JD Vance Rebuked for Remarks About Professional Women


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘Ohio Senator and former President Donald Trump's running mate JD Vance is facing new backlash on social media over remarks he made on a podcast in 2021 when he said that professional women "choose a path to misery" when they prioritize careers over having children.

During a podcast recording with American Moment, a conservative nonprofit, Vance was asked what he saw inside elite institutions, such as Yale Law School where he attended, that made him view them as corrupt.

"You have women who think that truly the liberationist path is to spend 90 hours a week working in a cubicle...instead of starting a family and having children," Vance told American Moment's president and founder Saurabh Sharma and its COO Nick Solheim. "...What they don't realize—and I think some of them do eventually realize that, thank God—is that that is actually a path to misery. And the path to happiness and to fulfillment is something that these institutions are telling people not to do."

He continued: "The corruption is it puts people on a career pipeline that causes them to chase things that will make them miserable and unhappy. And so, they get in positions of power and then they project that misery and happiness on the rest of society."’

Interesting that men who follow those paths are immune from ‘misery.’

Vance clearly hates women; men with no children are exempt from Vance’s hate.

It’s as if Vance is trying to lose the election.
‘Ohio Senator and former President Donald Trump's running mate JD Vance is facing new backlash on social media over remarks he made on a podcast in 2021 when he said that professional women "choose a path to misery" when they prioritize careers over having children.

During a podcast recording with American Moment, a conservative nonprofit, Vance was asked what he saw inside elite institutions, such as Yale Law School where he attended, that made him view them as corrupt.

"You have women who think that truly the liberationist path is to spend 90 hours a week working in a cubicle...instead of starting a family and having children," Vance told American Moment's president and founder Saurabh Sharma and its COO Nick Solheim. "...What they don't realize—and I think some of them do eventually realize that, thank God—is that that is actually a path to misery. And the path to happiness and to fulfillment is something that these institutions are telling people not to do."

He continued: "The corruption is it puts people on a career pipeline that causes them to chase things that will make them miserable and unhappy. And so, they get in positions of power and then they project that misery and happiness on the rest of society."’

Interesting that men who follow those paths are immune from ‘misery.’

Vance clearly hates women; men with no children are exempt from Vance’s hate.

It’s as if Vance is trying to lose the election.

"REBUKED"--like the 21st century witch hunters these Puritans are.

‘Ohio Senator and former President Donald Trump's running mate JD Vance is facing new backlash on social media over remarks he made on a podcast in 2021 when he said that professional women "choose a path to misery" when they prioritize careers over having children.

During a podcast recording with American Moment, a conservative nonprofit, Vance was asked what he saw inside elite institutions, such as Yale Law School where he attended, that made him view them as corrupt.

"You have women who think that truly the liberationist path is to spend 90 hours a week working in a cubicle...instead of starting a family and having children," Vance told American Moment's president and founder Saurabh Sharma and its COO Nick Solheim. "...What they don't realize—and I think some of them do eventually realize that, thank God—is that that is actually a path to misery. And the path to happiness and to fulfillment is something that these institutions are telling people not to do."

He continued: "The corruption is it puts people on a career pipeline that causes them to chase things that will make them miserable and unhappy. And so, they get in positions of power and then they project that misery and happiness on the rest of society."’

Interesting that men who follow those paths are immune from ‘misery.’

Vance clearly hates women; men with no children are exempt from Vance’s hate.

It’s as if Vance is trying to lose the election.

Didn't you know....men were created to spend 90 hours a week working in a cubicle while women were created to pump out babies till their uterus falls out.

Those are the god ordained roles.
He must hate his wife. She left mto.com to watch him make a total ass of himself. There has to be something weird about her, too.
His wife was a professional woman all the way up until Trump's camp announce Vance's candidacy although she chose to marry

Usha, who has been married to J.D., 39, since 2014, told PEOPLE, “In light of today’s news, I have resigned from my position at Munger, Tolles & Olson to focus on caring for our family. I am forever grateful for the opportunities I’ve had at Munger and for the excellent colleagues and friends I’ve worked with over the years.”​

It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make it to where she did and now it sounds as if she's going to throw away everything her hard work has brought her to "make him look good"?

If I didn't know any better I'd say the REAL reason he holds so much animosity towards woman who are not dependent upon a man for living is because he/they much prefer women have less options than they do when they are independent enough to run their own lives.

He'd probably actually prefer them to have no options.
I know I’ve seen reports that the percentage of unwed career women in their 30’s with clinical depression is far higher than the percentage of homemaking women in the same age range. I don’t remember the exact numbers, but it was a significant one.

Every woman has the right to make those choices for themselves, but in my personal experience it has seemed to me that married women in a stable home environment are generally far less stressed than those who are trying to climb the corporate ladder, regardless of age.
‘Ohio Senator and former President Donald Trump's running mate JD Vance is facing new backlash on social media over remarks he made on a podcast in 2021 when he said that professional women "choose a path to misery" when they prioritize careers over having children.

