Jeb Bush officially "thinking about running for President"

I'm not a total partisan. I regularly have contrasting views to the party line. You are making an assumption. And, btw, no one needs Putin's respect. He is a vicious, oppressive, murderous dictator. How you people can deny that is beyond belief. And btw, not only is Mrs. Clinton, but Bill Clinton is respected around the world. We need a president who is respected around the world, Mrs. Clinton would be that.
Here's the story.

I'll make three points:

1. I don't care what Jeb says he's "considering", my guess is he's probably not going to run.

2. If he did decide to run, I seriously doubt he's going to get the nomination. People are tired of the Bushes and Clintons, period. And if they aren't, the media is going to make them tired of it with all the political-dynasty ruminating.

3. Jeb's big thing is he's for immigration reform. He made headlines recently saying that some families that emigrate to this country illegally due so as an "act of love". The only reason Jeb feels this way -- and I want to be clear about this -- is because the bitch he's fucking is Mexican. This is Identity Politics 101: never take a position that might piss off people in your private life. This is just like Rob Portman becoming pro-gay marriage because his son is gay. It's sweet, and I guess if I weren't a cynic I'd think it was an honest viewpoint, but what works for your family doesn't necessarily make good public policy.

Jeb has a better chance than the other republican candidates, but let's face it: there will not be a republican president in 2016. The party has no chance.

Why does Jeb have a better chance than the other Republican candidates? Who are the "other Republican candidates"?
The only reason Jeb feels this way -- and I want to be clear about this -- is because the bitch he's fucking is Mexican.

^ You are awful

Yeah, I am. I heard about this story while having a few beers after work, so my filter was down. While I'm not normally so inartful, my point is Jeb's views are biased because of his wife's heritage, and while that's not a bad thing in a layman's sense, you can't allow that to cloud your judgment to where you can't see an issue for what it really is. It doesn't matter if they're good people, hard-working people, loving people, kind people -- what matters is many people emigrate to this country illegally.
I'm not a total partisan. I regularly have contrasting views to the party line. You are making an assumption. And, btw, no one needs Putin's respect. He is a vicious, oppressive, murderous dictator. How you people can deny that is beyond belief. And btw, not only is Mrs. Clinton, but Bill Clinton is respected around the world. We need a president who is respected around the world, Mrs. Clinton would be that.

Your also making assumptions and I have never claimed Putin is not a oppressive dictator when oppressive dictators have no respect for you they do exactly what Putin is doing in Ukraine or like Assad who used chemical weapons after the drawing of the red line and yes I know that was Obama that made the red line comment not Hillary even so we have seen the results of the lack of a U.S. response Assad is slowly crushing the rebels and just a week or so ago some kind of chlorine chemical weapon was used. As for the Clinton's being respected I think your mistaking being popular for being respected they are not the same thing.
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Here's the story.

I'll make three points:

1. I don't care what Jeb says he's "considering", my guess is he's probably not going to run.

2. If he did decide to run, I seriously doubt he's going to get the nomination. People are tired of the Bushes and Clintons, period. And if they aren't, the media is going to make them tired of it with all the political-dynasty ruminating.

3. Jeb's big thing is he's for immigration reform. He made headlines recently saying that some families that emigrate to this country illegally due so as an "act of love". The only reason Jeb feels this way -- and I want to be clear about this -- is because the bitch he's fucking is Mexican. This is Identity Politics 101: never take a position that might piss off people in your private life. This is just like Rob Portman becoming pro-gay marriage because his son is gay. It's sweet, and I guess if I weren't a cynic I'd think it was an honest viewpoint, but what works for your family doesn't necessarily make good public policy.

On title alone, that'll go over like a turd in a punch bowl.
Jeb Bush is Mexico first. He is sure that Mexicans love their children more than Americans love theirs. That counts for a lot to him.

The Bush family are whores of euroweenie aristocracies that seek to establish a global governance. So were the Kennedy's, and everyone else besides the moonbat messiah who've become president since Teddy Roosevelt. Carter may be an exception as well, but Carter was too stupid to know who made him president.

The only difference between obozo and the rest is that he despises these aristocracies. He has done more to weaken western influence in the world than muhamed could have dreamed of. However, since he is indeed a full blown marxist, and is dogmatically dedicated to the cause of a collective global governance, he has been the best tool available for these globalist assholes to further their agenda.

I say fuck Jeb Bush, Christie, and every other "moderate" puke.

Even Romney wasn't the moderate puke these assholes are.

Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are the only 2 real inspiring political whores I can tolerate at this point.
I'm not a total partisan. I regularly have contrasting views to the party line. You are making an assumption. And, btw, no one needs Putin's respect. He is a vicious, oppressive, murderous dictator. How you people can deny that is beyond belief. And btw, not only is Mrs. Clinton, but Bill Clinton is respected around the world. We need a president who is respected around the world, Mrs. Clinton would be that.

