Jeb Bush Blames GOP Congress, Not His Brother, For Bush-Era Spending

Then how much of Bush's debt was a result of Clinton's policies? 911

As I recall, President Clinton left Bush with a balanced budget - and no new wars to pay for.
He left him 911.

South Carolina must be a very dumb place.
6 and a half years and you blame Bush for Obama being a failure, but about eight months into Bush's presidency 911 happened and Clinton's weak policy in national security isn't to blame. We need to cut back your welfare, your buying to much alcohol.

It's still so hilarious that you NaziCons want to blame President Clinton for 9/11. That dog won't hunt.
So planning of 911 didn't happen under Clinton? Any way Obama knew exactly what he was getting into and promised he would fix it. Six and a half later, he blames Bush. What a weak leader you support. Not my problem if you keep your head in the sand about Obama's spending.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) suggested in an interview Sunday that the crux of responsibility for out-of-control spending in Washington during the 2000’s was in the hands of the Republican-controlled Congress, rather than his brother’s initiatives as president.

Appearing on CBS’ “Face The Nation,” host Bob Schieffer asked the all-but certain 2016 GOP presidential candidate what he had learned from George W. Bush’s successes and mistakes in the Oval Office.

Bush pointed to his brother’s inability to keep “the reins on spending” but suggested that it had largely been the legislative body in Washington that had failed to control costs.

“I mean, because of the war and because of the focus on protecting the homeland, I think he let the Republican Congress get a little out of control, in terms of the spending,” Bush said.

Bush did not mention his brother’s own push for the Iraq war and the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit, both of which cost the federal government enormous sums.

In terms of his brother’s successes, Bush pointed to the 43rd president’s success in “protecting the homeland” after the 9/11 attacks.

More: Jeb Bush Blames GOP Congress, Not His Brother, For Bush-Era Spending

Without the Iraq War of choice blunder - America's fiscal health would be much better. We are still paying for Bush-era actions and policies - and will be for a long time.
"Veto...what's a veto?" Oh that's only for dem bills.

Especially bills that would benefit the country, the working class, vets, children .............
As I recall, President Clinton left Bush with a balanced budget - and no new wars to pay for.
He left him 911.

South Carolina must be a very dumb place.
6 and a half years and you blame Bush for Obama being a failure, but about eight months into Bush's presidency 911 happened and Clinton's weak policy in national security isn't to blame. We need to cut back your welfare, your buying to much alcohol.

It's still so hilarious that you NaziCons want to blame President Clinton for 9/11. That dog won't hunt.
So planning of 911 didn't happen under Clinton? Any way Obama knew exactly what he was getting into and promised he would fix it. Six and a half later, he blames Bush. What a weak leader you support. Not my problem if you keep your head in the sand about Obama's spending.

NaziCon witch hunters were too busy trying to impeach President Clinton to worry about national security.
Medicare D......He is partly right ...Santorum admitted as much last Pres campaign...made his team player quote in regards to nno child left behind but that mentality extends to every area both parties. How you have a govt that doesnt represent the people anymore. People dont want Ocare or unlimited immigration or debt upon debt or the banker bailout.....Did Bush veto any spending like Ford did? he owns it as much as Congress
NaziCons love to blame President Obama for our current national debt - so once again I ask the following question:

How much new debt has President Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and policies?
Doesn't matter. He was supposed to clean up Bush's mess, remember? Instead he let the national debt spiral out of control ON HIS WATCH. ... to the point where we will never recover.
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There is some truth to Jeb's point. His brother did privately complain to Congressional leaders about the irresponsible spending, but W's opposition was neither loud nor determined. Congress and W. were both to blame. The GOP squandered a golden opportunity to get our fiscal house in order.

That said, Obama has shattered Bush's spending record and we are now a disturbing $18 trillion in debt.
There is some truth to Jeb's point. His brother did privately complain to Congressional leaders about the irresponsible spending, but W's opposition was neither loud nor determined. Congress and W. were both to blame. The GOP squandered a golden opportunity to get our fiscal house in order.

That said, Obama has shattered Bush's spending record and we are now a disturbing $18 trillion in debt.

Please tell us what new debt President Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and policies.

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There is some truth to Jeb's point. His brother did privately complain to Congressional leaders about the irresponsible spending, but W's opposition was neither loud nor determined. Congress and W. were both to blame. The GOP squandered a golden opportunity to get our fiscal house in order.

That said, Obama has shattered Bush's spending record and we are now a disturbing $18 trillion in debt.

Please tell us what new debt President Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and policies.

OBAMAcare. Good grief you're stupid
There is some truth to Jeb's point. His brother did privately complain to Congressional leaders about the irresponsible spending, but W's opposition was neither loud nor determined. Congress and W. were both to blame. The GOP squandered a golden opportunity to get our fiscal house in order.

That said, Obama has shattered Bush's spending record and we are now a disturbing $18 trillion in debt.

Please tell us what new debt President Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and policies.

OBAMAcare. Good grief you're stupid

What's wrong with Obamacare? What have Republicans done to improve healthcare?
There is some truth to Jeb's point. His brother did privately complain to Congressional leaders about the irresponsible spending, but W's opposition was neither loud nor determined. Congress and W. were both to blame. The GOP squandered a golden opportunity to get our fiscal house in order.

That said, Obama has shattered Bush's spending record and we are now a disturbing $18 trillion in debt.

Please tell us what new debt President Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and policies.

OBAMAcare. Good grief you're stupid

But thankfully I'm not Irish.

You've been shellacked...again. Don't you ever think before you post?
W started two wars and cut taxes to pay for them

All you need to know about fiscal responsibility
There is some truth to Jeb's point. His brother did privately complain to Congressional leaders about the irresponsible spending, but W's opposition was neither loud nor determined. Congress and W. were both to blame. The GOP squandered a golden opportunity to get our fiscal house in order.

That said, Obama has shattered Bush's spending record and we are now a disturbing $18 trillion in debt.
The fiscal house was in order when Republicans took power in 2001
So the far left loons and Jeb Bush have something in common they blame Republicans for the spending of both the Bush and Obama administrations.
So planning of 911 didn't happen under Clinton?
So there was no more planning the day Bush was sworn in?
  • Didn't say that, but liberals still want to blame Bush for Obama being a failure six and as half years in. But don't put any blame on Clinton eight months into Bush's term.u
Except the Right blames Carter (CRA) 25 years earlier for Bush bursting the housing bubble and then bitch that Bush is blamed for what he is actually responsible for.

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