Jeb! Bush Mimics Trump


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Lol, I guess this fool decided that if you cant beat them then imitate them.

Jeb Bush urges the GOP to restore its brand: There is 'no excuse for failure'

"The GOP has no excuse for failure," Bush declared. "We are in charge of both the executive and legislative branches in Washington, and we dominate in the states like never before. We have the power to set the agenda, and we have the responsibility to govern, not merely on behalf of the voters who supported President-elect Trump, but for all Americans."

Bush called on his cohorts to pass congressional term limits, a proposal Trump reinforced immediately after his election victory, and a balanced-budget amendment that would prohibit federal spending from exceeding annual revenue taken in by the government.

He simultaneously encouraged Republicans to reverse executive orders and policies put in place by the Obama administration "that have made America weaker, both [at home] and abroad." Republicans should immediately repeal the president's signature healthcare law and replace it with a market-friendly substitute, pursue regulatory reform, and swiftly reverse the growth of government, Bush said.

"The federal government has become too unwieldy, too powerful and too distant — precisely the problem that the Constitution was designed to avoid," he wrote, adding that Republicans finally have a chance "to contrast our approach, which trusts people to make good choices, with the failed Democratic and progressive top-down approach, which prefers government to decide almost everything."

Good! Now maybe something will change instead of having an entrenched system that doesn't listen to the people.


And who did he vote for?
Why is it that when losers lose, they feel they are the authority to tell everybody else how things should run?
Why is it that when losers lose, they feel they are the authority to tell everybody else how things should run?
For the same common denominator; they are dim witted morons who follow all the conventions and proscribed notions of what to do and not to do in their activity.

And they think that such memorization of conventional strategy rules makes them smart.

It is like the game of 'Bridge' where you have bidding conventions and all the 'smart' players follow the conventions slavishly and lose to the clever opposing partners who take that convention and modify it a bit to send bad signals to their opposition and are the real smart winners in the game.

To listen to a loser like Jeb! is to follow the framework of conventional methodologies that winners always use to their own advantage as they study the Metagame and adjust accordingly.

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