Maybe Bill is, and I would vote for him in a second over the moonbat messiah, but the world and everyone else with a brain knows hitlary is a mindless marxist bitch with no loyalty to any human being except herself.

Her "stroke" (or whatever bullshit story "incapacitated" her after Beghazi) should have been fatal. Too bad that was bullshit too.
Here's the story.

I'll make three points:

1. I don't care what Jeb says he's "considering", my guess is he's probably not going to run.

2. If he did decide to run, I seriously doubt he's going to get the nomination. People are tired of the Bushes and Clintons, period. And if they aren't, the media is going to make them tired of it with all the political-dynasty ruminating.

3. Jeb's big thing is he's for immigration reform. He made headlines recently saying that some families that emigrate to this country illegally due so as an "act of love". The only reason Jeb feels this way -- and I want to be clear about this -- is because the bitch he's fucking is Mexican. This is Identity Politics 101: never take a position that might piss off people in your private life. This is just like Rob Portman becoming pro-gay marriage because his son is gay. It's sweet, and I guess if I weren't a cynic I'd think it was an honest viewpoint, but what works for your family doesn't necessarily make good public policy.

Jeb has a better chance than the other republican candidates, but let's face it: there will not be a republican president in 2016. The party has no chance.

Why does Jeb have a better chance than the other Republican candidates? Who are the "other Republican candidates"?

Okay whatever. Excuse my semantics. The potentials, not candidates.
That Jeb Bush makes some on the far right crap in their tidy whities may be a good thing. If Romney supports him with organization and $$$, he will have a good chance to take the nomination. How he would run against Mrs. Clinton is anybody's guess at this point.
Here's the story.

I'll make three points:

1. I don't care what Jeb says he's "considering", my guess is he's probably not going to run.

2. If he did decide to run, I seriously doubt he's going to get the nomination. People are tired of the Bushes and Clintons, period. And if they aren't, the media is going to make them tired of it with all the political-dynasty ruminating.

3. Jeb's big thing is he's for immigration reform. He made headlines recently saying that some families that emigrate to this country illegally due so as an "act of love". The only reason Jeb feels this way -- and I want to be clear about this -- is because the bitch he's fucking is Mexican. This is Identity Politics 101: never take a position that might piss off people in your private life. This is just like Rob Portman becoming pro-gay marriage because his son is gay. It's sweet, and I guess if I weren't a cynic I'd think it was an honest viewpoint, but what works for your family doesn't necessarily make good public policy.

1) I think Jeb will run if he thinks that enough people have forgotten what screwups his father and brother were.

2) He'll probably get the nomination because, really, the GOP doesn't have anyone else. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are nuts. Kasich and Walker really have no appeal above the state level. The GOP has no pool of "also rans" from 2008 or 2012 that are viable. Chris Christie was promising, but he pretty much blew himself up with Bridgegate.

3) Immigration reform is the only way the GOP has a future. There simply aren't enough white people to get a Republican elected.

when Bush's dad won the last clean GOP victory in 1988, he got 60% of the White vote and 30% of the Hispanic vote (with African Americans only giving him 11% of their votes). That was enough to get him 53% of the electorate and win 426 electoral votes.

Mitt Romney got 59% of the White vote, 29% of the Hispanic vote and 6% of the black vote. Numbers about comparable to what Bush-41 got. But he only got 47% of the overall electorate and only won 206 electoral votes.

More to the point, the Immigration debate underscores the schizoid personality of the GOP, which is rich people manipulating dumb-ass working class white Christians to vote against their own economic interests by appealling to their sexual, racial and religious hangups.

The rich WANT illegal labor. they want a workforce they can easily exploit. But they also know they've got to appeal to the dumb Bubba-redneck who doesn't want a Mexican deflowering his daughter.
That Jeb Bush makes some on the far right crap in their tidy whities may be a good thing. If Romney supports him with organization and $$$, he will have a good chance to take the nomination. How he would run against Mrs. Clinton is anybody's guess at this point.

If he wasn't a Bush, I might even vote for him.

But I'm not making that mistake a third time.
Here's the story.

I'll make three points:

1. I don't care what Jeb says he's "considering", my guess is he's probably not going to run.

2. If he did decide to run, I seriously doubt he's going to get the nomination. People are tired of the Bushes and Clintons, period. And if they aren't, the media is going to make them tired of it with all the political-dynasty ruminating.

