Jeb Bush may not be pre-ordained.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
What I personally see as a set back to the liberal establishment, it looks like Jeb Bush may not do as well as some expect.

A super PAC backing former Florida governor Jeb Bush is likely to fall short of collecting $100 million by the end of this month, despite widespread expectations that the group would hit that record-breaking sum, according to people close to the operation.

The exact size of the war chest is closely held, but two individuals familiar with internal discussions believe the total that the Right to Rise super PAC will report in mid-July could be substantially lower than the nine figures that senior Republicans have anticipated.


I can only hope and pray that the republicrats reject the liberal favorite candidate and put up Cruz, Walker or Paul. Fiorina and even Perry would also be acceptible. It has to be someone who will roll back moonbatism, not just slow it down.
The fix is in for both parties but I expect at least one third party candidate, if not two. How much would the entertainment value go up if the tea party loser in the primary and Bernie Sanders ran independently?
OK, can we get a comment from someone who isn't a vapid drone?
Bush is not The One. Kasich is.

Kasich is definitely the guy I back, at this moment in time. I have a hunch that he's ultimately not going to run, because guys like him just don't run for President nowadays. A strong and competent candidate just seems so last century.

If he does run, the primary will be interesting. I think he'll be made a target by the rest of the pack, which is unfortunate.
Kasich is definitely the guy I back, at this moment in time. I have a hunch that he's ultimately not going to run, because guys like him just don't run for President nowadays. A strong and competent candidate just seems so last century.

If he does run, the primary will be interesting. I think he'll be made a target by the rest of the pack, which is unfortunate.

I don't know much about Kasich, but from what I've heard I could find him acceptible. I would really prefer a guy like Walker who has fought the left, and won. That's what we really need, not some globalist who compromises with thieves and liars, someone who kicks their asses.

I don't know much about Kasich, but from what I've heard I could find him acceptible. I would really prefer a guy like Walker who has fought the left, and won. That's what we really need, not some globalist who compromises with thieves and liars, someone who kicks their asses.

Kasich has quietly been doing a great job as Governor of Ohio. Unlike many others who are lusting after the spotlight, Kasich has a very blue collar way about him. I don't line up with a few things he's supported, most notably his tacit support for amnesty for illegal aliens and his restrictive stance on abortion. I'm also not a fan of his idea of a "war" on human trafficking. I think "war" on crime has proven to be a failed strategy. But he balanced the state budget after facing a big deficit and reduced taxes at the same time.

Kasich was a member of the House of Representatives in the 80s and 90s and was part of balancing the federal budget. So he has ample experience with dealing with Congress, but has not been tainted by the dysfunctional freak show that has become the US Congress of the 21st century. He has long been known as an independent thinker and has a long history of accomplishment through teamwork.

I tried to like Walker, I REALLY tried, but the truth is that he's just another freak show participant. The last thing we need is yet another divider. We've had nothing but divisive politics for 15 years now. If we're just going to have more of the same gridlock and petty bickering, why bother having another election ever again? Kasich has the potential to be the hope and change Obama promised, but was never going to be able to deliver.
Kasich has quietly been doing a great job as Governor of Ohio. Unlike many others who are lusting after the spotlight, Kasich has a very blue collar way about him. I don't line up with a few things he's supported, most notably his tacit support for amnesty for illegal aliens and his restrictive stance on abortion. I'm also not a fan of his idea of a "war" on human trafficking. I think "war" on crime has proven to be a failed strategy. But he balanced the state budget after facing a big deficit and reduced taxes at the same time.

Kasich was a member of the House of Representatives in the 80s and 90s and was part of balancing the federal budget. So he has ample experience with dealing with Congress, but has not been tainted by the dysfunctional freak show that has become the US Congress of the 21st century. He has long been known as an independent thinker and has a long history of accomplishment through teamwork.

I tried to like Walker, I REALLY tried, but the truth is that he's just another freak show participant. The last thing we need is yet another divider. We've had nothing but divisive politics for 15 years now. If we're just going to have more of the same gridlock and petty bickering, why bother having another election ever again? Kasich has the potential to be the hope and change Obama promised, but was never going to be able to deliver.

My perspective on division is different. If you are morally, ethically and factually right about an issue and the opposition refuses to do things your way, then fuck 'em.

To me it is the equivalence of "compromising" on being robbed, raped, or enslaved. You don't give a thief some of your money hoping he will go away and not demand more (democrooks always demand more). You don't agree to be sexually violated up to a point do you? No, You shoot the pervert in the face with your .45 and call the coroner. You don't agree to indentured servitude for half your life, you fight for your freedom.

