Jeb Bush Blames GOP Congress, Not His Brother, For Bush-Era Spending

So planning of 911 didn't happen under Clinton?
So there was no more planning the day Bush was sworn in?
  • Didn't say that, but liberals still want to blame Bush for Obama being a failure six and as half years in. But don't put any blame on Clinton eight months into Bush's term.u
Except the Right blames Carter (CRA) 25 years earlier for Bush bursting the housing bubble and then bitch that Bush is blamed for what he is actually responsible for.
Carter started it, Clinton gave it legs, and Bush warned congress about it in 2006. Frank told Bush he was crazy.
So planning of 911 didn't happen under Clinton?
So there was no more planning the day Bush was sworn in?
  • Didn't say that, but liberals still want to blame Bush for Obama being a failure six and as half years in. But don't put any blame on Clinton eight months into Bush's term.u
Except the Right blames Carter (CRA) 25 years earlier for Bush bursting the housing bubble and then bitch that Bush is blamed for what he is actually responsible for.
Carter started it, Clinton gave it legs, and Bush warned congress about it in 2006. Frank told Bush he was crazy.
There you go, proving my point, blaming a president who was gone for 25 years, another president gone for 7 years, and a powerless minority congressman for Bush's failure while bitching that Bush is being blamed 6 years after he is gone.
The Right tries very hard to convince the world that George Bush was an empty suit. All the shit that happened on his watch was not his fault, I swear! It was the guy before him and the guy after him.

He didn't do nuthin! He was just kind of sitting there, warming a chair. All that spending? Nothing to do with him. The giant derivatives bubble and housing crash? Nothing to do with him. Highest oil prices in history? Nothing to do with him. The rise of ISIS? Nothing to do with him. Dramatic increase in instability and chaos in the Middle East? Nothing to do with him.

But a negro breaks a window in Kansas, that is all Obama's doing.
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George W. Bush is an albatross around Jeb's neck.

Were it not for George, the right wingers here would be on their knees fellating Jeb.
So planning of 911 didn't happen under Clinton?
So there was no more planning the day Bush was sworn in?
  • Didn't say that, but liberals still want to blame Bush for Obama being a failure six and as half years in. But don't put any blame on Clinton eight months into Bush's term.u
Except the Right blames Carter (CRA) 25 years earlier for Bush bursting the housing bubble and then bitch that Bush is blamed for what he is actually responsible for.
Carter started it, Clinton gave it legs, and Bush warned congress about it in 2006. Frank told Bush he was crazy.
The CRA had fuck-all to do with the financial derivatives bubble which brought down the world's economies. Please explain how the negroes took down Iceland. Please explain how the negroes took down Germany's banks, and Spain's banks, and England's banks. Please explain how the negroes took down Merrill Lynch and Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley when NONE of them were bound by the CRA.
Christ. It's like these dumb fucks didn't notice all those For Sale signs and foreclosures in their own middle class white towns and neighborhoods.

The CRA. Jesus H. Christ. It just doesn't get more retarded and openly racist as that, trying to blame the negroes for this shit.

I mean, did they see their neighbor foreclosing and say to themselves, "Gosh, I had no idea Biff was a negro!"?

It takes a special kind of Orwellian retard to forget the realities on the ground in the very recent past, and to drink the CRA piss being poured into their cups for them.

All those ads for home equity loans. All those TV shows about how to flip houses. All those new SUVs and boats and motorcycles and Disney vacations their middle class neighbors were taking, paid for by the bogus equity in their houses. All those ARMs and refinancings.

How many times do you have to hit yourself on the head with a ballpeen hammer to forget all that and think this had something to do with the negroes?


Fox News: The Ballpeen Hammer To Your Head
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What is it with the left? They want big federal spending but they whine when it happens during a republican administration. Read the freaking Constitution. Congress signs the checks not the president.

Yup and old Shittingbull, who doesn't seem to be very smart, forgets Congress is the guilty party.