3. Jeb's big thing is he's for immigration reform. He made headlines recently saying that some families that emigrate to this country illegally due so as an "act of love". The only reason Jeb feels this way -- and I want to be clear about this -- is because the bitch he's fucking is Mexican. This is Identity Politics 101: never take a position that might piss off people in your private life. This is just like Rob Portman becoming pro-gay marriage because his son is gay. It's sweet, and I guess if I weren't a cynic I'd think it was an honest viewpoint, but what works for your family doesn't necessarily make good public policy.

What a lovely post, "fucking" a Mexican.

In any case, while you may be "tired" of the Clintons, the people of the United States, aren't. If Bill Clinton ran today, he would win in a landslide against all comers. Including Ronald Reagan.

The fact remains that in terms of the economy? He was the American Golden Boy. In that everything he touched turned to gold.
That Jeb Bush makes some on the far right crap in their tidy whities may be a good thing. If Romney supports him with organization and $$$, he will have a good chance to take the nomination. How he would run against Mrs. Clinton is anybody's guess at this point.

Jeb makes people crap their pants? Really?
The only reason Jeb feels this way -- and I want to be clear about this -- is because the bitch he's fucking is Mexican.

^ You are awful

Worse than awful - he/she is a blithering idiot. That's his WIFE.

I wasn't really seriously considering Jeb - but if he pisses off people of this ilk - he must be doing something right. I'll take a much harder look at him as a result.
The only reason Jeb feels this way -- and I want to be clear about this -- is because the bitch he's fucking is Mexican.

^ You are awful

Yeah, I am. I heard about this story while having a few beers after work, so my filter was down. While I'm not normally so inartful, my point is Jeb's views are biased because of his wife's heritage, and while that's not a bad thing in a layman's sense, you can't allow that to cloud your judgment to where you can't see an issue for what it really is. It doesn't matter if they're good people, hard-working people, loving people, kind people -- what matters is many people emigrate to this country illegally.

Yes, by all means - let's allow people who have no clue what they are talking about make the decisions and let's forget the people who have first-hand knowledge.

Smart way to make decisions ....
Here's the story.

I'll make three points:

1. I don't care what Jeb says he's "considering", my guess is he's probably not going to run.

2. If he did decide to run, I seriously doubt he's going to get the nomination. People are tired of the Bushes and Clintons, period. And if they aren't, the media is going to make them tired of it with all the political-dynasty ruminating.

3. Jeb's big thing is he's for immigration reform. He made headlines recently saying that some families that emigrate to this country illegally due so as an "act of love". The only reason Jeb feels this way -- and I want to be clear about this -- is because the bitch he's fucking is Mexican. This is Identity Politics 101: never take a position that might piss off people in your private life. This is just like Rob Portman becoming pro-gay marriage because his son is gay. It's sweet, and I guess if I weren't a cynic I'd think it was an honest viewpoint, but what works for your family doesn't necessarily make good public policy.

What a lovely post, "fucking" a Mexican.

In any case, while you may be "tired" of the Clintons, the people of the United States, aren't. If Bill Clinton ran today, he would win in a landslide against all comers. Including Ronald Reagan.

The fact remains that in terms of the economy? He was the American Golden Boy. In that everything he touched turned to gold.

The reason people aren't tired of Bill Clinton (specifically him) is because ever since he left office the DNC has kept his number on speed dial to back up Hillary or ignite the base. He hasn't gone away in fourteen years, so we're kind of used to him.

Also funny how the booming economy is laid at his feet. Clinton answered to a mostly Republican Congress the majority of his time in office. But they don't get a lick of credit, do they?

The only reason Jeb feels this way -- and I want to be clear about this -- is because the bitch he's fucking is Mexican.

^ You are awful

Worse than awful - he/she is a blithering idiot. That's his WIFE.

I wasn't really seriously considering Jeb - but if he pisses off people of this ilk - he must be doing something right. I'll take a much harder look at him as a result.

Oh wow, I was referring to his "wife"? I could've sworn she was just his maid he was having an affair with. Wasn't she the union President who said they need more Limon Pledge? I could've sworn that was her.


I know that's his wife. I said what I did the way I said it due to a cheap beer buzz.

Yes, by all means - let's allow people who have no clue what they are talking about make the decisions and let's forget the people who have first-hand knowledge.

Smart way to make decisions ....

His wife being Mexican doesn't mean he has keen immigration policy insights. And really, from what I've seen, his insight into the issue altogether seems to be "amnesty" which isn't public policy so much as it is a sop to the Latino community.
The GOP has some great potential candidates....Palin, Jeb, I'm impressed.

they don't have squat and neither do the dems

The Dems have Hillary, and she will win easily. I am making the assumption that she will run. Outside of that though, you are dead on. Neither party has anyone who offers us anything substantive. John Thune might make a very good conservative candidate, but I doubt he could win in the general election. On the Dem side, I think Julian Castro will one day become president, but I suspect he shall become VP before becoming President.

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