The democrooks are the party of theft, perversion and slavery. I want someone who will stand up to them and fight. As far as the "divisiveness" goes, the republicrats certainly need better PR, but the "freakshow" in WI wasn't the republicrats acting like fools, it was the democrooks and the hordes of outsider interests who created the freak show. They have proven that there will be petty bickering and gridlock unless they get everything they want. It's up to the republicrat party to convince the majority of voters that what the regressive democrook troglodytes want is against the best interests of the country.

I think Walker did that in WI, because even despite enormous pressure and funding from around the country, he beat them in a recall and won re-election. I think he can beat the democrooks on message on the national stage as well as Reagan did.

My perspective on division is different. If you are morally, ethically and factually right about an issue and the opposition refuses to do things your way, then fuck 'em.

Everyone is morally and ethically right in politics. Until we re-learn that, we will all continue to be morally and ethically wrong as we allow petty egotistical bullshit to be our excuse for nothing getting done.
Bush is not The One. Kasich is.

Kasich is definitely the guy I back, at this moment in time. I have a hunch that he's ultimately not going to run, because guys like him just don't run for President nowadays. A strong and competent candidate just seems so last century.

If he does run, the primary will be interesting. I think he'll be made a target by the rest of the pack, which is unfortunate.
He's wrong on most of the issues, as is Bush, and the rest of the GOP candidates, for that matter.
I agree fully with "If you are morally, ethically and factually right about an issue and the opposition refuses to do things your way, then fuck 'em." Pet and his bed wetter friends are wrong most of the time and refuse to do the right thing. So we oppose them.

However, if we can get on board with Kasich, good deal.
Bush is not The One. Kasich is.

Kasich is definitely the guy I back, at this moment in time. I have a hunch that he's ultimately not going to run, because guys like him just don't run for President nowadays. A strong and competent candidate just seems so last century.

If he does run, the primary will be interesting. I think he'll be made a target by the rest of the pack, which is unfortunate.
He's wrong on most of the issues, as is Bush, and the rest of the GOP candidates, for that matter.

Oh really? Why, because he's Republican? Do you even know where he stands on any issues?
Everyone is morally and ethically right in politics. Until we re-learn that, we will all continue to be morally and ethically wrong as we allow petty egotistical bullshit to be our excuse for nothing getting done.

When someone can explain to be that stealing %40 of a working man's profit is morally right, I'll check my ego.

When someone can prove to me that global warming is matter of fact caused entirely by the high standards of living we enjoy and not a scam to enrich some fools pushing substandard infrastructure and telling me what to set my thermostat at I'll be ready to compromise.

Most issues have a right/wrong. On almost every one the democrooks are wrong. Both sides cannot possibly right. That's not logical.

Jones has no idea where Kasich is on issues.

Pete has no cred as a moral agent on anything on this board. When he can grow up and talk and act like an adult, I will listen to him.
Bush is not The One. Kasich is.

Kasich is definitely the guy I back, at this moment in time. I have a hunch that he's ultimately not going to run, because guys like him just don't run for President nowadays. A strong and competent candidate just seems so last century.

If he does run, the primary will be interesting. I think he'll be made a target by the rest of the pack, which is unfortunate.
He's wrong on most of the issues, as is Bush, and the rest of the GOP candidates, for that matter.
When you say that it means he's probably right on most of the issues.
When someone can explain to be that stealing %40 of a working man's profit is morally right, I'll check my ego.

Nobody will ever explain it to you, until you check your ego. And you'll never explain to anyone else why it's morally wrong, unless your audience first checks it's own ego.

You're not proposing any solutions. In fact, you're saying that you don't care about solutions. You are want your ego stroked, and to hell with everything else. This is not how adults accomplish things in the real world. It doesn't work in business, it doesn't work in personal matters. Negotiating and compromising is what makes the world turn. Quite literally. The spinning of the earth, and it's revolution around the sun, is a compromise between multiple forces at work. Look at the wonderful thing we have here because of it.
Nobody will ever explain it to you, until you check your ego. And you'll never explain to anyone else why it's morally wrong, unless your audience first checks it's own ego.

You're not proposing any solutions. In fact, you're saying that you don't care about solutions. You are want your ego stroked, and to hell with everything else. This is not how adults accomplish things in the real world. It doesn't work in business, it doesn't work in personal matters. Negotiating and compromising is what makes the world turn. Quite literally. The spinning of the earth, and it's revolution around the sun, is a compromise between multiple forces at work. Look at the wonderful thing we have here because of it.

I'll just have to agree to disagree I suppose. My experience in life has shown me different.


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