As for Clinton's balanced budget? If it was balanced it was because of the Republican controlled Congress certainly not Clinton.
Sooo, ole Jeb is trying to take the heat off his retarded brother by blaming the GOP Congress. Only the dumbest of the dumb will buy that.
So planning of 911 didn't happen under Clinton?
So there was no more planning the day Bush was sworn in?
  • Didn't say that, but liberals still want to blame Bush for Obama being a failure six and as half years in. But don't put any blame on Clinton eight months into Bush's term.u
Except the Right blames Carter (CRA) 25 years earlier for Bush bursting the housing bubble and then bitch that Bush is blamed for what he is actually responsible for.
Carter started it, Clinton gave it legs, and Bush warned congress about it in 2006. Frank told Bush he was crazy.
There you go, proving my point, blaming a president who was gone for 25 years, another president gone for 7 years, and a powerless minority congressman for Bush's failure while bitching that Bush is being blamed 6 years after he is gone.
I didn't blame Carter, I said he started it. Clinton thought that everyone should be able to own a home. Even if they couldn't afford it. Bush warned about the housing bubble bust. It was liberals that said he was crazy. The bust actually happened when democrats ran both houses. I do blame Bush for not trying harder to stop it. So I'm not putting all the blame on democrats, like Obama is putting all the blame on Bush. For his failures.
So there was no more planning the day Bush was sworn in?
  • Didn't say that, but liberals still want to blame Bush for Obama being a failure six and as half years in. But don't put any blame on Clinton eight months into Bush's term.u
Except the Right blames Carter (CRA) 25 years earlier for Bush bursting the housing bubble and then bitch that Bush is blamed for what he is actually responsible for.
Carter started it, Clinton gave it legs, and Bush warned congress about it in 2006. Frank told Bush he was crazy.
There you go, proving my point, blaming a president who was gone for 25 years, another president gone for 7 years, and a powerless minority congressman for Bush's failure while bitching that Bush is being blamed 6 years after he is gone.
I didn't blame Carter, I said he started it. Clinton thought that everyone should be able to own a home. Even if they couldn't afford it. Bush warned about the housing bubble bust. It was liberals that said he was crazy. The bust actually happened when democrats ran both houses. I do blame Bush for not trying harder to stop it. So I'm not putting all the blame on democrats, like Obama is putting all the blame on Bush. For his failures.
That was Bush, not Clinton, as you well know. It was Bush, not Clinton, who made no doen payment loans to borrowers with bad credit! - Bush seeks to increase minority homeownership

By Thomas A. Fogarty, USA TODAY

In a bid to boost minority homeownership, President Bush will ask Congress for authority to eliminate the down-payment requirement for Federal Housing Administration loans.

In announcing the plan Monday at a home builders show in Las Vegas, Federal Housing Commissioner John Weicher called the proposal the "most significant FHA initiative in more than a decade." It would lead to 150,000 first-time owners annually, he said.

Nothing-down options are available on the private mortgage market, but, in general, they require the borrower to have pristine credit. Bush's proposed change would extend the nothing-down option to borrowers with blemished credit.
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NaziCons love to blame President Obama for our current national debt - so once again I ask the following question: How much new debt has President Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and policies?
Then how much of Bush's debt was a result of Clinton's policies? 911

The answer to the question is too inconvenient for you.

So you try to change the subject.

How cowardly of you but typical for a conservative.
I blame Bush for the spending, one thing I didn't like about him. But compared to Obama he could be known as a saver of money.
You're talking out of your ass. Other than the Stimulus Act, Obama hasn't spent anything.
So, is Jeb! saying that Dubya wasn't strong enough to stand up to Republican spending?
  • Didn't say that, but liberals still want to blame Bush for Obama being a failure six and as half years in. But don't put any blame on Clinton eight months into Bush's term.u
Except the Right blames Carter (CRA) 25 years earlier for Bush bursting the housing bubble and then bitch that Bush is blamed for what he is actually responsible for.
Carter started it, Clinton gave it legs, and Bush warned congress about it in 2006. Frank told Bush he was crazy.
There you go, proving my point, blaming a president who was gone for 25 years, another president gone for 7 years, and a powerless minority congressman for Bush's failure while bitching that Bush is being blamed 6 years after he is gone.
I didn't blame Carter, I said he started it. Clinton thought that everyone should be able to own a home. Even if they couldn't afford it. Bush warned about the housing bubble bust. It was liberals that said he was crazy. The bust actually happened when democrats ran both houses. I do blame Bush for not trying harder to stop it. So I'm not putting all the blame on democrats, like Obama is putting all the blame on Bush. For his failures.
That was Bush, not Clinton, as you well know. It was Bush, not Clinton, who made no doen payment loans to borrowers with bad credit! - Bush seeks to increase minority homeownership

By Thomas A. Fogarty, USA TODAY

In a bid to boost minority homeownership, President Bush will ask Congress for authority to eliminate the down-payment requirement for Federal Housing Administration loans.