During a podcast recording with American Moment, a conservative nonprofit, Vance was asked what he saw inside elite institutions, such as Yale Law School where he attended, that made him view them as corrupt.

"You have women who think that truly the liberationist path is to spend 90 hours a week working in a cubicle...instead of starting a family and having children," Vance told American Moment's president and founder Saurabh Sharma and its COO Nick Solheim. "...What they don't realize—and I think some of them do eventually realize that, thank God—is that that is actually a path to misery. And the path to happiness and to fulfillment is something that these institutions are telling people not to do."

He continued: "The corruption is it puts people on a career pipeline that causes them to chase things that will make them miserable and unhappy. And so, they get in positions of power and then they project that misery and happiness on the rest of society."’

Interesting that men who follow those paths are immune from ‘misery.’

Vance clearly hates women; men with no children are exempt from Vance’s hate.

It’s as if Vance is trying to lose the election.

Your problem is you still think women are that same as men biologically and psychologically. Hint to the clueless commie they're not.

Every living organism on this planet are pushed by evolution to propagate their species. That includes humans. Men are naturally programed to be hunter/gathers and protectors. Women are naturally programed to be the nester/nurturer. To deny this, is going against millions of years of evolution and nature. In short, denying science. Your OP is absolute proof that we live in a "post truth" world.

Now I'm not saying you're not entitled to your opinion based on your indoctrination, but Vance is also entitled to his based on scientific reality. That old biological clock applies to both sexes. And it really has nothing to do with politics.

Hey, it's just an opinion. There is no best way because different things make different people happy. Some people want to be professionals and some people want to be housekeepers. It looks like JD's wife is tasting a little of both. Only a terminally miserable person with terminally miserable agenda would find fault with such a thing. MAGA
His wife was a professional woman all the way up until Trump's camp announce Vance's candidacy although she chose to marry

Usha, who has been married to J.D., 39, since 2014, told PEOPLE, “In light of today’s news, I have resigned from my position at Munger, Tolles & Olson to focus on caring for our family. I am forever grateful for the opportunities I’ve had at Munger and for the excellent colleagues and friends I’ve worked with over the years.”​

It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make it to where she did and now it sounds as if she's going to throw away everything her hard work has brought her to "make him look good"?

If I didn't know any better I'd say the REAL reason he holds so much animosity towards woman who are not dependent upon a man for living is because he/they much prefer women have less options than they do when they are independent enough to run their own lives.

He'd probably actually prefer them to have no options.
Why in the world do you think she’s throwing it away because she’s taking time to focus on her family while her husband campaigns for VP??

That’s just weird
Why in the world do you think she’s throwing it away because she’s taking time to focus on her family while her husband campaigns for VP??

Why was her family not her focus prior to her husband's campaign for VP?
Your problem is you still think women are that same as men biologically and psychologically. Hint to the clueless commie they're not.

Every living organism on this planet are pushed by evolution to propagate their species. That includes humans. Men are naturally programed to be hunter/gathers and protectors. Women are naturally programed to be the nester/nurturer. To deny this, is going against millions of years of evolution and nature. In short, denying science. Your OP is absolute proof that we live in a "post truth" world.

Now I'm not saying you're not entitled to your opinion based on your indoctrination, but Vance is also entitled to his based on scientific reality. That old biological clock applies to both sexes. And it really has nothing to do with politics.

jones problem is he never had sex....
Why was her family not her focus prior to her husband's campaign for VP?
Maybe because her husband wasn’t running for VP and had more time to help. Now he’s much more busy, and with her job as a lawyer and her need to step up more at home, she had to let the job go for the time being

Really not that hard a concept

But dembots got to dembot
He must hate his wife. She left mto.com to watch him make a total ass of himself. There has to be something weird about her, too.
You believe we live in a utopia. We do not. For women to be hired, men will not. A general statement. According to different types of employment. The United States is in decline. Take all of the rules that have changed and adding more that take productivity away over the decades. Whether right or wrong. In the end people will work much harder to survive. We already have tens of millions of people with more than one job. The percentage of single parent families is high and still growing. The pressures are on all working-class people to varying degrees. Other nations of the world can only dream of wasting resources we do to put a salve on our flaws. And we do have the right at work to not be messed with from other employees if a good employee. not from political legislation but from reality.
Maybe because her husband wasn’t running for VP and had more time to help. Now he’s much more busy, and with her job as a lawyer and her need to step up more at home, she had to let the job go for the time being

Really not that hard a concept

But dembots got to dembot

It is good that you realize her family was not her focus till now.

But I do guess you have a point, Senators only work something like 100 days a year, so he had a lot of time to raise the kids.
It is good that you realize her family was not her focus till now.

But I do guess you have a point, Senators only work something like 100 days a year, so he had a lot of time to raise the kids.
Of course it wasn’t her primary focus, she had a full time job as a lawyer, with clients and partners, massive responsibly. It’s not like she was some part time community college professor or community “organizer” that put on fundraisers .

these next few months during the campaign are going to be very time consuming and yes vance had much more time to be around while just a Senator

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