites fall in between. The brain size differences explain the IQ differences both within groups and between groups.



RACE, EVOLUTION AND BEHAVIOR: A Life History Perspective​

2nd Special Abridged Edition
Professor J. Philippe Rushton
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2

IQ tests measure intelligence and predict real life success. The races differ in brain size and on IQ tests. On average Orientals have the largest brains and highest IQs. Blacks average the lowest, and Whites fall in between. The brain size differences explain the IQ differences both within groups and between groups.

View attachment 897076

Good to know
Jared Taylor is sometimes called a white supremacist. This is unfair, as one can see from the following quotes I have garnered from his writings and interviews. Jared Taylor was raised in Japan, and speaks Japanese like a native. In what follows, when he says "Asian" he means "East Asian.," (AKA "Orientals"). These are Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, and Vietnamese.

Isn't he the guy who threw you off AmRen for not hating Jews enough?

Asians have faced fierce discrimination in America, but this has not stopped them from working hard and getting ahead.In fact, they have been so successful in "racist" America that whites have even begun to complain about Asian achievement.

So when did they have to deal with slavery, Jim Crow, Debt Peonage, Lynching, etc.

Every group has encountered some kind of discrimination except for WASPs.

But it would be foolish to claim that it was all equally as bad.

The thing about the "Model Minority" is that it's not really comparable. There are only 5 million Chinese in America, most of whom are first generation.
No race is perfect. Nevertheless, Orientals tend to be more intelligent than whites. They are less prone toward crime and illegitimacy.

I am white, by the way.

To the embarrassment of most white people, unfortunately.
Isn't he the guy who threw you off AmRen for not hating Jews enough?
Jardd Taylor is disliked among white supremacists for saying, "Jews look white to me"

Nevertheless, he knows that many of his posters resent Jews because of their average intelligence , their success, and their prosperity.

Because I admire Jews for those reasons, they kept complaining about me.

Finally, he apologetically told me that I had to go. Nevertheless, we remain on good terms. When I showed him my essays,

"Race, Evolution, and Behavior," by Professor J. Philippe Rushton,​


"The Racial Reasons for America's Decline"

He was favorably impressed.

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So when did they have to deal with slavery, Jim Crow, Debt Peonage, Lynching, etc.

Every group has encountered some kind of discrimination except for WASPs.

But it would be foolish to claim that it was all equally as bad.

The thing about the "Model Minority" is that it's not really comparable. There are only 5 million Chinese in America, most of whom are first generation.
If their ancestors had not been sold to white slave traders, they would need to contend with cannibalism and human sacrifice.
Jared Taylor is sometimes called a white supremacist. This is unfair, as one can see from the following quotes I have garnered from his writings and interviews. Jared Taylor was raised in Japan, and speaks Japanese like a native. In what follows, when he says "Asian" he means "East Asian.," (AKA "Orientals"). These are Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, and Vietnamese.


Well, it seems to me that if there are two racial groups that can live side by side in harmony, it appears to be whites and Asians.

Jared Taylor, from “Interview with Professor Arthur Jensen"


Asians have faced fierce discrimination in America, but this has not stopped them from working hard and getting ahead.In fact, they have been so successful in "racist" America that whites have even begun to complain about Asian achievement.

Whether one looks at Japanese and Chinese, who have been in America for generations, or Koreans and Vietnamese, who have arrived more recently, Asians have been remarkably successful...

The achievements of more recent Asian immigrants have been well publicized. Everyone has heard of Vietnamese children who came to America unable to speak English and then, a few years later, graduated at the tops of their high-school classes...

Throughout this period of constant prejudice and persecution, Chinese worked hard, saved their money, and built better lives for themselves. By the time they had full, legal standing in this country, many Chinese had incomes comparable to those of native-born whites.

By 1969, Chinese as a group out earned Italian, German, and even Anglo-Saxon Americans.

During the 1960s, Chinatown was the part of San Francisco with the most unemployment and poverty, the highest rate of tuberculosis, the least education, and the most substandard housing. Nevertheless, in 1965, only five people of Chinese ancestry went to jail in the whole state of California.

- Jared Taylor, Paved with Good Intentions


Wherever you look, Asians outperform whites academically and financially...

we have a considerably less than one standard deviation difference between Asian IQ — North Asian IQ — and white IQ. I think that, too, is a result of genetics, and I think that that is what explains the dominance of Asians in certain fields, and their lower rates of illegitimacy compared to whites, their lower crime rates, their better achievement in school, their higher average incomes...

I think Asians are objectively superior to whites by just about any measure that you can come up with in terms of what are the ingredients for a successful society.

- Jared Taylor Interview
Why leave out the Burmies and Singaporeans?

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