In announcing the plan Monday at a home builders show in Las Vegas, Federal Housing Commissioner John Weicher called the proposal the "most significant FHA initiative in more than a decade." It would lead to 150,000 first-time owners annually, he said.

Nothing-down options are available on the private mortgage market, but, in general, they require the borrower to have pristine credit. Bush's proposed change would extend the nothing-down option to borrowers with blemished credit.

More from that link:

Bush has a goal of 5.5 million new minority homeowners this decade.

FHA loans carry higher risks of delinquency and foreclosure
than do private mortgages, and the proposed change presumably will lead to greater losses to the government than the current program does.
The financial industry was making a killing by selling financial derivatives. Financial derivatives required people to keep borrowing money so the derivatives could be built and sold so fees could be made for packaging everything.

If people stopped borrowing money, the whole game would stop. So Wall Street had to keep finding more and more creative ways to get people to borrow money.

After all the good credit borrowers were hocked to the fucking hilt, Wall Street went after borrowers with weak credit, and then borrowers with shitty credit. And they had the government remove the barriers between them and those borrowers.

What's more, they got a borrower who might be a good credit risk for a $200,000 loan to borrow $500,000 instead. And then they got the dumb son of a bitch to take out a Home Equity Line of Credit to buy a boat or an SUV or a Disney vacation or a motorcycle.

It wasn't the government forcing the banks to lend. It was the exact opposite. The banks were paying our politicians to remove all the old barriers which had been built to prevent them from going hog wild and stupid. That's why you see Bush in 2004 greasing the skids for Wall Street to make more high risk loans.

And he wasn't trying to scale back the GSEs portfolios to protect America. He was trying to shrink their market share so more of it could go to Wall Street so Wall Street could make more profits. At the same time Bush was trying to hogtie the GSEs, he was granting the five biggest Wall Street broker-dealers capital reserve exemptions. Lehman Brothers, et al. A decision that can be directly linked to their collapse.

Only someone who is completely ignorant could possibly believe the banks were being forced to make those toxic loans.
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  • Didn't say that, but liberals still want to blame Bush for Obama being a failure six and as half years in. But don't put any blame on Clinton eight months into Bush's term.u
Except the Right blames Carter (CRA) 25 years earlier for Bush bursting the housing bubble and then bitch that Bush is blamed for what he is actually responsible for.
Carter started it, Clinton gave it legs, and Bush warned congress about it in 2006. Frank told Bush he was crazy.
There you go, proving my point, blaming a president who was gone for 25 years, another president gone for 7 years, and a powerless minority congressman for Bush's failure while bitching that Bush is being blamed 6 years after he is gone.
I didn't blame Carter, I said he started it. Clinton thought that everyone should be able to own a home. Even if they couldn't afford it. Bush warned about the housing bubble bust. It was liberals that said he was crazy. The bust actually happened when democrats ran both houses. I do blame Bush for not trying harder to stop it. So I'm not putting all the blame on democrats, like Obama is putting all the blame on Bush. For his failures.
That was Bush, not Clinton, as you well know. It was Bush, not Clinton, who made no doen payment loans to borrowers with bad credit! - Bush seeks to increase minority homeownership

By Thomas A. Fogarty, USA TODAY

In a bid to boost minority homeownership, President Bush will ask Congress for authority to eliminate the down-payment requirement for Federal Housing Administration loans.

In announcing the plan Monday at a home builders show in Las Vegas, Federal Housing Commissioner John Weicher called the proposal the "most significant FHA initiative in more than a decade." It would lead to 150,000 first-time owners annually, he said.

Nothing-down options are available on the private mortgage market, but, in general, they require the borrower to have pristine credit. Bush's proposed change would extend the nothing-down option to borrowers with blemished credit.
Okay so Clinton had nothing to do with it? Bush had all the compassion for the poor? Is that what you are saying? This was to give poor people a chance at home ownership. So Clinton didn't care for the poor? Oh well at least you are starting to show liberal true colors. Lol, I remember the times, I bought my home in 1997, and everybody was buying homes because of the lax loan qualifications. Okay we will blame Bush for something that was happening in the 90's. I mean you still blame bush 6 and a half years later for Obama's failures.

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